anipgarden · 11 hours
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anipgarden · 15 hours
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anipgarden · 1 day
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This poor swallowtail has been through a lot
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anipgarden · 1 day
I really enjoyed “Hellstrip Gardening” by Evelyn J. Hadden! It shows different front yard landscapes across the US that use moreso native plants and interesting design than just turf grass, as well as giving advice on how to do it, how to navigate HOA and government regulations, and some plant info to get started with!
okies, time to put my money where my mouth is...
i shall buy a few to read 💚💚💚
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anipgarden · 1 day
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Lupines on a dark, windy day
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anipgarden · 2 days
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anipgarden · 3 days
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Hey, Missouri folks--I'll be back in Rolla next month, and per usual I've got a class and a tour scheduled, both of which are free to join!
On Saturday, October 26 at 10:00am I'll be leading a guided hike at the Audubon Trails Nature Center, which features both oak-hickory forest and a tallgrass prairie in the process of restoration. You'll even get to see a glade, a rare habitat type that dots the Ozarks and features a community of living beings not commonly found elsewhere in the region. We'll look at some of the cool fauna, flora and fungi we see along the way and discuss what makes their habitats so special! You can email info(at)ozarkriversaudubon(dot)org for more info or questions.
And then on Wednesday, October 30 at 5:00pm join me at the Rolla Public Library for a talk about lichens! These are some of my favorite organisms, and I love getting the chance to share them with other people. We'll learn what they are, what to look for when trying to identify them, what roles they play in their ecosystems, and more. For questions or other info, contact the library at (573) 364-2604.
I'm very excited about these chances to interact with my hometown, and I hope you'll join me if you're in the area!
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anipgarden · 4 days
This is peak garden happiness
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anipgarden · 2 months
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Not well, I’ll give more details later.
Oh yeah just because I feel like rambling
If my garden plans work out as intended it's gonna be absolutely banging this year. The only thing that could stop me is my bad watering memory skills, my bad weeding skills, and my tendency to step on things on accident.
But even with just the vegetables and fruits the plan is
Tomatoes. Hoo buddy the tomatoes. Last year I had 12 tomatoes (6 romas and 6 beefsteaks) but the 6 cells I picked up had extras in them, which means if I separate them well enough I can get 7 beefsteaks and 14 roma tomato plants. I'm gonna have to find space. But goddammit I will find space.
Peppers. Just sweet banana peppers this time for now (bellpeppers grow too slow for too little reward imo) but I picked up a 6 cell of those. I've also still got some plants that hung on for the entirety of winter (Florida for the win) so whether or not those stay where they're at is. A Decision I'll have to make tomorrow.
I've already planted carrots and peas that are starting to come up, but I might plant more because I didn't get as many as I was hoping for by the tomato cages. I also planted lettuce seeds, cabbage seeds, and green onion seeds that I've seen not much results from so if those pop up they pop up but otherwise I think its a bit late to plant more? I'll recheck the extensions site.
I'm gonna try growing watermelon again!!! I got 3 bags of compost and at least one and a half of those bags is gonna be dedicated to making a nice mound to plant seeds in. The year we used fresh compost was the year they grew best, but trying to reuse the same mound in later years yielded not much in the span of results. Time for new compost on a new mound.
I'm gonna try growing zucchini and squash again this year! Some in my bins (might need a soil refresh, hence more compost) and some in the ground (we'll see how it goes). Hopefully if I start them now instead of waiting till April (I did NOT know I could plant them as early as late Feb until like 3 weeks ago in my area) then they'll get to a decent size before the snails and slugs get voracious. If not. We'll see what happens.
I might try growing cucumbers but idk man.
All this on top of my plans for growing swamp milkweed, purple coneflowers, rudbeckia, and more. I also still have rights over the front yard landscaping, so I'm responsible for finding more butterfly weed and liatris plants at the plant sales in April (the ones I planted in October are either still dormant or dead. Out of the 5 liatris I planted then I only see signs of 1 coming back, and none of the butterfly weeds. Fingers crossed though.)
All this to say. I'm excited! Fingers crossed, everyone!
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anipgarden · 3 months
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Hell yeah brother
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anipgarden · 3 months
Solarpunk Aesthetic Week Three is quickly approaching!
