#you're the queen of your day don't waste it on ppl who don't deserve it !!
byunfirstlady · 2 years
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Deni ♡ 211001
Dear deni,
Well, as if it’s not obvious, happy birthday ! you’re 21, not so young anymore i must say, i remember you having your thirty crisis already, not gonna lie it was really entertaining because you were so dramatic, it made me laugh.
And it’s not the first time you did that to me, laugh i mean: do you remember ? (i bet you have a better memory than mine) 2, going forward to 3, years ago we officially talked on private message, just as the world started slowing down and everyone got under lockdown, it was polite and closed off conversations, awkward sometimes, me, certainly, showering you with compliments because i knew you from your previous blog. Do you remember ? The way way we met ? The way we crossed paths over your baekhyun series ? Fuck, when i remember it now, it was like a destiny gift. My internet friends disappointed me, and your irl friends abandoned you: tell me, isn’t it destiny ? As i’m typing this, on this 14 october, i realize, you did save my mental health by talking to me during this time, I was such in a weird situation but you distracted me and took my mind of these things and it’s special to me. You are a special person to me, and yes, it’s possible that through internet, you met people who have huge impacts on you, and i hope i am one of them to you 🫶🏻 (in a good way tho, bc i know what you went through this past year).
The way i only know laugh and happiness when i think about our friendship, the way we’re that close to talk about our problems and give advices to each others about them. You became the person i would talk about problems that i didn’t even talk with my irl friends. You benevolent, oh that you are, you give inspirational advices and i know you’re genuine about them. But then, sometimes, i want to take care of you, and we know the shit you went through this year. You came to me when you needed to vent, to let me know tea (and i thanks you for that dude 😌 we were bitching a lot this year), even asked me for advices ? Me ? I can hardly express myself in my language, so what did you expect of me ? Not gonna lie, sometimes i felt like my advices were piece of trash, but they came from a real place of wanting to help you. And i hope i did.
Deni, you are a really sweet person, you are kind, and pretty too. I wish you didn’t get all the problems you get this year, people can be assholes and we were both aware of that (and to this day we’re still surprised and offended). I wish things were different for you, i really do, but you were so brave going through this, even tho at one point i was done with your stubbornness, but i never ever thought of leaving you in this mess and giving up. You would have done the same to me.
I don’t think we really fought, maybe one time during this year, but we’re such a match made in heaven that we dont fight, we only bicker like an old couple. ✨
While i suck at expressing myself through words, as if speaking would be better (no it’s not), you, my dear, have a beautiful way of writing. Between our lines of conversation, you would sometimes ask me if i wanted to read one of your newest writing, you never forced me to, but i always accepted not only because i appreciate you but also because i get a free privilege of reading your writing 🫰🏻 You have to learn to be less insecure of your writing, and believing more in yourself. Don’t try to cut off your happiness of writing just because you’re scared of what people would think about. I know i sound hypocritical while saying this, but firstly you write because you love doing it, not because you want to satisfy people’s wants. And we all know how a lot of them act like bitchies where everything is served on a gold table, pfff fck you all btw, if you ever read this. There is so much more i would like to say, but i lack the capacity to do so. 
I love you,
Happy 21st birthday Deni !! 💗
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saintobio · 3 years
If people are guessing correctly, it means you are great at setting things up! And you are!! You are amazing and i love your writing!
Please take the time you need to rest and don't feel like the chapters should be shorter in order to update faster. You don't owe us anything and we know you have a life outside the blog
That said omgg i would melt if hoejo called me "my wifey" i'm such a subby sucker i would probably forgive him so fast. Rip to mc but i'm different (??
Anonymous said
gojo calling y/n 'wifey' is cute, but the lady at givenchy calling y/n 'mrs. zen'in' is the cutest ! i wanted to stop by and say to always take your time when working on your stories, and i love how they are all beautifully written 😊 hoping to see toji in the future chapters ❤ sorry for my bad english hehe
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Anonymous said
hi lovely, as always an amazing chapter. you really are out doing yourself!! a lot of readers don’t understand how much time it takes to write something like this especially when you do 8k + every week (almost twice that amount this week!!) plsplspls rest ai, ilysm ppl shouldn’t snap at you for taking a little longer to update.
and to the ungrateful readers out there one week is NORMAL. writing can take hours upon hours sometimes, pls keep sometime for yourself:( she works SOOO hard to pump out chapters every few days so don’t go bitchin. pls make time to check on the socials, spend time with loved ones and rest bb. you deserve it. <3
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Anonymous said
The way I woke up exactly at 3am to read this is 🌚👌
Anyway,,, ch7 was just– "😭🥰🤗😢😰" yeah mixed feelings. At this point I'm just 50/50 on rooting for Gojo x MC,, I'm so conflicted at this point pls. For the first time, I was actually looking forward to seeing Toji and see him be with MC, surprisingly since I never really was attached to his character in canon so yeah thx Ai :'D. This whole chapter just got me so pissed at Sera 😭 like miss maam you're the mistress here,, stay on your lane.
