moved-aphmau-rewrites · 9 months
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soon…. soon…
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moved-aphmau-rewrites · 9 months
so lets start from the beginning
so lets talk pdh, right? cuz thats the very beginning. for the most part, im planning to leave s1 of pdh alone aside from upping the intensity of the bullying (to make it more realistic) and just generally feel more like a teen slice of life drama rather than a harem anime where the protag chooses the shittiest love interest imaginable.
im also adding some mental health stuff just to generally make this more realistic! so lets get into it, this is the structure of my pdh rewrite!
Let's start with our leading lady, shall we?
Aphmau Shalashaska is a 14 year old freshman girl who has been homeschooled starting from fourth to eighth grade. She starts the series off as naive, though not as innocent as many people believe. She is known as the school's sweetheart, though many people suspect that she hides her intentions with a saccrine smile. To the people who know her, though, they know that her words are true and her motivations are pure. She is a light in many people's darkness, though her own world is casted in shadow...
basically i changed little to nothing about aphmau's character, aside from changing the years she was homeschooled. i decided to make her more sheltered but not completely sheltered.
i think i'm going to tweak her backstory to make it make more sense. i want her to actually (kind of) know about her father. he sends sylvanna (barely any) child support for her, to which sylvanna just gives it to aphmau directly because it isnt enough to actually do anything with.
im also going to ramp up the bullying and make it actually effect her and how she interacts with people, especially her love interests and friends.
the ending arc for aphmau in s1 is that she grows more confident and learns to rely on her friends when she's having difficulties with things. she wont end up with any of her love interests, but the trio end up extremely close. her and aaron will also end up extremely close and he will be introduced to the friendgroup (i dont like how theyre all kind of seperate) but he'll kind of be the "friend by proxy" because it will take a little longer for them to warm up (not anyone's fault, aaron is just... harder to befriend because he's an awkward dude)
as for her realtionships, here's my general plan for them (i had to split it up so aaron, laurence, and garroth under the cut!!)
"It's weird. I thought those two hated each other. But now they seem inseparable. I just don't get it."
"Aaron? Yeah he's pretty weird. He has this whole dark and broody thing going on but he's such a squishy soul! He's like a pitbull! ...People think I hate him? Why would I hate my best friend?"
Aphmau is going to have more of a brother/sister relationship with aaron, they will NOT be the endgame ship of this rewrite. i detailed this in my pinned post, but i will reiterate: i do NOT like aarmau for the creepy, predatory way it is written. therefore i will just simply not include it in my rewrite. dont like it, dont have to read it <3
their story arc will stay largely the same. they meet online as FC/Shu (although i probably will change their nicknames because those are LAME) and meet irl in werewolf class. despite aaron defending her in person, they heavily dislike each other and bicker constantly. aph doesnt know she becomes the alpha female and aaron doesnt know that she is the girl that he's been talking to this whole time.
as FC and Shu they become thick as thieves, absolute partners in crime. they ARE aware of their age gap and there is no romantic feelings. they see each other as siblings and treat each other as such. they banter and bicker and fight but they genuinely care for each other. "i hate you, FC!!!" "i love you too, shu" becomes a daily part of their conversations.
"He's so stoic, but around her... He becomes so gentle that it almost feels like he's a different person. She's his world."
"I think everyone but Aphmau herself sees the way he looks at her."
garroth is the first person to fall in love with aphmau. he stays quiet about his feelings for fear of ruining their friendship although he does quietly dream of something more.
garroth was always the first person that aphmau called on. his quiet and more serious demeanor was sought out as a comforting shoulder to listen to. before they knew that they were childhood friends, they had always described themselves as "platonic soulmates" (the word platonic made garroth internally wither and die but he kept that smile)
after, though? they were practically joined at the hip. partly because of their mothers and partly because they just wanted to. there was a select amount of boys that sylvanna allowed in her house (the only others being dante and travis, after many trials of proving that they ONLY have platonic feeligns for her daughter and NOTHING more) and the only boy that doesnt get her heavy surveillance
and that's how aphmau falls. breaking down his serious walls and getting to see his silly and goofy side that he keeps hidden made her fall before she even realized that she was falling
"There he goes again, another girl wrapped around his finger."
