#you've also given me a ship that i get to pour my entire heart into.
awalkoflife-arc · 11 months
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bradley 'rooster' bradshaw + avigail 'karma' baker.
( ft. @awalkoflife and @ltkarma )
A STUDY IN ; soulmate separation / trauma fuelled by the grief of love and loss / a life of service and a legacy to fulfil / the unyielding force of the ocean / the vastness of the sky / the serendipity of showing up just in time / trusting that your wildest dreams will find you again / realising that the ghosts of your past aren't meant to haunt you forever / the process of healing your heart.
© @multi-royalty
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
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A Choices: The Royal Masquerade Fanfiction
Pairings :(MC) Julia Aster x Renza Fierro,
Julia Aster x Kaydan Vescovi
Author's Note: As I transferred this story from writen page to digital it occurred to me just how long it was becoming so I've had to break it up into several parts.
Part One:
A State of Undress
The morning is sunny and warm on the day of our cruise on the Fierro yacht. I’m standing outside in my courtyard with my steward Vasco waiting for Renza’s carriage to come pick me up. As I smooth my hands down over my corset and skirts for the hundredth time, Vasco notices my nervousness and smiles.
“I suppose this will be your first time on a sailing ship M’lady,” he says.
“Yes, it will.” I nod.
“I’ve heard that Lord Hector is a very honourable man. Are you anxious to meet him?”
To tell the truth I’ve barely thought of him at all today. And it’s not Hector or the boat trip that have me feeling anxious. Since we’ll be with the Fierros, that means Kaydan the Crown Shield will be around too. And these days he has occupied my thoughts more than anything.
“I’m hoping Lord Hector isn’t as dull and strange as Lord Emery is. Such a disaster that dinner was. If it weren’t for Henry rescuing me with a new plate of dinner after Cyrus and Emery left the table I would have starved to death.”
My pet wolf cub Astro scampers around the courtyard threatening to trample the flowers. His antics have stolen Vasco’s attention and my comments go unanswered. I shrug and go back to my own thoughts.
Ever since I met Kaydan Vescovi the night of the masquerade, I haven't been able to get him off my mind. Just being around him with his dark eyes, wavy black hair and strong muscled physique is enough to make even the most sober person feel a little intoxicated. When he smiles at you and gives you his full attention it's like nothing else matters. I consider myself a lucky woman to have had the chance to spend so much time with him these past few weeks. As the Crown Shield wherever King-regent Henry Fierro goes, Kaydan isn't far behind. Between both handsome men being around lately it's like receiving two beautiful presents for your birthday when you're only expecting one.
During the joust when Kaydan and Henry both sought my favor, it was such a thrill. But when the swords came out after they had both been knocked off their horses, I realized that the rivalry goes much deeper. Fortunately the duel ended without anyone getting seriously injured. I know they're friends and I would hate to see them ruin that because of me. But still I must admit seeing Kaydan win was exciting.
In the stables after the joust Kaydan told me that it had been fun to fight Henry in front of the crowd. Being able to knock his half-brother Cyrus down a peg anonymously as the Black Knight had also been satisfying for him. His victory takes the title of Champion of the Tournament of Flowers out of noble hands. I enjoyed cheering with the other spectators, even if I was the only one hoping for Kaydan to win.
Henry is all sunshine, winks and flirty smiles. There's no wonder all the single ladies at court clamor for his attention. There's no mystery to him and he wears his heart on his sleeve. He radiates a perfect example of wealth and privilege. When I'm around him I’m polite and friendly. He's given me no reason to doubt his intentions as Crown Regent are genuine. But for me all I feel is loyalty not affection.
Kaydan is all long looks, secret smiles and quiet respect. Although he was born of nobility, he's not considered one of them. He's accepted his place as the bastard son and chose a life of hardship and responsibility in the guard.
Henry may have his name and noble house to hold him up, but it's Kaydan's humble strength and sense of duty that protects him. I admire Kaydan for that, although he won't accept the title of hero no matter how often he's earned it. There's more to Kaydan than his imposing presence. I'm drawn to him in a way that goes beyond the physical, and I’m determined to know him better.
