exusemedidistutter · 9 months
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exusemedidistutter · 3 years
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exusemedidistutter · 4 years
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I’m back xx
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exusemedidistutter · 4 years
Just needed somewhere to get it out. It’s ben a year since the guy I’m in love with broke up with me and it’s been really hard especially as of lately. Him and I are a very complicated situation and long story and I have no one to talk to about it because they would never understand or really care to. I have a best friend I try to talk about it to but he’s also my only former boyfriend who also dumped me so it’s really hard to feel comforted. I’ve just wanted to feel loved by the person I love.
hey hon x I haven’t posted in a long time, but I saw your anon and I just had to tell you something. It absolutely sucks when the person you love doesn’t love you back. There’s no beating around the bush. But everything happens for a reason. Maybe it’s not your time to be together yet, or maybe he’s not the one, and it’s painful to be experiencing what you are right now. But it will work out, I promise darling. All things work together for good x if you need to vent or someone to listen, hit my line. I got you. You are never alone.
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
I’m in a bit of a predicament. I’m in love. I have been since May of this year. We met at school and seeing him everyday was the best thing in the whole world. I had to change schools though. He was the first person I told. I haven’t seen him in almost 5 months, but up until two weeks ago we texted and called each other everyday. We have such a strong and real connection. He told me I’m all he has. Any way. He hasn’t texted or called. He randomly texted me “I love you.” Nothing else. Help?
It sounds like you guys aren’t communicating very well as of late. You should try texting him or even calling, asking him what’s been going on. Not in an accusing way, but a generally curious way, like “hey what’s been up? we haven’t talked much..life been busy?” And have an open mind to whatever comes next. Be open and accepting and hopefully he’ll let you in :)
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
How do you know that you fall in love? I’m in a relationship but I don’t think I felt in love with him.
It sounds cliche and cheesy but- when you’re in love, you just know it. Love is different for everybody, because everyone has different perceptions and standards of what love is and what love should be. But when YOU fall in love, you will know. It’s just electric. There’s no better way to describe it. 
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
Will you guys ever post a picture together on here
I mean, how many of you would like to see a picture of us? Xx
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exusemedidistutter · 5 years
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