analogwriting · 8 days
The Other Side of Paradise
Chapter 7: It's All So Incredibly Loud
Killer x gn!reader word count: 3k first a/n: oh my god im so sorry that i just disappeared. summer is just a really hard time of year for me. between business picking up at the store and just having a lot of personal things going on, it's been a lot and i haven't had motivation. things should slow down and hopefully i can post more. im starting to be a bit more motivated, so that's also helpful. that being said, i haven't written all summer so please bear w me. >.< ALSO the various terms in the texts are just different terms of endearment.
Oh, this shit sucked.
Being without Killer; it was worse than you could’ve imagined. Yes, you knew it was going to be hard, but not this hard. Even with him calling every night and talking to you until you fell asleep, you never could sleep long, or well. 
He slept with you every night since forever, now that he wasn’t here…it was so obvious something was missing. Everything felt cold and way too spacious; he was large and radiated heat so his absence was more than noticeable. You spend your nights tossing and turning all over, getting all tangled in your sheets before eventually falling off the bed.
On the rare occasions you did get sleep, you realized how spoiled you had been with your wake up routine. Killer would come in and shower you with light kisses, waking you up gently and slowly with the aroma of food not far from him. He was always the first one awake, so he always made sure you were taken care of before you went off to classes.
Most mornings now, you’d roll out of bed last minute, grab something to snack on - if anything at all - and head out the door. If Killer was here, he’d absolutely scold you for your shit eating habits.
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You also made sure that your schedule was packed. You hated having a moment to yourself because you just thought about how much you missed everyone. You stacked up your classes, worked extra shifts, hung out with your friends until the wee hours of the morning. Anything and everything you could to exhaust yourself. It was easier to fall asleep if you physically couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore, right? Besides, Killer usually wasn’t available until late at night anyway.
However, contact began to slow down and shorten. Killer tried calling every night, and he did for a while. He called late at night, you two would talk about your days and eventually you’d fall asleep on the phone together. It went like this for a long time. Hours of talking about every little thing and thought the two of you had throughout the day turned to brief conversations. “Hey, I just had to hear your voice, but I can’t stay long.” Things like that.
The calls became more spaced out - every other day, every week, every other week, and then every month. They really just packed his schedule and he was so exhausted that he’d forget to call or not have the energy. Or he was worried about calling you too late - no matter how much you told him it didn’t matter how late it called, he still wouldn’t because he knew you needed sleep too. He knew that you were pushing yourself to the edge and exhausting yourself. He tried to protest this, but you kept reassuring him that you were perfectly fine much to his dismay.
Even his texting slowed; not that he was much of a texter to begin with. Just like the calls, the texts were almost constant, then a few a day, then one a day, so on and so forth. You continued texting him throughout the day, updating him on things and just keeping him in the loop - even if he wasn’t answering. Sometimes, it didn’t even seem that your messages were delivering, but you just assumed that was a glitch.
The group chat the lot of you had was lacking the band members. They all somewhat stopped being in contact with everyone. Which, in their defense, they were busy and that made sense, but it still sucked. Killer made sure to at least send a ‘good morning text’ every day, so there was at least that kind of comfort…for a while.
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You were currently staring at your phone, zoning out. You were staring at your texts between you and Killer.
Killer hadn’t texted you that morning. He always made sure to at least text you ‘good morning.’ It was usually followed by a pet name or a nickname, but it hadn’t come. It usually came right as you were waking up but it was now afternoon and there was nothing.
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You jumped as your best friend’s voice rang through, making you drop your phone and making it clatter along the table. “Huh?” You blinked, looking at Hop.
“You didn’t hear anything I said, did you?” Her face was deadpanned as she looked at you, clearly unamused. “What’s going on? Is it Killer?” She sighed, rolling her eyes slightly. You knew she was annoyed with all of it. Which, you didn’t blame her. She was patient for the most part through all of this and you had just ignored her.
You sighed, picking your phone back up and nodded. “He hasn’t texted me.”
“Didn’t you say he wasn’t really texting you as much?”
“Yeah, but he always sent a good morning text, you know? And I didn’t get this one this morning, so I’m worried. What if something happened?” You frowned deeply, staring at your phone. What if they were in some kind of accident? You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if anything happened to any of them.
“Have you tried texting your cousin?”
“Yes, but it’s the same. Nothing.” All four of them were unresponsive.
