txtally-heather · 2 years
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Welcome to the idyllic town of Addersfield, located on History Island in Auradon, home of Illedale University.
Students here are children of some rather famous faces. And some have made fame in their own right, like King Ben or the Lady Mal. We’re proud to boast a diverse student culture and a rich history–
[–and that’s enough of THAT broadcast! Is this thing on? Hello? Can you hear me?
Good. I’ll warn ya right now, everybody– if you thought Auradon Prep was wild, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Illedale is bigger, meaner, and with the past not so distant to us, tensions can run pretty high around here.
‘Course, you probably know the story by now. When preparing for his coronation, King Ben declared his first royal proclamation to allow over 4 VKs from the Isle of the Lost to come to the city. After a whole showdown about good and evil, the four integrated into Auradon society pretty well, and then after drama at Cotillion, Mowgli rallied the Auradon people to fight for the disbandment of the Isle, sending the villains to rehab and their kids to Auradon Prep.
Catching you up since graduation, pretty much all of us ended up moving to Addersfield for higher education in Auradon’s system– cuz man, I gotta tell ya, it’s a lot better in Auradon than it is anywhere else. Well, ‘cept for all the evil takeovers, I guess.
But not everyone’s cut out for college itself. The nice thing about Addersfield is that it’s all a pretty tight-knit community based around the school itself. More of a college township, as it were. So some of AP’s graduates moved to town to work with a crowd they know well.
I can’t stay much longer, but don’t let the stuffy advertising fool ya about this place, folks! We’re a lot more than what the surface wants to pretend. I’d drop your application while you can if I were in your shoes! This is P. Warner, sending you right back to your regularly scheduled programming!]
–and enroll in your future today at Illedale University, where the story starts anew.
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txtally-heather · 3 years
Septuple Solo Para: I’m Awake and I’m Alive
She finds Nancy sitting on top a table in the library.
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Open Starter: Go Fighting Knights!
Heather pops out of her locker, or more accurately away from the mirror in her locker, to look over her game day face paint. The cheerleader smiles to herself with a giggle and puts the blue and gold face paints back in the magnetic cup stuck to the side she keeps them in and gets her binder for her next class, turning as she closes her locker and smiling brightly at the student beside her. “Hey! Going to the Tourney game?”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
😝 - Rebekah!
Heather yawns, half-listening as Mr. Delay goes on and on during the listen. Ugh. This is, like, not how to spend a class.
Annnnnd he’s yelling at her now. Because she was being disrespectful by yawning. She sits up. Nope. This is not good for her stress. “Like, my bad, Mr. Delay.”
Getting into her pencil bag, she seemingly absentmindedly tosses a harmless-looking couple of seeds out of it, onto the ground beside her, between her and the windows after making sure no one was actually paying attention to her. These things had a habit of...
...taking root wherever, as the hedge starts growing fast. Well, they were Hedge in a Hurry seedlings. She yelps as it spreads and starts pushing her row away from their seats. The class evacuates quickly, and Heather, like most of them, has the foresight to grab her stuff as she runs out the door... and, after getting out, none-too-subtly starts to edge her way down the hall and away from the class.
Turning, she heads down the hall, turning a corner and vanishing off, squeaking at a tap on her shoulder and looking back. “What’s up?”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
“I kinda, like, miss all the traveling I used to do. Even though I’m so totally psyched to be here in Auradon, all my world traveling and trips were like... a lot of fun.”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Open Starter: Getting Started
“So, what do you think?” Nancy asks the group of the poster sitting on the table in front of all of them.
“I mean, it looks nice,” Sammy answers.
Nancy wrinkles her nose. “I sense a ‘but’.”
“But, you don’t really expect posters hanging around a school campus to attract cases to us, do you?” Sammy shrugs. “I mean, what we did was great, even I’ll admit it, I just think...”
“I have to agree. It’s not like people with serious mysteries to resolve are looking for their detectives on the campus of a prep school,” Sylvia admits. “Nancy, I get called to consult on things all the time. Maybe we can get things that way instead.”
“You guys are such pessimists. The only way to know if something will work or not is by giving it a shot,” Oliver looks at the rest of them. “I say it doesn’t hurt to try.”
“Excuse me,” Heather turns to a student who’d been watching the debate. “Like, we need an outside opinion regarding a group business matter, do you think you could, like, maybe help settle a debate?”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Septuple Solo Para: Well, Gang...
“Sammy, I mean it, I don’t care that we’re in Auradon. There’s no way in hell you’re gonna convince me a place is really haunted,” Sylvia is saying as Nancy walks over to sit with them at lunch.
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txtally-heather · 4 years
“Yeah, this place is messing with my head at this point,” Sam laughed, hoping it made sense instead of making her suspicious of him. He smiled. “Sylvia’s one of my best friends. She’s pretty great. I’m sure you’d probably get along, since you just took down our other best friend’s mortal enemy.”
He left out that she was a detective, and got involved in very sketchy things, and carried a whole taser, and once bodyslammed him because he accidentally snuck up on her.
