thunderstruck9 · 7 months
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Zainul Abedin (Bangladeshi, 1914-1976), Untitled (Couple), 1963. Oil on canvas, 135.5 x 102 cm.
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oldsardens · 3 months
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Zainul Abedin - Untitled
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pzhgenggong · 6 months
Puisi Gus Haris saat Haul KH Moh Hasan ke-71
Genggong Nusantara – Gus Haris membacakan manaqib shohibul haul pada haul ke-71 KH Moh Hasan, Sabtu (20/04/24). GENGGONG – Ada hal unik saat peringatan haul Al-Arif Billah KH. Moh. Hasan yang ke-71 di Masjid Al Barokah Genggong. Gus dr. Haris menghadirkan sebuah puisi elok saat membacakan manaqib shohibul haul pada Sabtu (20/04/24). Gus dr. Haris, M.Kes memang terkenal sebagai salah satu…
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kazifatagar · 2 years
Join PKR: No Way Zahidi - Says Netizens
Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin, the former communications and multimedia deputy minister, is facing backlash after announcing his intention to join PKR, a party led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Join PKR? NO WAY! Zahidi gained notoriety during the 2020-2021 MCO for his verbal attack on a student. I am sure you all remember Veveonah Mosibin, the then 18-year-old UMS student who had to…
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pingkyoktiawati · 2 months
Teruntuk jiwa-jiwa yg lelah, bersabarlah...
Masih banyak peluang pahala yg terlalu berharga untuk kau lewatkan begitu saja.
Bukankah kau yakin bahwa Allah selalu bersama orang-orang yg sabar?
...إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ مَعَ ٱلصَّٰبِرِينَ
"...sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar." (2: 153)
Dalam Tafsir Ibnu Katsir disebutkan, Ali ibnul Husain Zainul Abidin mengatakan, apabila Allah menghimpun semua manusia dari yang pertama hingga yang terakhir, maka terdengarlah suara seruan, "Di manakah orang-orang sabar? Hendaklah mereka masuk ke surga sebelum ada hisab (tanpa hisab)!" Maka bangkitlah segolongan manusia, lalu mereka bersua dengan para malaikat yang bertanya kepada mereka, "Hendak ke manakah kalian, hai anak Adam?" Mereka menjawab, "Ke surga." Para malaikat bertanya, "Sebelum ada hisab?" Mereka menjawab, "Ya." Para malaikat bertanya, "Siapakah kalian?" Mereka menjawab, "Kami adalah orang-orang yang sabar." Para malaikat bertanya, "Apakah sabar kalian?" Mereka menjawab, "Kami sabar dalam mengerjakan taat kepada Allah dan sabar dalam meninggalkan maksiat terhadap Allah, hingga Allah mewafatkan kami." Para malaikat berkata, "Kalian memang seperti apa yang kalian katakan, sekarang masuklah kalian semua ke dalam surga, maka sebaik-baik pahala orang-orang yang beramal adalah kalian."
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abwwia · 6 months
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Novera Ahmed (29 March 1939 – 6 May 2015) was a modern sculptor of Bangladesh. She was awarded Ekushey Padak by the Government of Bangladesh in 1997. Artist Zainul Abedin described her work saying "What Novera is doing now will take us a long time to understand – she is that kind of an artist." Via Wikipedia
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nyssabong · 1 year
‘Is social media useful in spreading information on Covid-19 in Malaysia or your home country?’
Older media, like newspapers and other publications, are gradually being replaced by more and more new social media platforms. According to Hussin, Rahman, and Azudin (2021), the government of Malaysia has been using various social media platforms to spread messages to the public, while staying current. Social media use has expanded, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is undoubtedly helpful in spreading awareness of the virus in Malaysia. The government uses social media during the pandemic to provide the most recent information, data on daily cases, and advice on safety precautions. Social media use during the COVID-19 shutdown may have some negative aspects, though.
