elfboyeros · 22 hours
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elfboyeros · 23 hours
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Jeb Bush has finally been topped.
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elfboyeros · 23 hours
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i fucking hate them i fucking hate them i fucking love them i f
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elfboyeros · 2 days
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ׂ    🌊  ׅ      ☄️    𝅄    𝆬 🎧
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elfboyeros · 2 days
*sits in a pan with olive oil and carmelizes*
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elfboyeros · 2 days
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the sensei of all time <3
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elfboyeros · 3 days
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elfboyeros · 4 days
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ah yes, the two genders:
man and bath
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elfboyeros · 4 days
The Cat, The Mouse, And The Hydrangeas
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The first pure vampire in the past two centuries, Calypso Con Vester. has been the center of Gustave Batezatu's fantasies even before she was born. Familiar with his methods of trying to kidnap her since she was little, his attempts and tricks have accelerated as of recent causing concern from many in Calypso's inner circle.
First Chapter of Purus Sangruis please enjoy, I would really enjoy feedback and all the shit. Wanna read more of my work here: Big Masterlist
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Cat and mouse, often expressed as cat-and-mouse game, is an English-language idiom that means "a contrived action involving constant pursuit, near captures, and repeated escapes."
“Remember we have a funeral this afternoon, Calypso.”
“So, if you want to go home after your classes, tell Phillip now.”
Sitting in her parents' old Aston Martin DB5 with its modified backseats, where she could sit across from them, she tucked her black hair behind her ear as her cherry eyes scanned her notes. “Is it the Popescu’s?”
“Yes, Princess.”
“I’ll stop by the funeral home,” Calypso remarked, “Mrs. Popescu likes it when I play the piano.”
She looked up at her parents, her father, Wilhelm Con Vester, with white hair slicked back making him look distinguished, pale skin, and ruby-red eyes staring at her in kind same as her mother. Belladonna Con Vester, flashing her a gentle smile across her pale lips painted with a nice shade of red and tender crimson eyes. Her short black hair curling at the base of her neck, a significant amount of her hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes white from poliosis. Their arms were locked together with their fingers intertwined as they sat next to each other.
“That’s very sweet of you, Bunny,” Belladonna remarked.
“What time is it?” Calypso asked.
“It starts at 13:00,” Wilhelm answered.
“I’ll be there,” she replied, with a small smile before looking down at her outfit, a red and black, gothic looking, dress with bright red heels with black accents and trim, “I’ll need to change…” she added muttering, shuffling her feet a little bit.
“I’ll take care of it, bun,” Belladonna replied as the car stopped, and the young girl gathered her things, “Have a good day.”
“Thanks, momma,” Calypso muttered, “Love you.”
“Love you too Princess,” Wilhelm replied as Belladonna gave her daughter a wave while she got out of the car.
She stepped onto the Transilvania University of Brasov with its building tan coloring and Romanian architecture and walked into the buildings that she found quite beautiful, her heels clicking against the floor as she walked to her classes before she settled into a corner of the library with her laptop, textbooks, and notebooks taking her time study.
“Hey, Calypso!”
The young girl looked up from her laptop and saw a small group of 4 girls she used to go to private school with, approaching her, “Hi, Petronela, hi guys,” Calypso remarked, quietly addressing, the rather normal-looking girl who spoke to her.
“Sandra and Silvia are having their birthday party tonight,” Petronela said, gesturing to two other average-looking girls in the small group, “You never RSVPed to the card online, but you’re invited… if you wanna come.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t make it.”
“Come on Calypso,” Petronela scoffed, rolling her eyes, “You can’t be that busy.”
“Again, I’m sorry,” Calypso muttered, rummaging through her school bag, “my parents have funeral—”
“How long can a funeral be, really, your parents own the funeral home, I doubt they need you for anything.”
“I play piano,” Calypso looking at the college girl with narrow eyes through her lashes while still looking through her bag.
“I bet your parents can find another pianist!”
“Petronela, I’m playing piano for an elderly woman who just lost her husband,” Calypso stated as a matter of fact, before pulling two small rectangular boxes out of her bag.
