#zack doesn't have a birthday so i'm lending him one of cloud's
cloudvelundr · 7 years
Cloud receives a package.
... due to the increased risk we would recommend phasing out the E04 models in favour of reverting to series C, or testing any F- and G-series as with the rate of attacks the E series is quickly falling to an irreparable state. We would tentatively recommend the F2-2 [link: specs] F3.4-2 [link: specs] or the G5-B [link: specs] provided that the units do not emit any byproduct noise in the range of the danger frequencies – testing may be required as this is not noted on any available reports. Likewise, the towers in the Thurmir and Jarfast townships are also affected but the already in service F2-0 will be sufficient as they are in a milder climate zo
“Oh la laa! Someone’s been holding out on us!”
Cloud blinked away from his report to where Sebastian was cackling over one of the oversized reusable crates Shinra sent out most of it’s shipments in. He’d heard him in the hall chatting with the delivery team between the steady sound of boxes thumping down but it’d been easy to ignore: he was on a roll and over the summer shipments came every couple days for as long as they could. The delivery guys had cut through the common area to the kitchen – technically the mess but it really didn’t qualify – a little while ago leaving Sebastian to rummage and start whittling the pile away. The current box had a post office stamp.
“Someone sent a dildo,” he wheezed.
The couriers heads popped back in.
A “what?” filtered faintly though the ceiling followed by a thundering across the room into the kitchen and then Paige was pushing in looking delighted. Andy followed more sedately.
“Did I hear mail order sex toys?”
Snerk. “No- well, maybe. I dunno – just saw it.”
“Well let’s see! Who’s it for?”
“Gimme a sec, gimme a sec! It’s under some shit.”
He dove back in under the amused watch of the gathered. Cardboard slithered and he cursed, and started removing packages: “Henry... Mairi... oh, hey, sir got something heavy... ‘nother for Henry.. Tomeo... hmmm... aaaand here we are!”
He popped up triumphantly, whoever’s prize in hand.
At about a foot long it looked like two boxes taped together, one smallish but wide and another narrow and long like a post on a pedestal, it did look like it could be a dick in a box. Sebastian flipped it around to find the label and read it with raised eyebrows.
“Hey blondie, something you wanna tell us?”
Cloud squinted at the package as Sebastian brought it over, their entirely too happy squadmates looking on. He accepted it bemusedly and checked the sender.
Zack. Of course it was Zack. Except it shouldn’t be.
“... This is too soon for vengeance.”
“Come again now.”
Cloud ignored him in favour of diving for his PHS, blinking almost invisibly in the light of the room. What were the odds, he wondered around the growing bubble in his chest. The top message was in fact from Zack.
It said: why are you like this
Underneath was a picture of Cloud’s birthday gift to him, in heavy shipping paper, wrapped in loving detail with remarkable resemblance to a dildo.
Cloud snorted into his hand. Started to giggle. Slid to the floor laughing.
“You okay down there?”
He waved off the concern and offered his phone to someone’s hand while he pulled himself upright, amusement still bubbling.
Somewhere behind him Paige started snickering.
“I was gonna ask who does that, but apparently you do.”
A quick flick of keys revealed something somewhat lumpy, brightly wrapped in confetti printed birthday paper, sharing the same shape as it’s box so he pulled it out and lay them side by side.
“Alright give me my phone.”
He took a picture and sent it.
you’re one to talk
and that’s not your coffee table
i sent it to your apprtmt why are you opening it on base
The reply was almost immediate.
i may have forwarded my mail
i’m in icicle for two more weeks but mom was sending cookies
And then the phone rang.
“Zack I swear if there’s chocobo underwear in this thing it doesn’t matter where you are I will find a way to hurt you.”
“Dammit I knew I forgot something.”
There was an echoing quality to his voice. Other voices were chuckling a little too loudly in answer.
“... You’re on speaker phone aren’t you?”
“No point pretending the peanut gallery can’t hear us.”
“Point,” he agreed and switched his as well in favour of poking his gift. There was something hard and brickish wrapped in the not-underpants. “Anyone I know?”
“Don’t think so? Guys this is Cloud, sender of suspiciously wrapped objects. His birthday’s the week after mine.”
“You mean his name isn’t Spike? You lied to me Fair. I’m hurt.”
“Real deep. Right here.”
“Piss off.”
“Seriously though, is it a dildo?”
“No. No it is not.”
“Because it’s really convincing.”
“... In my defence I was bored.”
“You’re sure?”
“Zack, I’m a craftsman. Fake fake dick isn’t hard to do.” Someone laughed again. “Besides, Aer might kill me.”
“’Cause this wrap job’s a work of art.”
“Just open the damn thing.”
“Hear hear!”
“You too, Spike.”
“Please,” Andy leaned on the couch, a smirk colouring her words, “show us what wonders the sad penis holds.”
“Fine, fine – happy birthday, dork.”
“You too, nerd.” Paper ripped. “... of course you wrapped it in puppies and cupcakes. Why did I think you wouldn’t.”
“I have a giant roll of that stuff,” It was a rather lovely pastel blue too. Cloud hefted his gift and considered where to start, “I’ll using it for years.”
Cloud heard Zack sigh before another heavy rip and rustle came over the speaker, and decided to open the shaft before the heavy thing could escape on it’s own – already he could see holes where the corners were trying to work their way free. When he ripped in it tried to anyway, nearly slipping free in an explosion of obnoxious sport socks.
The audience pouted.
“Aw, no dildo.”
“Nice whetstone though.”
“Did you have to pick the most eye peeling socks you could find?”