Daily case Information
We are not permitted to leave the house until further notice during COVID-19. Our daily status and whether our city is in a red zone, yellow zone, or green zone is announced by the government every day. Certain platforms share information on social media when the government makes an announcement about it. Following that, we spread the word about the news on our social media accounts so that a larger audience may view it. As a consequence of people talking to one another, this outcome demonstrates how effective social media is at spreading information about COVID-19 in Malaysia.
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In addition, we are unable to attend school because of COVID-19, and we are unsure of when we will be able to return. On the other hand, because social media is so effective at spreading information, everyone will know as soon as the government announces that we may return to school.
Furthermore, even though it is not allowed for us to leave the house, we still have to go grocery shopping. A lot of businesses had to temporarily close during the pandemic due to workers having direct contact with Covid-19 cases or customers who had previously visited such locations after getting the virus. We can easily determine whether or not we have close touch with them once we go out. Because social media will play an important part in the information's spread.
Types of Vaccines
We may also find out more about the Covid-19 vaccinations available in Malaysia through social media. Following the government's announcement during the pandemic that vaccinations are now available, several bloggers started sharing topics related to vaccines, such as the differences between the various vaccines, which Covid-19 vaccines are recommended, side effects of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the number of vaccines that are available.
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Fake News
Nonetheless, during the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of fake news was spread over social media. Many spread fake news throughout the outbreak, such as "Today got a new virus", “Start from tomorrow no more MCO”, "Today got more cases", and similar rumours. There are false reports concerning vaccinations when we need to take the vaccine. Fake news is constantly being circulated on social media, which may contribute to public tension, worry, and panic, as well as vaccination phobia. Our Deputy Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin arrested several people or groups for spreading false information on Covid-19 and the Proclamation of Emergency (Kkd.gov.my 2023) in an effort to stop the spread of false information.
However, a number of people continue spreading fake news. Even if a piece of news may have had a lot of views, we still need to be able to determine if it is real or fake. The public was thus advised by Zahidi to utilise the sebenarnya.my portal and KKMM Quick Response Team alerts to verify the veracity of articles of news and to report any false news that concerns public or national interests by sending it to sebenarnya.my/salur/ (Kkd.gov.my 2023).
In conclusion, I personally believe that social media is useful in Malaysia for spreading information about COVID-19 in light of the previously shown reasons. The usage of social media is growing every day, and we also rely heavily on it for information during pandemics. Needless to say, it is not only Malaysia; because the social media has become so popular and it is so useful in our everyday lives, I believe that a lot of other countries are also using it for spreading information on COVID-19. Finally, remember to verify if the information we obtain from social media is real or fake.
Hussin, R, Rahman, SH & Azudin, N 2021, ��Social Media Approach to Crisis Communication during COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis from Malaysian Perspective’, Ulum Islamiyyah, vol. 33, no. S5, pp. 77–88, viewed 27 October 2023, <https://uijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/uij/article/download/404/242/1232>.
Kkd.gov.my 2023, ‘Spread Of Fake News Cases Down By 83% During MCO 3.0 - Deputy Minister’, 15 June, viewed 29 October 2023, <https://www.kkd.gov.my/en/public/news/19175-spread-of-fake-news-cases-down-by-83-during-mco-3-0-deputy-minister>.
Abdul Rashid, A, Mohamad, I & Mohd Haris, AF 2021, ‘The Role of Social Media in Making an Impact to Health Knowledge and Behaviour on COVID-19 in Malaysia’, Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 155–157, viewed 28 October 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8260071/>.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 1 year
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🔶🔸Imam Zainul Abidin, peace be upon him, said: The right of Hajj is that you should know that it's an arrival to your Lord and an escape to Him from your sins; and through it your repentance is accepted and you perform an obligation made incumbent upon you by Allah.
📚Mizanul Hikmah, vol.1, p.535.
