galesdekariios · 8 months
To See the World in a Grain of Sand [Faerûn February Day Two]
took a bit of creative liberty with this one! the original prompt was "On the Ravaged Beach" and I stared at a blank page for way too long, so I decided to pull a bit of an anime beach episode for day two! once again, masterlist can be found here!
Day Two: Waking up on the Ravaged Beach ⇀ Beach
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Perhaps it was the nostalgia of being back home, or maybe it was the morbid, looming shadow of her inescapable demise; but walking through the streets of the Lower City made Karlach feel especially sentimental. Their mission was daunting, one that no ordinary or sane person would dare consider, but heroes didn’t tend to rise when life was normal. That’s what Karlach wanted to be, a hero. She knew she was bound to die sooner rather than later, and she wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. The hellion was sure of this. She was; past tense. Now, there was someone in her life who made her truly feel alive, who led her to entertain the idea of living longer than the generous months Dammon’s upgrades could give. Karlach didn’t want to let that go. Ten years alone in the hells must have made her sinfully selfish, but she certainly was no saint. 
That “someone” in question soon appeared by her side, falling back from the rest of the group to walk idly beside her.
“What are you thinking about?” Sikah gently brushed her tail against the back of Karlach’s leg. 
Karlach didn’t answer, instead, she reached for the other tiefling’s hand and intertwined their fingers, looking at her expectantly. “Tonight, come on an adventure with me, yeah?”
“Lead the way,” she smiled. 
Later that evening, Karlach came back from the bathhouse to find Sikah waiting for her in the party’s shared room. She was wearing clothes that differed slightly from her normal camp attire: a light grey blouse fastened by a corset with a darker hue, quilted pants to match, and her usual thigh-high boots.  
“Is it too much?” Sikah sheepishly looked up at the other. 
“Never, you look lovely, darling,” Karlach stepped toward her and leaned down for a kiss, “but, for where we’re going there won’t be much need for clothing.”
The shorter tiefling blushed and smacked the barbarian’s arm, shooting her a look as their other companions were still awake and listening. Karlach laughed. 
“Come on then, you’ll see what I mean soon enough.”
The couple walked hand in hand through the now quiet streets of the Lower City. There were still a handful of people out and about, many couples like themselves whispering in the night, seeking respite from their busy daytime worries. Karlach led Sikah past the houses, shops, pubs, and brothels that lined the cobbled streets, down to the docks and further still. The wooden planks of the boat stalls tapered into the sand as they continued, leaving nothing but stretches of undisturbed beach to kiss the shore.
“So, what d'ya think?” Karlach steadied herself against Sikah’s shoulder as she removed her sandals and tossed them into her bag. 
“It’s beautiful,” she mused, gazing out to the horizon. 
From where they stood, the faint glow of torchlight in the city danced with the moon and the stars, illuminating the ocean beside them and casting a warm light across their skin.  
“My parents used to take me out here,” Karlach began as she set their bedrolls and bags down. “Not at night, of course, but in the summers when it was too hot for the average Baldurian. There were a few other tiefling families that would show, and us kiddos would play in the waves for hours until our fingers were like prunes,” She smiled fondly at the memories. “I always liked feeling the cold water on my skin, the hot sand between my toes, the salty smell of the breeze… I thought about this place a lot when I was first in Avernus. I would have killed to have a day on the beach again, and now I can. Even if it’s a nighttime escapade with the woman I love, I wanted to make sure I saw this place one la–“ Karlach stopped herself, “I wanted to see this place again and share it with you.”
Sikah silently wrapped her arm around Karlach’s waist and rested her head on her shoulder. She smiled as the taller tiefling kissed her hair before returning the gesture, resting her head atop hers. They stood in each other’s embrace as the waves rolled in and out, crashing against the shoreline. 
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Faerûnian 29-day Writing Challenge: Day 1
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Prompt: What was Tav doing when they were abducted? (Elias)
Elias sat comfortably at the bar, watching his company play happily on stage. It was a normal night for him, traveling with a few wayward musicians, playing and drinking at any bar that still took them in. Occasionally, he’d sleep with the first man or woman who’d throw themselves at him. It was a great life for a bard.
He watched as Briar, his half-elf companion, traveled through the crowd. He watched as she moved from person to person, her hands traveling their body as she sang loudly and proudly. They were completely mesmerized by her beauty to notice what she was doing. He knew exactly what she was doing. It was a trick he’d taught her from his time on the streets. She was causing a small distraction, keeping their eyes from her wandering hands that carefully snatched their prized possessions.
Briar slowly moved through the crowd, joining Elias at the bar. She had a sweet smile on her lips as she gently ran her dainty fingers across his chest. His shirt was a fine silk, a deep v-neck cut that exposed a great portion of his chest. Her skin was soft, and he felt himself twitch slightly at the feeling. 
“Briar,” he drawled, a small smirk forming on his lips. His eyes met hers, and she smiled playfully. She continued drawing small circles on his chest, and to be frank, he enjoyed every moment of it. “Don’t be such a tease.” His words were like a soft warning, yet he couldn’t help but want her to keep toying with him.
There was no denying Briar was a beautiful woman. She had these dark doe eyes and deep red hair that flowed slightly past her shoulders, pulled back in a loose braid with small flowers within the braid. Elias has had his eyes on her for a while but never acts on anything. He typically wasn’t the one to mix business with pleasure; their time together was a temporary partnership.
“Calm down, Elias. I can feel your heart beginning to race,” she teased, patting his chest lightly. She took his wine goblet from his hand, bringing it to her lips and taking a small sip.
“You could’ve asked,” he said, chuckling softly at her actions. She wiped at the corner of her lips, and a sultry smile slowly formed. 
“I prefer to take. It’s more fun that way.” Her voice was softer, yet he could tell the hidden meaning behind her words. During their time together, Briar never hid how she felt about him. She found him attractive, as he felt about her. She was more open about it, to hells with their business relationship. She typically only cared if she got a good lay, and those were sometimes hard to come by.
“I can’t help but think there’s more than just wine you want,” he teased, biting his lip slightly. His hand trailed down her arm, rubbing gently. She felt shivers run down her back and a growing need deep within her. She smiled, leaning closer as she brought her lips to his ear. 
“Meet me around back,” she whispered before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. She pulled away and disappeared into the crowd. Elias stood there, a large smirk plastered on his face.
“Hells,” Elias cursed under his breath. He wasn’t one to break his own rules, but for Briar…he was willing to make an exception. He reached into his pouch and tossed some gold coins onto the bar. He took his time leaving, not wanting to seem too eager. He walked out of the tavern and made his way through the alley leading to the back.
But unfortunately for him, he never got to sleep with the beautiful half-elf. 
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Communication (Gale x Wynmoira)
Hello beautiful people! I've finally continued on with my Gale and Wyn drabbles. I will definitely be posting more, especially for this month there's a small writing challenge to write daily happening so be on the lookout for more works with various tavs of mine! :)
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Part [1]. Part [2] (you are here).
can find it on my ao3 here
It had been days since Gale’s big revelation. Wynmoira kept her distance from him, not having the courage to face him. She’d make excuses for why she didn’t need him tagging along on their adventures, assuring that she and Shadowheart could handle it, that a third magic user was unnecessary. When she was back at camp, she’d use any excuse to go for a supply run, typically alone or taking Karlach with her in case anyone took issue.
But no matter how hard she tried to avoid him, he always found a way, an excuse, to try to talk to her. He’d try to talk about a book he was reading, and typically, Wynmoira loved to hear about it, but she’d now say she was busy or too tired. He’d try to talk to her at dinner, asking about her day, yet she gave one-word answers or excused herself. She couldn’t let go of her petty jealousy and insecurities, and it was beginning to take a toll on her.
