forgottenarthur · 15 days
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forgottenarthur · 15 days
ooc || unnecessary head cannons about Marian's fam!!!
First! per her bio: marian is the eldest of twelve children though 2 siblings did not survive since infancy
...and I feel like these are the few things we've sort of decided are canon-ish about her family: - her father is influential, power hungry - sort of xenophobic (or at least when it comes to foreign wives of the emperor!), - is/was in a sort of battle for political power and influence w/ rian's dad.
I've mentioned that I had the thought Marian has been trying and failing to get her own family into a sort of, for lack of a better term, inner circle position within the imperial court-- sort of like godfrey & tristan-- but has clearly not been as successful with it since Amira gets ALL the brothers around and Marian gets NONE, haha! :) i do think maybe her father has strong opinions on where her brothers end up and while he's not going to tell Roderick "thanks but no thanks!" he's def set a lot of her siblings up
so that being said: I am not married to ANY of this, just some thoughts that have rattled around in my brain!
all (or most?) of marian's other siblings are brothers. (i figured most would be likely since i doubt roderick is attracted to marrying a daughter of a family of mostly girls? i doubt he understands genetics, haha, and would more likely be open to the marriage if most of the siblings were boys!)
if any of her siblings are sisters, marian doesn't particularly get along with them? (why am i imagining metaphorical sister wants to be set up w/ alaric and marian is putting up all the roadblocks?)
her eldest brother, obviously, is set to inherit the family seat & title & probably has a seat on whatever council is governing their home country
at least one of the brothers is set up as steward/castellan/ governing force/ whatever of one of the smaller (smallest?) countries that roderick has conquered.
marian isn't particularly close to her eldest brother, but is closest with one of her middle brothers (he's maybe 8-ish years her junior?) this is the brother she is often hoping roderick will bring to astaira or add to his council (or whatever).
her youngest brother, who was like 4 or so when marian married roderick, is secretly and desperately in love with Guineviere.
a brother did something sort of idiotic a couple years ago which is part of the reason more of her family hasn't gained holdings in Astaira as roderick is reminded of it from time to time mysteriously (spoiler: its because of Amira)
another her brother is a rather accomplished knight and she has been trying to maneuver him into the kingsguard OR her own/Cassandra's personal guard.
one of her brothers dotes on cassandra and is always sending her presents and fabrics for dresses or things he'll know she will love!
maybe there's another brother who is a merchant or in a naval force or something and has been to astaira in the past... possibly harboring some secret affection for some girl he met there who might be a Calleary or a Lorcan or something!
i imagine marian hears from her father often and he tries to play things through her w/ roderick... which works sometimes? but i do think she is concern w/ her kids enough that she has started to ignore things from her dad which, maybe, causes some friction?
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forgottenarthur · 21 days
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Margaret Atwood, from a poem titled "Four Evasions," featured in You Are Happy
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forgottenarthur · 22 days
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A YEAR IN THE LONG FORGOTTEN REALM arthur's favorite interaction: [ aftermath ]
“Why in the name of the gods does it matter to you what I think of you?”
“Would you have ever considered doing such a thing on your own?” she stalked towards him again, “Tell me, Your Imperial Highness, have you really spent time in the city since your arrival? Assessed the damage your father’s war inflicted on the citizens of this country? Tried to help rebuild and better their lives? Well? Have you?”
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forgottenarthur · 22 days
Untitled Headcanon Questions
Part I You can replace the 'your muse' with the name of the muse you're asking. A random assortment of headcanon questions to send to receiver's muse and help both you and them get to know their muse better. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
What can completely break your muse?
What has your muse witnessed in their lives that has fundamentally changed them?
What is your muse's relationship with sex and/or sexual intimacy?
What is a habit your muse has, which they consider perfectly normal, but others think is weird?
Does your muse believe in marriage? Do they ever want to get married?
What is a dream and/or a nightmare your muse had and can't forget?
What is your muse's relationship with their parent/s (can be biological, adoptive, found family or otherwise)?
What does your muse do to pass the time?
What did your muse want to be when they were a child? Would their child self be happy with what they are now?
Does your muse have any pets?
In what ways does your muse express their love to someone else (platonic, familial, romantic, sexual or otherwise)?
What is your muse's favorite hobby/ies? Are there any hobbies they tried but never got the hang of?
If they could go anywhere in the world right now, where would your muse go on a vacation by themselves?
What is inside your muse's pockets/bag/purse/backpack/etc. right now?
Where does your muse feel most comfortable at?
What is your muse's favorite quote, and why?
What does your muse do in their routine to take care of themselves (physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise)?
What is your muse's favorite piece of clothing in their wardrobe?
What is your muse's favorite food dish? Are they able to make it themselves?
How does your muse prefer someone else confess their love to them, if they want to at all?
How would your muse confess their love to someone?
Who does your muse consider as a good friend, and why?
What would be your muse's last words be if they died right now?
What is a promise someone made to your muse and broken it that your muse never forgot about?
What is your muse's relationship with their sibling/s (can be biological, adoptive, found family or otherwise)?
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forgottenarthur · 25 days
has anybody else been struggling with thoughts
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forgottenarthur · 27 days
Storm at the Gates | Arthur & Aria
"They're out there!" Arthur stabbed a finger in the direction. "They're at our gates! This requires a resolution and I can give it! Please! Father! Now is the time! Let me--"
"NO!" boomed the emperor. Roderick Varmont's gaze was steel, tooth to tooth in full snarl. "You will do nothing of the sort. This is not a matter requiring imperial intervention."
Breath hissed between his clenched teeth. "Once before, Father, I stood in this position while a riot overtook the people in my charge. I cannot stand by--"
"MY charge!" declared Roderick, rising from his throne. "These people are no concern of yours, boy! And there is no trouble here! You will report to safety and you will do nothing. That is an order!"
Arthur's shoulders hunched. He couldn't slow the pounding in his chest. He tore his gaze away, towards the sandstone floor. "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty," he bit out, at last, tracing a cursory bow and stalking out of the room.
All around him, shrieks echoed through the corridors. This was wrong, he thought. All wrong. All his life, Arthur had trained, sword in hand, heavy armor banding his body like a steel glove. He was meant to be a warlord. He was meant to fight, not to cower behind stone. The gates boomed. They were pushing against them.
Even at Kil-Kennar he'd not hidden. At Kil-Kennar, he'd led the charge, when he might have quelled them, instead. The great gates shook. Arthur balled his fists. He was naked without his sword. Without his armor. And Kil-Kennar was all around him. He smelled the metallic tang of blood. The battered gates boomed in his chest. Screams echoed in his earts. It was all come again. Aine's bright red blood splashed upon Daybreak's gleaming blade and too-hot upon his own face. Weeping, screaming. Even then he might have spared lives. Even then...