A sigh came from Hop. It’d been months at this point since they left. She, like you, thought it would slowly become easier as time went on, but it didn’t. It felt like things were getting harder. For a moment, things were fine. When Killer was still texting and calling regularly, everything was fine. You were coping well. As he responded less and less, the more desperate you became. It was like slowly weaning yourself off of some kind of drug.
“You should move in with us.” Hop's voice suddenly chimed.
You blinked, looking at Hop. “Huh?”
“You should move in with Dive, Bubblegum, and I. We have that extra room you’ve been crashing in.” That was the other thing, whenever you hung out with them, you crashed in their spare bedroom.
You paused for a moment, mulling it over for a moment. 
“C’mon, y/n. You are all alone in that big house. I know it’s the house you grew up in and your mother left it to you, but I also don’t think she’d want you to rot away in it. A permanent change of scenery would do you good. Get you out of your wallowing mood.” 
You let out a long sigh, thinking about it. She was right. You were all alone in this large house. It was full of old memories that somewhat hurt. Sure, you used it as a large hangout spot and it was still used, but Hop’s house was now used as the same. They moved into their house more recently and your friend group now gravitated between yours and their house. It wouldn’t make too much of an impact to switch to the one. 
All the memories in your house though, could you really let them go? All the parties, all the firsts, all the little domestic moments, all the tears, happiness, anger - could you let it go? You weren’t quite sure. You might be able to move, but could you get rid of things and sell the place? That was the part you were most unsure about.
“I know I kind of just sprung it on you and it’s not exactly an easy decision to make. So, how about you think about it? The offer doesn’t expire, so just take your time.” She placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled at you. You nodded slowly, sighing.
“It’s probably a good idea, but I just can’t let the house go. All those memories I just-”
“Hey, like I said. Offer always stands. Besides, you can crash at ours whenever. You don’t necessarily have to sell your house either. We can still use it as the hang out spot, if you want.” 
You looked at her, smiling and almost tearing up. You don’t know what you did to deserve her, but you were forever grateful for her. Grateful for all of your friends, honestly. They’d all been so supportive and trying to help make sure you were taking care of yourself on top of you overstacking your schedule.
“What’s going on here?” Bubblegum plopped on the bench across from the two of you. 
“I invited them to move in with us.” Hop shrugged, letting go of you.
Bubblegum grinned, clearly this was something they had already discussed. “Well, you pretty much do anyway. Prefer you with us rather than by yourself.” You let out another long sigh. You knew you were worrying them. With your wall to wall scheduling and overall not taking care of yourself, they were constantly making sure you were okay. You felt awful.
“Just remember, Killer said he’d be back. So, he’ll be back. He’s just busy - it’s not the end of the world.” Hop looked at you then at your phone.
You set it down, sighing. She was right. You needed to remind yourself you were more than him. As much as you missed him with every fiber of your being, working yourself to death wasn’t going to help anyone. You just needed a little pep talk to remind you. You needed to detox.
“What if we went to the movies tonight?” You looked at them. Might as well start trying to live a little now. It wasn’t helping anyone just running yourself into the ground.
“I thought you were picking up a shift?”
You shook your head. “Not gonna. I need to make time for me. It’s not helping anyone being glued to my phone or overworking and stressing myself, and everyone else out, in the process.” Starting now, you were going to turn over a new leaf. Time wasn’t passing any faster working all day everyday so might as well have fun.
 The two of them grinned widely. “Oh hell yeah. What about that new horror movie we’ve been wanting to see?”
You nodded, your mind racing. You still wanted to keep busy, yes, but you could also enjoy that time as well. You didn’t have to constantly be working, you could also take time for you. Sure, your mind would drift, but it was okay to just think. You were just avoiding everything when really you needed to think about those things. Handle those emotions.
You looked at your phone, jumping up. “Oh shit, I’m late to class!” You bolted down the sidewalk, waving to your friends and shouting to them that you’d see them later.
Life started slowing down a little. You did eventually hear from Killer. He had ended up calling a couple of days later, apologizing for not being able to text you. His phone had been acting weird, not sending his texts or receiving any, so he ended up getting a new one. It was odd because apparently the same happened to everyone else’s. You assumed maybe some intern spilled water on a table and it got their phones, fucking them all up at once.
