#gale drabble
orangekittyenergy · 4 months
kiss roulette
29. A kiss to the back of the hand.
(I'm going to go with Gale on this)
Gale x reader -Pre-relationship SFW
The dust slowly settles around the battlefield. The deafening ringing in your ears that only comes in the sudden silence after so much noise making you dizzy. The acrid stench of blood hangs heavy in the air, stinging your nostrils. As your senses calm and your heart eases back to a normal rhythm you glance around, looking for your companions. You see Lae'zel carefully wiping down her sword. Wyll kneeling down to check one of the bodies. Your heart races again - Gale - where was Gale?
You dart to where he last stood, panic replacing your previous calm. As you round the obstacle you find him and breathe a sigh of relief. He's laying on the ground, eyes open, staring up at the sky, but he doesn't appear to be harmed.
"Gale? Are you okay?" You approach carefully and crouch down next to him.
His eyes snap to you and he breathes out a sigh.
"Oh yes, yes I'm fine. Just lying here contemplating my own mortal existence. It's been quite some time since I was...well, in situations such as this. I nearly forgot how painful it was to be hit with a spell." He lets out a puff of air and pulls himself up into a sitting position.
You smile with relief at him and stand up.
"Well, hopefully, we'll find this Halsin soon and can put such things behind us. Until that time though..." You reach your hand down. He glances at it, then up to your face. After a moment he grabs it, and you help pull him to his feet. "Maybe I can show you a thing or two about battlefield tactics." You shoot him a playful smile and realize he's still holding onto your hand. You glance down at his hand gently gripping yours and then back to his face. His gaze seems...far away suddenly, contemplative, staring down at your hand holding his.
"You've shown me such kindness lately, and I'm not quite sure I am deserving of it." He mutters sadly and finally raises his eyes to meet yours. He looks suddenly sad, his soft brown eyes searching yours for something, but you can't quite tell what. You swallow thickly; unsure of what caused the sudden shift in his mood. You give his hand a gentle squeeze.
"Hey. We'll be okay." You try to sound confident but feel your heart hammering in your chest; the sudden tenderness of the moment in stark contrast to the action that just happened previously.
Gale shakes his head slightly, and he puts on a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"Right you are. Always best to stay positive about these things." He says with a deep breath and a forced chipperness. Before you can speak to question him further he raises your hand, still held in his, up between you and turns it over to plant a gentle kiss on your knuckles. "As always, thank you for being such a wonder on the battlefield."
The motion sends a shock through your body and you feel your jaw fall open slightly. Maybe he meant it to be playful or joking, but as he starts to lower your hand, a look crosses his own face and he seems to realize it was anything but. You lock eyes for a brief moment, the mood shifting again and you hope the grime is covering your face enough for him to not notice the blush that's crossing it. As quick as the moment started he unceremoniously lets your hand fall from his grasp and turns away to grab his staff, clearing his throat, suddenly looking a little flustered.
"Well then, let's be off!" He swiftly moves past you, avoiding your eyes leaving you standing there, the ghost of his lips still tingling your knuckles.
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galebrainrott · 9 months
Taking a Bath with Gale Dekarios | Gale x Tav
Summary : Post-Bg3 final battle, fluff, Gale x GN Tav
I'm sick so this is self indulgent gale fic. WHO WANTS TO TAKE A WHOLESOME BATH WITH GALE DEKARIOSSS
In this dreaming fervor, I hear Gale’s voice. He wakes me up softly, whispering to me as my eyes flutter open, “Tav…”
It was difficult to adjust to a day-to-day where I wasn’t fearing for everyone’s safety. The nightmares persisted. The fighting, the death. Watching Gale stand infront of the Absolute, afraid that he might still be considering the orb. But we’re safe, we did it, we saved Baldur’s Gate, we defeated the absolute, we’re alive, Gale’s alive, I should be fine. And yet...
I awake in his arms, in a cold sweat.
“Gods, I’m so sorry,” I chuckle awkwardly, “I’m soaked.”
He rubs my hair gently and pulls me into a gentle embrace. I hug back, with my hands loosely gripping his shoulders from the back. I feel my breathing steady and my heartbeat slow to match his.
“You know what I think would be delightful right now? A bath. Would you care to join me?” 
Wordlessly, I nod my head and he guides me to the bathroom. I reach for my shirt to unbutton my clothes but my shakey hands cause my hands to slip. I click my tongue and Gale walks over to me, wearing only an undershirt.
He plants a soft kiss on my forehead as he undoes my shirt buttons.
“Thank you.”
“You are most welcome,” he says as he guides my hand to the bath tub.
I sit with my back to his chest, cradling my knees. He ladles water gently on my hair and I feel the warmth of the water gently stream across my back.
He places a few kisses on my back, so lightly, so gently that it almost feels ticklish.
