freakadr0id · 1 year
I see (and adore) the teacher tang headcanons
I raise you: Archivist/librarian Tang
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freakadr0id · 1 year
Anyone want another Tang screenshot redraw? No? Too bad, you’re getting one anyway.
(Minor S4 Special Spoilers under the cut)
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Now that the season 4 special has officially released in English I finally get to share this. I’ve had this in my back pocket since I was spoiled from the China release and I’m happy to finally share it. I just love our resident nerd boy so much. I’m obsessed with his new fluffy hair and, I swear to god, if they don’t let him keep it I’m going to riot.
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freakadr0id · 1 year
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I know most everyone saw it when Happy Kids f-ed the release the first time, but for those who were waiting, now’s your chance!! Please watch it officially, if you can, so we can do our best to support the show!
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freakadr0id · 1 year
Rewatching Season 4 and Talking About Tang to Avoid Losing My Mind Over the Special
Welp, now that I have some free time and I'm finally back home, it's the perfect time for me to obsess over LMK again. That being said, I'm not going to talk about the Chinese release of the special as I'm waiting for the full English release (I've been spoiled on things, but I still haven't seen it).
Instead, I'm going to watch through season 4 again since it's been a while. It’s just a silly little thing I like to do during hiatus and such. Oh, and I really only talk about Tang because he doesn’t get enough love and, well, I have a brand to maintain.
So, let's start with Episode 2 - New Adventures:
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Getting a bit full of yourself there, aren’t ya, glowy boy? Geez, you make an insanely strong power-up sigil that covers half the globe one time, and suddenly, you think you're all that.
...Okay, maybe his overconfidence is a little bit justified. Only a little bit, though, since the last time he was this full of himself was, well… *looks at Dumpling Destruction*
On a side note, it's interesting how Sandy says "newfound powers" since that implies a relatively short timespan between seasons 3 and 4. My guess is around 1-2 months, but I honestly don't know.
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At least Tang has Pigsy to bring him down to Earth. Nice to see a bit of their salty/sassy banter back again.
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I've mentioned this gif before but Idk I still love it. Mei totally goes full Ash Ketchem and just throws him out there. I asked a while back which Pokemon Tang would be and some people replied with Ninjask, a Cicada inspired Pokemon, which yeah. 10/10, A+ pick.
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Oh nooooooo Tang... I love you, but noooooooo *More Dumpling Destruction Flashbacks*
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Told ya. Hubris gets you nowhere.
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Talk about being in the shadow of your former self, am I right?
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I never turned on subtitles for this scene before so I had no idea what ink Tang Sanzang said up until this rewatch. Now that I know what he says, this line is SUPER interesting if you ask me.
This line stands out as it doesn't seem to be feeding directly into his insecurities, as is the case with every other ink creature encounter we see. Instead, it seems like a confirmation of Tang's arc throughout the season. Tang can't use his powers here because he has more to learn, both with his powers and as a character, and this is the writers deliberately saying as much. Yeah, Tang's journey isn't complete, and the audience, and perhaps, Tang himself, knows it.
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Yeah, I'm cheating here since it doesn't really have Tang in it, but it doesn't matter because it's still Tang's glasses -plus this is just a darn good shot. It's so quick, but it does a great job of establishing a feeling of dread and tension in this scene. It definitely got me the first time I saw it. It's on-screen for only a second, but damn if it isn't effective.
Not a ton of Tang in this episode, but that's okay because it still does a TON of legwork in setting the foundation for his character arc this season.
To be honest, I didn't mean to mention Dumpling Destruction that much in this post but that's really what came to mind the first time I saw this episode. And honestly? I think that was completely intentional on the writers' part.
Tang was horrendously overconfident and, one could argue, arrogant in Dumpling Destruction. He was undeniably annoying at times (to put it in the kindest way possible) and even I, who absolutely adores his character, has a hard time watching Dumpling Destruction because of that. I get a similar feeling watching Tang in this episode, but that isn't a bad thing this time.