However, things didn’t exactly return to normal. You were wondering if his phone was still giving him trouble. Maybe it was your own phone? Though, when you took it in, they said nothing was wrong with it. You even went ahead and bought a whole new phone just in case…
You hadn’t heard from him in a week at this point, but you were keeping busy. Not overkill like you had been, but focusing on other things. You had decided to move in with your friends, taking the basics of what you needed and deciding the box up the rest of the house. You weren’t going to sell it off quite yet, you were still unsure about that part, but you were going to start going through everything - that was already going to take a loong time. You were sure there were some things you could throw out and get rid of; old clothes that didn’t fit anyone, dishes that were never used, etc.
“Y/n!” You were interrupted by your thoughts as you heard Dive’s voice ring through the house. 
“Upstairs!” You were currently going through things in your cousin’s room. You were boxing most things, throwing out trash, broken things, putting clothes you knew that didn’t fit him in the donate pile. It was kind of nice cleaning up -  refreshing. 
You heard Dive run up the stairs and into the room. “Y/n. You need to pack.”
You blinked, looking over at her. Your eyebrows furrowed and you tilted your head to the side. “What for?”
“You, me, Hop, ‘Gum, and some other people are all gonna go to the beach. We all pitched in and rented an airbnb for a couple weeks. So, pack. We leave in an hour.” Then she headed back out without any other explanation nor context.
“Wait!” You ran after her. “I can’t just leave work!” Right now you were on winter break, so you didn’t have to worry about school.
“We already talked with them - they’re cool with it!” She didn’t even look back as she ran out of the house. You stood there, blinking in shock. Did they really talk to your work for you? Huh, they must’ve really wanted you to not have a decision in the matter. Well, you couldn’t argue with that.
“Well…I guess I don’t really have a choice.” You chuckled, heading back upstairs to pack.
Turns out it was the entire friend group that was going; sans the bandmates of course. Part of you hoped they’d make a surprise appearance, but you doubted it. Hell, none of them could bother to text any of you. You were honestly growing more and more annoyed by it all.
You tried not to think about it.
The airbnb that was rented was ginormous. It was a stunning beach house that you see in the movies. Just about everyone had their own room. You opted to share a room with Hop. As of late, when you were at their house you ended up sharing a bed with her anyway. You still struggled with sleeping alone and having someone in the bed with you made things easier - especially since your boyfriend wasn’t talking to you at all. 
You knew he was busy, but you couldn’t help it. It somewhat annoyed you, especially after he called you apologizing for his phone breaking only for him to ignore you. For all of them to do it too? No one had heard from any of them recently. No texts, no funny videos on various apps, nothing. 
The only thing you heard was whatever the lot of you saw on the news. Which, lately, wasn’t much either. They went silent. You assumed they were preparing for something big. That's the only thing you could think of that would keep them from talking to any of you.
The beach and this trip was exactly what you needed. A change of scenery, the salty breeze, roads shimmering and wiggling in your vision because of the heat, your friends; it couldn’t get better than this. It also helped take your mind off of things surprisingly enough. Sure, your mind was always racing, but it was a little better this week.
You spent the days shopping, hanging out on the beach, eating local food, just enjoying life. You hardly checked your phone. It was used as a camera and nothing else, not like Killer bothered texting you. Or any of the others. Everyone tried texting them at one point, but no one got an answer, so you all just collectively gave up. 
To be honest, you were so caught up in having a good time with everyone that you didn’t find yourself thinking about it too much, just late at night. You were in a good mood - surrounded by those you loved and loved you, doing endless fun activities. It’s just what you needed. A break. A reward for working so hard and getting through all of this.
You almost didn’t want it to end. Sure, it would’ve been better if your boyfriend and everyone else was here, but it just didn’t work out like that. You weren’t going to let it damper your mood too much. It nagged at the back of your mind, a weird feeling at the pit of your stomach. You just assumed you were being dramatic.
“Compo! Where are those hot dogs!” You hollered from the kitchen. You were in the middle of preparing dinner for everyone. The classic hamburger and hot dog assembly station. Everyone was about the house, doing their own things. Cleaning up from a long day, on the deck enjoying the cool evening ocean breeze, playing music, watching tv, just about anything and everything.
It was a bit chaotic, but it was expected from your friend group.
“Holy shit.” 
“What the fuck?” 
There was a commotion coming from the living area. Something crashed to the floor, there was a couple gasps.
“Should we get them?”
“I don’t know…it might break them…”
What were they talking about? Were they talking about you? Was Killer on the news?
You walked into the living room. “What’s going-”  and immediately froze as your eyes fell upon the television. Your eyes ballooning, tears filling them instantly. You’re in shock, unable to process what you were looking at. There was no way this was happening. It didn’t make sense.