“We’re safe now, my love. And we have thousands of days ahead of us.” 
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Betrayal (Gale x Wynmoira)
Hello lovelies! I wrote a little thing for my babes, Wynmoira and Gale. It's a little angsty but I couldn't help but have a little inspo during my playthrough to write. More will definitely come from them, so be on the lookout!
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Part [1] (you are here). Part [2].
can find it on my ao3 here
The branches crunched beneath Wynmoira's feet. Her body ached all over; she was sticky, covered in a thick layer of blood, guts, and goo. A few strands of hair stuck firmly against her moist cheeks. Gods, was she desperately in need of a bath. She couldn't wait to be free of her ruined clothing, to submerge herself entirely in the warm waters by camp. A faint smile crept on her lips at the thought alone.
Wynmoira, Shadowheart, Astarion, and Gale were returning from their battle against Auntie Ethel. The battle was a rough one; Wynmoira was distracted the entire time. Her mind kept going elsewhere, causing her to miss a few spells here and there. If it weren't for Shadowheart dealing the final blow, Wynmoira probably wouldn't have returned to camp in one piece. Shadowheart didn't let it go unnoticed. She called her out for her lack of action, which Wynmoira quietly apologized for. She eventually went silent, too tired to continue arguing. Her eyes then glanced over to Gale.
His face was equally covered in blood, guts, and goo. He was just as tired and beaten as she was. But he walked with a stride that she always secretly admired. But right now, she couldn't feel admiration for the man. She felt a twang of jealousy, slight anger. Before their battle, he finally admitted why he needed to consume magical items. He was a walking time bomb, and it was all because of his intense love for Mystra, the Goddess of Magic herself. Hearing him go into brief detail about his love for her goddess brought a sour taste to her mouth. At first, she found it disrespectful to her deity. But then, feelings of jealousy began to form.
They had been traveling together for quite some time now. They've spent countless nights around a campfire, enjoying Gale's cooking for the group, discussing their favorite books, and making one another laugh during these troubling times. Whether she wanted to admit it to herself or not, Wynmoira began falling for the man. Things have changed since that night when they were messing around with the Weave. There were longing glances from time to time, her strong desire always to have Gale accompany her during their outings, even opening up more to him about her past. She felt more comfortable with him, something she hadn't experienced in so long.
But now, she can't help but feel like all that was for nothing.
"I hope Karlach has something cooked up. Honestly, I could go for a nicely cooked chevon," Gale smiled, gently patting his stomach. His eyes fell onto Wynmoira. Her breath caught in her chest momentarily as she locked eyes with him. "What about you, Wynnie?"
Wynnie. It was something only Gale would call her. Typically, hearing it brought small butterflies to her stomach and made her heart race. But now, it was different. It was like a punch to the gut. Reminding her that despite how close they had been becoming, it would never be as close as he was with Mystra. She mentally cursed herself for thinking such negative thoughts about her patron. She cursed Gale, too, for making her feel this way.
"I'll settle for berries," Wynmoira replied flatly. The smile fell from Gale's face, and he watched as Wynmoira picked up pace, now leading the tired group. Some smoke could be seen in the distance, letting the party know they were almost home. Wynmoira pushed past a few branches until she saw their camp. Karlach was gathered around the campfire, eating soup from a bowl and chatting with Wyll. Their eyes darted towards the incoming crowd, smiling.
"About damn time you got here," Karlach called out with a large smile. "I made soup," she raised a bowl towards Shadowheart. "And it's edible," Wyll teased, earning a playful kick from Karlach. Shadowheart smiled faintly, letting out a tired laugh. She didn't hesitate to make it to her tent. No doubt, she wanted to be free of dirt and bodily fluids before chowing down.
"I'm sure it'll be great, Karlach," Wynmoira smiled. "Just gotta freshen up first, then I'll join you guys." She turned her attention to her chest that rested beside Shadowheart's tent. She carefully undid a few of her bindings, allowing her to remove her armor and place them on the ground, leaving her in her dirtied tunic. Beside the chest was a bucket of water. She scrubbed the grime off her hands and fingers for a few minutes before being satisfied. She grabbed a change of clothes and a cloth to help her dry off after her bath. She made her way through the woods. There was a small river nearby, one that only Wynmoira seemed to know about. She tossed her change of clothes on a small stump before she began to free herself from her blood-soaked clothing slowly. The material practically stuck to her skin, and after a few moments of struggling, she was finally free. She tossed the clothes on the ground and slowly entered the river.
The water was cool on her skin, and she welcomed it. The night seemed hot, and the stark contrast was something she welcomed. She didn't stop until the water was just barely below her collarbone. She wiped at her skin under the water, trying to loosen the gunk from her body. She then pinched her nose, dipping beneath the water. She stayed under for a few moments, enjoying the silence. There were no chirping birds, no sounds of a busy city, no voices.
