himekokosu · 2 days
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Echinops ritro
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tomorrowsgardennc · 2 days
okies, time to put my money where my mouth is...
i shall buy a few to read 💚💚💚
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kedreeva · 2 days
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Picked most of the last from the garden today after it's been neglected for like a month... Still, pretty nice! That tomato on the right is the only "purple" tomato that survived from the heritage plant... The other 3 got bug-eaten or molded before they could be picked, which was disappointing. I've set this one aside for saving a few seeds and eating on its own to see how it tastes. The rest of my tomatoes are being stashed to make spaghetti sauce with.
I did order some cool heritage breeds of tomato off a site I was browsing trying to place the orange tomatoes, and I'm kind of looking forward to attempting to grow them next year. I will definitely spread them out better and get some better stakes for them.
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Started picking them in an old flower pot I had on hand, thinking there won't be that many, ended up having to go get a bucket.
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hyssopandbee · 14 hours
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nordicsublime · 3 days
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antiquatedsimmer · 2 days
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Storytelling Scene - Gardening + Convo
I Posepack I made for a scene but I can't really make a story post yet! Regardless the poses are finished and if anyone would like to use them for their own posts they can have them now C:
Individual scenes & All in ones included.
Place 2 teleporters in the center of whatever you are planting! You will need:
Andrew’s Pose Player
Scumbumbos Teleport Any Sim
Download on my Patreon! (Free) or SFS
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semprvivum · 2 days
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garden update 🌿
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dorkvania · 1 day
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Little Free Greenhouse in Portland
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boggedybloggedy · 1 day
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My mom found the nature scrapbook I made for her in middle school 😭😂
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rederiswrites · 1 day
Desire to build living willow structures definitely intensified by today's exposure to a couple. I didn't get a photo of the willow tunnel, but here's a couple photos of the gazebo/ pergola/whatever you want to call it:
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The concept is really quite simple. Willow roots so easily and grows so quickly that you just have to stick live willow cuttings into the ground and they start growing. Once they're long enough (or if you have a source of long ones) you begin to prune away branches that aren't headed the way you want them, and bend and weave the remaining branches into the desired shape. Year after year you prune as heavily as needed and tie and tangle the branches together. The prunings can also be used as ruminant fodder--or, of course, cuttings to start new willows.
They can be relatively informal, like the one above, or very intricate, like this living willow fence.
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You can also weave fence and let it fill out to become a very strong hedge, which goats and sheep can browse periodically.
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Red and green finger limes.
No luck with the pink one so far. I've had it for quite a few years now and I saw a couple of flowers on it once, but no fruit.
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broadwaymeows · 1 day
I’m such a proud papa 🌱
(one month since seeds were planted)
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pokketofficial · 2 days
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First garden batch of tomatoes are finally ripening. Hard to tell in this photo, but one is a big as my palm 😄
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southernsolarpunk · 10 hours
so since I've basically seen all the seasons at my house now I've got a decent understanding of the micro-climate of my yard, and i need to document it somewhere so here goes:
front yard gets scorched. straight up. it doesn't really let up until 2-3 pm so i need full sun drought tolerant plants in the front area. (i dug some swales to redirect runoff from the foundation of the house, so its a little more moist than it was when we first moved in) this can be slightly mitigated by planting a couple dwarf trees in the very front area of the yard but that'll only help a little. i got a hardy hibiscus 'dark mystery' (Hibiscus Moscheutos, native perennial) that i plant to take cuttings of next year that has been loving the heat. This area i also plan to plant a bunch of milkweed (current varieties I'm planning to get are sandhill milkweed [asclepias Humistrata] green milkweed [Asclepias Viridis] Purple milkweed [Asclepias Purpurascens]) I'm also planning to get some native ornamental grasses to place around the entire property (including the front yard) some other plants i planning to plant are cardinal flower (Lobelia Cardinalis), liatris (liatris Spicata), Gaillardia (Gaillardia Pulchella), prairie sage (artemisia Ludoviciana), mountain mint (pycnanthemum muticum). more to be decided after i put this wave in. (definitely want some bee balm)
right side of the yard (by the house) is dark, cool, wooded, and wet. the rhododendron i put in was doing great until my brother in law took a lawnmower to it. :( but at least i can replace it. this is also where i have my feijoas (he also ran over them but they bounced back). probably will just add some rhododendrons & hydrangeas. i need to look up some more native shade plants for this area.
left side of the yard (by the house) gets even more sun than the front yard. i want to get a green house eventually (i have to replace all the windows in my house so I'll repurpose those for it) so this is probably the best place to do it.
backyard is large, part is dry and sunny, and towards the back is wooded. this is where i plan to put the fruit & nut trees i want. i need to thin out some of the less mature trees because they're extremely dense at the moment. (got a battery-powered chainsaw. i would have just borrowed my stepdads tools but hes convinced i would break them if i used them. :/ but at least now my father-in-law can borrow mine if he needs it) in the center of the backyard is where i have 2 12x4 gardens beds, and in the future i plan to add 2 more. this is where i have a lot of passionflower maypop plants, i transplanted some to the fenceline but i want an archway trellis as well. (i have watched probably over a hundred gulf fritillary caterpillars turn into butterflies, they're everywhere) the right side of the yard is where i plan to put the taller fruit & nut trees, (wont block sunlight) but i also want to get some dwarf fruit trees to place around as well. also this summer i saw lightning bugs in the backyard (!!!!!!!) so i plan to put in some grasses around an area that's like 12x12 ft across that dips down a few feet. (this area literally looks like a dried up small pond) i looked up how to use clay to create a natural lining for a pond, so this area will be good for lightning bugs, frogs, toads, salamanders, etc. this is in the lowest part of the yard, so its an optimal place for it.
this is just some basic plans for the future- i got a lot of seeds online so its not too break-the-bank expensive, and i get a lot of bushes and trees from etsy which can be great for saving money, despite the slight increased risk for mislabeled plants. i save money with this so i can get some nicer varieties of fruit trees that i really want (fuji apples, hosui pears, bing & rainier cherry trees).
my father-in-law really enjoys canning and preserving so I'm growing all the trees so i can give him some fruit to preserve (he lives in a very low-laying area, and a lot of it is swamp so he doesn't have as much room for fruit trees, his blackberry jam is amazing) also a guy my partner works with is into gardening as well (dudes he gave us so many peppers literally pounds of them) so i want to be able to return the favor with fruit. :) my mom and stepdad also have some fruit trees but I'm hoping to grow some that they don't have so we can trade.
ultimately i just want to grow as much food as possible and give it away to everyone who wants it, while also hosting the ultimate butterfly rest stop.
if you read this and enjoyed it, I'm glad! I'll post about these projects as i do them (which will be slowly) so i hope maybe this will inspire some of you :)
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nordicsublime · 3 days
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Tree ferns
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