“Oh, like, that?” She gestures vaguely in the direction Lillian had left in. “That was, like, nothing, I’d bet your friend’s like a thousand times better at this than me.”
She giggles a bit, playing with a lock of her hair. “But like I totally get it. It’s like she’s had something to prove by being a mean girl or something, which, like, whatever, seriously, she totally just makes a fool of herself with everyone. Did you hear she spit lemonade all over some guy? Honestly, it might have been me, but it could have been anyone who did that to her if I hadn’t.”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Sam nodded. He scratched the back of his neck. Yeah. Yeah, that tracked. He got himself worked up over nothing. He sighed. “Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry. I’m just not used to normal people being able to react so quickly like that. Well, other than Sylvia.”
Sylvia. Something clicked. Maybe that was it. Was she part of that sketchy classified crap Sylvia couldn’t tell him about?
“Normal...? Oh, right, yeah, I like, kinda forgot where we were for a second there,” she laughs a bit to accent the ditziness of that statement, “Who’s Sylvia?”
Sylvia was definitely 100% one of the girls Sam had been with in Annapolis and the only one to have a slight react to the name-drop of WOOHP. There’s a reason for that, too. WOOHP has been off and on trying to recruit Sylvia Dinkley as a spy, but she’s apparently pretty sealed in a few agencies and it’d be too much conflict of interest at this point.
But, again, she can’t say that.
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Sam wasn’t sure if he was relieved or more confused. If she wasn’t a hunter, what the hell was she? It didn’t make sense. It made about as much sense as Nova! He shook his head, waving her off.
“It’s fine. You’re fine. Trust me, I’m not much of a hunter, so I-I don’t really care.” He shrugged and looked away, trying to gather his thoughts. Think, think, think. He was sure she was human; different creatures carried themselves different ways, and unless she was really good at pretending to be human, she was. “Just curious.” He smiled a little.
“Oh, like, okay, if you’re sure,” Heather says with an innocent smile, chewing on the end of her pen just a little bit.
“But like, if it’s about that whole thing with Lillian, like, my mom made me get self defense classes since I was a kid.” Kinda. “I mean, look at me, and like, listening to me talk, and I grew up in Beverly Hills. What do you, like, think people think about me when they see me? I had to, like, learn how to keep myself safe, that’s all. Totally sorry, though, that probably was a surprise.”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Sam watched Lillian leave, still incredibly impressed by Heather. He looked back over at her. Now or never. “Nothing. Just, uh… Curious about something. Have you been on any hunting trips lately?” He watched her face for any kind of reaction.
Come on, come on, he couldn’t be wrong about this one. If he was wrong, he wouldn’t know what to think about this girl who could so easily take down other people.
Heather raises an eyebrow at him and looks mildly horrified. “Like, whaa? I’m from Beverly Hills, so believe me, literally anything to do with hunting is like, so totally out of my zone, just the idea of being out in the woods like that is just like, not my thing in and of itself. But, like, sorry, I guess.”
Is... that what he called the thing he did in Annapolis? That would explain so much, but she can’t reveal her part in that, so she keeps the same horrified look. “OMG, that wasn’t like, offensive or anything to you, right?”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Sam blinked. He scooted back in his chair, both terrified and impressed. She had combat experience. He could tell – there was no way she could react that fast with that amount of force and not been in a few fights. She was so innocent and unassuming, though… which made for the perfect disguise. Was she… a hunter? No, no, two hunters in one place only meant bad things.
“Yeah, Lillian, say you’re sorry,” he said, pushing his hunch out of his mind temporarily. “And maybe you should learn to mind your own business instead of interrupting people just to insult them.”
Lillian whines and grumbles, but finally mutters out, “Sorry.”
“Like, the only reason I’m not gonna make you repeat that is I’m pretty sure that’s, like, literally the first time that word has ever left your mouth.” Heather lets up, and Lillian gets up and walks away grumbling.
Heather herself springs to her feet and brushes herself off. “Like, so totally sorry you had to see that, Sam. But, like, now that that’s over... okay, what’s that look on your face about?”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Sam cleared his throat again, his ears turning red. He shook his head. “Yeah I-I’m usually busy hiding from authority.” He looked away for a moment to gather himself. He didn’t like that he couldn’t handle flirting like Dean. Stupid Dean.
He looked back up at her. “Uh… Nothing, really. Like I said just-just some research.” Quick, lie. “My brother’s doing a project on different kinds of monsters. He wanted my help in tracking down some information for him to use. B-Because he doesn’t like doing the research himself.” Perfect. Close to the truth, but not the whole truth, and specific enough that it should work.
So, there’s a lot more sketchy monster shit in the world than the recent escapade she got assigned to cover up, and even when Sam’s away here at school he gets roped into helping them figure out what they’re chasing after.
Got it. So, nothing to do with WOOHP or anything. Good, good, good. “Oh, like, yeah, totally. So, like--”
“Do you ever shut up? Your voice is so grating,” Lillian’s grumbling as she walks past, shoving Heather towards the table.