“Okay, old people die all the time,” Petronela shrugged.
“She lost her brother 3 months ago, 6 months ago she lost her sister-in-law and her friend, a year ago she lost her son,” Calypso stated harshly. “Yeah, she’s an old woman, but she likes it when I play piano at funerals, so I’m sorry that I can’t make it a birthday party because I have more compassion than you!”
The other girl in the group of four gasped before snickering behind her hands as Petronela’s face turned red, “You’re a real bitch, Calypso. A boring bitch, with creepy parents who are your only friends.”
“Wow, my feelings are hurt,” Calypso scoffed, rolling her eyes, “what are we children?!”
“And of course, a bitch would buy birthday gifts for people as an apology for not going to their birthday party,” she added.
Calypso handed over the small boxes to Sandra and Silvia, the twin girls opened the small jewelry boxes relieving a silver bracelet with an S charm for Sandra and a gold bracelet with an S charm for Silvia, “They’re real, by the way,” she added.
“Thank you, Calypso!” Silvia chirped, putting her bracelet on.
“This is really nice, C, you didn’t have to do this,” Sandra remarked.
“I felt bad about not being able to come to the party,” Calypso shrugged with a smile.
“Thank you,” the twins said again.
“Again I’m sorry I can’t make it to your party,” Calypso added, as the four girls walked away from her before sighing and rubbing her face.
It’s not a complete lie.
She was playing piano at the funeral, but that was decided at the last minute. She had known that she wouldn’t being going to the party the moment the girls put out the online invitations, and it was because she disliked Sandra or Silvia, no that place in her heart was saved for Petronela. Calypso liked the twins enough to notice what kind of metals they liked in their jewelry.
No, she wasn’t going to keep those girls safe.
It’s always easier to stay away from people when there is always someone chasing after you. God forbid Calypso actually goes to the birthday party, and something happens to someone there, let alone the Birthday girls.
No, it’s safer if she doesn’t go.
“Excuse me.”
The young ravenette looked up from her blankly staring at her laptop meeting the light green gaze of a pearl white girl. Her long hydrangea blue hair cascaded over her shoulders, as she looked at Calypso almost somberly. Calypso continued to stare at her, she looked like a vision, a beautiful girl, dressed in a button-up shirt with an ivy-printed patterning, jean shorts, and boots,  wanting to talk to her of all the people in the library.
“Uhm… Hello…”
“Sorry, sorry,” Calypso muttered with her cheeks all flushed before channeling her father’s charm, “What can I help you with?”
“There is this guy that won’t leave me alone,” the girl explained, slightly gesturing to a normal yet creepy-looking guy attempting not to look suspicious behind bookshelves, “so I can just talk to you for a couple of minutes like we’re friends?”
“Uh, yeah,” Calypso answered with a smile, “I’m Calypso.”
“Hydrangea,” the girl said as she sat down making Calypso giggle, “What’s funny?”
Calypso’s face turned hot, “You just fit your name.”
“Yeah, my parents were very creative,” Hydrangea huffed.
“No, I meant…” Calypso said, seeing Hydrangea's unimpressed and annoyed look, “I meant that you look like a Hydrangea, I’m sorry.”
Hydrangea hummed a pink tint appearing on her cheeks, “So, where are you from?” Calypso asked, changing the topic.
“America, Specifically New York,” Hydrangea replied.
“What are you doing here? Did you transfer or…”
“Juilliard sent the orchestra and some professors here for an event in a few weeks,” The blue-haired girl explained, “I don’t remember all the specifics, but we’re here, we’re using this university, I guess, and I wish I was back home.”
“Do you not like Romania?”
Hydrangea shrugged, “I’ve only been here since Sunday, so I don’t really have an opinion, but I just wish I was home.”
“What instrument do you play?”
“The harp.”
Calypso hummed, “My mom likes the harp… well she likes most instruments.”
“My grandfather got my great aunt's harp when she died, that was when I was about 6,” Hydrangea explained, “Anytime I was at my grandparents how I would play, I basically taught myself.”
