#zero's infinite potential (musuu)
pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
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"Oh, love... answer the question before I make it actually hurt."
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pyonpyonpyon · 1 year
pierce ramuda (helxi piercing), nap musuu ~ ♡( ❛ั દ ❛ั ⭒)
nonverbal  meme  prompts
[  nap  ]  sender  falls  asleep  against  receiver
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"You're really worn yourself out, hm?" Her voice is quiet, carefully so to not accidentally wake Jiro up. The sports competition had been a sight to see, and even with no knowledge of the sport in question, she could see how amazing Jiro had been. Even without that, she would have cheered for him with all her heart.
Though, now that the competition's over, the exhaustion must had kicked in. She tugs her jacket off the couch back that it was slung over, and carefully lays it over Jiro.
With that done, she settles in and picks up her phone to read through some articles.
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pyonpyonpyon · 1 year
musuu 🌵🌷, ramuda 🌦🌻
🌵  parental 🌷 general found family
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Absolutely!! Musuu would love to be able to parent again (not that she. remembers a time when she didn't considering the coma) and even if she missed her kids' childhoods she's determined to make up for it. Sometimes a family can be you, your brothers, your formerly comatose mom, and not your dad who changed his identity.
🌦   enemies to friends 🌻  friends like siblings
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I'll have to say that the enemies bit would entirely be on Jiro. I'd like to be nice and say that it's bc Ichiro's Ramuda's friend so he's nice to Ichiro's brothers but it's also because Ramuda just straight up doesn't think Jiro's a threat to him lmao. But good sibling-vibe friends yes!!! Let him know how siblings actually are Jiro (bc his interactions with the 3+ dead fellow clones and 30 living clones don't count)
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
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Oh! Since Musuu's icons don't have color and I'm finally brain celling enough to try and focus on making her bio here's what she looks like under the cut! Drawn by my gf on discord <3
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
👄 + rei ( musuu )
👄 + ichiro ( musuu )
👄 + jiro ( musuu )
👄 + ichiro ( ramuda )
👄 + jakurai ( ramuda )
👄 + nemu ( ramuda )
👄 + jakurai ( hifumi )
i love u yuki
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character
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"He's only become more handsome in the years I've been gone... intelligent, too. It wouldn't do for me to stay the same when he's that far ahead... he finished those cancelers, didn't he? Maybe I could take a look at the blueprints and... but it would be difficult to surprise him, so what if..."
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"My dear little lion's grown so tall! And independent! Oh, I do wish that I hadn't been careless back then so Ichiro could have a longer childhood, but... it's no use lamenting the past. I'll just have to do what I can to help him now. His food preferences are still similar to when he was young, so...!"
"... Don't tell him, but it's quite cute that he and Rei both dislike shiitake mushrooms~"
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"My dear little athlete's also grown so tall! Where are my genes supposed to be-- I'm glad he's been a good big brother to Saburo, but... are they both in their rebellious phases nowadays? Regardless, I'm glad Jiro's still able to be so carefree."
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"Ichi-chan is soooo nice to hug!! Big and strong and he carries me like, super easily~!! I wonder if he knows I saw all the stuff he tries to hide in his room, hehe~? ... Just kidding~! He totes doesn't know~! He's sooooo cute~! Except that time when---"
"Ehehe, that's a secret~!"
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"What a weird old man. He's gotta be like, waaaay out there to be forgiving me so easily! Or maybe he's too doki-doki in wuv to see? That'd be soooo funny~! ... Just kidding, ahaha~! That's a biiiit too much to think, even for me~! He does need to put some air freshener in his van, though~!"
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"For someone who claims to be besties with me, she's really really too silly to believe that I thought the same, hmm~? Ehehe, look at where that got her~! Maybe I sold out her silly little emotional secrets, but it's not like anyone gets to find out~! Bet it's better for her over there anyway, so aren't I doing a super good job of being 'besties', actually~?"
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"Doc's like, the best! He's always there to lend a shoulder if I ever need it, and I want to help him do the same! 'Cause we're a team and even a superhero needs trusty sidekicks so he's not all alone. And lucky for him, he has me!"
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
@cheappride replied to your post “Enough about Saburo LOOK AT WHAT @reysonsmanymuses...”:
rei vc: *wolf whistles*
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Dear please that's embarrassing--
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
@kaminoyou replied to your post “@kaminoyou replied to your post “”: hello from...”:
sabu vc: ITS NOT A PHASE@!!!!!! ITS WHO I AM
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Yes, yes, she understands~
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
@fatewishes replied to your post “@kaminoyou replied to your post “Oh goodness she...”:
lol they couldn't afford pictures
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they couldn't what now
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
@kaminoyou replied to your post “@kaminoyou replied to your post “Gonna speedrun...”:
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Look she GETS it sorry for dying when her two youngest children were too baby to remember her she'll try not to do it again!!