Everything fell silent, an eye of the storm. Whispers could deafen you in this moment, so no one dared even breathe as they watched you in horror. Water from your broken iris fell towards the floor; everyone waiting, shaking slightly as it dropped. You slowly felt yourself breaking down. You were silent, but your heartbreak was loud enough to rattle the world. You can’t fight it - you can’t breathe.
Before you, on the television, was a live feed of your boyfriend, cousin, and friends. They all looked worse for wear. Like they’d been going through it. Dabbling in things they shouldn’t, but that’s not what stopped your heart. No. That would’ve been so much better to deal with. So much easier. Nothing could’ve prepared you for what you were watching.
Your boyfriend on screen, surrounded by scantily dressed women hanging off of him and he was locking lips with one of them.
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analogwriting · 17 days
doing my walk of shame in coming in here and leaving that mess of messages 🙂‍↕️ -😩
dont worry bc i WILL answer them all eehehhe
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analogwriting · 17 days
LEMME DISECT UR BRAIN RQ (in a normal way of course 🫣😏😏😏)😩😩😩
do you mean it? uwu
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analogwriting · 17 days
THANK YOOOOUUUU!!!!! i like all my chapters to follow a theme. i feel like it ties things together. or it's the tism. pick your answer LMFAOOOOO
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analogwriting · 17 days
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analogwriting · 17 days
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i can tell you childhood crush IS done and completed. it would seem that i didn't link on tumblr at some point and a few people think it isn't completed so when i have time i'll fix that trusttttt
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analogwriting · 17 days
me??? opening a word doc for the first time all summer???? (bitch, it's almost autumn)
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analogwriting · 2 months
First time smut writer: Um. Hope this is OK? It's only a bit of smut at the very end of the epilogue and you can skip it, it's ok. So sorry, um. Oh dear me. Please don't judge me. Nobody read this omg what have I done 😳
Seasoned smut writer: *ringing bell* Come get uR PORNOGRAPHY! 10k pwp, it's KINKY AS HECK so share it with all your friends!!! If you've got any suggestions for my Kinktober just drop it in the comments, I will write whatever wet, messy & DOWNRIGHT FILTHY fic about these two idiots 👏
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analogwriting · 2 months
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125K notes · View notes
analogwriting · 2 months
As a writer I need everyone to know that whenever I write "exchanged glances" my intent is this
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43K notes · View notes
analogwriting · 3 months
Palming their dick through their boxers so you can see them get all rilled up and hard. their breathing growing faster as they try to stifle a moan until you press your fingertips to the head, feeling their cum bead through the material, fingers ghosting the slit in their boxers and leaving them pleading for you to pull their cock out. But you glide your fingers up and down the outline of their bulge, and their head rolls back with a low, needy groan, their hips rolling upward to meet your hand
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analogwriting · 3 months
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27K notes · View notes
analogwriting · 3 months
This fanfic I’m never going to write is really damn good.
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analogwriting · 3 months
Ao3 subscriptions are so fucking wild to me. Every time I write my silly fanfictions and post them 124 people get an email just to let them know that this idiot is posting their fanfictions again. I send 124 people an email every time I write smut. Imagine sending 124 physical letters out just to be like “hello everyone, I put some guys we made up in our heads through the horrors again.” Absolutely absurd. I am kissing all of you on the lips.
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analogwriting · 3 months
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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analogwriting · 4 months
So true
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analogwriting · 4 months
The Other Side of Paradise
Chapter 6: Season 2 Episode 3
Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.1k first|next a/n: i swear that's a song title
As the party began to wind down, you found yourself on the couch in the garage. Dive was sleeping with her head in your lap. Killer was next to you with his arm around you. You were fully leaning into him, trying not to fall asleep yourself. 
“Killer, come do one last shot with us! Close the night out.” There were people scattered about, passed out in various places already. Some people were keeping the party alive and going.
He looked at your half sleeping form, shaking his head. “I think I'm good.”
“You should do it, babe,” you mumbled, sitting up and pulling away from him. “This is gonna be the last time you see some of them for a while.”
“But I'm also leaving you, too. I want to-”
You kissed him softly, smiling. “Yeah, but you still have all of tomorrow and Monday morning with me. Go. Have fun with your friends.”