Boom, boom! The gates clanked and clattered and Arthur had not even a sword.
'Hold fast!' some past version of him had barked to his men. The people howled outside. They wanted blood, red as the banners he'd used to claim Kil-Kennar. His men were praying. Pleading. There were far too few.
'We fight for our emperor!' Arthur had shouted. 'We fight for our lives! And we fight for our god! Hold fast and take heart, for there are no greater warriors in all the world! Today, all who raise their swords with me are sons of our divine emperor, my own brothers in bloodshed! Emmissaries of the true god, your deeds shall never be forgot!' He had them, now. He could feel it. When he had finished speaking, Arthur unsheathed Daybreak, turning towards the shivering gates. 'Those men are calling for blood. Let's give it to them!'
His words has swayed them. He knew it well. The cowering men had taken heart, rising, a hundred swords unsheathing with his own. But the consequences had been terrible. They were all of them -- soldier and rioter, alike -- his people. His responsibility. Every drop of blood had been his own, every broken bone, and every life forever altered. If he had only spoken out to the crowd...
He still might. They were at the gates, again, crying out for justice. He had taken justice from them before. But this time...this time it could all put to rights. Aine's life could not be restored, but the Stafford name could! How could it be worth all this bloodshed? Arthur turned back towards the room he'd just left, about to march back into his father's presence, but he recalled, then, his emperor's final words. If he spoke, now, it would not be with the voice of the god. It would be his own mortal hubris. It would be a sacreligious betrayal of his own true emperor, the God's own Champion. He could not.
Still and half shivering, Arthur turned his back upon the shuddering gate. He felt sick, nausea rising towards the crown of his heart with each heartbeat. He darted for the stairs. There was nothing he could do out there but, he reminded himself, there was something he might still do within these high walls. He knew where the women and children would be sheltered. he could take charge of the guard, he could see to it that they were all kept safe within the walls. He breathed a little easier at the thought, yet still the booms shrieked in his ears. Up and up and up he wound, mind turning over to his mother, his sister...and to Aria. The Queen and the Princess would be well protected, he had no doubt, his father's men would die defending them, if needs must, but Aria? Where was she? Who would look to her safety beyond keeping charge over some kind of prize?
Sucking in a deep breath, Arthur ran up and up and up, taking two stairs at a time. He had to find her. The first two places he looked, she was not, but at last he came to a small room, high above and replete with windows. Fear was a bird hovering just at his heart, weightier and weightier with every room he checked. God, he prayed. God, save her. He couldn't let her be hurt no matter what, but even worse to think of her injured with the way they'd left things after the Ice Ball! Yet, as he came into the room, his prayers were answered. There stood Eilionora and Aria. His heart was in his mouth to see her so close to danger.
"What are you thinking?!" barked Arthur at the guards, storming into the room. "Get them away from the windows! These rabble-rousers have projectiles! It's not safe!"
Eyes widening, the guards jumped to attention, moving in towards the women, but as soon as they moved to draw them from the windows, Eilionora resisted. Arthur ignored them all, stepping up to Aria, himself, and pulling her away, towards a dark corner of the room while the soldiers dealt with her struggling sister.
"What were you thinking?!" demanded Arthur, hands fluttering anxious across her waist, her arms, her shoulders, her head with its crown of ebony hair, searching for any wounds. She was so slight, her eyes wide, and his heart was a hammer, hands frantic in their search. What would he do if something had happened?
But he couln't think of that, couldn't think at all, as the weight of her eyes fell upon his. His questing hands slowed. Her cheeks were flushed, eyes bright. She looked at him. He couldn't breathe. Her breath was warm. One hand stopped at her waist, pulling her close. The other touched her face. The heat of her satin skin. His thumb gently traced the sweep of her cheek. He tucked a strand of unruly hair behind her ear. "Are you all right?"
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forgottenarthur · 27 days
@forgottencassandra @forgottenfiona also if we ~did burn down malconaire I feel like the guardian tree would remain which could reveal the gateway to getting to the sword and feed directly into ~that plotline but idk if we wanna do that or not haha cost/payoff analysis etc 😂😂😂
@forgottengodfrey thinking abt this more and I imagine thanks to @forgottenciara Godfrey has full psychological profiles going of the various resistance members for just this purpose and I feel like he might feel like @forgottenaoife might be the key to this whole situation so I was thinking if this is post witch trials Godfrey probs would’ve offered the malconaires a place to stay whether w him or using his ships to smuggle them somewhere or whatever etc!! But point is if they took him up tbc
On this he probs has tokens from they and I can def see him blackmailing Ronan w that basically
Esp aoife bc lbr Ronan would do anything for those girls but aoife esp
@giadesstrin lasjflasjf man there is so much going on here/so many options for the fallout! I do think a lot of it will all depend on how ~exactly~ these characters end up reacting to all of this BUT as for the fate of Malconaire, while I would HATE to see it burn/be destroyed, I can totally see that happening at some point (I'm not crying, you are crying!) but at the same time I do love the idea that they try to destroy it and it can't be destroyed!
@phabblebabbles @forgottenronan whatever happens you KNOW that THE TREE is safe through all of it lasjflasjfsf
@lizzysrps that tree is a survivor 👏👏👏
@forgottenronan @phabblebabbles the best part about all of this is that all of this chaos/death/destruction/betrayal/fighting could have all been avoided if cassandra wasn't an idiot b/c you know she did something stupid to get captured in the first place
@lizzysrps @giadesstrin AHH! omg! so many amazing things here! Okay i LOVE the idea that roderick tries to burn malconaire & can't!! (I would also be upset a completely fictional place we've all created got imaginary burned to the ground!!!) If @forgottensaoirse tries to orchestrate a prison break for Cassandra, count Fiona IN on that plot! (and probably trying to drag Finn in on it too even if he's decided he's on Ronan's side!) Also feel like this happening post TBC
post the witch nonsense could be interesting for the resistance bc they'll be extra heated after what happened w/ the Malconaire girls + the opportunity to snatch Cassandra and give Roderick a taste of his own medicine in retaliation! (ALSO the idea the Godfrey is hiding the ladies out somewhere as part of his master plan-- ahh!)