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The hosts for this event are @fennopunk, @solarpunkani, and @modern-solarpunk! We'll be reblogging and chatting from those blogs about the event as well, so feel free to drop a follow!
What's Solarpunk Aesthetic Week? Simply put, its a week to celebrate the aesthetics around the Solarpunk genre and movement! As Solarpunks, we look forward to a hopeful future, and this event is meant for all of us to take part in visualizing that future, and working towards making it step by step!
While Solarpunk is often strongly associated with bright greenery and summertime scenes, it's possible to be Solarpunk at all times of the year! Those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, show us how you Solarpunk it up in the winter! All of us, all across the globe, can take part by creating art, taking action, and launching ourselves towards the Solarpunk future we all want to see!
Solarpunk Aesthetic Week Three will be taking place on the 25th week of the year, so June 17th - 23rd! Feel free to share anything you do to the tag #solarpunk aesthetic week, or submit to the blog!
Any questions? Ask away! Our inbox is open!
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anipgarden · 3 months
Solarpunk Aesthetic Week Three is quickly approaching!
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The hosts for this event are @fennopunk, @solarpunkani, and @modern-solarpunk! We'll be reblogging and chatting from those blogs about the event as well, so feel free to drop a follow!
What's Solarpunk Aesthetic Week? Simply put, its a week to celebrate the aesthetics around the Solarpunk genre and movement! As Solarpunks, we look forward to a hopeful future, and this event is meant for all of us to take part in visualizing that future, and working towards making it step by step!
While Solarpunk is often strongly associated with bright greenery and summertime scenes, it's possible to be Solarpunk at all times of the year! Those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, show us how you Solarpunk it up in the winter! All of us, all across the globe, can take part by creating art, taking action, and launching ourselves towards the Solarpunk future we all want to see!
Solarpunk Aesthetic Week Three will be taking place on the 25th week of the year, so June 17th - 23rd! Feel free to share anything you do to the tag #solarpunk aesthetic week, or submit to the blog!
Any questions? Ask away! Our inbox is open!
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anipgarden · 3 months
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There are a couple of species I've been determined to see in flower this year. Mountain pinks (Centaurium beyrichii) were one of those. Typically I see them as pink blobs growing high up on road cuts, rooted into crevices of pure limestone, completely unbothered by searing heat. Those plants aren't exactly safe or easy to reach, but fortunately there's some more accessible spots around. For all their flamboyance, this species is underutilized in gardens, though seeds are available commercially. Hot, exposed rock gardens with minimal organic matter would suit them well .
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anipgarden · 3 months
Catch me out here impulse-making another project on iNaturalist.
I'm not even a scientist or anything I just like looking at flowers.
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anipgarden · 3 months
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New comic: how to tell a Carpenter Bee from a Bumble Bee!
For the inside story behind each comic, support me on Patreon.
Thanks watchingbees.com for the help.
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anipgarden · 3 months
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The common milkweed (asclepias syriaca) that I planted two years ago is blooming for the first time! I was taking pictures and was photobombed by a European paper wasp (polistes dominula) — invasive here, but a fun photo nonetheless.
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anipgarden · 4 months
Solarpunk Aesthetic Week Three is quickly approaching!
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The hosts for this event are @fennopunk, @solarpunkani, and @modern-solarpunk! We'll be reblogging and chatting from those blogs about the event as well, so feel free to drop a follow!
What's Solarpunk Aesthetic Week? Simply put, its a week to celebrate the aesthetics around the Solarpunk genre and movement! As Solarpunks, we look forward to a hopeful future, and this event is meant for all of us to take part in visualizing that future, and working towards making it step by step!
While Solarpunk is often strongly associated with bright greenery and summertime scenes, it's possible to be Solarpunk at all times of the year! Those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, show us how you Solarpunk it up in the winter! All of us, all across the globe, can take part by creating art, taking action, and launching ourselves towards the Solarpunk future we all want to see!
Solarpunk Aesthetic Week Three will be taking place on the 25th week of the year, so June 17th - 23rd! Feel free to share anything you do to the tag #solarpunk aesthetic week, or submit to the blog!
Any questions? Ask away! Our inbox is open!
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