He looked at you for a long moment with fondness in his eyes but otherwise an unreadable expression. “God, I love you. I don't know what I did to deserve you,” he mumbled, kissing you again before getting up. 
“You were born. Now go. I'll be fine.” You waved him off before settling back into the couch and falling asleep. 
The next morning, you wake up pretty early despite being up so late. It was always like this. No matter when you go to bed, you always wake up early. A blessing and a curse.
You yawned, moving a bit before realizing that Dive was still in your lap. You wiggled out from under her, trying not to wake her up and celebrating quietly when you succeeded. You do a few stretches, yawning. Your body feels stiff, probably from falling asleep on the couch in a weird position with someone in your lap.
People were passed out all over the place. You moved strategically, trying not to step on anyone or bump into them, picking up some trash as you went. You knew you had a whole morning of cleaning ahead of you. As people woke up, you’d probably have them help if they didn’t have anywhere to be immediately.
“What are you doing?” You jumped, turning to see Killer standing in the doorway to the kitchen. 
“Cleaning up a little bit.”
The two of you were always the first ones up - as always. 
“You should be resting.” You rolled your eyes at his words, waving him off. “Oh hush. I'm just fine.” You threw away everything you had in your arms before grabbing an empty trash bag. 
Killer came over, pulling the bag out of your hands. You looked up to protest but his lips found yours immediately. You had gasped slightly, giving him a chance to deepen the kiss. You couldn't help but moan into him as your arms found their way around his neck. He pressed you into the counter slightly. 
Before it could get too far, you pulled away from him. “Hold on, babe. People could wake up at any moment,” you mumbled against him. 
“It's still early. We're fine. Besides, I still need to punish you for telling Hop and Bubblegum the news beforehand.”
You couldn't help but giggle a little as a shiver ran down your spine the lower his voice dropped. “But that's not my faaaault.” You fake pouted, unable to suppress a grin.
He kissed you one more time before finally letting you go. 
“Fine. I'll get you once everyone leaves.” You bit your lip, unable to contain your grin. “Promise?”
Then you took the trash bag back from him. “Promise.” He shook his head, letting you go start picking things up. 
As the morning progressed, people slowly woke up, helping you clean up the massive mess that was left over. You’d probably do some deep cleaning after everyone left - if your boyfriend let you, that is. Might have to wait until he leaves. After all, you’re going to need to give yourself something to do to distract yourself.
 Killer was already working on making a huge breakfast for everyone. He knew that everyone would be awake by the time he finished cooking. His food could honestly wake the dead just from their aroma.
Once you have enough people picking up trash and the house, you head outside to get the tables all set up once more. Hop joined your side, helping you. The two of you made idle chit chat as you did so.
It wasn't long before everyone was outside once more and dining off delicious food. It was noisy, which isn't a hard feat; not when there were so many of you. There were so many different conversations going on. 
Slowly, people made their way out. Some of them right after breakfast, some stuck around to mingle. Your boyfriend was mostly busy saying goodbyes. He had tried to stick with you again but you'd waved him off. 
You two would have plenty of time for goodbyes later. 
Finally, most people are gone. Heat and Wire head out as well, both needing to start packing their things. You were cleaning up breakfast when you felt Killer lift you up into his arms. You yelped, falling into laughter. 
“Now we have some alone time.”
“Not completely. Don't be gross and loud,” Kid shouted from the living room. 
The two of you laughed. “We're just going to rest. Don't worry.” Killer headed up the stairs with you, Kid just grumbling something neither of you could understand. Probably calling a bluff or something along those lines.
Killer tosses you onto the bed and you fall into fits of laughter as he crawls in after you, kissing you before collapsing next to you, pulling you in close. 
“Now we're alone,” you mused, turning to him and kissing him softly before resting your heads together. 
“I'm going to miss you,” he mumbled. 
Your heart hurt a bit, but you let out a pained smile. “I'm going to miss you too, love,” you said, voice low. 
The two of you laid like that for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. Who knew when you’d be able to just…coexist together again.
“I'm going to fly you out as soon as I'm able.”
You look up at him, chuckling. “Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I gotta finish up my degree anyway.”
“I can provide for us. You don't have to worry.” He frowned. 
“Well, even when we get to that point, I'm going to get bored just doing nothing. I might as well get a job. Give myself something to do when you're touring and stuff.”
“You'd come with us at that point.”
“You don't ha-”
“But I want to.” 