“Need help there?” Gale called out behind Wynmoira. He watched the woman struggle to juggle the newly cut wood in a wheelbarrow. The camp was running low on wood, and it was her turn to cut a few logs. Typically, she didn’t struggle this badly, but she got caught up in the moment during her hacking.
“I’m fine,” she said harshly. She placed another piece of wood on top of the stack. It fell, and like a domino effect, others followed shortly after. Gale watched as the mess unfolded and let out a small huff before reaching for the fallen wood.
“I don’t believe that’s true,” he challenged. His voice was soft yet assertive. They locked eyes for a moment, the silence growing between them. Wynmoira wanted to tell him to go away, yet some part of her wanted him to stay. She missed him, whether she wanted to admit it or not. She missed their time together, and avoiding him made her feel hollow like she was missing something.
“Fine, you can help,” she caved. She reached for a few logs on the ground before placing them into a stack in his arms. Gale let out a small grunt as he tried to adjust to the added weight before chuckling, proud of himself as he steadied the weight. Wynmoira grabbed the wheelbarrow and began pulling it, Gale joining her side as they headed towards camp.
“We haven’t seen much of each other these days,” Gale pointed out, his eyes wandering to Wynmoira. Her eyes remained straight ahead, not drifting for a moment. “I miss our little talks.” His voice was softer, with a hint of pain in his words. Wynmoira’s face faltered for a moment, recognizing the shift in his tone. But just as quickly as it changed, she returned to her stone-cold gaze.
“We’re talking now, aren’t we?” She quipped.
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.” Wynmoira finally broke her gaze ahead, looking over at the wizard. His brows furrowed, his lips curled downwards slightly. “Ever since the ordeal with the hag, you’ve been…different.”
She wanted to challenge him, tell him he was wrong. That she was the same woman she’d always been. But she couldn’t bring herself to say it. She knew he was right. Things were different between them. She never really prepared herself for this type of conversation. In all honesty, she hoped to avoid it entirely.
“I just needed to adjust my priorities.” She paused, turning away from him. She couldn’t face him and have this conversation, not now. “We need to get these tadpoles out of our heads before it’s too late.” She continued pulling the wheelbarrow, leaving Gale behind. He followed shortly after her, and the two remained silent until they made it to camp. Karlach approached the two, welcoming them back.
“Hi there, soldier!” Karlach had a large smile on her face. She was comfortable, wearing her camp clothing. There were no real plans for today other than resupplying and resting. Her eyes drifted to Gale, who was following behind, noticing the small frown on his face. “What did you do, Wyn?” Wynmoira’s eyes widened slightly, and her brows furrowed in confusion.
“Lovely how you immediately assume it was my fault,” she protested. Karlach looked at her, raising a brow. She didn’t have to say anything before Wynmoira caved, nodding her head. “He tried talking, and I don’t want to talk.” She settled the wheelbarrow on the ground and began pulling some logs out, placing a few by the nearby campfire pit. Once enough was placed, she made her way over to a larger stack of wood, refilling the pit. Gale joined her side momentarily, adding his collection to the pile before leaving her. As he walked away, she couldn’t help but look after him. His head and shoulders fell slightly as he sulked back to his tent.
He remained in his tent for the rest of the day, never coming out once. The sun had set, and the others were gathered around the campfire. Wynmoira sat beside Shadowheart, listening to Wyll tell everyone another one of his stories about his journeys. Shadowheart seemed in tune with his words, but Wynmoira was in her own little world. Her eyes would drift towards Gale’s tent in the distance, waiting for him to join the others. He didn’t even leave to get dinner once it was ready.
“You can always go in,” Shadowheart nudged Wynmoira’s shoulder. Wynmoira snapped out of it, giving a small smile to Shadowheart before shaking her head.
“I’m the last person he’d want to see,” she said. She used her fork to nudge the small bits of potato on her plate. She ate only a portion of her food; not really hungry tonight. Shadowheart stood up, walking away from her companion before returning with a full plate of food and handing it to Wynmoira.
“Give it to him. Don’t need two of you moping about,” she teased. Wynmoira took a moment before standing and taking the plate of food. She went to Gale’s tent, stopping just a few steps outside. Everyone’s voices from the campfire were like soft background noise, and she was in utter silence, waiting outside Gale’s tent. She felt a small lump form in the back of her throat, afraid to call out to him.
“I know you’re out there,” he called out. She mentally cursed herself before entering the tent, a sheepish smile on her lips. Gale was sitting on a small chair, a book in hand. His eyes were glued to the page despite her entrance.
“You didn’t get dinner. Don’t need you starving to death.” She tried to joke, wanting to lighten the mood. Gale took a small breath, his eyes leaving the book to meet hers. “Here,” she held out his plate. He stared at the plate momentarily before finally caving and grabbing it from her hands. Wynmoira sat beside him, keeping her plate on her lap. Her hands fiddled with the plate, needing to find something to distract her from her anxious feelings.
“You…us…things are complicated because of Mystra, aren’t they?” He finally asked. Wynmoira went tense, her hands coming to a halt on the plate. Her eyes drifted to him, and he was already looking at her with his soft brown eyes. She couldn’t find the words to say how she felt, so she nodded her head.
There was no denying that something was forming between the two, since their night practicing with the weave. Images that played through her mind about him, intimate images, were exposed, as were similar images of her in his mind. For a moment, Wynmoira thought something great could come from it. But after learning about Mystra, things became complicated. Her insecurities got the best of her, and she tried to separate herself from him. Hoping that her feelings could disappear. Things would hurt a lot less. But nothing is that easy.
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” Wynmoira finally said. She chewed at the inside of her cheek, feeling herself become uneasy as she continued to speak. “Your past is your past, I can’t hold it against you. We’ve all got skeletons in our closets.” She knew herself she had her own secrets, secrets she wasn’t ready to tell. It wasn’t fair for her to hold his against him so harshly.
“I appreciate that, but no,” he said. He placed the plate on the table beside him, turning his body to give her his full attention. “No doubt my past has caused a ripple in our…relationship. Frankly, I didn’t know how to tell you about it. I think a part of me was ashamed, really.”
His words pained her to hear. Gale didn’t seem like the type to have shame. The way he was always so confident in himself, she admired it greatly. But to see him like this, talking about his shame, reminded her that he wasn’t the perfect man she envisioned. He was flawed, just like her. He was human.
“I’m sorry,” Wynmoira said softly. She placed her plate on the table and took Gale’s hand in hers. A small smile grew on her lips as she gave him a gentle squeeze. “You didn’t deserve the way I treated you. I just got so…insecure.” Gale placed his hand on top of hers, giving her a gentle squeeze this time. A small smile formed on his lips as the two held a soft gaze with one another.
“All is forgiven,” he assured her. She missed this. She missed him, his touch, his embrace. She felt safe with him, something she didn’t feel with anyone else. He always found ways to put her at ease, even when he wasn’t trying. “But I do require one thing from you.”
“And what is that?”
“Don’t shut me out,” he asked softly. “If something troubles you, tell me. Let me share your pain. Let me take on your burden. I can handle it.”
His words warmed her heart. No one had ever done that for her. Or at least she couldn’t remember someone doing such a thing. He cared deeply for her, and she felt stupid for letting her insecurities tell her otherwise.
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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"And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be ... Right in front of me."
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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ACT 1 → ACT 2 → ACT 3
"With you, I forget my goddess. I love you."
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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I know you think this will set you free, but it won't. This power will trap you, just like it trapped Cazador.
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Reunion Tower [Karlach x Tav (Sikah)]
link to my ao3 here :) chapter [1]┃chapter [2]┃chapter [3] (you are here)
Chapter Three: Rekindling
Sikah groaned when the morning sunlight peeked through the haphazardly closed curtains. She hid her face in Karlach’s chest and coiled her limbs around her, smiling as she felt her partner chuckle airily. The mechanical sounds of her engine echoing against her chest and the soft hums of whichever tune plagued Karlach’s mind composed a sweet morning medley. 