“My dad said it would be “beneficial” to learn an instrument, so I asked for Piano lessons, but I’m not a pro,” The ravenette replied before her phone vibrated in on the table next to her computer.
“You gotta go?” Hydrangea asked.
“Yeah,” Calypso muttered, beginning to pick her things up, “If I don’t leave now, I won’t make it to the funeral home in time to change.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Uh?” Calypso questioned, looking at Hydrangea while closing her school bag, “Oh no, my parents own the funeral home.”
“Oh,” Hydrangea breathed, “See ya, then.”
“Have a nice day, Hydrangea,” Calypso replied, with a smile.
As she walked for the exit, Hydrangea got up to catch up to the pale Romanian girl, “Wait, since you live here, can you tell me some cute little local places to visit?” the American girl asked.
“Sure,” Calypso chirped.
The two girls discussed the different cafés, bakeries, little shops, and other interesting places to visit while in Brașov, before exiting the university and out onto the sidewalk, “Hopefully I’ll see you around,” Hydrangea commented.
“Do you want to exchange numbers and mayb…” Calypso stopped mid-sentence seeing someone dressed in all black and red approaching her and Hydrangea.
It’s not that hard, Maxime.
“Calypso, you okay?”
Just grab her, it won’t be difficult. I grab her here, her parents won’t worry about her for hours.
Calypso slung her bag to the ground quickly slipping off her shoes and tossing them in it before grabbing Hydrangea’s hand, “We gotta run!”
“What?! Calypso, What’s going on?!” Hydrangea exclaimed as Calypso dragged her along the streets of Brașov.
“Please trust me,” Calypso huffed before pulling Hydrangea into an alley.
Hydrangea huffed hunched over with her hands on her knees, “What the… fuck was that… all about…”
“It’s hard to explain.”
Hydrangea looked at Calypso through her blue lashes, with narrow eyes and a stern gaze, “Try and explain it!”
“It’s my parents there rather… prolific…”
“Prolific funeral homeowners?”
“Something like that.”
“So, a random gothic girl pulled me in an alley because her parents are prolific funeral homeowners, yeah that makes so much sense,” Hydrangea scoffed.
Calypso sighed, “It’s not like that.”
Hydrangea crossed her arms across her chest, “Well, I’m listening.”
“You know the classic, famous parents with stalkers that want to kidnap their only daughter,” the ravenette commented awkwardly.
“So, you pulled me into an alley because your parents have stalkers,” Hydrangea mocked, “Yeah, look, I don’t have time for the stupid shenanigans. Sorry you're having to deal with this shit, I gotta go.”
The harpist turned to leave the alley before Calypso grabbed her hand, “Wait!”
“Calypso, leave me go.”
“Just give me a second, please,” Calypso pleaded, before closing her eyes.
Quieting all of the voices around her in her mind including Hydrangea’s mental complaints of her current situation, attempting to find the thoughts of the man that was trying to nab her.
Mind reading is rather useful when random individuals have tried to kidnap you since birth.
Where did they go?
She couldn’t have gone that far
Where is she and her little friend?!
Gustave is going to kill me when I get back to France!
God Damnit! I have to go back empty-handed, shit?!
“You can go,” Calypso muttered, “I’m sorry, I did all this.”
“What did you just do, how do you know it’s safe?”
“Would you believe me if I told you?”
“Try me anyway.”
“I was reading the thoughts of people in the area to find the guy that was chasing us,” Calypso explained, “I’m pretty sure he gave up.”
“You really have telepathy powers? What are you some kind of witch?”
“Something like that.”
“That’s your favorite thing to say,” Hydrangea mocked.
Calypso sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” The blue-haired girl sighed, leaving the alley, “Don’t get hurt.”
Calypso sighed, leaning against one of the walls of the alley, “Of course, I had to make things weird,” she muttered to herself before slowly exiting the alley and running barefoot to the family funeral home.
She slammed the large dark oak door shut as she entered the quiet funeral home, resting against the door panting, and the back of her head resting against the wood as she stared at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath.