Heather catches her footing quickly and whirls around, grabbing Lillian’s arm and twisting it, pulling her in and bodyslamming her to the ground, holding her down. “Say you’re sorry.”
“What the fuck was that?!” Lillian wheezes in response.
“I don’t, like, care much for bullies, so like, say you’re sorry.”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Sam cleared his throat, chuckling a little. He reached up to shake her hand. “I-I don’t know about cute, but… I’m Sam. Nice to meet you.” He shrugged at her question. “I spend most of my time with my friends, usually hiding from the adults in our dorms.”
He grabbed a pencil, fidgeting with it. “So, uh… What’s got you in the library today?” Sure. Small talk. That was smart. Except for the fact that he was bad at small talk, and anyone flirting with him even a little threw him for such a loop.
“Oh, like, totally understandable. I was just wondering because I’d totally remember seeing you before.” Heather smiles a bit with a wink as she says it.
His awkwardness is... actually a plus, in this situation. It’s hard to hide things completely when you’re nervous like this. She presses the end of her pen against her lip for a moment before answering. “Oh, like, chemistry homework, but I’m like, absolutely terrible at it. So totally not my thing. You’re, like, such a welcome distraction. So what about you? What’s got you here?”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Stupid Dad. Stupid Dean. Unable to do their own research themselves. He was supposed to be going to school, not spending his study period looking up monsters. He scrolled through the website, trying to find anything to prove his dad’s hunch right or wrong.
Sam looked up as someone spoke, quickly minimizing the page he’d been looking at. He cleared his throat. “Uh… hi. N-nothing, really. Just some research.”
Heather smiles a bit, tapping her pen against her cheek a bit. “Sorry, like, didn’t mean to interrupt. I just, like, thought, y’know, cute guy in a library, might be fun to talk to. I’m Heather, so totally cool to meet you!”
She’d kinda caught a glimpse of what he was looking at before his panic minimize. She leans forward over the computer to shake Sam’s hand, letting her seemingly diamond necklace rest against the monitor.
Of course, in reality, it’s the 5 Carat Data Processor Pendant, and she’s using it to get a little help. It’s close enough to the computer itself to read the data and grab his search history so she can check if he’s been trying to find WOOHP.
“Hey, like, how have our paths never crossed before?”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Closed Starter: Like Totally Not Checking In
After WOOHP’s recent cover-up in Annapolis, Heather would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little worried about how her three classmates were going to respond to... well, they didn’t know it, but her.
She definitely did not want them doing too much digging into things. So when she sees Sam at a computer in the library something nags at her. So, she picks up her pen and chews a bit on the end before walking over, trying to appear innocently curious and... well, like the boy-crazy Beverly Hills blonde ditz she really is.
“Hiya, cutie. What’cha doin’?”
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txtally-heather · 4 years
Double Solo Para: Like, Totally Besties
“Like, omg, I totally love your skirt,” says a voice behind her, and Sammy twirls slightly as she turns to face the other girl.
“Oh, thanks!” Sammy smiles, looking down a bit and playing with the ends of said skirt slightly, looking back at the girl and lighting up. “Those heels! Your balance! Holy cow, that’s incredible! I’m Sammy, by the way. Samantha Jones, but, please, Sam or Sammy.”
“Oh, yeah, like, I’ve been wearing high heels like, all my life. It’s so totally nice to meet you, I’m Heather,” the blonde introduces, shaking hands with her. “I’ve, like, seen you around, and like, I totally love what I’ve seen of your wardrobe. Like, you totes know how to shop.”
“It’s so nice to meet you, Heather. Where are you from?”
“Okay, like, I’m your typical Beverly Hills blonde, so me saying I’m from there probably isn’t, like, even that much of a surprise. But, it’s, like, so totally awesome to live there. Not that this place isn’t, like, amazing, I mean, I’m in heaven to be in a land of princes and stuff, right?”
“Oh, I’m actually…” Sammy holds up a hand, but Heather steamrolls right over it.
“Oh, I totally get it. It’s fine, honestly, just means I have, like, a little less competition. We should, like, go shopping together sometime. Like, I would love to have a shopping day with you, you look like you know exactly what to do. I haven’t, like, met any super girly people here, y’know? And it’s so totally hard to take tomboys shopping like that.”
“I would absolutely love to go shopping with you. My older sister Nancy is like, the epitome of a tomboy. Nance is great and all, but the girl wouldn’t be caught dead in a mall. Unless there was something missing or a body or an arson or something. She’s an amateur detective, like our parents.”
“Oh, my, god, like, no way,” Heather says, surprised. She’d seen the amateur detective’s posters and flyers around the school, but she wouldn’t have expected Sammy was the other girl’s sister.
“Yeah, and my best friend Lily is… well, a mechanic. She does pretty great makeup though.”
“You poor thing, like, omigod, I can’t imagine what you’ve been going through. But it’s okay, I’m totally here with you now, and like, we’re so totes besties now, right?”
“Absolutely,” Sammy agrees, linking arms with the other. “Let’s grab lunch.”
“OMG, like, totally, you read my mind. Lead the way.”
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