“Mornin’, baby,” Karlach’s hand found its home in Sikah’s bed tousled hair, “Sleep good?” 
“Mmhmn…” the smaller tiefling yawned, snuggling closer to her lover’s side. “Warm…” 
Karlach melted. “Gods you’re too cute when you’re all groggy and worn out from fucking, especially when it lasts all the way into the morning after.” 
“Shuddup,” Sikah flicked her forehead, not bothering to open her eyes. 
It was nice to be back in the material plane, to experience night and day and the gifts they permitted. Without the screams of banshees and the hissing of imps, the couple shared a peaceful night together for the first time in what felt like ages. Not that the two hadn’t found time and place to enjoy themselves in the hells, but the change in ambiance was greatly appreciated. A warm bed shared in the embrace of your lover was something Sikah hadn’t realized she missed. They basked in each other’s radiance well into the early hours of the morning, taking full advantage of the blissful silence. Soon enough, the city outside began to wake. Merchants opened their doors, taverns fired up their ovens, boats returned from the break of dawn expeditions, and people wandered the streets. 
“Guess we should get up?” Karlach looked at Sikah, meeting her gaze with a smile. “Gods when you look at me like that I wanna lay in bed with you forever.”
“Good,” the culprit grinned, leaning up to kiss Karlach’s lips, “that was my plan.”
The hellion pinched her sides, “You sly devil. Come on, up and attem!” Karlach tossed the bedcovers to join their undergarments on the floor. 
Sikah glared at her lover as the cool morning air made gooseflesh rise on her bare skin. She grabbed a nearby pillow and chucked it at Karlach as she stretched the sleep from her limbs. 
“Oi! You think you’re funny, do ya?” flames flickered in her hair as she reached down to pick up the discarded cushion. With a devious grin she threw herself back onto the bed, gently returning the pillow assault to her partner. The room was silent for a moment before the pair erupted into laughter that lasted till they were breathless. “I fucking love when you laugh. I love you.” 
“I love you baffling amounts, Karlach.” Sikah caressed the larger woman’s cheek and kissed her forehead. “I’m feeling quite awake now.” 
“Atta girl!” Karlach tossed her lover a fresh set of clothes. “And, I love you too. Now come on, get dressed, we’ve got a sister to scold!” 
Sikah reached for Karlach’s hand and squeezed it tight before raising her knuckles to knock on Gale’s door. Gods she hoped it was Gale who answered. He would probably talk her ear off about how it was rude to storm off and throw knives into his door frame, but Sikah would much rather be scolded by the wizard than the other occupant of the tower. Despite being kept awake at night by her thoughts for the past twelve years, she still needed time to compose them, and herself. Where would she start? What would she say? What should she say? Did she expect an apology? Did Fotiah expect one? 
The door clicked open and Sikah immediately wanted to fall into the shadows and slip away. She turned to step back, but her barbarian partner kept her anchored in place. 
Fotiah’s face was a blended expression of surprise, concern, and annoyance as she processed the tiefling couple on her doorstep. “Are you coming to apologize to Gale about the doorframe from your tantrum yesterday?” She crossed her arms over her chest. 
Sikah wanted so badly to lie and say yes; to feign an apology to Gale and be done with it, but Karlach’s words echoed in her mind: I want you to experience the love a family can offer. 
“Yes and no,” Sikah answered shortly. “Can we come in?” 
“Seriously?” Her sister’s expression was almost perplexed, but she opened the door nonetheless.  
Karlach gave her lover’s hand a reassuring squeeze as Fotiah opened the door and welcomed them back into her home. The rogue’s dagger was still lodged into the doorframe, painted wood splintering from the pressure. Sikah’s cheeks were red with shame as Karlach reached up to pluck it from the wall. 
Fotiah led them to what Sikah assumed was the same tearoom they had been in the day prior, though it looked a bit different, less of Gale’s style. 
“Before you ask, yes, it’s the same room. It’s a simple illusion spell to which the decor changes based on the desired aesthetic of the caster. I prefer greens to Gale’s adoration of purples.” The younger tiefling took a seat in one of the sofa-chairs. 
Sikah remained standing, keeping her guard high. Karlach stood beside her with a reassuring hand on the small of her back. 
“So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?” Fotiah crossed her legs as one of her mage hands pushed a sofa towards the hell adventurers, urging them to sit. 
Karlach nudged Sikah’s shoulder and muttered in infernal, “I’m right here, you’ll be fine, just talk.” 
The mage chuckled, “I can read lips and understand infernal, Karlach, though I do appreciate your attempts at discrete encouragement. Am I really that intimidating?” 
“Ah, right. My bad, sorry. I’ll just… have a seat here, let you two chat it out or whatever,” she blushed, awkwardly shifting her weight between her feet. “Actually!” Karlach stood up quickly after sitting down, “I think I’ll go find Gale! He’d mentioned something about having me come speak to the rascals in one of his classes. The school is just up the road, right?” 
“Up the road and to the left, can’t miss it,” Fotiah nodded. 
“Wonderful, thanks!” The barbarian leaned down to peck Sikah on the lips, “I love you, you’ve got this, okay? Please don’t chew me out later for leaving okaybye!” 
Sikah glared at the slightly singed floor her lover left behind. Great. Now she was alone. Why was she always left to face her troubles alone? 
No. She was being dramatic, unreasonably so. Sikah had faced greater enemies with friends and allies by her side. She’d faced a damned cult and a netherbrain for gods’ sake! Survived it too. That was a battle she needed companions for, this… well, this was something she could, and should do alone. 
“It was my idea to invite you two, by the way,” Fotiah broke the pregnant silence. “Gale was hesitant, he expressed his doubts, his worries. He wants both of you to be there, but he was certain you wouldn’t come if you knew it was me.”
Sikah shrugged, letting her sister talk. She wasn’t wrong. If she’d known that Gale was planning on marrying her sister, well, she’d probably come to the material plane just to beat some sense into him and return back to Avernus. 
“But, I wanted you to be here, I still do.” The other tiefling continued, “Gale told me about your travels together, how you stood by him when he needed it most, what a strong and compassionate leader you were. I found it hard to believe at first. My sister? The one who abandoned her home the second she was faced with opposition? It couldn’t be. But he showed me paintings, memories, visions, and there was no doubt that he was speaking the truth.” 
“Why? Why did you stay with him after finding out he had connections to me?” Sikah perched herself on the arm of the couch, letting her legs dangle over the sides in case she needed to quickly spring to her feet. 
“I didn’t feel that it mattered,” Fotiah answered. “Not everyone is as petty as you are, Sikah.” 
“Really? As if you’ve never been?” The rogue rolled her eyes. 
“You wouldn’t know, you were gone for most of my life!” her sister’s voice was strained with emotion, prompting her to begin communicating with her hands instead. “You left me, all because I tried to protect you like you always did for me. You left and you missed so much. You missed me going to school, mastering the weave, falling in love, having my heart broken. The sister I thought I knew would have wanted to be there for that.” 
“You don’t know me,” Sikah aggressively signed back.
Fotiah stood from her seat. “You never let me know you. I’m starting to think you never wanted me to. How do you think it felt to hear the first utterances of your sister, whom you haven’t heard of in over a decade, come from the man I was courting? I was envious of him, because despite me being your kin, he, a random stranger, knew you more than I ever did.”
“Do you think it was easy for me to leave? You don’t think I wanted to come home? I couldn’t, Fotiah, they wouldn’t let me.” She sighed frustratedly, “I’d come by, you know, sneak up and peer through the window. I’d see you and dad and Trielle sitting by the fire and you looked happy. I saw my things out in sacks on the side of the road when you moved to the upper city, I read in the census when dad stated he had one daughter, not two. I hated how quickly you all forgot me. So, I chose to forget you instead. I joined a pack of thieves and I didn’t look back. They were my family, or so they made me think.” 