“What was that all about, now?” Wilhelm questioned concerningly as he exited his office, “Princess! Are you okay?”
Calypso huffed looking over at her father and his worried gaze, “Sometimes I hate that you and momma are such famous vampires.”
“Bunny, what's wrong?” Belladonna asked, emerging from another room in the funeral home, “Where are your shoes?”
She held up her book bag, “I was chased again.”
Belladonna and Wilhelm a worried glance at one another, as Calypso straightened back up, “I need aspirin,” the young girl muttered before walking off to where she knew her parents kept such items.
“Not now, Mein Schwan.”
“But, he’s—”
Wilhelm looked at Belladonna with a soft gaze, yet Belladonna knew that behind the softness in his eyes, he was pleading with her not to have this conversation here. His soft demands do not go unnoticed, “Not here, we’ll talk about it later, just not now.”
She nodded going off to find her daughter and help her get ready for the funeral. Concluding the funeral early into the evening, still playing the piano well after everyone had left filling the funeral home with the soft sounds of the piano before leaving, flopping into bed after a nice hot shower, rethinking every interaction she had with the beautiful Hydrangea before falling asleep in her pink and violet plush palace.
“What are we going to do, Wilhelm?” Belladonna sighed.
“I don’t know, mein schwan,” Wilhelm answered with a sigh climbing into bed beside her, “
We can’t just lock her away, maybe we need to get her security.”
“Or hire a hit on Gustave,” Belladonna commented harshly.
“What?! Oh, you don’t want to murder the man who has been tormenting us for the past 18 years, the man who wants to snatch up our daughter and drink her dry?! Truly who would it harm if he died?!” Belladonna ranted.
Wilhelm sighed, “Belladonna, we have morals—”
“Fuck morals that man wants to steal away our daughter!”
“I’m not hiring a hit on a man that can easily kill the hitman and then send one on us and be successful,” Wilhelm stated sternly, “I will make some calls tomorrow, will figure it out… We’ll keep her safe.”
Belladonna huffed, “I hope you’re right.”
Calypso was still replaying her interactions with Hydrangea when she was walking into the library to her regular spot, finding the same blue-haired American girl she had selfishly dreamt about the night before.
“Can I sit?” Calypso asked.
“Please,” Hydrangea replied before the ravenette sat across from her, “ I wanted to apologize for yesterday.”
“No, I should apologize,” Calypso retorted, “I’m the one that dragged you into an alley.”
“I was also not very sympathetic to your plight,” Hydrangea added. “I have no idea what it is like to be stalked and chased.”
“It’s not that fun,” Calypso commented.
“I would really like to start over, if I’m gonna be here for a month I would like to at least enjoy my time here that isn’t spent in practicing or rehearsing,” Hydrangea explained, “Friends and I don’t mix, but you seem rather… eccentric…”
“My mom has said that eccentric is just a pretty word for odd,” Calypso giggled.
Hydrangea’s cheeks became flushed, “I wasn’t trying to call you odd.”
“It’s fine. Better than being called creepy.”
“Well, you are a little creepy,” Hydrangea joked.
“Hey,” Calypso laughed loudly, before being shushed.
“Shush, you in a library,” Hydrangea whispered, “That barely has anyone in it.”
Calypso giggled once more before continuing her conversation with Hydrangea, completely forgetting about any classwork she wanted to get done before going home.
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elfboyeros · 4 days
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holy fuck.
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elfboyeros · 4 days
Jokes on you because I've been lying, at chapter isn't finished lol
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elfboyeros · 4 days
Let me log in AO3 LET ME LOG IN AO3
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elfboyeros · 4 days
This was the worse day to try and finish my Purus Sanguis chapter
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elfboyeros · 4 days
Yes, it sucks ass but I'm glad to pop my head into the AO3 tag and see I'm not the only one having issues
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elfboyeros · 4 days
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lil baby hippo
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elfboyeros · 4 days
Thinking about how I made Belladonna and Wilhelm unhappy until they found each other
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elfboyeros · 4 days
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I forgot I have this
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