“Duh. Did you have to use duct tape?”
“Well how else was I supposed to attach the banana to the egg thing?”
“He’s got you there, Fair.”
“Why would anyone even need a two egg travel case.”
“Lunch? Hard boiled is a thing.”
“You could put the cream egg things you like in them.”
“Score! Banana has candy!” A patter of little thumps.
“Of course you immediately dump them.”
“Mmm. Where did you get the fruit things?” Zack asked, clacking one against his teeth, “I can never find them.”
“That’s helpful.”
“I aim to serve,” he replied, plucking at the remaining wrapping.
“Pff. Liar.”
The paper gave way to another pair of socks – the thickest, fluffiest he’d ever seen, and probably the first he’d wear out come winter – which were bundled around a small, flat plastic case. The clasp was stiff but snapped open to reveal game data cards.
“Awesome,” Cloud grinned. The new Tales of Zelig was first up. “I know what I’ll be doing all winter. Thanks!”
“You’re welcome! Two of them were already yours though – I grabbed them when I put the cases with your stuff.”
“Thanks, I didn’t realize I’d forgotten them.”
“No prob.”
“Now finish yours.”
“Yeah, crack open your balls, Fair.”
“That sounds wrong,” Paige muttered. Cloud thought he might’ve flinched.
Sebastian sniggered. “Psssh. It’s hilarious and your know it.”
There was a popping noise and a pause.
“Cloud, are these what I think?”
“Are they spawns of the materia you keep threatening to steal? Yeah. Yeah they are.”
“You meme loving fuck, I am going to lord this over Genesis forever.”
“Does the commander not have them?”
“No, they’re super rare. Like how you even have them I don’t know.”
Cloud sat back, pensive. “Really? ‘Cause I literally just... found them.”
“Because your luck is stupid. Man, I have only ever even heard of like three Knights, and yours is one. There was a Turk sharpshooter who had one but it went missing when he did.”
“And the last one?” asked one of the couriers.
“There’s supposed to be a green mage on one of the Goblin Islands. Don’t know who it is but even Genesis won’t touch them. But you just found it on a scree. And the water-healing thing- you said you woke up on the way to Midgar and saw it in the bushes but it doesn’t even have a name.”
“So yeah, it’ll piss Gen off so much. It’s gonna be great.”
“You’re nuts.”
“He’s not like the rumours – the Firaga Incident didn’t actually happen.”
Paige and the delivery guys looked dubious.
“Yeah, I haven’t met him but his men are stupid loyal. You don’t get that by being the crazy who lights your people on fire.”
“These materia probably wouldn’t cooperate with him though. He’s more dark red and these are definitely white and light. He’ll still be jealous as Hel.”
“Now you just have to keep Treasure Princess away.”
There was a pause.
“Treasure Princess, Fair?”
“... Shit. She will won’t she.”
Cloud started laughing quietly into his hand.
“You had ulterior motives, didn’t you?”
“No- I forgot about her until just now. She only really bothers you. But you’ve got to admit it’s funny.”
“I guess.”
“Oh stop pouting.”
“I am not p-”
“He totally is.”
“Well,” Andy stood and stretched, “thank you boys for the entertainment, but some of us need to get back to preparing for patrol.”
There was a sudden cursing from the phone: “Shit, us too.”
“Come on Paige. Happy birthday Fair.”
“And Cloud, gift wrapping champion. You guys deserve each other.” The other voices echoed.
“Thanks peanut gallery.” Cloud replied to fading sounds of their movements and switched the PHS back to his ear as his squad wandered back to wherever they had been. The couriers had vanished. He could hear the sound of candy wrappers shuffling as Zack gathered the treats from wherever he’d dumped them. “You too?”
“Yeah. They’re my team – there’s marlboro breeding grounds sprung up nearby.”
“No kidding.”
“Still, good birthday?”
“It was alright. Quiet. One of the guys bought a cake – it was actually fantastic. But... I’d rather been home.”
“Hmm,” Cloud agreed, arranging his own things on his computer to move. The report could wait a bit. “Same. I think Adam is threatening to bake something, but.”
“Still, not a bad place to spend it.”
“And not bad company either.”
“No – the looks I got for that package though.”
Snerk. “It’s the baby-face,” Zack said. “They forgot you’re twenty and a little shit.”
“No, they know that,” Cloud replied, sliding past Sebastian and into the hall.
Sebastian looked up and grinned, “Yeah, it’s ‘oh god our next captain is the kind of guy who sends dildo shaped presents.’”
“Yeah. That.”
“But he also warks back at chocobos, calls anything vaguely canine a puppy, was probably responsible for the glitter ATVs, and is generally a massive nerd, so I don’t know why we’re surprised.”
Zack was laughing again.
Cloud groaned and kept going. “You both suck.”
“Heh. Anyway, I really gotta go now. I’ll try to call you again soon.”
“Alright, say hi to Aerith for me?”
“Will do! And I’ll find you those chocobo boxers!”
“Zackary Fair, Don’t You Fucking Da-” Cloud cut off at the dial tone: “And he’s gone. Jerk,” he murmured fondly and with a shake of his head made his way to his room.
Stuffing the socks in a drawer and the stone with his maintenance supplies, Cloud settled into his desk and flipped his computer back open. And paused. And closed it again.
He reached for the little case, and flicked through it’s contents. It was mid August, still summer most places but there cooling soon and much work blowing in on the wind. It could well be winter before he got another truly quiet hour.
“Try’n’a spoil me,” he murmured, and slotted one into his console instead.
The report could wait.
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