#you've put your time and energy in chasing a personal heaven a friend told you about when you were 16
antirepurp · 5 months
brain's orbiting around the idea of pucci getting to know jolyne pre-stone ocean on neutral terms and through bonding with her has his whole fixation with reaching his personal heaven challenged because suddenly it involves hurting a kid he's grown to care about. unfortunately i have no original or interesting way to execute the concept so i remain in orbit
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shadowknight465 · 5 years
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The sleep did not get him any better. Even after he stretch he still has a huge back pain. He then push his spine thinking he got scoliosis, One of the most scariest bone disorder known to skeletons, however can be cured easily. Nothing.
"NIGHTMARE HOW DID I GET HERE?!" Nightmare heard Dream yelled.
"I'VE CARRIED YOU HERE!" Nightmare yelled back.
"Oh. Thank you."
Nightmare rolled his eye sockets. The one thing that Nightmare is envious of Dream that is not part society or what they had to protect is his innocence. "Hey, Dream. Can you do me a favor?" Nightmare asked. "Sure, what is it?" Dream answer confused. Nightmare rarely ask for any favors. It was mostly him.
"Can you watch over my side of the tree, while I go to the Chiurgeon? I had this irritating spine pain."
Nightmare put down his crown on the nearest table and grabbed his dirty traveling cape and walk to town without being seen to get to the doctor, while praying he won't get part of his spine amputated.
After waiting and bargaining for help for almost 2 hours, The Chiurgeon finally agree on giving him a check up. He took Nightmare to a small room with a large table and told him to lay on his face down. To which he did. "I'm not going to hurt you, but I need you to stay still and relax." The Chiurgeon order. Nightmare nodded and took a deep breath.
"Count backwards from 10." The Chiurgeon ordered. Nightmare took another deep breath close his eyes and count backwards from 10. However he should've known that the Chiurgeon was going to perform a middle spine surgery on him. He could feel the cold blade running deep into a spine and going up to where the pain is, he gripped on the side of the table so hard he could easily filled the wooden splinters going through his joints.
"Strange..Sir how did you got this jewel your back?" The Chiurgeon asked trying to pull where the pain is out. "J-Jewel?" Nightmare grunts. "Yes and it's shaped like the rising crescent moon."
As much as he was confused he was intrigued on what condition he was in.
"So you can fix it? Right?" He asked. "Back in my home country, a jewel on your back is a mark by death."
Nightmare slowly got up. "I'm so sorry Monsieur..."
"Crescent. Crescent X." Nightmare came up with a random name in order to not get hurt again. The Chiurgeon then grab a paper and feather and drew the mark he has seen on Nightmare. "I'm afraid I can't remove it, but I can hide your scars with a tattoo." He said as he console the demon he heard about without knowing. Nightmare nodded in deep thinking. "But I have a family and what should I tell him-THEM?!" Nightmare corrected himself. "I'm afraid that a problem you have to face alone." Nightmare look down. He had wanted death a while, but it's mostly because of the bullying he's been through; but now he's actually dying? What's going to happen to his brother? After all Dream is still a kid mentally. "In order to ease your pain how about I give you a tattoo of your choosing?" The Chiurgeon asked with the fatherly tone his voice. Nightmare nodded. He chose the tattoo with the moons on it.
"Nightmare had to go to the Chiurgeon, until then I had to-Oh! Hey brother." Dream interrupted himself. Dream what towards his brother, but Nightmare raise a hand to stop him. "Sorry little sun, but I had back surgery." He said. "Oh." Dream stop. His brother taught him about recovery from any kind of surgery, so he respects his twin personal boundaries now. Luckily skeletons can recover bone surgery pretty quickly. So it won't be long until he can give a nightmare a bear hug again.
"So what did the Chiurgeon say?" Dream asked changing the subject. Nightmare never thought he had to tell him. Should he? He's scared about how his brother would react to this badly. He took a deep breath and said. "It's alright, I just had a scoliosis, but the Chiurgeon fix it up." Nightmare lied. "Phew, I thought it was something serious for a second." Dream sigh relief. Pretty soon they saw a family of merfolk admiring dreams golden apples, while the father spread curses and untrue rumors about Nightmare. Which reminded Nightmare of something.
"Dream? When is the last time you took a bath?"
Dream's face went a pale yellow. He took a step, then start running screaming.
Nightmare started chasing after him yelling.
Dream sat miserably at the shallow waters in the lake as herbs mix with honey and water was poured on his head. "Look, I get it you don't want to take a bath at all, but by the time we leave each other, and you go find a nice wife; you have to take a bath just show her that you are responsible." Nightmare explains to his brother. Dream suddenly cringe which causes Nightmare some suspicion.
"Are you OK little bro?" Nightmare asked.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Dream asked. "You can tell me anything." Nightmare responded. "It weird I keep thinking every species or gender is attractive? I don't want to be shame, but I don't want to fall for the wrong person either." Dream asked putting his head down in shame. Nightmare pauses for a moment. So he's not the only one with a similar problem. " I don't think it's fair at all, besides I have a similar problem."