Despite my dislike of Tang's arrogance and his (often) unfounded overconfidence, I'm glad it came back in full force this episode. After season 3, I was a little worried that was all we'd get for Tang's character development. We saw almost none of his arrogance in season 3, which, along with the exploration of his insecurities, made it seem that they just wanted to ignore those character flaws tat were more prevalent in earlier episodes. It seems silly in hindsight, as it's clear that season 3 merely kickstarted his arc and wasn't a completion of it.
This episode was precisely what Tang needed for his character development. Despite expanding his character in season 3, his character flaws are still very much there at the start of season 4. He has yet to overcome his flaws and shortcomings at this point in the show, but without a reason to change, he never will. So how do you develop a character rife with overconfident and occasionally arrogant tendencies? Humble the hell out of them, of course. Unfortunately, he needed to be brought down to Earth before he could build himself back up, and that's just what the writers did in this episode.
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Ha! Didn't expect a rant at the end of this, did ya? Yeah, neither did I. Sorry about that.
I'll do the rest of the season soon, especially with how Tang-heavy the next couple episodes are.
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freakadr0id · 1 year
In honor of the recent LMK set leaks, I finally finished this screenshot redraw I’ve been working on the last few days. I was hoping to do more with it but now I want to draw Tang with his fluffy hair, so I kind of rushed to get this in a semi-completed state. I wanted to try some new brushes and techniques with this one. I’m not sure how I feel about it since it took SO FUCKING LONG, but I kind of liked how it turned out regardless.
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freakadr0id · 1 year
*Starts Hyperventilating*
FINALLY, the first sign of the season 4 special! New sets!!!!
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New hair?! New clothes?! Tang fans, we eating good tonight.
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freakadr0id · 1 year
Hey, out of curiosity, did anyone establish how much time passed between LMK seasons 3 and 4? I don't think it's said in the show, and I haven't seen anyone in the cast or crew say anything definitive about it (I could have missed a tweet, though).
If I had to make a guess, I'd say 1-2 months. Based on various bits of dialogue and MK's state of mind at the start of the season, I'm inclined to think that it's closer to a month. Idk, what's the fandom's general consensus?
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freakadr0id · 1 year
The Aftermath Fic: Master Post
I am not quite sure if I’m doing this right, but I wanted to make a Master Post to all the Aftermath goodies! I will update it if I miss anyone or anything along the way; I’ve been trying to gather them all back up again! Anyway, we’ll start with a link to the fic as a whole.
The Aftermath on AO3
Individual Chapter Updates Under the Cut! I'll add new links as each chapter updates.
Chapter One: Reoccurance
Chapter Two: Broken
Chapter Three: Push
Chapter Four: Anything
Chapter Five: Waves
Chapter Six: Sister
Chapter Seven: Lost
Chapter Eight: Sinking
Chapter Nine: Just Kids
Chapter Ten: Hell Fever
Chapter Eleven: Empty Shell
Chapter Twelve: Shutdown Protocol
Chapter Thirteen: Hopeful Reminders
Chapter Fourteen: Heavy Responsibility
Chapter Fifteen: Temporary Fix
Chapter Sixteen: Slow Simmer
Chapter Seventeen: Dark Energy
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freakadr0id · 1 year
I'm bored, so have some of my favorite Tang gifs from season 4.
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Mei really threw him out there like a Pokemon. What type of Pokemon would he be? (Idk I'm not really familiar with the franchise).
I might have to make a collection of Tang tumbling because the poor guy does it at least once a season (I think; he may not do it in season 1).
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He doesn't really do anything special here, but idk, I just really like this shot and I needed an excuse to share it.
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*Cue angry squeaking*
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Once again, I would say this is a completely reasonable reaction to the crazy s*** these guys constantly face. Idc what anyone says, Tang is not as much of a coward as everyone seems to think. He may be scared here, but there's a difference between being scared and being a coward. Also, give the man a break; he's the only human there. A magic, glowy human as of season three, but a human nonetheless.