Sikah didn’t know why her lips, through the signs of her hands, were so loose. Was there something in the air? A cantrip or spell that made her speak her mind? She hadn’t eaten or drank anything her sister offered, she hadn’t detected any magic… or maybe there was nothing. Perhaps she’d grown as a person and had finally allowed herself to get over her pettiness and yearned for her sister’s forgiveness. Did she want forgiveness? 
“Then they betrayed you, just as I felt you betrayed me,” Fotiah sat back down. “Your story doesn’t excuse your actions, but it does explain them. Thank you.”
“Yet you never tried to stop dad and Trielle when they erased me from their lives. Why want me back now?” 
“No matter how much you tried to be forgotten, I never forgot you, Sikah, I never wanted to. You were all I had for so long, I couldn’t lose you.” Fotiah smiled weakly, “That’s why I brought up your jobs to dad and Tri. The same reason I sent the invitation despite Gale’s hesitation; I can’t let you go again.” She held out her hand and spoke, “I don’t expect everything to be happy-go-lucky, nor do I think this brief reconciliation will solve the tribulations of the past, but I do think it’s a start. I want my sister back; and I’d be a fool to watch you walk away when you’re within arm’s reach.”
Sikah stared at her sister’s hand in disbelief. Why? After everything she’d done, Fotiah wasn’t moved by resentment or petty grudges. Surely there had to be some semblance of such feelings deep down, but the younger tiefling handled her emotions with grace. It was that simple wasn’t it? A girl wanted her sister in attendance at her wedding, simple as that. Her sister was being selfish and for the first time, Sikah didn’t mind it. 
< previous chapter
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Reunion Tower [Karlach x Tav (Sikah)]
link to my ao3 here :) chapter [1]┃chapter [2] (you are here)┃chapter [3]
In which Karlach rolls high on wisdom, intelligence, and charisma.
Chapter Two: Words of Wisdom
Sikah was not in Baldur’s Gate. She was not in her hometown, yet home came to her, family found her. She couldn’t stand the thought. She didn’t want to be found, she had a new home. 
“I can’t believe this shit,” She hissed under her breath as she sulked through the nearby marketplace, snatching a few apples and tarts from oblivious eyes. 
Sikah pulled her hood over her head and wandered out of town into the shallow forest nearby. She sat by the river and ate her petty goods, chucking the apple cores into the running water, watching them bob down the stream. 
If Fotiah was here and was to be wed, their father and stepmother were sure to make an appearance. The thought made Sikah sick. She hadn’t seen nor contacted her family in twelve years. She wasn’t saddened by it, she preferred it this way. Her father and Trielle made it very clear that she was no longer welcome in their home, that she was no longer kin if she were to continue on the path she walked. Sometimes Sikah wondered what her life would be if her secret was kept, if her sister hadn’t betrayed her trust— those thoughts, those what ifs, were prominent now. 
She was angry. Angry at Gale, angry with Karlach, angry at her sister, the world, her past, and her future. All the blades that the cruel universe had sharpened were pointed at her, piercing her heart. Hot tears pricked her eyes as she stood up and grabbed her daggers from her pouch. Sikah yelled as she chucked one of them into a nearby tree with such force that its bark splintered. Again and again she threw her daggers into the backs of the trees, screaming and crying till her arms were numb, her hands bloody, and her throat dry. 
Exhausted from her outburst, Sikah fell to her knees and sobbed, huddled against a tree with her knees to her chest. 
“Darling?” Karlach’s warm voice fell upon her ears. Her usual smile was replaced by a worried pout which only deepened at the sight of her partner’s teary eyes. “Hey, hey… c’mere,” she sat on the earth’s floor next to Sikah, close for their shoulders to touch. “Talk to me, soldier.”
Sikah didn’t look at Karlach, but flatly whispered, “What did she tell you?”
“Nothing, I didn’t stay,” the barbarian ran a hand through the other’s hair. “I’ve been looking for you. You’re real sneaky, love, ya know that? Took me hours before I thought to check the forest.” 
“ ‘m sorry…” the smaller tiefling leaned shyly into Karlach’s side. “This was supposed to be a nice break for us, a reward for enduring the hells, but instead we’re here; here in this bullshit town with my bullshit sister and stupid fucking Gale. Why didn’t he tell me?! I told him about Fotiah, Karlach. I told him and he still did this.” 
Karlach chuckled, “Baby there is no reward for enduring the hells. If there was, there’d be no hells to endure. Think about it like this: even outside Avernus, even after all Dammon’s upgrades, my engine still burns. A piece of hell is always with me, inside me. There’s always going to be hellfire, even on the material plane. And yes, it’s fuckin’ shit, but it’s the way shit is. Ten years in Avernus makes you remember that.” 
“Who are you and what have you done with my Karlach? She’s never been so poetic like this.” A small smile tugged at Sikah’s lips. 
“Your Karlach, eh?” Sikah could feel Karlach’s grin. “Well, your Karlach thinks it would be good to talk about what’s happened. Maybe she has more poetic advice to give.” Karlach patted her lap in invitation. 
With a huff, the rogue moved to sit on the larger woman’s lap, straddling her hips and resting her hands on her scarred chest. 
“What more is there to talk about? I told you about my childhood and Fotiah, what more is there?” Sikah fixated her focus on tracing her fingers around the valves embedded in Karlach’s skin. “She told my father and his new wife about my real job instead of keeping it secret like she promised. They kicked me out, I joined Mammon’s Bane, and the rest of the story you know.” 
“Do you blame her for what happened when you were in the Bane?” 
She shook her head. “No, I don't blame her for that. But… Fotiah was always coddled and spoiled. She was the magic prodigy, the light and happy one, the perfect daughter. She had it all, so why did she have to spoil the little faith my family still had in me? After all I did for her?”
Karlach sighed and pressed a kiss to Sikah’s forehead, cupping her scarred cheek with her hand. In the larger woman’s palm, her lover’s face felt so small. A woman of her size and stature carried burdens that would lead even the strongest soldier to falter. Yet Sikah carried them with weightless grace. The barbarian had her own afflictions, yes, but Karlach dealt with hers in a contrary way in comparison to her partner’s undemanding endurance. Maintaining such a strong and composed exterior while being crushed by the weight of her past tribulations must have been exhausting, and Karlach concluded that today was her beloved’s tipping point. She traced her thumb over the raised skin and wiped a stray tear from Sikah’s eye. 
“What?” Sikah looked up inquisitively at Karlach’s uncharacteristically silent smile. 
“Nothin’. I was just thinking about how fucking strong you are, even in your cute tiny body.” 
The smaller tiefling rolled her eyes and pouted, “I am not tiny, you’re just ungodly tall.”
“Listen, baby. I’m bein’ serious now, okay? We can argue about your vertical challenges later.” Karlach’s flames flickered blue for a brief moment. “I love you, yeah? You were there with me at my breaking point with Gortash, there to hug me tight and ground me without the fear of being burned. There to help me breathe when my chest was crushed under the pressure of anger and sadness. You brought me back to earth when I was far, far away. Let me do that for you?” 
“I don’t know what you mean,” Sikah looked to the floor. 
“I know you do, you’ve got a higher intelligence score than me by far, but I can spell it out for you.” Karlach guided the other woman’s face by the chin to look into her eyes, “You stand face to face with your past and are being forced to confront it. Reopening those wounds hurts like hell, and any normal person would want to avoid purposeful pain, but baby you can’t run from it forever. You can heal them now while you have the chance.” She sighed, “I know I will never know the struggles of having a sister, but I have to imagine that there are some joys, no?” 
Sikah dug her nails into Karlach’s scarred shoulders and avoided her gaze. “You don’t understand, it isn’t that easy. I didn’t have the fun, loving, happy home life like you did. After my mom died my father became an alcoholic asshole, I was left to take care of Fotiah all on my own, I was six Karlach. I never had the chance to be a kid, never had the time to fuck up and learn, as soon as I dared to do something reckless, the girl who I fought so hard to protect sold me out. Do you have any idea how much that hurts?”