You looked at him for a long moment, observing the determination in his eyes. Your own expression softened.  “Well, someone has to take care of the house, especially if it’s a mansion like Kid wants.. And you need time with your buds. And I think Kid wouldn't allow it anyway.” You snorted, listing off the reasons on your fingers.
“He cares about you more than you think. He was also incredibly bummed he couldn't bring you along initially.” 
Your face warmed up. You knew your own cousin cared about you, that was a given. It was still weird to hear aloud though. It was also nice, knowing that you were cared for.
“You're our honorary fifth band member, after all. And Kid still wants you to sing for us.”
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “In his dreams.” You just couldn't stand the idea of being on stage in front of thousands of people. 
“Maybe one day,” he mused, rolling over and pulling you on top of him. 
You sighed, yawning. Killer said something else but you couldn't make it out as everything caught up with you and you immediately fell asleep. 
You woke up some time later, seeing that several hours had passed. You noticed Killer wasn’t in bed and you grumbled for a moment, feeling the bed for him as you processed that he was missing. You were also struggling to properly wake up - still mostly asleep.
You heard movements, looking over to see Killer at the closet. Ah, he must be packing. You slowly sat up, stretching. You didn’t realize just how hard you had slept; you were pretty sure you even drooled a little. 
“Have a nice nap?” Killer’s voice made you jump as you were wiping up the dried drool from your face. You looked over to him as he was folding up a shirt, setting it in his suitcase. You stared at him for a moment, processing once more. 
“I should probably check everyone’s luggage,” you mumbled.
You scrambled out of bed, tangling yourself in the blankets and started tumbling to the floor. Your boyfriend caught you with ease. “Slowdown there, partner. What’s the big rush? You’re not even awake fully yet.”
You mumbled something that you weren’t sure of and with the look on his face - he wasn’t either. You took a moment, just sitting there in his arms as you adjusted. Waking up and immediately going after napping that hard was apparently a bad idea.
“I…” You looked up at him, smiling. “Am going to double check everyone’s suitcases. Just to make sure they have all the essentials. I don’t trust any of them as far as I can throw them.” 
Killer stared at you for a moment before laughing. He nodded. “Alright. Sounds good.” He kissed your forehead, letting you bound out of the room.
You stopped at your cousin’s room, seeing his suitcase opened and things haphazardly tossed in, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found. “Tungsten?” You called - no answer. Huh.
Curiosity had the best of you, making you walk in to check his suitcase. “Hey, the fuck are you doing?” You nearly jumped out of your skin as Kid came into his bedroom, pulling his headphones off. 
“Making sure you’re packing decently.”
“I’m not a child.”
“The last time I let you pack your own bag, you didn’t pack any underwear or a toothbrush.”
“I was younger then!”
“Tungsten, that was literally last month.”
He went quiet, narrowing his eyes at you. “Who needs underwear,” he mumbled.
You rolled your eyes, looking through his clothes. “Fair point, but you still need to brush your teeth at least.” 
He walked over to you, watching over your shoulder as you went through his things. Everything was dumped out, for starters.
“Don’t backseat pack. If you’re gonna hover - zip it.”
Kid grumbled, folding his arms and pouting like a child; living up to his name. As he did so frequently, but so did you. Truly related.
You resumed what you were doing, folding things and putting them in the bag neatly so more could fit inside of it. “You need to make sure you’re folding things nicely. You’ll fit more that way.”
“Now, go grab your toiletries, I see you have forgotten them again.”
“I can just get new-”
“Go get them.”
“Alright, alright. Fine.” Kid grumbled, mumbling things under his breath as he left the room once again. You continued to pack his suitcase, making sure he had plenty of outfit combos, his important accessories, and once Kid came back, his toiletries.
Kid looked at the bag once you finished opening his mouth when you held up a hand. “Use the smaller suitcase I have for your tools, alright?” He immediately closed his mouth, pouting slightly because you beat him to the point. You knew he wanted to take his tools as he loved tinkering and building things in his downtime. Whether it was his car or their instruments, it didn’t matter. That’s why it was important he took his tools.
They’d be able to get more things once they get settled in, but you weren’t sure how long it would take for them to be able to do that. That’s why you were determined to make sure they had adequate packing. You knew Killer would be fine, but it was mostly just Kid you worried about. Maybe Heat a little bit, but he’d survive.
Now that you thought about it, last time the four of you went on vacation, Wire had only brought his knitting things. Maybe you should just check everyone’s - just in case. Haha…like suitcase.
