daybringersol · 10 hours
99% of oathtakers give up just before they fulfill their father’s dying wish 😔✋ DON’T QUIT‼️ KEEP SPIRALLING AND KILLING ‼️✅✊😎
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daybringersol · 10 hours
me last year: hey whenever i miss a testosterone dose or two then the estrogen taking over my system makes me act insane. testosterone is a mood stabilizer for me.
my parents: you are lying because of your biases. that’s just what you want to think, but in truth testosterone has made you angrier and more aggressive. just like we thought it would.
me, now off testosterone and having to take estradiol birth control to stave the painful periods away: *acting crazy*
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daybringersol · 10 hours
More of you need to realize that nobody in the queer community inherently "has it worse" because of their identity. The way circumstances surrounding individuals are ignored is baffling to me.
"All [x group] has it worse than [y group]" statements and beliefs are always false.
"Under the same circumstances someone of [x group] would have it worse than someone of [y group]" just completely ignores the fact that we are NOT all living under the same circumstances. It's a pointless hypothetical in most cases.
I can confidently say the cisgender gay man in a country that executes people for being gay has it far worse than me, a genderqueer & visibly intersex gnc person who lives in the imperial core and has a gaggle of queer friends who deeply care about me.
What about trans teens whose parents are violent bigots? What about intersex people who are not visibly intersex and live as cis people without issue? What about trans people with easy acess to HRT and undyingly supportive families who live in queer-friendly places? What about cis lesbians who have been subject to 'corrective' SA, what about bisexuals who are homeless bc they have been disowned by their families for alleged promiscuity? What about asexuals in countries where marriage and sex is legally required of them?
If you are even reading this post, that means you have a device, internet acess, and time to waste looking at social media, all of which are signs to me that you're doing a lot better than a lot of people whose voices are absent from platforms like this.
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daybringersol · 10 hours
need to do this poll because i feel like i’ve been living in another reality for years 😭
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daybringersol · 10 hours
The aspec community REALLY needs to add intersecting identities to these analysis' instead of making general statements. How helpful is 'ace women are seen as pure because everyone thinks all women are asexual' when we look at the sexualisation of Black women and the Jezebel, the idea Black girls are 'fast' and the general sexualisation of women of colour e.g. spicy latina trope? Are we factoring in how the desexualization of women of colour e.g. the Mammy, the 'submissive' East Asian women trope, the virginity myth isn't acceptance of female asexuality? Does 'ace men are expected to be more sexual' factor in the sexualisation of Black men and other men of colour e.g. 'savage' Arab trope and the antiblack trope that they're inherently predatory? Or the desexualisation of East Asian men? How easily can we define the ace men v ace women experience at all if trans and non-binary aces are missing from most ace representation despite facing the brunt of anti ace discrimination? If we're solely defining these experiences by cis aces? How easily can aroallos 'just have sex' when you factor in the demonisation of gay sex, HIV/AIDS crisis and seraphobia and how this affects gay, lesbian, bi and pan aros? How easily can alloaces 'just partner up' when you factor in the ban of gay marriage that is still in many countries across the globe and the historical policing of 'homosexual behaviours' and this impacts gay, lesbian, bi and pan aces? And this isn't even getting into disability, religion etc. yet. When there's SO many factors that play into how an individual participates in sex and romance, or if they're even allowed to participate at all, how much can we clearly cut the aspec experience into alloace v aroace v aroallo. Or sex favourable v sex indifferent v sex repulsed. There's A LOT we can learn from each other.
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daybringersol · 10 hours
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daybringersol · 10 hours
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apparently not everyone is aware of james fitzjames inshallah so.
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daybringersol · 10 hours
what “not all men” was supposed to be about:
person a: i was raped by a man and it was awful.
person b: ummmm well not all men are rapists???? are you saying all men are rapists????
person a: ???? i literally never said that????
what radical-feminism-snorting bozos on this website think it is:
person a: all men are inherently predatory, aggressive, and dangerous.
person b: hey that’s a pretty fucked up generalization to make about an entire population. also i don’t think you’ve considered how intersectionality plays out here.
person a: lmao shut the fuck up “not all men” mra.
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daybringersol · 11 hours
very out of context complain, but one thing ive never heard anyone talk about in the people-who-dont-know-their-parent(s) community is that you can never be 100% sure that the person you’re fucking (or romancing, i suppose, not really my thing) isnt related to you. you just have to trust it. it gets worse when you tend to go for people who look similar to you (theres probably a freudian explanation for this problem of mine, but id rather forget the existence of freud). and it gets EVEN worse when you got OCD and now you keep spiralling about the fact there is a possibility you are doing incest rn. also does not help when your friend keep making jokes about that very possibility. anyways. im a very normal and well-adjusted individual. for sure.
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daybringersol · 11 hours
one of my pettiest pet peeves is people writing dialogue scenes and they’re like “he took a few minutes to [X]” and it’s like. do you truly realize how long a minute is?? and mid conversation?????
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daybringersol · 11 hours
Been meaning to say this for a while, but here's a not so gentle reminder that you don't have to be skinny, white and able bodied to be part of the nonhuman community.
Racism and ableism is sadly rampant in this community and I want this blog to be safe for the beings that feel excluded! If you want to, you can interact with this post if you are or your blog is safe for: fat, POC and disabled nonhumans. I wanna show some support, even if it's just a follow or a reblog here and there.
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daybringersol · 11 hours
The moment you start claiming that an oppressed group “loves to play the victim” you’ve already started walking down the pipeline to extremism and bigotry.
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daybringersol · 11 hours
shoutout to those of us with uncommon as fuck alterhuman types. no shame to the hundreds of thousands of wolves, vampires, and cats but i have never met another slime person like me and it kind of sucks
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daybringersol · 11 hours
Remember when someone got really mad at me because I said calling trans men bitches and fujoshis is misgendering.
“Bitch is gender neutral” yeah okay whatever helps you pretend to be a good person
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daybringersol · 11 hours
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daybringersol · 11 hours
so ur at the party right and there’s this girl in the corner with another girl on a leash with the puppy ears on standard stuff and u start talking to her and she introduces the girl on the leash and says “this is my little puppy, Emily. say hi Emily” and the leash girl does a little bark at u and u say “oh that’s nice” and ur looking for a way to avoid the awkward silence during a 4 second period that feels like a half hour so u ask “does she know any tricks?” so the girl says “come on girl, show ‘em” and the puppy girl gets up pulls out a skateboard and starts doing the sickest kick flips u ever saw
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daybringersol · 11 hours
what if we stopped giving characters strabismus as a funny joke. what if we stopped? what if we stopped. what if we stopped
why the fuck do i even need to say this. "it's googly eyes" no, real people look like that. and you know they do. i know you know they do
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ID: a graphic titled "strabismus (misaligned eyes) by Cleveland Clinic. there are 4 types of strabismus, each represented by a drawing of a person with it.
Hypotropia: eye points downward.
Exotropia: eye points outward.
Hypertropia: eye points upward.
Esotropia: eye points inward.
end ID
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