@phabblebabbles @lizzysrps poor cassandra!!!! I def feel like she was in over her head the instant roderick decided he should take her from the og varmont nation bc he just…did noT prepare her in any way shape or form at allll 😭 the guardians last stand tho 🥺🥹 roderick gonna be so heartbroken when his favorite thing (fire) don’t come through for him this time 😭😂 omg saoirse/Fiona/forced!finn dream team 😂😂 saoirse: we’re literally betraying Ronan! We can’t have an unwilling participant! Tbc
Yasssss i def think that malconaire AND roderick will defff be more raw after the witch thing! I feel like it probs informs and Influences ronans choices here re cassandra too! Sdgjkhfddh Godfrey out here like ‘everything is falling apart according to plan!’ 😌
@giadesstrin @forgottencassandra also, no real relevance to the plot, but Marian is going to be INCONSOLABLE the entire time cass is in trouble and as I’m typing this potentially is telling Arthur he needs to go find her?!
@giadesstrin @forgottencassandra Marian’s going to be DEMANDING Cass is sent back to og varmont nation the second she’s rescued! Escorted by a thousand soldiers! To stay in the safest castle!!
@phabblebabbles @forgottencassandra ok but im getting emo bc like???? the mother/son unity here???? like the SECOND arthur hears cassandra is missing he's saddling up he's on his way out and meanwhile at the second marian is hearing it she's like ARTHUR NEEDS TO GO and they just...same brainwave like?????? roderick might not be a family person but his (third) family sure is!!!!!! and IM EMOOOOO lkjsfalkjsdfkjdsf <333333 also omg lkasjdfkljdsf marian like NO MORE OF tbc
THIS meanwhile her hubby unfortunately thinks that'd be a show of weakness to have her 'run away' as if the divine emperor 'cannot protect her!' and won't let her go and SOB
@forgottenronan ahh their little family that Roderick keeps trying to interfere with 🩷🩷🩷 and Marian is def going to be freaking out TWO of her kids (at minimum!) are in danger now but if Roderick’s soldiers can’t protect Cassandra, obvs Arthur is the ONLY ONE who can! Also sorry @forgottencassandra you’re basically never going anywhere alone ever again is Marian had anything to day!
@phabblebabbles marian's absolute faith in arthur! SOBBBB!!! omg do you think it'll make her feel guilty, since she reinforced the need for arthur to go (and he didn't necessarily? mention that he was already going, perhaps?) when he gets injured/almost dies (thanks for the save, princess! <3)? alternately i can also see arthur tryna conceal from her that that injury occurred so she ~doesn't have to feel that way (idk that itd work but yeah) lasdkjfkjsdf cassandra tbc
never alone again!!!!!! lkajsfkljsdf cillian like BUT HOW'M I GONNA APOLOGIZE ABT ALL THIS NOWWWWWW (cue him probs legit scaling the side of the castle to her window and probs NOT receiving a v warm welcome from @forgottencassandra i would guess hahahaha)
@forgottenarthur oooo that is a good question! I DO think she would completely blame herself if he was injured! But if he’s healed before he comes back healed then maybe she doesn’t know?! I dunno! So many ways we could go!
@forgottenmarian @forgottenarthur I feel like Sebastian would also wanna go w/ Arthur tbh like his baby sister is in danger!!! but idk if marian would want him to go?? and risk loosing all of her kids in 1 fell swoop??!
@forgottensebastian she’d probably not stop him? Because they’re Cassandra’s brothers and knights and that’s what they SHOULD do but also she’d be a wreck the whole time about it!
@forgottensebastian @forgottenmarian omg it is kinda ironic bc like...this is in a way everything cass thinks she wants...her father and brothers waging a war from a maddened warrior w secret identities involved and like...but also its not at! all!!! her secret bf lied to her, her mother is in hysterics, she's in the clutches of a homeless man who wants to kill her and his cronies...and meanwhile marian's literally forced to sit around and watch her husband and sons tbc
ride away knowing that if things go wrong literally her ENTIRE family might be wiped out in one fell swoop likeeee tsdkjaflkjdsf god what an awful position for both the women in this family!!!! they're both just having to wait and watch and hope that someone else acts bc they've been stripped of the ability to do it themselves one way or another and SOB
OOC | Ronan & Cassandra
fun fact! ur not!bf's big brother wants to kill you </3 #datingproblems
lkasdjfkldjsf hi, so, cassandra has never hurt a fly but ronan is convinced she is evil and needs to go! i do think he's a touch less vitriolic abt the varmont women (including the queens even tho amira might literally be the worst of alllll the varmonts slfkjaksldjfkjsf but here we are) bc i think he is aware that women in the varmont empire have less agency so he doesn't blame them for anything, and he frankly feels terrible for them and believes they're just pawns, but he does believe that no matter what they have to die bc as long as roderick's kids survive, so does a vestige of his evil empire and that must be smashed no matter what so yeahhhh
i do think he'd try to make her death as quick and painless as possible, but he does def want her dead sooooo that's fun lkajsdfkjdsf
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forgottenarthur · 27 days
OOC | Arthur & Aria
so i just wanted to jot this down somewhere its searchable bc!!!!!!! thisis so huuuuuge for them both i feel like!!!!!!!