“I do.” Karlach went quiet. The words Sikah spoke reminded her of her past with Gortash; fighting tooth and nail for his protection, caring for someone so deeply only to have them toss you aside. This didn’t feel the same, however. Fotiah had done nothing to intentionally harm Sikah, didn’t sell her off to the hells to fight in a war that wasn’t hers. 
“Shit, Kar I’m sorry I didn’t…” Sikah realized the weight of her remarks and bit her tongue. “I’ll listen.”
The barbarian let out a steady breath. “Thank you,” she offered a meek smile and scratched soothing stripes down her lover’s back. “Sik, I’m not asking you to be her bestest friend in the whole world, hells, I’m not asking you to forgive her either. I am, however, asking you to talk to her. Maybe it’s selfish because I wish my folks were still around, but I want you to experience the love a family can offer.”
“But I have you now, is that not enough?”
“My love is different, and you know that,” Karlach reasoned. 
“You make it sound easy.”
“Well, being constantly on the verge of death really changes your outlook on things.” 
“I’m being for real, darling. If I had the chance to have a level head on my shoulders and the opportunity to politely cuss out Gortash instead of decapitating him, I may have considered it.” She laughed, “Closure, or something like that.”
Sikah realized now that she herself was being a bit selfish, maybe even a bit of a bitch. Fotiah hadn’t committed such grave sins against her like certain others had, yet she continued to hold a grudge. Yes her sister’s actions led to her expulsion from their family, but that was the extent of her crimes. Her sister had caused her no physical harm, no tempest of torment; hells, if she really hated Sikah that much, she was certain Fotiah wouldn’t entertain Gale. 
“Come on, out with it, I can smell your brain cooking,” Karlach teased, playfully poking Sikah’s cheek. 
“Shut it,” Sikah blushed and swatted her hand away. “I think I’ve been unfair. She’s no Zotian, yet I hold a stronger grudge against her. Gods she probably hates me.” 
“I think if she hated you, she wouldn’t have let Gale invite us to the wedding,” Karlach concluded, “What’s your plan?”
Curses on Karlach for always being such a positive light. For a barbarian, she had more wisdom than she led on. Sikah let her shoulders relax for what felt like the first time in months. “I’ll talk to her. No promises on if the outcome will be pleasant, but I’ll talk.”
“That’s my girl.” The tiefling smiled and pressed a kiss to her lips, causing Sikah to squeak. “Hahah, you like that?” Karlach teased triumphantly, biting the other’s ear. 
“Not a word.” Sikah’s heart was drumming in her ears, her pale red skin now deepened with blush. 
“Alright, alright, I’ll quit… for now,” she smirked. “Now, up you go, my ass hurts. You’ve gained quite a bit of muscle killin’ all those devils.” Karlach playfully smacked Sikah’s behind. 
The rogue got up and flipped her lover the finger as she began to walk away, to which the taller woman laughed as she took a few strides to catch up with her. Karlach stepped in front of Sikah, stopping her in her tracks, beaming as she looked down at her. 
“What?” The shorter woman crossed her arms and raised a brow, “I thought you wanted me to talk to my sister, so let me do it.” 
“Well, it’s getting a bit late. Maybe we should save the reconciling for tomorrow? Sleep on your thoughts a bit? We wouldn’t want to interrupt the soon to be wed’s private nighttime rituals.” She wiggled her eyebrows. 
“Karlach, gross, that’s my sister, I don’t want to think about her being taken to bed by Gale.” Sikah gagged. 
“What do you think about me taking you to bed instead?” Karlach brushed her tail against the small of Sikah’s back. 
“You ass, that was your plan all along.”
“And if it was?”
“I wouldn’t be opposed.”
Karlach’s pointed teeth poked through her scheming grin, “Lovely.”
< previous chapter┃next chapter >
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Reunion Tower [Karlach x Tav (Sikah)]
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In the year following Withers’s reunion party, a wedding invitation leads Karlach and Sikah to find respite once again in the material plane. However, their exciting, romantic getaway quickly reveals itself to be a bit more trouble than imagined. An unexpected reunion brings tension and resurfaces past memories, so much for a drama-free wedding. Well, is a wedding without a little bit of family drama really a wedding?
guess who's back with another Sikah and Karlach post?? That's right, me :) I also have this posted over on my ao3! chapter [1] (you are here)┃chapter [2]┃chapter [3]
Chapter One: An Invitation
It had been a long and treacherous year since Withers last summoned the party to their camp in Baldur’s Gate. After a mere night of respite, it was back into the hot hellfire of Avernus for Sikah and Karlach. Despite the ever-changing puzzle that was the hell's landscape, Wyll occasionally joined the pair in quarrels with imps and mephits when their paths crossed. It wasn’t often, but it was still more frequent than summons from the material plane. Albeit, Sikah yearned for another invitation, wishing that it was a bi-annual affair.
The next time the couple saw Wyll he came bearing an invitation— a wedding one at that. 
“A wedding?” Karlach leaned over Sikah’s shoulder to sneak a peek at the paper in her hands. “Who’s getting hitched?”
“Gale,” Sikah answered simply as she read over the eloquent scrawl. 
My dearest infernal warriors Sikah and Karlach, I hope this invitation finds you well and engines cooler. I apologize that I cannot deliver the news in person, but the hells are no place for a wizard such as myself, the soon to be wife insists— and such is the matter of this letter! 
If you so happen to be at a pausing point in your quest for heart-smithing, I would be most delighted to have you as esteemed guests for my betrothal. Whether it be through Wyll or Withers, I truly do hope to see you in attendance. The date is a ten-day from the composition of this invitation, dated the twenty-fifth day of the third month of the year 1494. 
Sincerely yours,
“Always a charmer that one was, eh soldier?” Karlach chuckled and nudged her partner’s shoulder. “I could go for a few days free of this shithole, and Dammon’s latest upgrade got me patched up enough for a ten-day up top! We gotta go see what trouble Gale’s gotten himself into now. It better not be that goddess of his, I think I’d actually lose my shit, darling.” 
Sikah nodded and folded the parchment neatly before tucking it into her pocket-belt, “Well, whoever it is must have the patience of a saint or the will of a bull, hopefully both now that I think of it.” 
“Gale’s a good man! In sure whoever he’s found is a goddess in her own right,” Wyll interjected with a light chuckle. 
“You don’t know who she is?” Sikah questioned. 
“Not a clue,” the Blade shrugged. “Gale didn’t give me the invitation himself either. My trips to the surface are more frequent than yours, but still not many. The invite was tucked in the mailbox of my hideout in Waukeen’s Rest.” 
“Well, a little bit of surprise has only killed some people! I’m sure whoever good ol’ Gale found is lovely.” Karlach added as she idly stretched her arms above her head. “Now, while I love all this chit-chat, I’d also love to get the hell out of here. Wyll?”
The horned man nodded. “Aye, portal is at Hope’s. If we set off now, we’ll make it to Waterdeep three days before the ceremony.”  
Fresh, cool, salty air graced her senses after the brief yet unpleasant flames of the portal from Avernus. In her travels, Sikah had never ventured far north to Waterdeep. It was a charming place, nothing extravagant to the extent of which Gale described by the fire of their camp, but fairly pleasant. In fairness, anything in comparison to Avernus, even a mound of dirt, was pleasant. 
“So these are Gale’s old stomping grounds? Quite a nice place, but it’s no Baldur’s Gate.” Karlach smiled and nudged Sikah with the tip of her tail. 
“It is rather quaint, much more magic in the air.” The rogue observed, “Which way is Gale's tower?”
“If I remember correctly, it should be right up this path and to the left, conveniently next to the Blackstaff School of Magic.” Wyll guided with his hand. 
