alyceinwonderland777 · 20 hours
That post was an attack to a person who was blaming the victims of CSA. I was sexually harassed at 16 by a grown woman, so I'm sorry if I find victim blaming disgusting.
My problem with that video was the victim blaming, not that tiktoker's opinion cause honestly I don't care in the slightest.
Here is the post if this person's "fans" want to take a look since she is making me look like a fool:
Also, literally a blackpilled person believes that things will never change and if you think that's okay then you have a fucking problem.
Bye. 💋✨️
Unpopular opinion but if regarding women's liberation you consider yourself "blackpilled" you are a shameful selfish shithead cause you are basically telling women that they should just "suck it up" when they get sexually assalted, abused, raped, sexually harassed, etc.
You are basically telling us that we should just accept the fact that our society hates us for being women and by doing so you are shitting over all the past and present feminist battles.
Many of the "blackpilled" on Twitter do nothing but talk about what women go through. Why do you do it? Shut up if you think there will never be an end to all this. Take feminism out of your mouth since you think it's useless.
Kindly if you are "blackpilled" stay the fuck out of feminist business. We don't want to be around your pessimistic ass.
I'm sorry if you've experienced trauma, but you should go to therapy to work through it instead of throwing shit on a movement that literally gave you the right to speak.
That's all. ✨️
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"B-but Odin raised Thor and Loki the same way!" Oh really, champ?
In the first scene of the first Thor movie we literally see Odin together with Thor and Loki as children while he talks shit about the frost giants, despite knowing that Loki is one of them. Furthermore, as we will later see in Thor:Ragnarok, Odin voluntarily omitted his past as a genocidal maniac from Thor and Loki and the existence of Hela, his daughter and Thor and Loki's sister.
Also, for all the people who paint Thor as a fucking saint, again in the first Thor movie, after the failed coronation, Thor goes to Jotunheim with the intent to exterminate the frost giants. No one here is denying that Loki attempted to commit genocide against the frost giants, but you're forgetting that Thor wanted to do THE SAME FUCKING THING before he matured and redeemed himself. At this point you either hold Thor accountable for his actions the same way you do with Loki or you shut the fuck up. Don't be hypocrites. Cope and seethe, bye.
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Unpopular opinion but if regarding women's liberation you consider yourself "blackpilled" you are a shameful selfish shithead cause you are basically telling women that they should just "suck it up" when they get sexually assalted, abused, raped, sexually harassed, etc.
You are basically telling us that we should just accept the fact that our society hates us for being women and by doing so you are shitting over all the past and present feminist battles.
Many of the "blackpilled" on Twitter do nothing but talk about what women go through. Why do you do it? Shut up if you think there will never be an end to all this. Take feminism out of your mouth since you think it's useless.
Kindly if you are "blackpilled" stay the fuck out of feminist business. We don't want to be around your pessimistic ass.
I'm sorry if you've experienced trauma, but you should go to therapy to work through it instead of throwing shit on a movement that literally gave you the right to speak.
That's all. ✨️
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Loki after Mobius put him in that timeloop with the goddess of assholes (Sif)
"he would not fucking say that" but about injuries. he would not fucking recover that quickly. those scars would not fucking heal like that. he would not be fucking able bodied after that. he would not be fully lucid after that.
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So basically this is the classic "she was wearing a skirt so she was asking for it" rhetoric but it's been made "woke".
Leaving aside the fact that you only need to do a quick search on Google to discover that it has been proven that it is very normal for a younger person to be attracted to an older person, but I was convinced that every person with a bit of common sense would understand that it is the older person to having to understand that they shouldn't even think about hitting on a minor or a young adult who is extremely younger than them, even if the minor or young adult extremely younger than them in question is interested in them, but apparently I was wrong.
Do you think it's strange that a young person is attracted to a much older person? Fine, it's your opinion and it should be respected, but that doesn't excuse you from victim blaming or delegating the blame for child sexual abuse to minors and not pedophiles. These people believe that by making these stupid videos they are helping the victims, well news flash: They aren't. The only thing these people are doing is giving credence to our shitty society that does nothing but blame the victim and protect the abuser. I challenge these people to go to a 16 year old girl who has been groomed and abused by a child predator who made her believe he truly loved her and tell her that it's her fault that she was groomed. I'm sure they'll at the very least go home with a broken nose. Obviously underage boys can be groomed too, but my point still stands.
If you don't have anything intelligent to say, shut the fuck up, otherwise you risk making a huge fool of yourself.
Anyway here is this fool's video. 💀
Have fun:
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Remember that time Robert Downey Jr posted this on his facebook account
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straight up not true i have spoken to many of the people that have sent me messages and this is a dangerous thing to spread. i won’t deny that there are probably bots but just use common sense. this same post says that the vetting process is just “trust me bro” and that also isn’t true. this post encourages donating to organizations that benefit palestinians instead, and that’s Fine, but to say every single message from an individual is a scam is frankly ridiculous. and harmful
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"B-but Loki hated his own people!"
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I am Mohammed from Gaza. My family consists of 9 people. I am living the genocide in Gaza and we do not know if we 🍉will live or not. I hope everyone helps 📍my children 🧑🏻‍🍼get out of Gaza and live in safety and peace.🇵🇸 My children deserve a better life like all the children in the world. I hope my voice reaches everyone
Hello Mohammed,
Right now I can reblog your pinned post and GFM link.
Allah yisalmak.
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Ashley Greene
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Ashley Greene as Black Widow 🖤💋🔥
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"I see heaven in your eyes."
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And? Loki is a canonically genderfluid character, so a fem-presenting / afab version of him shouldn't be seen as weird
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By the way I wrote this. I can't stand this fandom's hypocrisy.
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