“What are you grinning at?” You looked over at your cousin, shaking your head. “Nothing.”
You closed everything up, looking at him. “Well, it’s all good to go. Guess I’ll double check and make sure you have everything in the morning.”
Kid looked at you for a moment, his expression softening slightly. “You sure you don’t wanna join the band, Bigs? You’d be able to go with us.”
Your own face softened at his sudden change of mood. “I’m positive. Stagelife isn’t for me, Tungsten.” You put your hands on your hips to face him. “You just work hard and get that big house and then I’ll move in and we’ll be one big happy fa-”
You were cut off as he suddenly hugged you tightly. You patted his back awkwardly for a moment before returning the sentiment once you fully processed what was going on. He wasn’t exactly one to show affection like this, but you weren’t about to embarrass him about it. This kind of thing could be hard.
He pulled away, sniffling and turning from you. “I’m gonna go back to cleaning out the van. Don’t bother me.” With that, he put his headphones back on and headed out of the room.
Heat and Wire came over a little later with their things. You checked their luggage as well, scolding them and sending them back to properly pack. Heat had barely brought anything at all and Wire had forgotten to include pants of any kind.
How they were going to survive without you - you had no idea.
You were in the garage, double checking that the equipment was properly packed up when you felt Killer slide his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. “Everything checking out, manager?” 
You rolled your eyes, grinning at his little joke. You turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him softly. “I’d say so,” you mused. 
“I checked everyone’s luggage, the equipment, and made sure that Kid will actually have the van cleaned out by morning. Everything is going as scheduled.”
“Good. That means-” He stopped, picking you up and carrying you inside. “It’s time for bed.”
Once more, you fell into fits of laughter as he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. It wasn’t long before the two of you settled down.
“I almost don’t want to go to sleep. I don’t want to miss a moment with you.” He looked at you as the two of you laid in bed, brushing his knuckle on your cheek. You smiled at him, taking his hand and kissing his palm.
“You’re always so sweet, Killi.” You shook your head. “But, you need to get plenty of rest. The lot of you have a lot of driving to do. I know Kid is taking first shift, but someone has to make sure no one gets lost.” Kid would take way too many detours and it would take them a week to get there if someone didn’t keep him focused.
“I know, I know. We’re going to try to do it all in one go. With the four of us taking turns driving, it should be relatively easy.”
“Call me as soon as you get there?”
“I’ll probably call you as soon as we leave the driveway.”
You laughed, flattered by his response. “As much as I would love that, I know it would annoy the boys. And you’re driving through plenty of dead zones, so I doubt your service will be reliable in the least.” 
He sighed, frowning deeply. “That’s true. But I’m going to text you every chance I get.”
You smiled up at him. “And I’ll answer whenever they come in, okay?”
After a few more reassurances that everything would be fine, the two of you fell asleep together for the last time.
The next morning, everyone was up just as the sun was peeking over the horizon. It was early. Killer was already making breakfast, you were helping everyone else pack everything into the van. It was like tetris, which you were amazing at. Everything fit like a glove when you took charge of it.
“Breakfast is ready!”
All of you headed inside, eating the hearty breakfast killer made. They needed their energy for their trip and you were just hungry.
After breakfast, you did one last check, making sure everyone had everything and everything was packed. It wasn’t like when they did shows an hour or two away and you could run something to them and they could do without. They were going to be across the damn country.
Everything was packed, loaded and ready to go. As you all walked outside, Bubblegum and Hop pulled up. They knew everyone was leaving and you were about to be alone in a large house for the first time ever so they were there for support. 
You were at the passenger side window where Killer sat, doing one last verbal checklist. “Alright, Bigs. We got everything. If you check one more time, something will end up missing on purpose.”
You held up your hands. “Fine, fine.” You looked at them, smiling. “I’m so proud of you boys, don’t forget that.” Killer smiled, gently taking your face in his hands and pulling you in for one of the most passionate kisses the two of you had ever shared. Probably the best, honestly. 
You pulled away, breathless and everything was spinning. “Make sure you call,” you mumbled against him before pressing another kiss to his lips. You felt the car begin to move, jumping back, startled.
“Sorry, but if I let you two keep going - it’ll never end!”
You rolled your eyes, waving goodbye to them. “Drive safe! Love you! And good luck!”
Killer was leaning out of the passenger side window, looking back at you and waving as the van headed down the street. The two of you waved at each other as Bubblegum and Hop joined your side, shouting until they were out of sight.
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