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freakadr0id · 2 years
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freakadr0id · 2 years
LMK Season 4 Spoilers!!! (Episode 4.4 - Pignapped!)
I knew this episode was going to be gay when I took a sneaky peaky at the episodes when they aired in China, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GOING TO BE THIS GAY!!
I wanted to hold off on talking about it until tomorrow, but I can't help it. I need to get this out of my system.
First off: It is so sweet how the moment Tang is struggling and feeling dejected, he starts thinking of Pigsy and wishes he was there.
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"Oh, Pigsy... Where are you?"
He's stressed, and sad and who does he think of? Pigsy, that's who.
2: "I'm your Tangy"
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Look at his face! He uses his affectionate nickname! It's so f-ing cute I can't even.
3: "I have devoted my life to this man..."
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I can't explain the noise I made when he said this line. I had to go back and rewatch it just to make sure I didn't mishear it. Yup, he just said that.
I'm sorry, but if you say you've "devoted your life" to someone, then that relationship is almost 100% more than just FRIENDSHIP. I mean sure, you can ABSOLUTELY say that about friends, if you want, but I mean... come on. It's *them*
So, congrats to them on that confirmed marriage.
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The hum and happy noise he makes when he nuzzles Pigsy at the end is just so f-ing cute. He just loves his pig husband so much.
(Yes, Ik I've made this gif before, but I wanted a higher-quality version of it, so here you go).
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Yes, I also mentioned this one before, but this one shot fills my soul with so much joy I can't NOT mention it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but even though I'm not too into shipping in LMK, these two just get to me. I didn't even ship it at first, but season 3, and now season 4, really sold me on the relationship between these two.
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freakadr0id · 2 years
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THAT'S RIGHT! The English release of LMK just dropped!
You can find it on the Lego app on Smart TVs, Roku and Fire TV (you have to search the individual names of the episodes, though). Finally, after all this time, we have a legal way of watching and enjoying these episodes! There are people recording it to let people access it on PC, but I beg beg beg of you to watch it legally if you can. Seriously, we need to give this show as much support as we can!!
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freakadr0id · 2 years
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Saw this on Twitter and look at this!!!
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Come tf on just look at that! I can't with them. They're so gay in season 3 that it's amazing they were able to release it in China at all. lol
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freakadr0id · 2 years
Eyyy more Tang. I'm gonna talk about an episode I'm sure has been talked about quite a bit when it comes to Tang (or at least early on in the show) but screw it. I'm pointing out Tang as much as I can.
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Is he, y'know...
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Yes, yes he is.
Tang is a total gay ace icon. You can rip my "Tang is asexual" headcanon out of my cold, dead hands. Let me have this.
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I honestly don't know what it is about this shot of Tang that I love so much, but whatever it is, I need more of it.
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I love how, even though he knows this is, very clearly, an unsafe place to be, Tang still follows Pigsy anyways. That's a dedicated man right there.
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Uh oh, I hope Pigsy has a comfy couch because that's where he'll be sleeping tonight.
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O damn, he angy. Like, actually. Maybe this is just a product of the less-defined character models in season 1, but I'm actually surprised by how angry he is in this shot.
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Couples who hero pose together, stay together. What a duo.
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It is actually kind of adorable how they hold onto each other whenever they're in danger. It's at its best in season 3, but it's nice to see how consistent they've kept it throughout the show. They're really just inseparable.
That's it for the peak Tang content in season 1 😢 but I think there are a few other good screenshots to catch later in the season, so I'll point them out when I do.
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freakadr0id · 2 years
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The world needs more peaceful/happy Donnie.
I saw this storyboard frame from one of Rise’s unfinished episodes (Idk which one) and I was consumed by an overwhelming compulsion to draw it. This is unfinished since haven’t done the full shading/coloring, but I can’t work on it anymore today, so here ya go anyway. I would love to do some kind of background, but school be a bitch so who knows.