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pyonpyonpyon · 1 year
❛ it’s nothing, i’m just tired. ❜ // ichiro -> musuu
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"I understand." Her voice is soft and regretful as she sits near him. Perhaps if she didn't take part in the hypnosis mic experiments, the situation wouldn't have ended up like this, but it's no use crying about something that couldn't be changed. She's been given a second chance, so she shouldn't squander it.
Still... it was difficult enough to take care of herself when she was a child; she can't imagine how it would have been for Ichiro when he's got Jiro and Saburo to worry after, too. She still doesn't fully know what happened between Rei and Ichiro, but...
"Do you want to talk about it, have a distraction, or get some rest?" She places a hand on his shoulder---a promise to help to the best of her ability.
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pyonpyonpyon · 1 year
Jiro had trouble remembering a time they celebrated Mother’s Day as a family before Musuu’s departure. He knew for a fact they did celebrate because they have pictures as proof in the family album. But he just couldn’t recall the memories of it, or most of his memories regarding Musuu for that matter. It was all one muddy memory to the teen. Only being able to make out bits and pieces of their time together..
He couldn’t count how many times he’d make-believe his mother walking into their home as if nothing happened; embracing her sons loving like she had before. Oddly enough that was somewhat exactly how it played out. But never mind the hows. Jiro now had his mother back in his life and would take any opportunity he had to show her that he loved her just as much now as he did before.
“H-Hey! I’m home! ..Sorry about the wait. Niichan asked me to pick up some groceries from the market and, uh.. saw these on my way back..” Jiro calls out as he closes the door behind him, switching his shoes out for his slippers at the front of the entrance. Once that’s done he’s back to picking up the groceries bags he bought with one hand and the other he has tucked behind him suspiciously. He’s embarrassed, it’s evident by the way his voice wavers. “Hi, mom. T-These are for you..” he reveals what’s behind his other hand, offering forward a bouquet of multicolored flowers and roses to his mother. “I, uh, didn’t know which flowers you like.. So I chose a mix bouquet.. I hope that’s okay. Happy Mother’s Day, mom.” He gives a small and somewhat bashful smile. It’s genuine and full of love nonetheless.
“Oh, welcome home!” Musuu smiles, looking up from her notebook. Designs upon designs lay scrawled across the pages, but she closes it and sets it aside as Jiro walks in. Between working when she didn’t have to and her beloved son, it’s obvious which option she’d pick.
Her eyes widen when she sees the flowers--not that she’s forgotten what day it is, but because she hadn’t been expecting any sort of gift after a childhood’s length of absence.
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“Thank you.” She breathes out, eyes a little wet as she steps forward to accept the flowers. With the bouquet in one hand, she takes Jiro’s free hand in her other and leads him further into the apartment. “I’ll treasure them.”
She’ll need to find a vase later. But first... “How about I help you put the groceries away? And...” The family favorite, she knows, is... “... Would you mind helping me make curry for dinner?”
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
How does Musuu handle knowing that her husband abandoned their kids right after she died, had 0 interest in them for years, and let the two youngest be used for some twisted game to mentally torment the eldest?
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"---? W... what am I missing now?"
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
Musuu has appeared! What to do?
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Throw drink Embrace Flatter Play dead
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
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She looks up (up! her son has grown so tall... that fact never ceases to amaze her) when she feels the embrace, but she doesn't hesitate to immediately return the hug. It's really something special, she thinks, when her children are so willing to get to know her again, and for her to have the chance to grow close with them after her...... long absence. Even without Saburo saying anything, she can hear the message loud and clear.
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"I love you too, my dear little genius."
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
@mtcmrhardcore liked for a starter!!
The difference of ten years feels like both an impossibly long time and a blink of an eye at the same time. Musuu feels like her memories of the city doesn't match up at all to the Yokohama of now, but certain areas remain the same. The sight from the harbor, and the bustle of Yokohama's Chinatown... it should be a good choice to wind down from work.
Keyword being should.
"Does... that happen often?" She directs her question to the man who sat down a few seats from her at this outdoor food stand, her head tilting in the direction of a fight she heard mere minutes before. It was a simple assumption to make that the young man had a hand in stopping the fight, between the timing of the fight quieting and the young man arriving, as well as his tussled (though unharmed) appearance.
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"It feels like it's gotten more... hectic than when I last visited..."
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