#you're gonna like walk in on him one of those days and it will aaaaall work out fine ;3c
Ooh I see loved the heat scenario you did for X'rhun. Would you do one for G'raha Tia too after the events of ShB as a yearning reunion? Thank you so much! I never played ff14 buut seeing so much hype for the recent expansion is making me consider a buying a subscription and all the expansions! - Moon anon♡
Edit: I’ve written an extended version of this due to popular demand!
There is a yearning that finds itself within the man’s chest as he looks upon you.
It is more than the sweet, boundless joy he expected when he fantasized about  being able to speak to you as himself, even knowing that his plan of action to save you and the First would lead to his demise–one that he was saved from in the end. 
In any regard of how fate had chosen to unravel around the two of you, G’raha is left with a yearning far deeper than anything he prepared himself for. It sits deep within him, mind and body both, and blossoms like a crimson rose. 
Burning. Searing. Agonizing.
The sensations hit the Seeker so hard that it’s hard for him to even think. So many years he had prepared himself for your arrival, so many years thinking and pondering and planning–how could he fall apart so easily? 
It takes many days for the answer to come to the man, from memories long-past of issues he never thought he’d deal with again; the boiling in his belly, the fire between his legs, the ache in his chest that he felt with every glance in your direction and breath that he took into his lungs with the succor of your scent upon it.
A heat.
The realization blindsided the man almost as much as the physical sensations themselves–after he had merged his being with the Crystal Tower, G’raha simply assumed much of his bodily functions would alter or outright cease, and some rightfully did just that. 
But he never once considered that he would feel such a burning need once more in his belly as he does for you. The raging fire of hormones that leave him wondering if he is literally dying despite all the effort you put in to save him–but he’s not, thank the goddess, and he’s left to try and deal with himself with no shortage of confusion and long-numbed memories of what it was like to be a young Seeker taking care of his own heats.
He is grateful for the privacy of the Ocular.
As G’raha takes himself in-hand, he is so grateful that the walls are thick to deaden the noises that come within. He is grateful for that of your scent lingering in the air from your many visits in the past several days. He is so very grateful that he can but feel your touch upon his skin when he closes his eyes and thinks about it–your arms around him tight, hugging the Seeker close against you when you were finally able to have a reunion without the fear of losing one another.
Oh yes, G’raha was so grateful for it all. The man could but clutch to the thoughts as tightly as his fingers wrapped around his cock, fist stroking himself over at a feverish pace to pull one orgasm after another out of him, his lips constantly shaping around the sound of your name in a moan no less than reverent.
“My warrior,” the Exarch, the man once known only as G’raha Tia, moans shamelessly into the air of the Ocular. “My dearest warrior, I yearn for you so. Need you. Want you.”
His words sound as soft as a prayer. As the man draws yet another messy, hot orgasm from his body, he can’t help but feel a distinct shiver run down his spine, wondering what sort of mess he would make if it was you to help guide him through the blistering heat than his own hand and thoughts.
Maybe someday soon he will indulge in that selfish desire.
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sutekiredux · 5 years
Beelzebub but it's just quotes from Aubrey Plaza
Beelzebub: On behalf of Gabriel I would like too... um thank, the Devil, and aaaaall the Dark Lords who
Crowley: Don't do the devil stuff
Beelzebub: Gave him this award, and allowed him to feed off the flesh of the innocence
Aziraphale, pulling Beelzebub away from the mic: Oookay, thank you everybody
(Before The Fall)
Micheal: So what's your strategy? you're gonna fall this year, so what's your- what's your strategy how are you gonna go?
Beelzebub: I'm just gonna get as drunk as I can, and deny, deny, deny
Gabriel, in the back: *wheeze* what are they gonna be accusing you off? 
Beelzebub: I don't know... wait what were talking about?
Crowley, about their relationship with Gabe: So you guys had something that was fucked up but then led to something quite amazing.
Gabriel: Yeah! There, uh-
Beelzebub: My childhood, was pretty fucked up, and I think I'm doin alright now.
Beelzebub: Wanna see my socks?
Gabriel: Yes! No ones done it!
Beelzebub: *pulls up their fishnet socks*
Gabriel: They're great! Like those things you catch fish in-
Beelzebub: Check those out 
Gabriel: They are amazing…
Beelzebub: People ask me about this alot because I don't look like I'd be good at basketball, but I'm pretty damned good at basketball *sips their black coffee*
(Before The Fall)
Gabriel: You made a terrible mistake 
Beelzebub: I- I know, I've made so many mistakes.... I know I'm gonna be punished for one of them, someday... anyway!
Beelzebub: Thanks, this is the best day of my life, I'm killing myself tomorrow.
Beelzebub: From what I can remember of it, I think I said "Thank you to Young Hollywood, for this award. Thank you to all the young people, fuck you old people, old people can go fuck themselves. I'm going to live forever." and then I walked off.
Sources: X X
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