"R-Really?" Dream look up. "Really, I don't find anyone attractive, unless I have a very close bond with them."
Dream smile. Then without warning he's splash some cold water into his brother face. Nightmare wiped it off and took his shirt off, then ran towards Dream.
The laughing that the twins had made was so loud everyone thought they were performing incest, when they were actually playing. So much so that the priest had to come and check to see what's going on only to find Nightmare pinning his brother down and tickling him.
"NIGHTMARE! DREAM! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" He yelled. The brothers stopped then turn to each other.
"I was just giving him a bath until he decides that he wants to play." Nightmare told the truth while getting up, revealing that he still wearing pants, but also revealing of his mark.
"Nightmare you've been marked by the devil." He said shocked.
"It's just a scar." Dream said. "Dream you have to get away from your brother." He responded while pulling his brother back, while not caring that in a Dream is naked.
"No. It's just a tattoo." Dream backs up his brother.
"Then explain the jewel on his back." The Priest said.
Dream looked at his brother's back. " It could mean something else." He said. Admiring the jewel.
"Dream, marks like those means evil. So Lucifer put that mark there on Nightmare to be his young prince of darkness."
Dream put his hands on his hips. " I may be naïve, but I'm not stupid. So pardon me, but can you please be my brother alone?"
Nightmare was just as shocked as the other guy. All this time he thought his brother was too innocent for this world. Dream walked away to put his clothes back on and made a gesture for Nightmare to live with him.
"D-Dream? Why did you-?" Nightmare scamper he was barely shown kindness before.
"You're my brother and you're the first want to understand me." Nightmare I was confused for a bit, but he went along.
"You know the guy who gave you the tattoo should've gave you more for your other scars." Dream commented. "If he did that then I would be accuse of practicing black magic." Nightmare explains.
"I see your point."
After giving some thought and when Dream finally fell sleep. He decided to read the book.
Most of the stuff was a bit odd such as, how death will come to you gently telling you about your fate or when you are jealous by your actions and your thoughts. Or how much they scale your sins with a star that supposed to represent you. The pure version of you. And on how that life of the afterlife is like. No more pain or suffering, you'll meet all your friends who also had passed, and are you are able to be at peace. That is if you can go to Heaven. The bad side to death is if you go to Hell there's more than pain in there then life. And there's more than one hell out there. 7 and one more if a Prince decided to take vengeance on the descendants of who betrayed him. Which to Nightmare doesn't seem fair at all. They have not spell blood, but there ancestors have so they shouldn't be punished. Then there's The Nerco Empire, where are the people who committed suicide for selfless reasons can go. And the emperor can go between the world of living in the world at the dead so no one can suffer like he had. It's been said that he's dress and its been said that he's dress an a Priest, but grim reaper like robes. Carries a scythe shape like the moon that can end all suffering, also been said his powers didn't come from his energy, but his wisdom. Nightmare smile at the mythology. It's been so long since he read a mythology that doesn't protrude the moon as the evil one. Then he read that there's a prophecy. Where the moon had end his life so the sun can shine brighter than before, but it was all in vain. For the sun took his rage onto the people he was supposed to protect and only the moon can free them. After the world ends the moon will rise an army to take down the sun where they became whole once again.
When Nightmare put the book down he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turns and saw Dream with sleepy eyes. "Nighty, can you sing me that lullaby again?" He yawn.
"Is something wrong?" Nightmare asked putting his hand on his brothers shoulders.
"I had a bad dream where you suddenly disappeared without telling me why."
Nightmare was shock to hear this. He took a deep breath and try to console his brother. "Sunshine, why are you so worried about it you got friends who will be there for you."
"Because..." Tears fell from Dream's eyesockets. "I don't know how can I live without you. And I know you're my brother, but you more than that. You're like a part of me that I can't lose. And you're the only one I can talk to when I'm feeling down."
Dream then gave his brother a unexpected hug and balled his eyes out. Nightmare can only shush and rub his brother back as he tries to remember the lullaby their mother use to sing to them.
"Peaceful dreams
Sleeping nectar
As the darkness fades away
When I find you once more
I'll make sure that you're safe
Never fear for I am still here
Holding you in my arms for eternity
And remember who you are
My little star"
Dream fell sleep on Nightmare arms again. Nightmare thought about why his brother loves to fall asleep on his arms and he quickly had a memory. Where his brother told him that he loves the sound of his soul beat. That it was like a gentle drum. Nightmare put Dream back to his bed again and went to his desk and wrote the documentary of the day.
June 18, 1517
The pain I had on my back from last night turned out to be a jewel. From the dream I had last night wasn't a dream at all at least that's what I believe. I was given a tattoo to hide my scars when I try to remove it but the help of a Chiurgeon. He told me in his religion that my Jewel is a mark for death, yet the priest said it is the mark of the devil. I didn't my brother about the mark for death idea because I'm afraid of his reaction. But if it is true, then am I really going to die?
He put the feather down and went his bed. And thought about the last thing he wrote. If he is going to die at least his Journals will tell the truth of all future generations about their ancestors, and how they were abusive to him and his brother.
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