giadesstrin Not her two first thoughts being if Eilia and arthur 😩😩😩 @forgottenarias forgottenarias @giadesstrin she's REAL MAD at herself that she even DEIGNED to think of arthur in that moment. how DARE her brain! giadesstrin @forgottenarias how dare her brain 😩😩😩 arthur meanwhile def assumes no onE would think of him first — roderick thinks of roderick, Marian thinks of cassandra (as she should!) as does probably the entire rest of the family, and Arthur’s got this but yeah — he tells himself this is a good thing bc ppl know he can take care of himself but it secretly makes him feel v lonely and it certainly wouldn’t occur to him that he might increasingly be one of the first ppl aria thinks of adfhhdsd
phabblebabbles @giadesstrin arias def about to spiral a bit I realized— now she is w Eilia and knows she’s safe (so by extension Aria is too bc safety = Eilia for her!) and they’re watching their people get slaughtered which is def upsetting but her mind is just also repeating ‘where is he where is he’ until she sees him (I assumed they’re all in the castle? Marian would def be begging Roderick not to send their sons into the fray!) but then she’s gonna be MAD she wasted thoughts on him when he’s fine and tbc Her people are not when she finally sees him so she’ll not outwardly be relieved at all and probably say smth kinda rude while she’s internally it’s the opposite. I’m realizing as I type this that this might be one of the first times she’s like “oh no feelings!” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Also while saying nothing abt it to her sister the whole time ofc
giadesstrin @phabblebabbles sgjkjfdfg omg love that for them (& us)! I do think roderick wants to sweep this under the rug & he feels that to field the princes would make the riot seem important (which it is NOT!!!!…to him…) so honestly Marian will have no problem convincing him on that one & so roderick would forbid arthur (but arthur would wanna go! A good knight & prince should defend! Is his thinking & he (probs erroneously) thinks he can talk the ppl down bc he’s faced riots before! And he knows TBC What he ~wishes he’d done back at kil-kennar (that all haunts him!) and this feels like a redo, like he could fix it (he couldn’t)! And save lives this time! But anyway!!! @phabblebabbles hit send too early 😂 and so this is def gonna be tough for him. He s not accustomed to standing and watching — if his men are in danger he should be right there beside him so frankly all this put together and he’s kinda going through it, smth to which he reacts w anger so frankly!!!! I’d she tops this off w a rude remark that could lead to an argument afjkkjfdfh but honestly??!! That might not be an entirely bad thing bc it gives him an outlet and he is the say things in TBC Anger type (both things he does and things he does NOT mean 🤦‍♀️😂) tho so??!?!!? Who knows?!!??!? @phabblebabbles also Eilia = safety for Aria 😩😩😩 these girls I swear 🥹🥹🥹
phabblebabbles @giadesstrin i'm realizing more and more that Aria is internally WAY more dependant on other people that i kind of thought? and she def tries to hide it but i think she actually doesn't have as strong of an opinion of herself/abilities as I initially thought so she gets this strength from people around her (like how she tends to base her actions on Eilia's actions bc thats her big sister! the queen!) and she felt she needed to be that for Siobhan and whether or not tbc Siobhan actually NEEDED that in her life, aria didn't feel like she was ever that for her (which ALSO goes back to aria's many reluctance to leave w/ siobhan) aria's actually more internally scared than i thought initially, too, but she can't! burden! eilia! so she doesn't talk about it. potentially in the future in the ULTIMATE betrayal (i think half in her mind but also kinda real?) is that eilia = safety but ALSO arthur = safety (in maybe a different way?) which tbc which aria is going to do mental gymnastics about for days i swear a therapist could be making BANK in this castle XD @giadesstrin aslkdhlsf so many message but idk why i'd just had this idea aria & arthur ended up in some epic fight after the ice ball (maybe we discussed it and i forgot? -facepalm-) but i DO remember the idea that she finally hears some sort of half version of what happened @ Kil-Kennar that night so honestly i could def she her throwing out some barb abt it in reference to the riots when she's trying to pretend she's not relieved he's safe (emotions! BOO!) tbc and unintentionally hitting that nerve as well as just being kinda rude which ultimately gets them BOTH their current favorite form of communication: fighting abt things ;) side note i DO still think if/when they actually talk abt kil kennar and she understands what he did and why he did it she's going to change her tune a bit... even if he still thinks it was the wrong choice
giadesstrin @phabblebabbles KAAAAATE!!!!! Im!!!!!! OBSESSEDDDDDDD!!!!!! Not them as mystic mirrors to e/o tryna define themselves by other ppl while pretending they got it all figured out and 😩😭😩😭😩😭 meSS!!!!!! (Also that therapist developing some neuroses just tryna deal w all the stuff they’re being subjected to w all the cognitive dissonance in this castle 😩😂) tbc (sorry at work so just tryna reply as I can 😂😂😂) Also never neverrrrr hesitate to send me a ton of replies I eat them uP!!!!!! phabblebabbles @giadesstrin imagining that therapist just sort of wide eyed drinking w/ the gardeners from the orangery like "wtf is this place." XD also apologies in advance to you and @lizzysrps bc this whole day is paper writing and then throwing open another browser and decompressing with rambling about LFR nonsense when I need a break! XD
giadesstrin @forgottenarias Aria tryna be sister and mother and guide and Princess to her lil sister bc that’s what ~she wanted tho 😩😩😩 ughhhh my angel!!!! Again that ~duty~ over all running through house stafford 🥺😩 gets me every time!!!! And then feeling guilty that arthur can be her safety too!!! And the irony that it’d mean everything to him to be able to be that for her!!!! But she feels like a criminal wanting it 😭😭😭 I feel like this is also really interesting bc I feel like it’s probs different TBC ~types of safety they offer, like Eilia’s whole thing is doing the right thing™️ no matter what and I feel like there’s gotta be a lot of certainty to come from that esp w familiarity and family and the continuity of Astairan culture baked in, but arthur doesn’t frankly have a firm grasp of what the right thing even is thanks to his dad (tho he does try to find it and do that!) but what he offers is absolute loyalty paired w I think a unique way he can understand her. Eilia does def feel v TBC Inadequate but she tries to crush that under her heel bc she’s simply what they’ve got so she just has to move forward is her whole thing yknow? So she can’t stop to help aria work through that bc she’s pushing past it herself. And ironically that’s the v safety she offers. Arthur tho? He’s searching w every breath he takes and l, unlike Eilia, he’s lacking any real guidelines beyond whatever Roderick’s latest mood happens to be so he also places his faith in ppl. He’d do anything for someoneTBC he cares abt and a big example of this? Kil-Kennar and I honestly love therefore the idea that that’s the thing that holds the biggest power to drive a wedge between them is also symbolically the v same struggle they’re ~both enduring: putting their strength and confidence and loyalty into others bc they don’t feel they can do that for themselves like…adgjjgfgjjh the SUBTEXT we could imbue there!!! It’s the thing that knits them together, that makes them each a mirror to the other!!! And TBC It’s also the unforgivable sin that comes between them, layered even MORE bc she is a witch too like!!!! AHHHHHHHH Anyway I’m excited shkkgdgjjgh @phabblebabbles also also the fact that like…Aria needing Eilia to be that to her gives Eilia the strength and confidence to be that for Astaira too likE afhkhfgjjh bc if someone as amazing as aria needs her and gets smth out of her then it’s 1) worth it to step up and 2) she’s clearly doing a great job bc aria is AMAZING @phabblebabbles @lizzysrps the therapist: ‘I went to school for this! I’ve done years of it! I thought I was prepared…’ gardeners: ‘we all imagined that I’m afraid’ OmG soooooo excited to be ur outlet!!!!! I wanna read it allllllll!!!!!!