"Laurence? He's so sweet and gentle! Sure, he's a big flirt, but he means well. I know that he would be by my side if I ever needed him."
if garroth's love is a gentle misty rain, laurence's is a fucking typhoon. strong and loud and passionate. he doesnt fall as fast. he even teases garroth about falling for someone so easily, but he very quickly learns why garroth fell so hard.
when laurence discovers his feelings, he immediately made it incredibly obvious. however, if aphmau flirted back, he'd become a blushing mess.
there was always boundaries with his flirting when they were friends. he never touched her, not in a way that could be seen as romantic. his hands always stayed firmly to themselves. but once he falls? he cant keep his hands off of her (nonsexually, obviously). constant shoulder touches, brushes of the hand that he plays off "oh aphmau if you wanted to hold my hand, you could've just asked!"
cupping her chin and cheeks, leaning in close so he gets an excuse to admire her face. the list goes on and on.
aphmau notices this, but she just thinks that theyre getting closer as friends. what makes her fall for him, however, was his gentleness. he was always the first person to tell her that she was beautiful, how kind she was, how thoughtful she was. he was her #1 fan, her absolute cheerleader. she had never had someone tell her that and now to hear it constantly made her heart flutter.
unlike garroth, she realized that she was falling for him pretty quickly. and that was about the time she realized her feelings for garroth, too.
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so first things first, im treating PDH and Mystreet as the same entity going in SEQUENTIAL ORDER. so things from PDH will be referenced constantly and it will shape how mystreet happens because that was always one of my biggest issues with mystreet and PDH is that they werent made in order so there was no chance of referencing things that happened in high school since they *technically* didnt happen yet
SO heres my rewritten list of how PDH starts. its mostly kept the same lmao
Aphmau Shalashaska (?)
Nana “KC/Sugar(??)” Ashida
Nicole Von Ronsenburg
Travis Valkrum
Vylad Ro’meave
Zane Ro’meave
Dante [unknown last name]
Garroth Ro’meave
Ivy [unknown last name] + goons
Katelyn [unknown last name]
Laurance Zvahl
Lucinda [unknown last name]
Teony [unknowm last name]
Sasha [unknown last name]
Zenix [unknown last name]
Cadenza Zvahl
Aaron [Lawler]
Gene [unknown last name]
Jeffory [unknown last name]
one thing you may notice immediately is that Aaron's last name is no longer "Lycan." and that's simply because when my friend told me (because i forgot his last name) i had to turn to the fucking Office Camera™ and i said verbatim "that's fucking stupid, we're changing that" and i did.
so for now, his surename is Lawler. unless i decide to change it because im not 100% with Lawler either. EITHER WAY his last name wont matter too much for right now but just keep that in your minds for later! :)
(edit cuz i forgot to mention this: in this universe, KC will NOT be called Kawaii~Chan for the same reason that Aaron's last name won't be Lycan. because it's stupid. and incredibly... weird. so im gonna find a cutesy name for her to give her justice!)
okay next post is gonna take me a little while i try to actually piece my notes into something that makes sense
until next time!
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moved-aphmau-rewrites · 9 months
@ouchthebatbites !!
ok so um... i did an oops!!
when i made this blog, i put it under my main blog which was just for reblogging shit
but since im having so much fun with this rewrite, i figured itd probably be good to have it be its own seperate entity but TUMBLR DIDNT LIKE THAT!! so!!! go follow my new blog @ouchthebatbites !! its where ill be keeping all of the aphmau stuff!!! and ill repost everything that i posted here!!!
and also anything that i rewrite can now be found under the #zerorewrites tag!! ill tag both new and old stuff from me so it doesnt get muddled. if you want to see just my stuff you can go there :)
im sorry for the inconvience everyone </3
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