He's worked his way up through the ranks to become Crown Shield, and earned the respect of many along the way. I've sought out his expertise in matters of security, and he's always seemed pleased to have my company. Sometimes when we're alone we comfortably lapse into conversation and he lets down his guard a bit.
In the short time we've known each other we've developed a mutual respect and kinship. When we're alone I'm just Julia the scribe, and he's just Kaydan the black sheep and we're comfortable with that.
I hear Renza's carriage approaching and take a deep breath to prepare myself to be in her company. She's as brash and confident as her brother is charming and sweet. I never know what she's going to say or do when we're together.
Vasco steps forward to open the door of the carriage for me, “Are you entirely sure you don't want me to travel with you your Ladyship? There's room for one more in the carriage.”
As I take his offered hand to assist me up into the carriage, I smile and shake my head. “I'll be fine with Renza. Please make sure that Astro is fed and properly put away for me, and then join us at the marina later for the trip.”
Vasco nods, bowing to me, “As you wish.”
Tucking my skirts around my legs I settle down on the seat opposite Renza. Once Vasco has closed the door behind me, Renza looks me over critically from head to toe and then shrugs.
“Well good morning to you too,” I jest.
“My dear Julia, please tell me you don't expect to impress Lord Hector wearing that?”
I can't help but take offense to her remark since I am wearing a gown in the rich tones of blue and gold that represent my noble house. The House of Aster. I’m not sure if her jab is an intentional insult to my house or my sense of style, so I try my stoic best to deflect it as irrelevant.
“Honestly Renza. If I must marry someone for the sake of politics, what does it matter what pretty wrapper I am presented in?”
It's not like I'm that excited to be offered up to Hector as some sort of trophy wife.
“You may say that now, but you don't need to sound so bored and dismissive about the prospect of a match.”
“I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound that way. I'm just distracted. My poor sister has still not awakened, and suddenly becoming the head of my household is overwhelming. I've barely had the chance to figure out what that even means, and now I am expected to marry myself to a total stranger to support the Crown. Whatever happened to falling in love and getting married. That's what I really wish I could do.”
Renza laughs, “Oh you're such a Romantic. Don’t forget that you're a noble now. Marriage for nobles is a contract with obligations, land titles and bank accounts. Romance is for affairs outside of marriage. Why are you so hung up on love and romance anyway? Is there someone you've had your eye on?”
“I…well. I don't want to say. That's between him and I.” I can feel myself blushing.
“Ok fine, but I'll find out one way or the other. I bet a little wine will get you talking.”
Before I can turn her down, Renza has already opened a bottle of red wine and poured me some. It's still morning but apparently Renza feels that drinking wine is appropriate for all hours of the day.
When the carriage turns off of the main road and onto her Manor's private lane one of the wheels bounces over a rock. I gasp in surprise as the wine in my goblet splashes over the front of my dress.
“Oh no! This is a disaster.” I cry.
Renza produces a handkerchief out of the bodice of her gown and offers it to dab at the wine stains.
“Well that's a shame. But look at it this way. Now I’ll have the excuse to put you in a dress suitable to impress the pants off Hector and your secret lover.”
I hand her back her handkerchief, shaking my head. “We're hardly lovers.”
“Not yet. You may have been able to charm the minds of men at court so far with your cleverness and wit. But leave it to me and your looks will charm the rest of their…parts.”
I roll my eyes, “Oh please Renza I’ve already gotten my fill of Cyrus and his brand of sleazy charm. I don't want all the men at court to start talking to me that way. I implore you to at least keep some shred of my dignity intact.”
As the carriage comes to a stop, I look out of the window and marvel at the grandeur of the Fierro Estate. Renza escorts me to the dressing room attached to her bedroom to get changed. The opulent furnishings of even this room put most of what I have back home to shame.
Renza wastes no time in helping me get out of my dress. As I stand in my underclothes she gives me another critical inspection and I feel myself blush.
“H..happy now?” I stammer.
Renza's surprised expression takes me off guard, “More like impressed! With a body like that you could make a bedsheet look alluring. I'm almost tempted to send you out like this.”