phabblebabbles @giadesstrin i def agree that's there a different sort of safety between eilia & arthur for her!! i think for so long its always been eilia in that role (which is like... mental/emotion and not necessarily physical safety bc obv there were guards,etc that represented that!) and in their current situation eilia IS that one thing that connects her to ~before and is this sort of moral guide to what she should do! but w/ arthur i think the more they talk the more she tbc identifies w/ him bc YES they are similar!! they're both in radically different ways living extremely uncertain lives rn-- him w/ the uncertainty of being his fathers heir or not (also if he ends up dead thanks to amira or not!) and she literally has NO idea what the future holds for her-- if Eilia marries Roderick, what happens to her? Is her entire life just being a prisoner in this castle? Does she serve a purpose is Roderick marries her sister or does he just get TBC rid of her? (we of course know roderick has his own ideas but i doubt he's said down to lay out a 5 year plan for her ;) plus he HAS sort of been her ally in those small ways like the whole orphanage business and convincing roderick to let the staffords out of the castle post riot! like if the threat is roderick in some hypothetical situation, is it arthur she goes to instead of eilia? idek but maybe?! @giadesstrin nd just as much as HE wants to be that for someone/her, i think she will ultimately realize she wants to be that for him, too? that he needs it just as much as she does?! esp after he spills his guts abt things in the orangery & she learns abt the realities of Kil-Kennar added to this annoying feeling that maybe he can be good and different i think she's had since they spent time at the orphanage together. like if these two ever got the act together and actually talked about anything of substance i feel like there's going go be this bond or connection or devotion or w/e w/ these two bc they are SO similar in these abstract ways but also different enough that it can sort of push each other to be better in sm way... the idea that they need to draw their strength from/put their faith in others and could BE that for each other!! but honestly the angst of them being disasters a at talking is TOO GOOD! and YES. even if they managed to begin to understand e/o a little bit better there's the mic drop coming asp of him finding out she's a WITCH and that fundamental shift it will make for EVERYTHING & obv his reaction will have a profound effect on her (literally could be life or death lol) but even if it isn't him telling roderick she's a witch still just like how he views her now v before will just be interesting to see but now tbc i'm getting ahead of myself aoishodghsod
i think imma do a starter for this bc!!!!!!! im SHOOK!!!!!! @phabblebabbles @forgottenarias (wasn't sure which was better to tag <3) do you have a preference if its set at the ice ball or during the riots w an assumed bg of a big fight at the ice ball? im down either way!!
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forgottenarthur · 27 days
In Ruins | Arthur, Roderick, Eilia, Aria, etc...
Another step. Another. Up and up and up they rose before him, unending as the Kolchean ouroboros. And not a soul was speaking. For all the attendants traipsing and tripping after their god-given Emperor, a strange breathy silence pervaded, headed by the sullen-faced ó Réaltaí sisters (as the Staffords were now, evidently, to be called) and maintained by Roderick's many retainers, half-gasping with the interminable climb. The silence was a veil and Arthur felt twitchy, his fingers beating a tattoo against his thigh as he walked and walked.
"You Astairans certainly were not in jest when you claimed to live amongst the stars, I see."
Silence. Arthur detested silence. He'd always dested it, and he detested it now most of all. It was tense; it was subdued. And he didn't know what Aria was thinking...
Or anyone else. His father, for instance, or even...He glanced around to catch another face, half-desperate to prove there were other feelings which concerned him. Eilionora. No. But he wasn't supposed to care what she thought: she was the enemy. Still. He cared even less for what Sir Gregory thought.
Huffing, he shrugged. "I think I shall be eighty years old by the time we reach the top!"
"And here I imagined," began Eilionora, tone condescending. "A knight might be glad of such exercise."
"I--" Arthur frowned, rankling against the comment and struggling to invent a sufficient retort, when at last daylight (dying, by now, he saw) broke upon them. "At last!"
By the time Arthur gained the room, a world of ancient plaster featuring a tiny stone window in its concave surface. His father was already there, attendants arrayed about him like the streaming light of the sun, itself painting all in Arthur's own red. Eilionora stood opposite him, her expression fierce and determined, with her sister at her side and, fobidding as Aria looked, Arthur found himself drifting towards her.
Looking up, then, Arthur saw the look on his father's face. "Shit."
This was an expression well known to Arthur: triumphant and gleaming. The emperor was about to make the weight of whatever victory he'd won felt. "You thought to keep it from us," began Roderick, eyes glowing. "You strove and you strove, but every trace of your heathen gods will now be expunged."
Arthur felt Aria's eyes on him, but he could not pull his gaze from his father. Turning, Roderick grinned knowingly and suddenly thrust his arm directly through a wall.
"Father!" Arthur cried, starting forward. He stopped short. The emperor was unhurt and, in fact, a hole now stood in the wall where his hand once had been.
"A crafty illusion, to be sure," gloated Roderick. "Who'd think to vellum up a wall? Painted so precisely as to look to be pure plaster. But your woman's trick has come to naught."
Snapping, Roderick gestured and, at once, his attendants got to the business of tearing down the wall.
"God," breathed Arthur.
Roderick's gaze flicked towards him. "Why do you stand by them, Arthur?"
Arthur glanced hastily at the ladies. Swallowed. "To ensure they do not attempt to flee."
Roderick frowned.
"Your inevitable victory is something they really ought to see, Your Imperial Majesty."
Satisfied, Roderick smiled triumphantly at Eilionora, and nodded to Arthur. Aria glared at him. The emperor turned as a broad, wooden door was revealed and, with some difficulty, prized open by the attendants.
Now, it was to file into the room. Two servants went first -- to ensure the safe passage of the glorious presence behind them against any booby traps -- then the emperor went through followed by his attendants and lastly the ladies, with Arthur bringing up the train.
The door was low and ancient he saw, its planks turned half to stone by unimaginable age and, curious, Arthur swept his fingers along it as he passed through. The soul, he was told, was recurring. Had some version of him ever touched this wood before, perhaps its gentle-growing branches before it had been cut. Stooping to pass under the lintel, Arthur was temporarily blinded by a blanket of dark, limpid eyes narrowing as he stumbled a step or two inside.
He emerged into a vault of starlight as the last vestiges of day gave way to velvet-soft night, the firmament dotted with twinkling starlight, caught in a veil of midnight. It seemed a thousand, thousand stars glittered in the liquid night and that, if Arthur only stretched out his hand, he might just touch them with the edges of his fingertips.
"God be good," whispered Arthur. "I've never seen so many stars."
Glancing about him, he took in the ruins all about him -- a shattered dome, floor-to-ceiling arches that may once have contained windows now gaping over a yawning chasm.
"Do you know what this room is, Arthur?"
"No," he said, curiously glancing around him. "What is this place?"
It seemed to him that each lain stone was blue as lapis lazuli -- perhaps was lapis lazuli! -- and inset with ivory or some such so that stars were inset even into the very stones that strained to shelter them against the heedless sky above. Stretching out a hand, he laid it flat against one wall, cautiously approaching the casements to peer over the side of the mountain. Nothing but open sky greeted his gaze.
"How far up are we?"
"This is the crest of the mountain, Arthur."
He straightened, turned back towards his father. "What?!" he demanded. " Then--then this is--"
"Yes, the so-called Vault of the Heavens, the Cathedral of Stars, and other such: the very spot where their heathen goddess is said to have once set foot, according to some legends; where the shards of starlight were found from which their familial swords were forged. This," Roderick pointed down, grinning now in the pale starlight. "This is the most sacred place in all of Stafford."