“Well then, let’s march!” Karlach’s voice boomed in excitement as she grabbed Sikah and Wyll’s hands to drag them up the path.
A wizard’s tower was always a sight to behold— tall spires, elaborate stained glass, archways and eaves galore; but Gale’s domain felt more… homey. Instead of stone, the walls were made of wood, light greenery and moss climbed up the walls and flowers were planted in window boxes. The Blackstaff school a few paces down certainly made up for the lack of splendor. Perhaps the lack of extravagance was purposeful to avoid arcane tricksters. 
“If I didn’t know the wizard who lived here, I wouldn’t think a wizard lived here at all,” Sikah mused as they stood on his doorstep, “this is the most humble I’ve seen Gale.”
“I beg your pardon?” A familiar voice came from the now open door. 
“Gale!” Karlach jumped past Sikah and Wyll to pull the wizard into a hug. 
“Oof! Good to see you again Karlach, you look well, less hot to the touch too.” He chuckled, straightening his robes after the barbarian released him. 
“Hahah sorry mate, got a little excited, didn’t mean to ruffle your wizard feathers,” she grinned. 
“You’re more than alright Karlach, I’m glad you could make it, and with company too! Sikah, looking sharp as always,” Gale stepped around the taller tiefling woman to embrace Sikah with a smile. “And Wyll, the Blade of Avernus! Thank you for delivering my message my friend.”
Wyll nodded. “With pleasure, Gale. It’s about time there was an excuse for the lot of us to reunite. Speaking of which, I promised Shadowheart that I’d escort her to the Jade Jug. She arrives in Baldur’s Gate tomorrow and the trip is roughly a day's journey, so I’ll be taking my leave. We will have plenty of time to catch up during the week’s festivities, I’m sure.”
“Ah, of course Wyll. Do make sure god’s favourite princess arrives in one piece.” Gale chuckled. 
“I’ll relay your sentiments,” Wyll said with a smirk before dismissing himself from the wizard’s tower. 
“Well, I suppose it’s just us three to catch up then!” Gale clapped his hands together, “How has your infernal smithy search been going? I do hope the hells are treating you nicely.”
“The hells treat no one nicely, but we’re managing, good company makes it better.” Sikah winked at Karlach. “What about you? Getting hitched? Had an eventful year since we last spoke?”
“You could say that. Tia and I had just started courting when Withers summoned us all last year; still too soon to bring her to meetings with old friends, in my opinion.” The wizard led the pair of tieflings through his tower, up a magical staircase, to what Sikah assumed was a tea room. 
She sat cross legged on one of the sofas as mage hands magically brewed a pot of tea, one bringing in a cold ale for Karlach.
“Fuck yes! I’ve been itching for a cold pint, Gale you’re the best!” She enthusiastically grabbed the mug, chugging half of it in one go. “Sooo, how’d you two meet? Can’t be any cooler than Sik and I here,” Karlach smirked as she sat beside her lover and draped her arm around Sikah’s shoulders. 
“Well, it’s not as fiery as you two, but I do like to think it’s just as sweet.” Gale blushed, the Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep was blushing. “We’re both professors at Blackstaff, and with her classroom beside mine, she was given the wonderful opportunity of showing me around the academy when I first started.” 
Sikah rolled her eyes as she accepted a cup of tea from a misty appendage, “Yes Gale, an opportunity, surely not a pesterance,” she smirked before sipping her tea. 
“I’ll have you know I make great company! Especially in academia, thank you.” He protested. 
“And are we gonna meet this girl before you two tie the knot or is it a surprise for everyone?” Karlach inquired as she mindlessly twirled a strand of Sikah’s hair around her finger. 
“Ah, she should be home soon. There were a few tutoring sessions she was supervising this afternoon.” Gale smiled as a bell rang from somewhere below them in the tower, as if on queue. “Well, speak of the devil and she shall appear! Not that she’s a devil of course, do not tell her I said that.” He stood up quickly and stood in the room’s entry way. “Up here darling! Our guests from the hells have arrived.” 
“Gale, whatever you’re saying I cannot hear you, especially all the way up there where I can’t read your lips. Send one of the hands down to sign, will you?” A woman’s voice called back. It sounded… oddly familiar. “I swear, you’d think after almost two years of courting you would remember that your betrothed is deaf. You’re lucky you have charm, Gale Dekarios.” 
The woman in question soon appeared in the doorway, standing on her toes to kiss Gale’s cheek. A tiefling with pale red skin similar to the smoked flesh of a salmon and piercing hellfire yellow eyes. Her hair was a fair blonde like Sikah’s, tied in a loose bun at the nape of her neck with two horns standing a few inches taller than the rogue’s own. Sikah’s heart dropped. 
“My apologies, dear. The excitement of our guests has scrambled my mind.” Gale looked back at the women on his couch and winked. “Sikah, Karlach, this is my fiancée Fo–”
“Fotiah.” Sikah now stood, posture tall and defensive, arms crossed and brow furrowed. 
“Fotiah? Isn’t that the name of your sister?” Karlach now stood beside her girlfriend and glanced between the two. 
“Yes. It is.” Sikah’s tail flicked back and forth angrily. “Come, Karlach, we’re leaving. We don’t have to go back to Avernus yet, but we will not be entertaining this. Congratulations Gale, I hope you’re happy.”
“Wait, Sikah, let me explain,” Gale extended his hand to stop her as she walked past them. 
The shorter tiefling smacked his hand away. “No, Gale. I don’t want to hear it. You knew. You know how I must feel about this, and you didn’t think to tell me you were betrothed to my fucking sister?!” The spikes under Sikah’s skin flared. “It’s because you knew I wouldn’t come, is it not? How did you think it would go over when this happened? Did you really think that I would just act like everything was perfectly fine? Just because it’s your wedding? It must be nice still living life naive, Gale, after everything.” 
Sikah was halfway to the door when she noticed the lack of warmth behind her. She turned around to face Karlach, “Karlach. We’re leaving.” 
The barbarian shifted in place with uncertainty. 
“Fine. Stay here.” Sikah spat angrily, starting to sign with her hands as she yelled. “Make me a villain again, Fotiah, turn the woman I love against me! Turn everyone I care about against me again, I’m numb to the feeling.” She slammed the door behind her and threw a dagger into its frame before storming off. 
next chapter >
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Betrayal (Gale x Wynmoira)
Hello lovelies! I wrote a little thing for my babes, Wynmoira and Gale. It's a little angsty but I couldn't help but have a little inspo during my playthrough to write. More will definitely come from them, so be on the lookout!
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Part [1] (you are here). Part [2].
can find it on my ao3 here
The branches crunched beneath Wynmoira's feet. Her body ached all over; she was sticky, covered in a thick layer of blood, guts, and goo. A few strands of hair stuck firmly against her moist cheeks. Gods, was she desperately in need of a bath. She couldn't wait to be free of her ruined clothing, to submerge herself entirely in the warm waters by camp. A faint smile crept on her lips at the thought alone.
Wynmoira, Shadowheart, Astarion, and Gale were returning from their battle against Auntie Ethel. The battle was a rough one; Wynmoira was distracted the entire time. Her mind kept going elsewhere, causing her to miss a few spells here and there. If it weren't for Shadowheart dealing the final blow, Wynmoira probably wouldn't have returned to camp in one piece. Shadowheart didn't let it go unnoticed. She called her out for her lack of action, which Wynmoira quietly apologized for. She eventually went silent, too tired to continue arguing. Her eyes then glanced over to Gale.
His face was equally covered in blood, guts, and goo. He was just as tired and beaten as she was. But he walked with a stride that she always secretly admired. But right now, she couldn't feel admiration for the man. She felt a twang of jealousy, slight anger. Before their battle, he finally admitted why he needed to consume magical items. He was a walking time bomb, and it was all because of his intense love for Mystra, the Goddess of Magic herself. Hearing him go into brief detail about his love for her goddess brought a sour taste to her mouth. At first, she found it disrespectful to her deity. But then, feelings of jealousy began to form.
