eggdesign · 2 months
I feel like I've been living a double life because I've just been posting batman drawings on my other account haha But my old code has been haunting me and I know I can do better
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eggdesign · 2 months
I have been so incredibly inactive, but I am making some major progress on rewriting findtags.
This brand new version will bring back some of the things missing in the current react version, like being able to navigate via the url with timestamps.
I know it's taking up a lot of time to compared to making a theme, but I feel so much better about this code than the old react version.
Also no more dangerouslySetInnerHTML for the text content because I hate using it (i'm parsing the string and recursively rendering each element instead)
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eggdesign · 5 months
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the air stays in my lungs, the bitter taste reminds me I'm not home
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eggdesign · 5 months
Easing myself back into posting because @glenthemes tagged me for listing 5 songs on repeat and I wanted to join in
Shift by Shinee Satellite by Shinee Heaven by Taemin (of Shinee) Masquerade by Versailles Aegen by Malice Mizer
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eggdesign · 6 months
I forgot to make an April fools theme this year 🥹
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eggdesign · 7 months
Only took 2 months but I'm coding outside of work again !
I've made progress on that comic book theme and also working on something for myself:
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hope everyone's new year went well! I'm still pretty drained but I'm starting to get inspired again. though this week has been kind of wild with my fridge and oven breaking, getting mild food poisoning, and now dealing with the soreness/tiredness of the covid shot. we'll see how I'm feeling this coming weekend if I have some energy to start making stuff again.
also I've been drawing a lot on my main but I'm too scared to post those here because they're all just batman characters and not related to themes at all. but just know it's been doing wonders for feeling creative again
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eggdesign · 9 months
hope everyone's new year went well! I'm still pretty drained but I'm starting to get inspired again. though this week has been kind of wild with my fridge and oven breaking, getting mild food poisoning, and now dealing with the soreness/tiredness of the covid shot. we'll see how I'm feeling this coming weekend if I have some energy to start making stuff again.
also I've been drawing a lot on my main but I'm too scared to post those here because they're all just batman characters and not related to themes at all. but just know it's been doing wonders for feeling creative again
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eggdesign · 9 months
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roll deep | preview , code
simple commissions page with anchor links for easy navigation
responsive design
sidebar with open/closed toggles, anchor links to every section
topbar with image, title page, links for follow, askbox and tumblr dashboard
header with title, text and quick links
contact section with icons for social media, dm link and email
terms section with text, numbered list, bullet point list, do/donts
prices section with optional type, price, image, text
how to commission/cancellation section with text, subtitles, numbered list and bullet point list
faq section with text, styled question and answer, tumblr askbox iframe
footer with last updated date
is something wong? need help? let me know! if you’d like, you can support me on paypal or ko-fi
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eggdesign · 9 months
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little stars
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eggdesign · 9 months
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[ Theme #11: TTYL ]
Preview + Install (Theme Garden) Live Preview + Static Preview + Code (GitHub)
A responsive, all-in-one theme that includes the option to hide the about, navigation, muses, following, and recently liked sections!
Day and night toggle button that will stay in the selected mode until it is turned off. A dark mode option is available for those who prefer a dark color scheme on their blogs instead of the default light colors. The day and night mode button will also change according to the scheme you are using.
6 sections are included in the theme (blog posts, an about me, navigation links, muses, following, and recently liked posts).
Left or right sidebar. Both layouts are responsive on multiple screens including mobile.
You can also choose icons that you like for various elements of the theme (i.e. the menu links in the sidebar) from Tabler Icons. Please refer to the theme guide linked below for more information.
Like and reblog buttons, a search bar, an updates tab, and a custom "Not Found" page.
A drop-down menu with 3 custom links.
Supports NPF posts and page links.
Instead of giving you a selection of post sizes to choose from, you can enter your desired post size (i.e. 500px or 40vw). The same applies to the sidebar.
A custom title and/or description. To activate the custom title and description options, just type anything in the text boxes "Custom Title" and "Custom Description."
You have the option to choose whether your accent colors will be a gradient or one color.
There is a selection of border styles and header styles to choose from.
Different sidebar images are optional. However, the first sidebar image that uses your header image as the default will always be visible on your blog. There is no option to hide it like the other sidebar image.
Show or hide tags on the index page.
The search bar will be hidden automatically if you have the option to hide your blog from search results enabled.
The following and recently liked sections will only work if you're using the theme on a primary blog. It will not work with side blogs. Please also make sure you have enabled the options to share your following and liked posts in your blog settings.
For an in-depth explanation and tutorial on how to customize the theme to your liking, please refer to the theme guide! Everything you need to know will be addressed there.
NPF Audio Player by @glenthemes
Tabler Icons by Paweł Kuna
See full list of credits here.
Please make sure to read the theme guide before sending in any questions about customization, thank you!
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eggdesign · 9 months
I know it’s not much in the face of everything but I have been finding hope & resilience in palestinian poetry these past few weeks and I created a google drive file of poetry collections by palestinian poets that I will keep updating as I keep on reading. I also recommend checking out @fiercynn’s palestinian poets series for more poets + poetry available online
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eggdesign · 9 months
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Iphs mygh bothrday
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eggdesign · 9 months
I know I have been very inactive recently, basically since around the 2nd half of the year. I am not sure when I will get motivation back, but I have disabled asks for now since I can't reliably answer them anytime soon. I finally have time off this coming week, but I will probably spend that time resting from work (It's my first week off in the last year I think?) I found a hobby outside of coding which is a nice change from coding at work and then coming home and coding. It's helped a lot with burnout! I hope everyone is doing well and hopefully I can get my inspiration/motivation back!
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eggdesign · 1 year
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Iconic Update
preview + install
Not really a revamp, just rewritten from scratch!
Given Iconic's reliance on legacy post types for styling, the rewrite modifies NPF posts to look like legacy posts for consistency. The theme's design hasn't changed, though I made some minor improvements for responsiveness.
If you notice any issues with this, please let me know!
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eggdesign · 1 year
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theme 86 / preview - code
theme with custom post and font size, unnested captions and a lot of colour options. dashboard-inspired post styling with full npf support.
sidebar with an image (275x180), one free link, title and description.
read my terms of use. please reblog if you plan on using!
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eggdesign · 1 year
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More UI updates to my blog playlist thing
The little header above the right side has a reblog button and a link directly to the post (using the op, though I may change it and just do the searched username)
If the url doesn't exist, then the header section will be hidden.
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eggdesign · 1 year
how did you learn coding?
I am pretty much entirely self taught as far as front end goes!
I started messing around with HTML and CSS with tumblr themes back in 2016-ish.
For javascript I looked at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ for a lot of documentation + examples. And also used codepen a lot to kinda reverse engineer existing snippets of code.
I also read a lot of https://css-tricks.com/
And for flexbox + css grid there's these:
After I got a good foundation of vanilla JS, I learned Vue for a little while and then moved on to React. The new react documentation is really good in my opinion so I definitely recommend reading that if you're interested in learning.
Most of my learning came from trial and error and working on projects that I was really excited about. I used to be so proud of findtags (the original version) which was in jquery...
The react version is miles ahead of it. And even then, the theme builder is also way ahead of findtags. I learned way more between those two projects than reading documentation alone!
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