Arthur glanced down at his feet, some sensation half like guilt springing vine-like across him, before his gaze shot suddenly to Aria, her own gaze now trained, relentless, upon Roderick.
"Now," continued Roderick, even his tone a gloat. "Where are those craters where the stars touched the earth? They're in this very room..."
Arthur's gaze did not leave Aria's face and, though it was hard to tell in the streaming starlight, he thought perhaps he saw tears sparkling at the edges of her eyes. His throat tightened. Arthur's hands closed to fists.
"Fill them in, shall we?" continued Roderick. "And bring what's left of this place to the ground. No trace of this heresy shall remain once I've done."
It was misery on her face, bleak and utter. She seemed to look at the walls, to the sky, as if they spike to her, friends soon to be shattered. A loss as deep as her name. Gritting his teeth, Arthur turned abruptly to his father, but Eilionora beat him to it. She was...laughing. Arthur watched fury dawn upon Roderick's face, unfurling like a plume of liquid flame over obsidian-dark granite. Sneer for sneer and glare for glare, emperor and former queen stared one another down.
She came forward. "No original ideas, have you? Do you know some of my own ancestors had a similar notion. Their great hall might prove more useful, they believed, otherwise. They tried everything they could -- every earthly tool there is: stone to cover up and concrete to pour. They even attempted, when that did not work, to flatten the rest of the earth. In every case, their tools came away bent and broken. The goddess shelters this place still. You can no more raze this site than they!"
Roderick's face was granite, craggy rocks -- brow and nose and lips -- etched with statuesque ire. As Roderick moved to close the gap between himself and his would-be bride, Arthur stepped forward.
Arthur had seen his mother do this a thousand times. Surely...surely he could do it, too. Oh, he could not employ precisely the same tactics she did: what Roderick might find favorable in a woman would prove repulsive to him in a man, but the principles still stood. He could move the Emperor, if he chose. Surely he could. He simply never had. But surely, surely he could. And he would. Just this once. Just this once, he would...
Slowly he began to clap, letting boastful swagger into his step as he strode forward, placing himself between the emperor and the ladies, and turning a look of perfect arrogance upon the one-time queen. He'd perfected this look long ago. One in eternal competition had to.
"It was a fine attempt, my lady," he laughed. "But did you imagine the God's Chosen would fall for so obvious a ploy?"
"Ploy? It is no--"
Laughing, again, Arthur held up a hand to silence her and turned towards his father, clapping him on the shoulder. "The hubris of women excels everything."
He felt Roderick's gaze heavy upon him. Here it was. The moment. Everything hinged on what he said next. It wasn't a betrayal of Roderick, he told himself. What he said could be true! And there was Aria, lovely and lonely as the stars above, tears radiant with the same silver light. He couldn't stand by and watch. How could anyone bear the misery on Aria's face? No. He had to act. He had to.
"Imagine, trying to goad an emperor into cheating himself of his greatest prize!"
Arthur was careful not to look at Aria. He felt the weight of her look, but he did not turn. He hoped she saw what he was doing -- but he doubted it as well. She'd just see the hateful swaggering prince too easily bent by his father's will: the one she'd always detested leaping out again: throwing her beliefs in her sister's face; laughing at them both. Still, it was better, Arthur told himself, better than the alternative. It was the best he could do.
"When this is the seat of power she's been guarding, the secret she's been holding onto!"
Roderick's eyes were fastened on Arthur, and the prince knew his father would not ask for clarification: he would not wish to admit to anyone that he did not see what Arthur was getting at. But Arthur would have to be careful in that, too. He couldn't let his father realize that Arthur knew he wasn't following.
"It's like a woman, isn't it? To try to manipulate you into destroying the very thing that gives her power over the Astairan people." He turned his gaze on the queen, then, found her expression contoured with rage...and confusion. "This is it, after all, isn't it? This is the reason they follow you? This place? That lost blasted sword! You blind them with symbols of power till they believe in you and nothing else! You must hate your people in truth: to wish further unrest on them, rather than cede to peace under someone else! You'd rather this place reduced to rubble, wouldn't you, than see its power put into the hands of your conqueror?"
Roderick's hand was heavy on Arthur's shoulder. He was behind him, and Arthur couldn't see his face. Was it ire? His clever father had seen the betrayal in him, and now his cruel wrath would fall upon Arthur's mother and brother and sister as well as himself! The hand was heavy enough. But it lingered, too. Was it encouragement, then, a kind of thanks for showing him...what was, in fact, a lie? A rotten son, indeed, and to both parents, it seemed. Arthur swallowed hard.
"Easy, Arthur," his father said. "We cannot fault her for trying. It can be no easy thing to see one's seat of power fall into another's hands for a second time, I am sure."
Arthur heaved a deep breath, pressing his eyes closed. It had worked. And then he heard Eilionora laughing again.
Roderick gestured and the ladies were led away. Arthur did not dare look at Aria. He had saved her sacred site for her, yes, but could she forgive him for the means? And did she know it had been his intention? And, god, he had betrayed his own honored father in so doing! Perhaps he deserved punishment, after all. And, he thought, he'd suffer it all gladly. God, what was becoming of him?
It was Arthur's turn to laugh. And putting his hands to his face, he did.
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forgottenarthur · 1 month
Ooc // :3
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forgottenarthur · 1 month
arthur wants finn to know that arthur's ire is righteous and 100% finn's fault!!!!!! lakjsdfkljsdf jk jk i think it is mostly a situation tho where half the time arthur's too high and mighty to deign to notice finn (allegedly), and the rest of the time he's like WHY DOES SHE LIKE HIM sulky/angry bc why deal w ur emotions when you could just let them burst out in weird places instead just like his dad does! and that def seems to be working great for ~him and for the empire!!!!!! lakjsdfkljsdjfkjlsdf
i def think arthur's thing, kinda like w edmund, is 'i need to get this guy in the ring. if i whale on him everything will be fine' lakjflkjdsfjkdsf bc daddy taught him that violence is ~always the answer lakjdfkjsdfkjdf im guessing?? tho?? that getting finn to duel or joust him isn't proving super easy?
but even if it is, and even if arthur wins, somehow that still????????? DOESN'T?????? fix everything??????? even if it maybe felt good in the moment, somehow he's right back to feeling that awful pit in his stomach again when aria's flirting with and smiling into finn's eyes, (and probs mad at arthur for beating him up, to boot? @forgottenarias ) this is all v mysterious to be sure lksdjfklsdjfkjlds arthur's begining to comprehend why his dad's household is never peaceful -- silly him for thinking it was bc of a coming war, no! i ts bc emOTioN is happening!!!!!!!!!!! klajsdflskdkfj
ooc | Finn & Arthur
Just wanted to start a thread for these two because I think it is clear that they will NOT get along and that Arthur is gonna think that Finn is a rival for Aria's affections ....