They had been traveling together for quite some time now. They've spent countless nights around a campfire, enjoying Gale's cooking for the group, discussing their favorite books, and making one another laugh during these troubling times. Whether she wanted to admit it to herself or not, Wynmoira began falling for the man. Things have changed since that night when they were messing around with the Weave. There were longing glances from time to time, her strong desire always to have Gale accompany her during their outings, even opening up more to him about her past. She felt more comfortable with him, something she hadn't experienced in so long.
But now, she can't help but feel like all that was for nothing.
"I hope Karlach has something cooked up. Honestly, I could go for a nicely cooked chevon," Gale smiled, gently patting his stomach. His eyes fell onto Wynmoira. Her breath caught in her chest momentarily as she locked eyes with him. "What about you, Wynnie?"
Wynnie. It was something only Gale would call her. Typically, hearing it brought small butterflies to her stomach and made her heart race. But now, it was different. It was like a punch to the gut. Reminding her that despite how close they had been becoming, it would never be as close as he was with Mystra. She mentally cursed herself for thinking such negative thoughts about her patron. She cursed Gale, too, for making her feel this way.
"I'll settle for berries," Wynmoira replied flatly. The smile fell from Gale's face, and he watched as Wynmoira picked up pace, now leading the tired group. Some smoke could be seen in the distance, letting the party know they were almost home. Wynmoira pushed past a few branches until she saw their camp. Karlach was gathered around the campfire, eating soup from a bowl and chatting with Wyll. Their eyes darted towards the incoming crowd, smiling.
"About damn time you got here," Karlach called out with a large smile. "I made soup," she raised a bowl towards Shadowheart. "And it's edible," Wyll teased, earning a playful kick from Karlach. Shadowheart smiled faintly, letting out a tired laugh. She didn't hesitate to make it to her tent. No doubt, she wanted to be free of dirt and bodily fluids before chowing down.
"I'm sure it'll be great, Karlach," Wynmoira smiled. "Just gotta freshen up first, then I'll join you guys." She turned her attention to her chest that rested beside Shadowheart's tent. She carefully undid a few of her bindings, allowing her to remove her armor and place them on the ground, leaving her in her dirtied tunic. Beside the chest was a bucket of water. She scrubbed the grime off her hands and fingers for a few minutes before being satisfied. She grabbed a change of clothes and a cloth to help her dry off after her bath. She made her way through the woods. There was a small river nearby, one that only Wynmoira seemed to know about. She tossed her change of clothes on a small stump before she began to free herself from her blood-soaked clothing slowly. The material practically stuck to her skin, and after a few moments of struggling, she was finally free. She tossed the clothes on the ground and slowly entered the river.
The water was cool on her skin, and she welcomed it. The night seemed hot, and the stark contrast was something she welcomed. She didn't stop until the water was just barely below her collarbone. She wiped at her skin under the water, trying to loosen the gunk from her body. She then pinched her nose, dipping beneath the water. She stayed under for a few moments, enjoying the silence. There were no chirping birds, no sounds of a busy city, no voices.
Just her.
For that moment, she could forget about everything. She could forget about her urges, pushing her to do horrendous things to innocents. She could forget about the tadpole wiggling around in her skull. She could forget about the trouble within the Grove. But most importantly, she could forget about Gale. Be free of the thoughts that plagued her mind, the thoughts of him making love with Mystra.
When she couldn't handle it anymore, she came up for air. She let out a few deep breaths. She was pushing herself, maybe even punishing herself. Why did she let herself get close to Gale? Why did she have to let him in? If she kept him at arm's length like she did everyone else, maybe she wouldn't be feeling this way. Why was he so nice, so welcoming?
Why did he have to tell her about him sleeping with Mystra?
Damn. She cursed under her breath, realizing how aggressive she was being with her hands as she scrubbed at her body. It didn't take long until she was clean, free of dirt or grime. She exited the water, dried herself off, and changed into clean clothes. She wrapped her dirty clothes in the cloth and carried it back to camp before discarding it with her dirtied armor. She made her way to the campfire, where Gale had joined Wyll and Karlach.
He was clean; his hair was wet with nice waves that rested just slightly past his shoulders. He had a large smile, which used to bring butterflies and warmness to Wynmoira's face. She said nothing to him, focusing on the soup Karlarch had made that rested in a pot above the fire. She made herself a bowl before sitting next to Karlach, wanting to be as far away from Gale as possible.
"And after all that, it turns out the old Hag tricked the poor girl! Her husband came back all right but as a zombie!" Gale boomed. He recounted their adventure, a sharp reminder to be careful about what you wished for. He took a spoonful of soup before turning his attention to Wynmoira. He noticed how quiet she was. His brows furrowed as he tried to study her, reading her face to figure out what was wrong. "Wynnie, are you all right?"
"I'm fine," she replied flatly. She brought a spoon to her lips, sipping on the soup. It wasn't anything too special. It was potato soup, though there were some uneven chunks of potato. Despite the possible choking hazard, the soup wasn't too bad.
"Are you sure? You're more quiet than usual," Wyll asked. Karlach gave Wynmoira a slight nudge with her arm, carefully searching her companion's face. Wynmoira's lips were slightly downturned, and Karlach could tell something was off. Wynmoira locked eyes with the Tiefling momentarily and gently shook her head.
"I think we should call it a night," Karlach suggested. She then yawned, stood up, and headed to Wyll. "Besides, we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, and you need your beauty sleep," she teased Wyll. He scoffed playfully at her words as he stood up. He said his goodnights to Wynmoira and Gale before leaving the two alone at the campfire.
The silence was loud between the two. The only noise between the two was the crackling of the fire before them. Wynmoira tried to enjoy her dinner, but she had no appetite. She idly stirred her soup before Gale finally broke the silence between them.
"Was it something I did?" He asked finally. Wynmoira took a deep breath before she spoke. She was mentally trying to play out this scenario. Does she tell him the truth, a half-truth, or a lie? She wasn't ready to come out and say she was jealous of her patron or feeling insecure about it all.
"I just..." She paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say. "I just didn't like how you kept your orb a secret," she lied. Her eyes finally lifted from her soup, meeting his dark brown eyes. "I thought we were friends, honest with one another, no secrets, you know?"
He breathed, placing his bowl on the ground before settling beside her. He radiated a warmth she'd come to love. A warmth she found so welcoming, a warmth she'd come to crave. But now, she felt uneasy.
"I know I should've said something sooner. Frankly, I didn't know how to go about telling it. And thought I had everything under control." He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly.
"But you don't," Wynmoira protested. "You're a ticking bomb, and you did all this for power? For a woman?" Her voice cracked slightly. She felt a lump form in her throat as she felt herself grow a mixture of anger and sadness. He was willing to risk his life all for power. He didn't have to do that. She would've never made him do something so reckless, she thought.
He sighed, breaking eye contact with Wynmoira. "You don't understand. You don't know what it's like to be loved by Mystra. It's a powerful thing, something so strong it hurts, something that can't ever be matched."
His words stung. The way he talked about their relationship, it made her heart sink. She couldn't compete with something like that. She hoped for something special with Gale, but there was no way he'd go for someone like her. She was a simple human, there was nothing truly special about her. How could she ever be better with the Goddess Mystra? She felt her eyes begin to sting, tears quickly forming and threatening to fall down her cheeks. She couldn't cry. She didn't want him to see her like this.
"Nothing is worth risking your life like that." She placed her bowl on the ground. She stood up, ready to leave him alone, but she was stopped when he reached out to her, crabbing her wrist.
"Wyn, don't go," he pleaded. She hated herself for feeling like this. She hated herself for trusting him so easily. She hated herself from letting herself fall for him. She hated him for welcoming her. She hated him for making her believe that there was a chance for her to be happy, to find happiness with someone. But he was still caught up on his love for Mystra. Her eyes met his and his mouth dropped slightly.
