transfaguette · 1 day
when a disabled person says “i need chat gpt to make meal plans/grocery lists for me” or “I have to use AI to create art” the correct response is NOT “well just do it like the rest of us lol.” even though I may DISAGREE with their insistence that this technology is the only way for them to meet these needs, I think people are way too quick to fall back on apathy and ableism in confronting these ppl. They may very well feel this is the only thing that works, so why don’t you offer alternatives. or better yet, mind your own business cuz at the end of the day its about the companies that make these tools and not random disabled ppl on tumblr.
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crazycatsiren · 2 days
Some of y'all have got to learn the difference between "exclusion" and "this is not about you".
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gayaest · 2 days
Do you have any characters who are just physically disabled? and not also poc/queer/neurodivergent as well? everyone seems to have everything at once
1. “White” is not the default race, saying that my characters need to be “just physically disabled” and not POC as well is racist and shares the false rhetoric that white people are the default.
Also; why wouldn’t I make my characters relatable — especially to myself? I do not relate to white people specifically on being white because it is not the same lived experience, same goes for being queer.
I am a gay man, I am going to make my art queer inherently because I am queer. I am a part of that community so therefore I will make art of it, end of discussion.
2. The majority of Physically Disabled people are also Neurodivergent in some way, whether that be Mental Illness to Mental Disability. Erasing that aspect is also erasing disability representation and justice.
Many disabled people experience PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, etc which are also under the Neurodivergent umbrella, but what you think must be mental disabilities right?
Well, I am mentally disabled as well, I have cognitive disabilities in which are caused by neurological issues — while also being autistic (MSN) my whole life.
Ask yourself: why can’t you relate to queer people? To POC? Do you not see them as equally human? Because we aren’t a different species just by being in a marginalized group.
I don’t know if you purposely wrote this message in bad faith, but it was incredibly rude and ignorant and I hope you can learn from it.
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daybringersol · 2 days
whats crazy to me is how ready people are to diagnose random people they dont like (‘narcissists’, ‘sociopaths’, ‘psychotic’ & ‘bipolar’ are ones ive heard often, ‘autistic’ has begun to be used like this as well again), but the moment someone genuinely recognizes themselves into these diagnoses, now its a problem. almost like these diagnoses are more weapons to you than actual conditions. who could have seen this coming. /s
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crippled-peeper · 3 days
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By this logic isn’t being forklift certified or wearing shoes a disability? What about driving a car instead of walking to work? Are they disabled under this extremely broad definition? What about people who use farm machinery instead of hand picking/planting their crops? Are they disabled now too?
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majaurukalo · 21 hours
Ableds will always find ways to blame disabled people when they complain about accessibility.
“You ask too much”.
“Maybe this place isn’t for you”.
“It’s expensive, you can’t expect people to spend that money”.
“Just stay at home then”.
“Accessibility is extra work, you shouldn’t be expecting that”.
“The world can’t bend to your needs”.
“Not everyone gets whatever they want, why you should?”
Feel free to add more.
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dukeofdelirium · 1 day
full offense cuz it is actually so vile and genuinely disturbing how ppl speak on Michael Jackson’s appearance. they continue to dehumanize him and feed into this bizarre caricature of what he was all because he had autoimmune diseases. they make jokes about how they have a “phobia” over him and it’s actually so disgusting because you’re literally acting like the man wasn’t a human being, but rather some subhuman bestial thing worthy of being scared of. like… so you’re afraid of a black man because he’s fucking disabled? wtf???
he had a fucking skin disease. he had discoid lupus which was why he had nasal surgeries, you ignorant fucks. he was just trying to look as “normal” as possible while being under constant scrutiny. I don’t know what is so difficult to understand about this topic, or why people continue to deny the reality of it. there are medical records proving such to all of this, and these things were discussed in court on live TV after Michael Jackson was murdered.
it’s fucked up the way people bully and dehumanize him even in death. like, he’s fucking dead and even that isn’t enough for y’all or something. idgi
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autumnalal · 3 days
like some people dont understand how someone with a chronic illness doesnt magically get better after three hours for no apparent reason or regain all abilities after a thirty minute nap, i dont understand how someone without a chronic illness doesnt magically learn how to shut up
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scretladyspider · 2 days
how did I forget to ask here for help???? anyway —
Please god don’t scroll.
There’s $1,780 needed for me to stay housed and 9 and a half days to get there. Funds are needed by September 30th at the latest.
To say I’m overwhelmed would be an understatement.
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There’s been very little progress.. $10 today. I’m disabled and my body can’t do homelessness again. My health is barely starting to edge towards functional. The stress of losing everything… I’ll lose any of that. I don’t know, genuinely, if that’s something that will completely shut my body down. My body just does that now during intense stress after so much of it, it’s this involuntary stress response.
If I lose housing… I lose so much progress on health, I lose my home… I lose everything.
Please. I need to stay housed. please, help me stay housed. Anything helps. please reblog.
