#zwei reigns supreme as 'the only gregor who doesn't sub for them' he's so brave
necronatural · 6 months
when you eventually look at the new 000 gregor ID i would love to know how he slots into the rest of the clockroach dynamic, if he even slots in at all
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I didnt get him after 58 pulls but his voicelines are up on the wiki so what can you do.
- I think Dante actually has a problem with this one. TH!Gregor is like oh ho hum about it since they work together fine but when he finds out Dante is not only workplace romancing The Gregiverse but one of the Gregs they are okay with is a serial killer cannibal he's like Hold On.... Hey?
-He goes out of his way to be powerful and alluring and charming and suave and all that and Dante just goes .... :/ at him. He is like oh so you don't want me Confident. And Happy. And has it pointed out with him that the most confident and happy Gregor (Zwei) has Dante absolutely sauced but that only makes him more mad
-Twinhooks Gregor has enjoyed the absolute highest level of protection from all conflict through Hook and the Middle and has depended on that coddling for a while so he doesn't actually have conflict resolution skills & he's a little threatened by his burgeoning need to beg for it
-All Twinhook Gregor does is steal cheat and lie and so he opts to pretend to NOT be strong and independent (WHICH HE IS) since Dante wants to be the boss. Begging is ok if its fake. Dante breaks, just as planned, but tragically Gregor surrounds himself with underlings and guardians because he craves coddling and thus being dommed Awakens things within him.
-Most whipped Gregor next to G-Corp. Smug about it though like "ohh sorry but I got people who won't allow me to die 😏". Really lays it on thick schmoozing with Dante, overtly romantic, competitive with Outis for brown-nosing and wants to be The Favourite
-New, unique dynamic of We Have To Kill Them
-Dante acts pretty neutrally with him in public which really distills the comedy I think. This too is a form of domination
-Semi-related he's pretty vocally annoyed they have a Colour Fixer who just hangs out and makes sure Dante's head doesn't need to explode and does nothing else. What is the point of a powerful person being around if it isn't in service of anything <- his existential worldview at this point <- He gets along with the Middle exceptionally well as you might imagine
There is very little room for Dante within the world of U Corp IDs... Here is my most beautiful worlds
-Dante is trying to pay off a guest and has the baffling ability to make money that has delayed the process by months and the hostage is like. Genuinely just a guest at this point because it's taken as a given that Dante will be able to meet the next threshold Somehow. The dynamic has stretched out long enough that basically everyone views it as paying rent to live on the port. Everyone knows Gregor is smitten but he won't admit it he just Hovers. Meaningfully. Looking so Dashing. One time he says he'll forgive the debt if Dante joins the pirates and Dante goes Uhm. No. And it gets under his skin so bad he can't work up the guts to ask them out to casual platonic dinner
-Dante is a whaler and notoriously helps tourists navigate the port streets without getting hostage kidnapped and gives paypigs jobs on their boat once they run out of cash. This is actually a small profit cycle so Hook has never minded it. Gregor starts allowing the paypigs to meet with the guests more often as an excuse to make Dante hang out with him and Talk Shop (putting them in charge of more boats with more people who can't afford to save their guests so Dante will have to spend more time with him). Dante isn't comfortable with being friendly with the Twinhook Pirates so doesn't let it escelate. Again, Gregor has to separate his status from his relationships and beg for it. It drives him crazy that Dante doesn't take advantage of this. Getting them to stop neutrally dismissing his overtures feels like he earned fucking deliverance
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