#zionists were calling him a liar...why is that hard to believe
hanzi83 · 6 years
Another year has passed by since the newer guard has been instilled into the coverage of pop culture type of stuff, and you would think I would be thrown into the mix because just a decade ago, the possibilities seemed endless. I was kind of making positive headway with the Stern Show with contribution of ideas and showing enthusiasm of being involved with it. Most people were not aware of what was going on behind the scenes, and the ones that were, were either overly nice about it, and some overly jealous of it. The same jealous ones have used my connection to the show, and took advantage of me being naïve believing the system is what was presented with conspiracies here and there, but for the most part the system seemed to be running fine, and there were no secrecy involved with all of this.
I could never have imagined that I would be thrown into the mix at all and always envisioned me just peaking in high school and then I could die off. Becoming a “celebrity” on the Stern Show was a big deal, and I thought through hard work I could get to go to a lot of these shows, concerts, get the perks that everyone else gets. I never knew I was owed that on any level, but that was why it was so brilliant on their part that I didn’t know, because now that I know what people have profited off of,  I have become this entitled asshole who thinks he is owed stuff, even though alpha males in industries will speak in tough guy voice to yell over people who think that, and because they are addressing it in a cadence that comes off aggressive and loud it must mean they are in the right.
I thought eventually this would all be over, and I would get the perks I am owed, but then I also backed away from furthering myself in getting bigger celebrity wise, because physically I got fatter as time has passed on, and that is with working out by the way, but whatever. I backed away because I didn’t want to promote propaganda, or have to compromise myself so they have dirt on me to expose later on. That is why some of these people have to do violent things, or commit rape etc because to me those are initiations. I was worried I would have to do that stuff, and as difficult as it has been to deal with how prosperous everyone else have become or what associations were built behind my back, I felt if I didn’t commit to those things that everyone in showbiz had to do, maybe the truth would come out sometime, and even though you are finding out about it to some extent, they aren’t telling you everything.
Even though they can’t officially acknowledge me, I know that they have their trolls doing their work for them to make me lose my mind or let me know I am being watched constantly. It is genius because these trolls can be summed up as just juvenile teens on the internet messing around, but if you know how government agencies etc have used the internet for their disposal, like spreading right wing conspiracy theories, and even targeting individuals, especially ones who were on the biggest radio show calling the host a Zionist, I knew there would be trouble heading my way. Whether it is aggressive amount of trolls showing up on platforms, censoring my voice, planting the seeds in comment sections that I will be radicalized and commits shootings etc it can all be blamed on one person in my opinion and that is Howard Stern.
He is so powerful he has underground types at his disposal to shill for him and even people in the industry are scared to comment on him, and most of these people put down the people who are being blackballed, not the people actually doing the blackballing, but not only are they blackballing people, they have targeted them and designed their life to become chaotic and making people do certain things while people in the system act like they promote goodness and don’t condone people being drugged up, or acting violent, when they thrive on it so they have constant news going on. I can’t even do comedy because of the fear of him sending people to any gig, or having people not give me work, and then claim that I am not working hard enough. They suppress my voice all the time, and they even tried to set up a trap for me for Wrestle Mania weekend. It worked brilliantly because there was a false invite to Mania this year, and I knew because I am a conspiracy theorist, and have been critical of Stern and his possible association with Trump and acting giving him advice. Even in a 2013 call, which has been taken off of You Tube now, Howard subtly says “Why would I want power to do that, I could see if I could control the president or something” and the same thing that got censored from replays when Kurt Angle was in studio and was talking about how Vince wouldn’t let him go to rehab, then Artie nonchalantly said “I know what it is like to have a boss not let you go to rehab” and at the time you think this is a joke because on air Howard has always claimed if Artie needed to leave he could, but of course Howard is a fucking liar, and you should never believe anything that comes out of his mouth. Anyways, since I have been calling out Howard for being a Trump advocate, even if he was a Hilary supporter, at most Howard is a neo liberal, but the narrative of him being too PC is what the right wing fans want to die upon when they climb that hill, he has been going at Trump a lot more lately and been more critical of him. It just seems funny because before the election and shortly after he didn’t really say anything about it. “The show has never been political” except when he advocates for Israel to bomb and pillage the rest of the Middle East.
I knew if I went to Mania, like I was invited to go, I knew it would be bad because I would get detained with the people in power knowing who I am, and then they can claim I am dangerous because of the rhetoric I spew on my social media, even though most people that know me know that I would never be violent or nor do I have access to guns, but they would have detained me and while most people would be okay with that because I am not mentally well, and they believe the people doing the detaining are the good people, no one would know what has happened to me, nor would they care. Because I suspect that people who are detained in some way are drugged and then programmed to do things, like that person who did the shooting at You Tube head quarters, who was also complaining about censorship, or at least that is what the main narrative is, it would have fit in perfectly for these people to do that same shit to me and no one would know anything. At the very least they would have had me detained so I would miss out the whole weekend, while people I know are allowed to go to whatever they want, and I don’t doubt that people I know are there for the festivities, and then they play dumb in front of me, and then will be a little transparent with it, especially when I do posts like these.
So it sucks that even after a decade of being a part of the Stern Show, after giving them content for several years and being a punching bag, that I still am not allowed to do things on my own. Even the people who say they are doing things their way, it is never their way,  they are still given orders of what kind of narratives to sell, even if it is for evil or for the sake of good.
This entire post has been all over the place, but because I am a mentally ill person who is not to be taken seriously, this is what you get. A scattered grammatical mess that doesn’t make much sense due to the amounts of conspiracies involved. Maybe there is a conspiracy with who is writing these blogs. Maybe it is someone else from the Illuminati writing this under my name and is trying to discredit me more. Who the fuck knows? Not like my image is in the perfectionist state to begin with.
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