Speaking of "mistress" Gojo really had no right getting mad at MC for saying Sera was the mistress. Like was she wrong🤨🤨 He had the audacity to get angry abt "Mrs. Zenin" and her mini date with Toji when he was the one who called her an "attention-seeker" and told her to stay away from him. Choose a struggle sir🙄🤚
This whole chapter was so great Ai pls— I really love MC sm and tbh I really want her to distance herself from Gojo even for a few days since oml she deserves better😔 her self-worth is too great to be wasted to be with someone like Gojo and she needs to realize to love herself like the queen she is👏👏
Ahhhhh anyway,, Ai thank for you this chapter but please do remember to rest and take care of yourself before anything. *huggies* 🥺❤
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Anonymous said
listen i’m all for anti-gojou propaganda but he was so SOFT this chapter and my heart cannot handle it. he was so vulnerable with mc and omg pls the daddy stuff was so hot i cannot. BUT THE ENDING?? i know i shouldn’t but i hate sera so much!! like “i cant believe you’d actually bring her here” BITCH ITS HIS OFFICE!!! MC IS HIS WIFE!!! WHO TF ARE YOU!!! and i already know that mc is gonna get upset about him tracking sera’s cycle (as she should!!) but like he’s doing it to not get her pregnant. like satoru is literally thinking about mc 24/7 and it seems like mc is thinking about sera more than gojou at this point! im simply crying in the club and i’ll be coming up with all kinds of scenarios in my head until the next update. as always you’re amazing and i can’t wait to see what you come up with next 💕
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Anonymous said
Okay there is no way Sera “loves” him!!! She doesn’t like it when Gojo talk to her about his problems but is okay with talking about Hers??? Like okay we get it you have problems but so do other people!!!! (That kinda sounds bad) like having money is nice and all but there are still problems!!! Gojo has been and still is being abused!!! And the fact she doesn’t what to heat it??? Lmao no. She’s terrible. And like…she has to only like Gojo for his money! She accepted his fathers money! She accepts the gifts Gojo gets her and says “no I can’t…but if you insist!!!” Like bro… no…. She likes the gifts because it makes her feel like a princess which is okay to feel but not when your using someone… and at this point it only seems like she’s using him… sorry for the rant! I’m loving it and I can’t wait to chapter 8!!! I’m scared so I might avoid it for like 2 second because I’m weak 😩 but it’s like exited but scared😩
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Anonymous said
Asdfgghk I can noooooooot gojo gets on every nerve that I have yet i still love him I've definitely had enough of sera like i need her to fuck all the way off
I was so happy when mc finally started giving gojo a taste of his own medicine it's what he deserves but it was still very nice that she was able to help him when he needed it that whole scene was sweet
Buuut I was so sad when I read toji wasnt at the party😭 but here to hoping him and mc have more moments in the next chapter omfg what if in the end she really does end up with him and gojo is sad because she does leave him anyway ignore that that's just me thinking out loud lol
But frfr I super duper love this story and this chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions and I loved it thank you u so very much for sharing it with us
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Anonymous said
...idk man, I just want y/n to grow a backbone and acc put herself first 😞 shes doing everything for him and never for herself which is kinda too nice that its painful 👀 miss girl I can be ur personal assassin, dont gotta pay me I'll do it anyway 🙄 I'm honestly so confused with gojou like I acc cant get my head around this guy man. And that bora bora trip sounds like a pain 😒 how do we even come cry for this guy when I'm literally the one who wants to make him cry blood 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Anonymous said
Literally it sucks so much because satoru has so much trauma from childhood that would honestly mess up anyone if they went through it , he felt that his mom abandoned him and he has an abusive father and his only haven are his memories of y/n, who he relates to the mother that abandoned him 😭. It’s so upsetting because he’s just a broken man who doesn’t know how to fix himself and in return he’s putting all his hurt onto y/n and it’s spinning her deeper into not only confusion but possibly even depression 🥺
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I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF U !! thank u for the messages, reactions, analyses <33 i’m sorry ai is too tired to respond individually but i’ve compiled all of ur amazing asks so everyone can see <33
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