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freakadr0id · 2 years
Addendum to Donnie's Fight Style Analysis
I'VE BEEN INSPIRED. Okay, okay, know it's been over four months since my last analysis post, but life got really crazy and I had to deal with some major stuff and a huge loss of motivation afterward. However, after getting into LMK again, I finally felt motivated to properly come back to these and finish a few posts I've had in the works for ages. Admittedly, this is not one of them.
This is a minor continuation of my original Fight Style Analysis post for Donnie. This is something that occurred to me some time after completing it, but I figured I'd talk about it because I do think it is worth mentioning. Just as with the previous analyses, there is a bit of a TL;DR at the end because WHOO this ended up way longer than I thought it would.
[Donnie Fight Style Analysis]
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A little bit ago, I decided to go through Rottmnt again, just for fun, but upon getting to the final couple of episodes and the movie there was something about Donnie's fight style that really started to bug me. I couldn't place it at first, but about a week ago I realized what it was.
Donnie does not appear to improve his fight style by the end of the show.
Let me explain:
As I stated in my original analysis, Rise of the TMNT is generally pretty good about demonstrating the growth of the characters' abilities over the course of the show (and movie). It uses its composition, animation, and choreography to increase the complexity of fight scenes, not only making them more exciting and entertaining but to show how the skills of the characters improve to allow for these more complex fights. Rise also shows the growth in characters' abilities this in a more explicit way by providing the audience with a specific focal point for comparing the eventual growth of each character's skills.
In "The Shadow of Evil" Splinter verbally states the deficiencies of each turtle's fighting abilities - Leo's is cockiness and arrogance, Raph's is impulsiveness, Mikey's is inexperience and ignoring fundamentals in favor of flourish, while Donnie's is his reliance on tech. They are deliberately telling us, the audience, what exactly to look for as we watch the fights and to compare how they fight at the start of the show versus the end.
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For the most part, Rise seems to make good on that source of comparison. Leo is less cocky and arrogant in fights, Raph doesn't rush in as much, and Mikey is a bit more practical in his movements and attacks (although he still has his razzmatazz).
Donnie, however, doesn't seem to get the same treatment. Yes, he very clearly improves as a fighter, but his fundamental weakness remains unchanged and unaddressed. He still relies heavily on his tech by the end of the show, arguably even more after he gets his Ninpo (for the sake of clarity, yes, his mystic tech counts in this as well - it serves the same purpose). In the finale and in the movie, he's constantly using his mystic constructs in fights, with the show even portraying this as something cool and victorious.
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THIS FRUSTRATED THE HELL OUT OF ME. If everyone else displays noticeable growth in overcoming their weaknesses in fights, how did they stumble so hard on Donnie's character? Why was Donnie the exception? I must have missed something.
Yeah. I did.
Donnie's fight style does improve over the course of the show, it just develops in a more subtle way.
The show claims, as stated by Splinter, that Donnie's greatest weakness in a fight is his reliance on tech ("Do not rely on your tech, funny one"), but that statement isn't quite right.
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Splinter's words in this scene give a supposed indication as to the way Donnie's fighting style will improve by the end of the show. By stating that Donnie should not rely on his tech, the audience expects that, by the finale, Donnie won't use his tech as much and will become a much better fighter through traditional techniques. However, that doesn't happen, with Donnie still using his tech as a fundamental part of his fight style in both the final episode and the movie. This is why it appears that Donnie doesn't develop his fighting skill much throughout the show when this couldn't be further from the truth.
The phrasing used here is misleading. A better way to describe Donnie's weakness is that he uses his tech improperly in battle.
When stated in this way, is easier to see how Donnie improves his fighting by the end of Rise. It shifts the audience's expectations as to the trajectory of Donnie's growth as a fighter and provides a better point of comparison for how his fight style changes.