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forgottenarthur · 1 month
esp since itll never be, i need to know...if they had a kid, eithne x arthur?
Name: Énna Varmont Malconaire going off the idea that Eithne would be the Lady of Malconaire and would pass along her family name to whomever ends up becoming the next lord/lady Énna - Possibly from Old Irish én meaning "bird"
Gender: Male
General Appearance: As a baby, he had brilliant blonde hair and bright blue eyes, though as he aged his hair darkened closer to a dirty blond. He was Guardian blessed to take after his father in height, being a tall and gangly young child, growing into his frame as a teenager. Much like his mother had been with the young men of Malconaire, he was admired by many young women who would often trail after him in a giggling group when sent into the village on errands.
Personality: Chivalrous, kind, if not a smidge arrogant at times! At times, especially with his siblings, he can be surprisingly paternal, often taking the time to sit with his younger sister and brother explaining things in thorough detail. Fiercely competitive in certain circumstances, never wanting to lose in anything from a footrace to a practice fight in the lists with his father.
Special Talents: Arthur trained Énna in swordsmanship (and even passed Daybreaker along to him when he came of age), however he was also especially good with a bow thanks to his Aunt Brigit.
Who they like better: Both! (Though at times he grew frustrated with his mother, as he ultimately did not wish to take over Malconaire.)
Who they take after more: Arthur
Personal Head canon: Énna ultimately decides he does not want to be heir to Malconaire, instead passing it on to his younger sister, Nerys. Énna, much like his great grandfather, becomes a decorated commander and military advisor to the ruler of Astaira (... Varmont empire?!)
Face Claim: William Moseley
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forgottenarthur · 2 months
esp since itll never be, i need to know...if they had a kid, eithne x arthur?
Name: Énna Varmont Malconaire going off the idea that Eithne would be the Lady of Malconaire and would pass along her family name to whomever ends up becoming the next lord/lady Énna - Possibly from Old Irish én meaning "bird"
Gender: Male
General Appearance: As a baby, he had brilliant blonde hair and bright blue eyes, though as he aged his hair darkened closer to a dirty blond. He was Guardian blessed to take after his father in height, being a tall and gangly young child, growing into his frame as a teenager. Much like his mother had been with the young men of Malconaire, he was admired by many young women who would often trail after him in a giggling group when sent into the village on errands.
Personality: Chivalrous, kind, if not a smidge arrogant at times! At times, especially with his siblings, he can be surprisingly paternal, often taking the time to sit with his younger sister and brother explaining things in thorough detail. Fiercely competitive in certain circumstances, never wanting to lose in anything from a footrace to a practice fight in the lists with his father.
Special Talents: Arthur trained Énna in swordsmanship (and even passed Daybreaker along to him when he came of age), however he was also especially good with a bow thanks to his Aunt Brigit.
Who they like better: Both! (Though at times he grew frustrated with his mother, as he ultimately did not wish to take over Malconaire.)
Who they take after more: Arthur
Personal Head canon: Énna ultimately decides he does not want to be heir to Malconaire, instead passing it on to his younger sister, Nerys. Énna, much like his great grandfather, becomes a decorated commander and military advisor to the ruler of Astaira (... Varmont empire?!)
Face Claim: William Moseley
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forgottenarthur · 2 months
Aria + Arthur (of course XD)
so i feel like they may have other kids as well, but here're the twins!
Name: Ardghal Varmont Stafford (i feel like what their last name might be depends on whether or not marian's infidelity is ever discovered so ???? but yeah)
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Sporting his mother's coloring and a penchant for gleaming eyes from both parents, Ardghal generally keeps his hair at roughly shoulder length, showing off its natural less out of any particular vanity and more out of his generally distracted air, something which also accounts for his stubble and rather ill-kempt dress.
Personality: Like his parents and his sister alike, Ardghal inherited an adventurous nature, more often up a tree than with both feet planted firmly on the ground as a child. He also sports a keen mind and a general impatience for anything that brings him back to reality, preferring to contemplate the stars with his Aunt Eilia than to attend to any social gatherings or other such 'trivialities,' as he calls them, that his rank might tend to foist upon him. Still, Ardghal has a generous and valorous heart and, like both his parents, wants nothing more than to look out for the people who look to him, even if he doesn't always go about that in the most conventional manner...Charming and brilliant yet stubborn and arrogant, Ardghal always speaks his mind, a fact that has frequently gotten him into no end of trouble, and he doesn't believe in walking away from a risk when its gain is great, making for a somewhat chaotic person when brought altogether, but Ardghal is as determined as they come, and will stop at nothing to leave this world a little better than he found it!
Special Talents: Ardghal can be a somewhat chaotic and mischievous soul, but when he's feeling more contemplative, his favorite pastime is star-gazing and, endowed with an incredible memory and a passionate heart, he knows each of their trajectories and names and routes.
Who they like better: Aria
Who they take after more: Aria
Personal Head canon: When he's in his twenties, a wrong word to a particularly quarrelsome prince at court began a bit of an international accident for which he roundly refused to apologize for some time, (mostly rightly) convinced the other fellow was in the wrong. When he realized how horrified his mother was at the idea of another war, however, without a word Ardghal went to the other prince's tent and, employing all his charm and good humor, managed to not only dissuade the prince from his anger, but also transformed him into a friend for life.
Face Claim: Aidan Turner
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Name: Saorlaith Varmont Stafford
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Boasting her father's coloring and her mother's bone structure, Saorlaith is a notedly lovely young woman. She appeares in two ways: the grace of the well-trimmed princess and the aspect bedraggled peasant. Fiercely proud of her home and heritage, yet also high-spirited and direct, Saorlaith knows how to present herself for company, but she prefers to don more durable threads for crashing around the countryside, toting her father's sword, Daybreak, as she is the only person who can persuade him to part with it.
Personality: Born with a questing, curious nature and an unflagging spirit, Aria dreams of adventure and fun, preferring to act almost the knight-errant to the proper princess, though she loves to sing and to dance a very great deal as well. Still, Saorlaith prefers the company of the common folk to her fellow nobles, considering them proud and false, and spends much of her time in the company of those 'beneath' her, traipsing through the countryside in search of fun and truth and justice. With an easy manner and a hardy laugh, Saorlaith knows how to put people at their ease and inspire loyalty, and she enjoys sorting out the problems of others however she can, often traveling incognito so as better to understand the struggles of the common folk, that she might better know how to mend their troubles when she returns to court.