CashApp - $secretladyspider
venmo - secretladyspider
PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/ellerosecunningham Or [email protected]
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ellipse-society · 16 hours
So I think there may be some misconception about what can be considered ableism. The disorder itself doesn't need to be mentioned for what someone says to be ableist. For example with DID there are many misconceptions that people use to be ableist(cw fakeclaiming). For example it's just demonic possession, it's just a trend you are copying from social media, or it's iatrogenic(your doctor convinced you you have it). Any of those misconceptions can be used against you without the disorder being mentioned and still be ableism. If it is a common misconception about a disorder that is similar to what you are talking about experiencing there is a good chance that the way the person came to that conclusion is by thinking about the disorder making it still ableism.
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When i tell people that my body is really fucking bad at temperature regulation they tend to think i get cold easy or that i react strongly to cold and hot temperatures. While this is true, it's actually so much worse than that and no one that hasn't seen and felt it firsthand believes me.
I can be lying in bed, under multiple blankets and my feet will be so cold, i can't feel or move them anymore. My body's lack of temperature regulation literally paralyses me at times and everyone i tell this believes i'm exaggerating.
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Yesterday, when I was sleeping during a study hall at school, some kids I kind of knew (who KNEW I have a disability) took my cane and started swinging it around, using it like a bat, and playing with it. People assumed I'd given it to them, because when asked to stop, they said no and continued. By the time someone woke me up and told me, they had broken the wrist strap and were pulling apart the pole to stretch the folding elastic. They did not say sorry. They did not take responsibility. They simply gave it back after saying "look, did you know it could do this?" and stretching the elastic again. My friends reprimanded them, but now the wrist strap connection is broken and keeps falling off my wrist, putting me in danger.
The day before this happened, they had asked to hold the cane, and I said no.
Stop feeling entitled to touch people's medical aids. Stop acting like they're not really necessary or important. Stop fucking breaking our shit.
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ugly-anarchist · 9 hours
As an autistic intersex person I can't help but see the similarities between the way perisex trans people talk about intersex people and the way late diagnosed autistic people talk about early diagnosed autistic people
Perisex trans people: You had an easy time getting on HRT and I was denied it so you're privileged
Intersex person: Actually I was forced on HRT against my will to make me conform with the sex binary. I did not want it and it was traumatic.
Perisex trans people: PRIVILEGE
Late diagnosed autistic people: You got a diagnosis early and I didn't so you're privileged
Early diagnosed autistic person: Actually I was forcefully diagnosed against my will to make me conform to a more neurotypical idea of "correct behavior". I did not want it and it was traumatic.
Late diagnosed autistic people: PRIVILEGE
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crippled-peeper · 1 day
If you feel the need to “call out”/flame/harass a disabled person because they are posting about themselves & their own bodies & not about you, you don’t actually care about ableism or “being inclusive”. you literally just want other disabled people to shut up so you can make everything about you. that’s the polar opposite of inclusivity. not everything is about you or for you and you need to get over it
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whumpandothercomfort · 21 hours
After Caretaker realizes that rescued Whumpee is in agony, the big question is... what to do. Obviously the ideal first step would be treating whatever is causing the pain, but what if the doctors can't find anything? What happens if Whumpee is truly recovered from all of their injuries, and their traumatized brain is just setting their nervous system on fire?
In the long term: diagnoses, symptom documentation, testing, maintenance medications, physical therapy, all of that.
In the short term, though. The most merciful option is sedation and/or heavy-duty pain meds, but maybe both of those things are fraught for Whumpee. Whatever Whumper put them through has left them with a soul-deep terror of being drugged. They muster the energy to break out of the semi-catatonic state just to beg Caretaker not to.
There are two options here:
First is that Caretaker immediately backs off. They promise they aren't going to hurt Whumpee, they won't do anything that Whumpee doesn't want, everything's okay, Whumpee is safe. They just want to help with the pain. That's all. Whumpee is free and can have as much input in the treatment as they want, it's okay.
Second is that Caretaker fucks up, which is unfortunately something that happens a lot wrt people whose disability limits their communication. Caretaker desperately needs the stress on Whumpee's system to ease -- maybe the pain is causing genuinely dangerous cardiac symptoms -- and they're like, "They'll understand once they're more lucid/comfortable," and drug Whumpee anyway. Apologizing the entire time, of course.... but that's a pretty fucking profound betrayal from someone who claims you're safe and free now.
Whumpee will not understand once they're more lucid and comfortable.
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canonkiller · 2 months
I just think everyone should take a moment to consider the question "what is your visual shorthand for cruelty?" and then follow it up with a critical "and who taught you that?"
specific examples include but are not limited to
why is an evil timeline character design disabled? (why do the heroes go through equally punishing battles and never lose an arm, a leg, an eye?)
why are the futuristic scifi terrorists uniformly darker skinned? (why are the heroes so much lighter?)
why is the greedy boss fat? (why are the heroes skinny?)
why is the criminal mastermind heavily scarred? (why is the brooding, traumatized hero unscathed?)
why is the predatory creep a bearded person in a dress and makeup? (why are none of the heroes trans women?)
who taught you that this is how things are?
how long do you plan on repeating it?
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