#your benefit'' voice to a roomful of GE students who are pretty well immune to the condescension and pandering he likes
mystacoceti · 2 months
my intro to logic teacher started losing his temper the other day when the student engagement he asked for didn't come as unabashed agreement, and the Spanish teacher regularly, instead of explaining a simple grammar rule, says "that's just something you'll have to figure out from exposure :/". these people are respectively in their 50's and 70's which is past the point when I would assume a person would figure out how to do their job without embarrassing, easily avoidable mistakes, if at least for the simple reason that if you believe a subject is important enough to learn then you'd still have to be very clever and skilled to teach it well.
but then again maybe I should just take these as a lesson in humility and to not expect to have my shit sorted
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