Special Talents: Saorlaith was hand-trained with the sword by her father and is as redoubtable a warrior as any knight, though she was fortunate enough to grow up without a very great deal of need for these skills, something she considered a great shame as a child but grew to treasure as an adult.
Who they like better: Aria
Who they take after more: Arthur
Personal Head canon: Saorlaith is a bit of a practical joker, but her greatest passion is laughter. Nearly inseparable from her twin brother, sharing moments of joy with her family and loved ones means more to her than anything, and she dreams of being able to bring joy to everyone within her care!
Face Claim: Claire Holt
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forgottenarthur · 2 months
OOC | Tristan & Eithne
ok so mr tristan, here, has feelings for eithne!!!! and he's loved in silence for years now but he doesn't feel he deserves her, and he knows he can't offer her or her sisters or malconaire the life she wants for them all so he just...says nothing and just tries to be there for her as a friend!!!!! i can tell you rn that he is noT super jazzed abt this wedding aklsdjfkljsdf but if he believes thats what she truly wants, he'll back her to the hilt bc he just wants her to be happy, whatever that takes, even if it hurts for him, bc she deserves the whole world!!!!! (tho he ~does find it a lil tough to believe that cassimir can possibly be it for her!!)
anyway, he just wants to be her friend, and be there for her, and he def does whatever he can to just silently make things happen for her -- not necessarily lil gifts or anything but like if she mentioned she really missed seeing white lilies, he'd just quietly plant some around, or if she was like 'i wanna take a trip out to x w my sisters sometime' he'd arrange for the sisters to, by total random happenstance btw ;D find themselves all there together one day! even if he doesn't get to ~see her happy, he just wants to do his part to make her feel that way!
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forgottenarthur · 3 months
omg anoooother thing i thought i replied to SOB lskjfaskfjf but duuuude im obsessed w these two honestly!!!!! and honestly i think alaric being a huge influence on arthur makes a tonnnnn of sense and, just looking at these two, frankly probs explains a lot abt him re: his interests and abilities and even the way he handles things and looks at the world and relationships as well!!!! like i def think alaric has probs had a profound influence on him!!!!! and arthur frankly HERO-WORSHIPS this man!!!!!! (also the fact that each of the varmont boys has a father figure looking out him but for NONE of them is it their ~actual father asdkfljksdjfaklsjf #classicroderick) i just knowwwwwww lil arthur was forever toddling up to alaric wanting to show him the cool thing that he'd just learned to do or whatever and just generally!!!! wanting to make him happy and proud, his whole life!!!!! like...i think its esp thing w arthur bc, like, there's this question of like...who is his real father, right? roderick or bartholomew? but, like, the ral answer might actually be alaric and IDSLJFAKLSDFKJSDF
slkdjfaklsdfj i feel like arthur is probs a bit better w emotions than alaric (lbr that's all marian <3333), but he ~does repress a lot of stuff and that's probs not a coincidence!!!!! and omg alaric being his athletic mentor, yes pls!!!!! no lie, arthur wants to be just like alaric!!!!!! also he wants to be just like roderick!!!!! and its all v complicated, but being ~like roderick~ is more like a duty/unachieveable quest sorta thing bc roderick is a god to him, but if he thinks abt the sort of person he'd ~like to be, its alaric!! he's an upright person, a protector, loyal to the hilt, etc, and those're all of arthur's best traits and honestly i feel like that's probs no coincidence!!!!!
i also feel like arthur had the benefit of growing up w more of a support system than alaric did (when roderick is ur only support ur doomed!!!! now, granted, roderick ~was a better person then but stillllll deffffff v v v far from ideal even back then/at his v best!!!!!!) and i think he is aware of this, at least to an extent like...he knows it intellectually, anyway, and i think arthur really wants to be there for alaric, too???? idk that he's the best at it lbr!!!! arthur is damaged goods, but he tries, i swear!!!
im realizing that like...tbh i think it was pr inevitable that some vers of the heir competition was always gonna happen bc roderick cant face everything ~not being all abt ~him basically, BUT im realizing that the way it all went down is actually kinda down to amira???? and the way she handled things and basically exploited that glaring flaw of roderick's, like, she's the one that poisoned guin's mom which made it, in roderick's eyes, possible for a woman to inherit, and she's the one who pushed that it was HER son, by her rights as principle wife (now that she had seniority! #ripempress) who was heir despite birth order, etc etc etc! and like i said, i think smth similar still would've gone down even w 3 other brides none of whom were ambitious etc etc etc but the way it happened? she was the one whispering in his ear that sometimes younger sons are better emperors -- isn't roderick proof of that? and that the calainon line was eternal, and didn't roderick deserve such a legacy as that? etc etc etc...that's all amira lakjsdfjklkdsjf so!!!!!! my pint here lkjaslkjfakjdsf he's def right not to trust her on a loT of levels alksjdfkljsdfjksdf amira: 'good, im scaring off fools who scare off too easily' godfrey: 'actually you're preventing your son from making strategic alliances that could help propel him to your own ultimate goal with your lack of foresight and menacing behavior'
BUT ANYWAY!!!!! i think even roderick was lowkey just assuming, himself, when Arthur was born, that he was it!! this was the next emperor!!!!! so yeah it def makes sense that alaric thought it too!!!! and i don't think roderick ever, like, announced that it was an open question, i think that just bcame obv from his behavior over time so yeah!! i think that all makes a ton of sense! and alaric is soooo welcome on team arthur no question <333333
also omggggg arthur being like 'so i think my crush is into stupid edmund. or possibly our old-ass master of war????? pls help' and obv this advice stuff is where alaric shines sooo that should be fun #facepalm i love them!!!
ooc | Alaric & Arthur
Okay, but I have this headcannon that Alaric has always looked out for Arthur, especially??? Like Bartholomew took a special interest in Sebastian and Edmund has Godfrey, and I think that Arthur has Alaric???
Alaric is not the best with handling ~emotions~ and he's probs not always the best when it comes to advise (alaric is big on repressing things!!!) but he's always been there for arthur and does his best if/when arthur ever comes to him for anything, y'know?
I DO think that Alaric is an excellent fighter / rider / just generally pretty athletic and I think he could have been someone who had a lot of hands on practice time w/ Arthur and just invested a lot in him? ngl, I also think that Alaric always assumed that Roderick's crown would go to Arthur and he was def surprised when it started to be a competition!!
I think he started out giving Arthur attention to make sure that he is the most prepared he can be, but now I think he's firmly in camp Arthur!! (ngl I think that he had some sexist views -- that are now being challenged thanks to eilia -- which kept him away from guin and he does NOT trust amira, which keeps him away from edmund)
(also crying thinking about this uncle/nephew duo and their failed attempts to land the stafford girls alksjflsajflsfj)
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