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kbanews · 1 year
Hasto Sindir AMIN Telat Datang, PKB Ungkap Kesepakatan Partai-KPU: 1 Hari 1 Paslon Daftar
JAKARTA | KBA – Untuk mengantisipasi antara pendukung pasangan calon presiden bertemu di lapangan, partai-partai politik dengan KPU ternyata telah membuat kesepakatan terkait pembagian masa pendaftaran. Hal itu disampaikan Sekretaris Lembaga Pemenangan Partai (LPP) DPP PKB Zainul Munasichin lewat akun Twitter-nya, @zainul_munas, dikutip KBA News, Jumat, 20 Oktober 2023. Dia menyampaikan itu…
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zainulrunner · 2 years
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Official #record now
Longest Tiranga Run of India
The record for performing the longest Tiranga Run was set by Zainul Abideen of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. He performed the Tiranga Run from Prayagraj to Moradabad covering 555 km, while holding the Indian Flag, from August 17 to August 23, 2022. The objective of this run was to create awareness among the masses regarding the cleanliness of Ganga, as confirmed on September 16, 2022.
#FitIndiaMovement #NamamiGange Namami Gange Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, RD & GR
#moradabad #moradabadexpress #moradabadrunners #tirangarun #indianflagrunner
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By Zainul Abideen c
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cacatoto-2024 · 12 days
Zainul Munasichin
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Zainul Munasichin adalah seorang politikus Indonesia. Ia tergabung dalam Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB). Pada pemilihan umum legislatif Indonesia 2024, ia maju pada daerah pemilihan Jawa Barat IV, meraih 63.780 suara dan diangkat menjadi anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia 2024–2029
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pzhgenggong · 1 year
Harlah ke-71, Gus Haris Cerita Sejarah Awal Mula Majelis Ta'lim Al-Ahadi PZH Genggong
GENGGONG – Majelis Ta’lim Al-Ahadi kembali memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun (Harlah) yang ke-71 di halaman Pesantren Zainul Hasan Genggong, Ahad (15/10/2023). Acara ini dikemas dengan selamatan khitan masal dan haji, anak-anak khitan masal diarak dari Pondok Darut Tauhid PZH Genggong menuju Masjid Al Barokah Genggong. Acara ini dihadiri oleh Nun Hasan Noval, Gus dr. Haris Damanhuri, Nun Hassan…
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ceritaanakanak · 12 days
Peristiwa Hari Ini: Syahidnya Cucu Nabi Husain bin Ali bin Abi Thalib
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Hari ini diperingati sebagai hari syahidnya cucu Nabi Husain bin Ali bin Abi Thalib, yang dikenal sebagai Imam Zainul Abidin. Peristiwa ini mengingatkan pada tragedi Karbala, di mana Imam Husain dan para pengikutnya dibunuh secara tragis. Kisah ini menjadi simbol perjuangan melawan ketidakadilan dan penegakan nilai-nilai keadilan serta keberanian dalam mempertahankan kebenaran. Peringatan ini sering diadakan dengan berbagai ritual dan refleksi spiritual di kalangan umat Muslim, khususnya di kalangan pengikut Ahlul Bayt.
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kantorberita · 12 days
Kapolda Bengkulu Serahkan 300 Paket Bantuan Sosial: Cooling System Jelang Pilkada 2024
Kapolda Bengkulu Serahkan 300 Paket Bantuan Sosial: Cooling System Jelang Pilkada 2024 KANTOR-BERITA.COM, BENGKULU|| Kapolda Bengkulu, Irjen Pol Anwar, S.I.K., M.Si., secara langsung menyerahkan Bantuan Sosial di Kelurahan Padang Nangka, tepatnya di Rt 21 Rw 01 Jalan Zainul Arifin, Kecamatan Siangaran Pati, Kota Bengkulu, pada Rabu (09/10/24). Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari Program Unit…
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kazifatagar · 17 days
Perlis mufti says state will root now out GISBH ‘fanaticism’ 
The Perlis government is taking action to eliminate deviant Islamic teachings spread by Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH). Perlis Mufti Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidi called the group cult-like, accusing them of deifying individuals and misleading followers. He emphasized the need to eradicate such beliefs, which contradict the Quran and Sunnah. Police have raided 20…
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