Crossing my arms across my chest I frown at her, “Renza, seriously. Focus.”
She gives me another critical inspection, making me feel even more uncomfortable.
“Natural beauty aside, whoever tied this corset isn't doing you any favors. Here let me fix it for you.”
I back away, holding up my hands. "No, no. Leave it alone. I like being able to breathe thanks.”
She sighs and then steps away from me again. “As you wish.”
I'm still standing in just my underwear as she continues to talk.
“So are you curious about meeting Hector at all?”
“I'm mostly curious about what kind of person he is.”
“Well professionally all that I can tell you is that he is a trade expert hired by the merchants across Cordonia to help improve their business.”
I try to sound interested, “So he's …business minded.”
Renza scoffs, “Well when you say it that way it makes him sound stuffy. Lord Hector sails the world and visits all sorts of interesting places. Imagine the fascinating stories he could tell."
I nod, "Well then I guess he doesn't sound so stuffy after all."
Renza smiles, looking relieved "Good now let's get you dressed. Stay here while I fetch you something to wear."
She gives me a wink and then leaves me alone. I feel self conscious, exposed and plain in such a fancy room. When I hear the door open suddenly I turn around expecting Renza. But instead it's Kaydan!
"Lady Renza, I found the --... "
He stops short and his eyes go wide when he sees me, "Julia!"
I feel myself blush to the roots of my hair, but as shocking as it is for him to see me in my underwear, I can't help but feel a rush of excitement too. My heart is pounding like crazy in my chest, but I flash him my bravest smile and place my hands on my hips and ask, "Looking for something?"
He's still standing there rooted to the spot and gaping. "I..I wasn't expecting -- .."
"Hmm?" I smirk at him, stepping closer.
He clumsily shuffles backward, trying to avert his eyes from seeing so much of my bare skin.
Renza re-enters the room and gasps, "Crown Shield, what in the world do you think you're doing?"
"But..but.." he stammers, looking at us both.
"Out, out, out! Now!" she shrieks.
He quickly shields his eyes and mumbles his apologies as she pushes him out of the room and closes the door.
"The nerve!" she exhales with relief.
Biting my lip and trying to hide my grin, I giggle. "I hope that he enjoyed that as much as I did."
Her mouth drops open and her eyes sparkle with amusement as she laughs, "Lady Julia Aster, you saucy minx!"
"What? Accidents happen. Besides he knows this is your room so I could ask you questions too."
Renza brushes off my remark and raises her chin giving a haughty retort, "Well this is my house after all. Quit avoiding the issue. Out with it, you like him don't you. And here I thought it might be Henry."
Breathing a sigh of resignation I admit it, "Yes, Kaydan is who I'm interested in. Please don't tell anyone. I know he's not noble."
Renza laughs, "True, he wouldn't improve your social standing as a match, but he's definitely an impressive piece of man to have on the side. If you're saying there's more to him than what's on the surface then I must say congratulations to you both."
I open my mouth to protest that Kaydan is more than just a side piece, but then decide to change the subject. "If I'm to impress Kaydan or Hector today you better give me something to wear."
Renza blinks, remembering the gown she has in her arms. "Of course, where was I?" she hands me the dress. "You're sure to grab attention in this."
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As she lays the shimmering blue and white silky and sheer fabric in my arms I am amazed at how light and airy it feels. It's surely worth more than my entire wardrobe.
I stammer as I thank her, "Are..you sure about this? Have you nothing more plain or modest?"
"No, no I insist. Consider it my engagement gift to you. It never fit me properly anyway. Hector won't be able to take his eyes from you."
Or Kaydan either, I thought to myself.
I nod gratefully and step into the dress, "Well thank-you, could you help me fasten the lacing in the back?"
Renza smiles as I turn around. She adjusts and ties the satin lacing a little tighter than necessary, and I find it difficult to breathe. Is she jealous that the dress fits me better, or is she feeling spiteful and wanted Kaydan for herself?
As I turn back around and catch sight of myself in the mirror I can't help but smile.
Behind me I catch Renza's expression and she looks annoyed as she says, "Alright then now that you're wearing a properly fitting garment, let's be off, the carriages await."
Continue on here
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