At the start of the show, Donnie uses his tech as a crutch, a fallback when he thinks traditional techniques won't work. There are several instances in season one and early season two where Donnie relied on his tech instead of utilizing traditional techniques (Yes, I see you "Many Unhappy Returns"). This can be a critical mistake as it changes up his attack pattern (ahem, Glass Cannon) and it leads to him losing the advantage in a fight. THIS is Donnie's biggest weakness when fighting - not the fact that he simply uses his tech in battle.
With this perspective, Donnie absolutely improves and grows, just as his brothers do. Instead of reducing his reliance on his tech, as the show's phrasing implies he should, he adjusts the way he uses his tech by applying it more effectively and strategically. He stops relying on it as a fallback and begins using his tech in ways that fit the situation and limits his vulnerability. In the last few episodes of the show, Donnie tends to keep his distance when he needs to use his tech and waits for a better opportunity to attack, instead of just using it because he can (except for his hammer, which makes sense since it's intended for melee combat). In the final fight with Shredder, Donnie keeps his distance from him after attempting an initial hit with his bo. Once realizing he can work off of Shredder's arrogance ("You think your puny mystic weapon can harm me?") that's when he uses his tech and lands a stronger blow. It's a more strategic and calculated use of his drill than what he would have done (or did) at even the start of season 2.
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The same applies to the fight with Krang in/outside the Technodrome. Donnie uses his mystic construct to fire a barrage at the Krang from a distance so that he doesn't put himself at risk with the absence of his battleshell.
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Donnie's tech is a deeply ingrained part of his character. It's his passion, his source of expression, and his legacy. Heck, he already wears a tech shell every day and in nearly every battle. To separate the tech from the turtle, especially in a fight, would be doing the character a huge disservice, and Rise does seem to recognize that. They even emphasize this in End Game when Splinter regrets dismissing their unique strengths which, in this case, would be Donnie's tech.
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While perhaps poorly stated within the show itself, they clearly do not make an effort to reduce Donnie's usage of tech in battle (again, Insane in the Mama Train aside), instead demonstrating the growth of his fighting style through the more subtle applications of his tech.
[TL;DR: The show deliberately states the weaknesses each turtle has in battle in "The Shadow of Evil" and, while Leo, Raph, and Mikey all have notable improvement in overcoming those weaknesses, Donnie doesn't appear to. The show suggests that Donnie's weakness in battle is in his reliance on tech, making it seem that his fight style doesn't improve as much since he uses his tech from the start to the end of the show. However, Donnie does actually improve in his fighting style throughout the show as his growth as a fighter is actually dependent on how Donnie uses his tech, instead of reducing his reliance on it altogether.]
There's a strong chance I'm simply reiterating things other people have long since noticed, but this was something I felt could have, or should have, been addressed to some degree in my original analysis. I'm ashamed that I missed this in my initial observations because this feeds into a crucial part of Donnie's character, that being his confidence in his tech and the arrogance that comes with that. I feel like it is important to mention these sorts of changes in the way each character fights in order to fully understand what it is about the action and fight scenes in Rise that make it so special.
There are a few other things I do want to cover, but because of how spotty my motivation and schedule have been, I make no guarantees as to how long it will take. Sorry about that. I hope people find this interesting, at the very least, because I really do enjoy making these silly little things.
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freakadr0id · 2 years
THE WORLD NEEDS MORE TANG CONTENT and since I can't draw him atm, I'm just going to keep gushing about Tang as I rewatch season 1 because I don't want to spoil season 4 more than I already have.
This is Duplicatnation btw.
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He's so happy eating his noodles, it's adorable. I pity his digestive system, though. My man needs a more varied diet.
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I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS LINE oh my f****** god. There's being blunt, and then there's this. Neurodivergent Tang ftw. The meaning of subtlety is completely lost on this man.
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That's the face of a man who knows exactly the chaos he's created.
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This line is hilarious in retrospect because Tang is very much NOT "relaxed and cool" later in the show.
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See? He knows what he did.
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Omfg you are so useless (jk I love him).
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