crippled-peeper · 3 hours
I’ve been seriously considering going into long term care again
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crippled-peeper · 3 hours
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Staying alive because of this
I saw so much lightning on my way home it was like god telling me to get the fuck over it
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crippled-peeper · 4 hours
I saw so much lightning on my way home it was like god telling me to get the fuck over it
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crippled-peeper · 6 hours
💕Positivity prime time! Share five things you love about yourself, four things you're excited about, OR three people you care deeply about and why. Pass this along to someone else who makes you smile💕
I can’t do this right now. I’m sorry
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crippled-peeper · 6 hours
I think it would be hilarious if I died during suicide prevention month
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crippled-peeper · 6 hours
I need to go into inpatient care but I don’t have any ability to care for my animals because I have no family and the idea of surrendering them to the shelter makes me want to die instantly
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crippled-peeper · 7 hours
When you love someone a lot and they don’t even tolerate you
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crippled-peeper · 7 hours
I don’t explore abandoned buildings. I’m a childhood hurricane refugee. My family and I had to get several rounds of antibiotics and shots because we all got violently ill from the mold and literal rotting corpses in the water following Katrina. Our house rotted from the inside out, like many other peoples did.
If you’re in an abandoned or condemned building and there’s flood water, it’s probably harmless. But I wouldn’t risk it anyways. You have no idea what algae or bacteria are growing in it. It’s invisible and can kill you or make you violently ill
kids these days don’t know how lethal stagnant water is
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crippled-peeper · 7 hours
my ballless brothers. my besties without testes. my gemless gentlemen
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crippled-peeper · 8 hours
“Stop victim blaming trans men by telling them they’re individually responsible for the patriarchy every single time they talk about their own bodies and trauma in any capacity”
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crippled-peeper · 11 hours
I just had to leave a disability discord server because people were saying that their EDS was a neuromuscular disorder when I posted about being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis????
The word they are looking for is “musculoskeletal”
Does that not sound scary enough for them? They gotta lie about what it is to feel validated?
My disabilities are also musculoskeletal but they also involve my spinal cord so it’s a bit different
But musculoskeletal ≠ neuromuscular
I’m so fuckin sorry
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crippled-peeper · 11 hours
you don’t get to do whatever fucked up shit you want to other people wherever you go and then cry ableism when they tell you “stop” or “don’t say that to me” that’s not fucking ableism bitch that’s you being an entitled fucked up piss ant
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crippled-peeper · 12 hours
anon is mad because I said HEDS doesn’t absolve you of the responsibility of getting vaccinated. apparently not wanting you to die a stupidly preventable death is now “violence” . lmao
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crippled-peeper · 12 hours
“your posts feel alienating to people who have the most represented and most common disabilities” awwwwwww you poor thing. fuck off
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crippled-peeper · 12 hours
I have to wonder if these people treat the terminally ill and dying the same way and I think the answer is yes. yall don’t care if the person you’re screaming at is actively dying or has ALS or cancer or a ventilator or an ostomy etc etc etc etc. they’re ableist because they didn’t blog about You. YOU are the most important disabled person even amongst other disabled people. nobody is allowed to talk unless it’s in praise or support of you, your ADHD, your hypermobility and your mediocrity and self obsession. fuck everyone else. everyone MUST blog about YOU.
“your posts feel alienating to people who have the most represented and most common disabilities” awwwwwww you poor thing. fuck off
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crippled-peeper · 12 hours
“your posts feel alienating to people who have the most represented and most common disabilities” awwwwwww you poor thing. fuck off
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crippled-peeper · 12 hours
when you’re the most overrepresented disabled person in a room and you still think you’re the #1 most important victim of ableism of all time because a transgender bipolar quadriplegic’s private internet blog didn’t stroke your ego or jack you off or praise you in every single one his vent posts 😔
even when youre justified it feels like "people with ADHD" and "people with EDS" are just convenient rocks for you to pick up and throw indiscriminately when youre angry at someone.
oh shut the fuck up. it’s not my fucking fault you’re an ableist shitforbrains who thinks that having EDS or ADHD or whatever the fuck makes YOU justified in being a piece of fucking shit to all other people on earth
you want me to stop shit talking people with EDS and ADHD on my blog? how about telling them that they aren’t allowed to scream and shriek and wail whatever the fuck they want at me because they’re “disabled too!!!”
you people are so fucking annoying. get the fuck off my blog
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