No doubt he could see the tears forming in her eyes. A tear or two had fallen down her cheek, and his heart sunk. She was crying, and it was all because of him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her. He tried to open his mouth to protest her leaving, but she cut him off.
"I think it'll be best for you to stay at camp for a bit," she quietly said. She sniffled before her eyes meeting his. Her stare was colder than normal. "It's been a rough couple of days. You could use the rest." She wiggled her wrist free from his grasp before retreating to her tent for the night.
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Let Me Silence the Storm [Karlach x Tav (Sikah)]
hello all :) I've decided to stop being a little bitch baby and post some of the things I've been writing for my Tav, Sikah, and Karlach. This is a little drabble surrounding Sikah's fear of thunderstorms. In my mind, this takes place around the early quests of Act 3. Here's a picture of them because they're cuties! My blorbos ♡
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From the balcony of the inn, Sikah sat and watched as dark gray clouds, heavy with rain, slowly crept their way up the horizon and toward the city. She could hear the low rumble of thunder as they drew nearer and could smell the raindrops in the breeze. Her stomach ached. 
Thunderstorms weren’t an abnormality along the Sword Coast. The proximity to the raging sea and the area’s pseudo-island climate brewed a perfect storm. When it rained in Baldur’s Gate it rained hard. Light showers were a rarity, only spitting in spring; for the refining seasons, there was little snow, no showers, and no sprinkles, only drenching downpours. 
When Sikah was young she loved the rain— loved splashing in puddles, counting the seconds between thunder claps, watching lightning race across the sky. Her mother would tell her it was the gods and goddesses practicing their archery, each hot flash of pure energy an ethereal arrow. 
Lightning was just that, pure energy in a blistering flash. She reached up and carefully brushed her fingertips across her permanently disfigured skin as the memories resurfaced. Sikah could still feel the sweltering pain on her face and see the blinding bolt of light emitting from a whip which cracked like thunder. 
She gasped as something, no, someone, tapped her shoulder. 
“Shit baby, I didn't mean to scare you.” Karlach took a step back, “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…” Sikah lied as she stood up and brushed dust from her pants. “Need something?” 
“I was just checking in on ya, you’d been out here on the balcony for a while,” the taller tiefling leaned her back against the railing as she took a deep breath of coastal storm air. “Smells like rain.”
“Mmhm,” she hummed another passive lie, eyes still fixated on the darkening horizon. 
“For a rogue you’re a shit liar sometimes,” the barbarian observed, “What’s on your mind?” 
“It’s nothing,” Sikah winced as the skies opened up, darkening the cobblestone with heavy drops of precipitation, “let’s go inside.” 
Karlach wasn’t buying it. Something was up with Sikah and she was damn determined to figure out what. She pondered for a moment, cogs turning in her head while she reviewed the past hour. The evening had been rather normal, she thought. The party had stumbled into the tavern bruised and bloody from a day’s worth of adventuring. Firstly, herself and Sikah promptly made their way up to the inn to wash up before having dinner with the group, after which they retired to their shared room. From then on, Sikah had been out on the balcony watching the storm clouds. Even now, laying in bed with the balcony doors shut, the smaller tiefling kept an eagle eye on the window. 
“Did’jya see something suspicious out there? I can go pester Astarion to take care of it, he’s probably hungry.” Karlach attempted to draw her lover’s attention away from the window and onto her. 
“No, no, it’s fine. I’m fine, really,” Sikah gave her a reassuring half-smile. 
The taller woman raised a brow, “Darling, I love you, but you’re really bad at lying to me— which I appreciate, don’t get me wrong, but you can talk to me.” 
Sikah was silent, eyes fixated on Karlach’s fingertips as the larger woman moved to pull her into her chest. “I’m afraid of thunderstorms, of lightning, all of it,” her voice came out in a whisper. “It’s stupid. I can face goblins, devils, shapeshifters, cultists, and shadow cursed lands all without an ounce of fear, but a thunderstorm? I feel pathetic.”
“Hey now, I don’t date pathetic people, if I wanted to do that I’d go find Volo or some shit,” Karlach joked in an attempt to lower her lover’s guard. “Everyone has things they’re afraid of, baby. Usually for a good reason too.”
“You’re unbelievable,” Sikah rolled her eyes as a tiny smile dared to escape her lips. She tensed as a clasp of thunder shook the building, pressing herself into Karlach’s warm embrace. “Shit.”
“Hey, you’re alright, I’ve got you,” the barbarian cupped the woman’s cheek and ran her thumb over its textured flesh. She wanted to ask Sikah to tell the story of her scars, to uncover the mysteries that hid behind tarnished skin and bask in her bravery. Yet, Karlach’s mind was absent as she continued to pet Sikah’s cheek, softly humming as her eyes shamelessly wandered across the map of her speckled skin. “You’re beautiful, you know.” She eyed Sikah’s lips, her thumb teasing to inch closer. The smaller tiefling reached up to guide Karlach’s hand away, placing it on her chest before she draped her arms around the hellion’s neck. 
As rain continued to cascade down the inn’s window, the tieflings kept warm under the lush duvet of their bed. The next hours were spent in a lovers’ embrace; hands wandering across skin, muttered adorations, and airy breaths. With their clothes strewn across the floor, Karlach was able to fully appreciate her partner’s body in the blossoming candlelight. Sikah lay on her chest, back exposed to the air, arms hugged underneath one of the plush, feather pillows the inn provided. Her hair was down and out of its usual ponytail, cascading just barely past her shoulders. It had to be a horrible mess of tangles by now, for it hadn’t seen a brush in gods knows how long, yet her lover’s fingers effortlessly combed through it. Karlach reached out and traced her fingers over Sikah’s complexion, connecting the freckles in constellations across the map of her skin. Amongst the freckles were several scars, ranging from small cuts victim of anxious picking; to deep, discolored scar tissue from tougher quarrels. 
“You know, I’ve always liked a woman with a bit of story to her.” Karlach hummed as her nails trailed over scars, smiling as Sikah peeked an eye open and looked at her. 
The smaller tiefling raised a brow, “and by that you mean?” 
“Your body tells a story that no other can tell. Each scar, every dimple, freckle, and divett is completely unique to you. I could stare at you for hours and still manage to find something new.” Her infernal engine flickered as she shifted to prop herself on her elbow and rest her chin in the palm of her hand. “As you live you get more scars, maybe some more tattoos, all which give more stories to tell, I think it’s nice. I’ve never really cared for the flawless skin of elves, too smooth, reminds me of a naked cat.”
“I’m going to tell Astarion you called him a naked cat,” Sikah chuckled, too comfortable to budge from her current position. 
“Good, tell him, I think it’d be hilarious!” Karlach laughed. “He can stay being a pretty boy, I like my rogues tougher ‘round the edges.” 
The rogue bit her lip and pondered on her next words, tracing the raised skin on the back of Karlach’s strong hand when it rested over hers. “I haven’t told you how I got the scar on my face, have I?” Sikah shyly looked up at the stronger woman. 
“Nope,” Karlach shook her head. “If it makes you feel better, I thought it was a birthmark or something at first; but a battle scar is much more sexy.” 
She rolled her eyes, “Hush and listen, it's story time.” She moved to rest on her back, inviting the larger woman to lie beside her. Karlach’s head came to rest on the smaller woman’s chest, listening to the heartbeat she yearned for. “I told you about my time in Avernus,” Sikah began, “my two-year stint in prison, but never how I got out and what I did once I had…”
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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“That’s a friendly looking shadow”
everyone say hi to Sikah, my beloved Tav :)
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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❛Don't let me go... Hold me in your beating heart.❜
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galesdekariios · 8 months
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Master, I am a professional. I've seen the two of you together. Every one of your darkest desires craves him.
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