Just her.
For that moment, she could forget about everything. She could forget about her urges, pushing her to do horrendous things to innocents. She could forget about the tadpole wiggling around in her skull. She could forget about the trouble within the Grove. But most importantly, she could forget about Gale. Be free of the thoughts that plagued her mind, the thoughts of him making love with Mystra.
When she couldn't handle it anymore, she came up for air. She let out a few deep breaths. She was pushing herself, maybe even punishing herself. Why did she let herself get close to Gale? Why did she have to let him in? If she kept him at arm's length like she did everyone else, maybe she wouldn't be feeling this way. Why was he so nice, so welcoming?
Why did he have to tell her about him sleeping with Mystra?
Damn. She cursed under her breath, realizing how aggressive she was being with her hands as she scrubbed at her body. It didn't take long until she was clean, free of dirt or grime. She exited the water, dried herself off, and changed into clean clothes. She wrapped her dirty clothes in the cloth and carried it back to camp before discarding it with her dirtied armor. She made her way to the campfire, where Gale had joined Wyll and Karlach.
He was clean; his hair was wet with nice waves that rested just slightly past his shoulders. He had a large smile, which used to bring butterflies and warmness to Wynmoira's face. She said nothing to him, focusing on the soup Karlarch had made that rested in a pot above the fire. She made herself a bowl before sitting next to Karlach, wanting to be as far away from Gale as possible.
"And after all that, it turns out the old Hag tricked the poor girl! Her husband came back all right but as a zombie!" Gale boomed. He recounted their adventure, a sharp reminder to be careful about what you wished for. He took a spoonful of soup before turning his attention to Wynmoira. He noticed how quiet she was. His brows furrowed as he tried to study her, reading her face to figure out what was wrong. "Wynnie, are you all right?"
"I'm fine," she replied flatly. She brought a spoon to her lips, sipping on the soup. It wasn't anything too special. It was potato soup, though there were some uneven chunks of potato. Despite the possible choking hazard, the soup wasn't too bad.
"Are you sure? You're more quiet than usual," Wyll asked. Karlach gave Wynmoira a slight nudge with her arm, carefully searching her companion's face. Wynmoira's lips were slightly downturned, and Karlach could tell something was off. Wynmoira locked eyes with the Tiefling momentarily and gently shook her head.
"I think we should call it a night," Karlach suggested. She then yawned, stood up, and headed to Wyll. "Besides, we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, and you need your beauty sleep," she teased Wyll. He scoffed playfully at her words as he stood up. He said his goodnights to Wynmoira and Gale before leaving the two alone at the campfire.
The silence was loud between the two. The only noise between the two was the crackling of the fire before them. Wynmoira tried to enjoy her dinner, but she had no appetite. She idly stirred her soup before Gale finally broke the silence between them.
"Was it something I did?" He asked finally. Wynmoira took a deep breath before she spoke. She was mentally trying to play out this scenario. Does she tell him the truth, a half-truth, or a lie? She wasn't ready to come out and say she was jealous of her patron or feeling insecure about it all.
"I just..." She paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say. "I just didn't like how you kept your orb a secret," she lied. Her eyes finally lifted from her soup, meeting his dark brown eyes. "I thought we were friends, honest with one another, no secrets, you know?"
He breathed, placing his bowl on the ground before settling beside her. He radiated a warmth she'd come to love. A warmth she found so welcoming, a warmth she'd come to crave. But now, she felt uneasy.
"I know I should've said something sooner. Frankly, I didn't know how to go about telling it. And thought I had everything under control." He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly.
"But you don't," Wynmoira protested. "You're a ticking bomb, and you did all this for power? For a woman?" Her voice cracked slightly. She felt a lump form in her throat as she felt herself grow a mixture of anger and sadness. He was willing to risk his life all for power. He didn't have to do that. She would've never made him do something so reckless, she thought.
He sighed, breaking eye contact with Wynmoira. "You don't understand. You don't know what it's like to be loved by Mystra. It's a powerful thing, something so strong it hurts, something that can't ever be matched."
His words stung. The way he talked about their relationship, it made her heart sink. She couldn't compete with something like that. She hoped for something special with Gale, but there was no way he'd go for someone like her. She was a simple human, there was nothing truly special about her. How could she ever be better with the Goddess Mystra? She felt her eyes begin to sting, tears quickly forming and threatening to fall down her cheeks. She couldn't cry. She didn't want him to see her like this.
"Nothing is worth risking your life like that." She placed her bowl on the ground. She stood up, ready to leave him alone, but she was stopped when he reached out to her, crabbing her wrist.
"Wyn, don't go," he pleaded. She hated herself for feeling like this. She hated herself for trusting him so easily. She hated herself from letting herself fall for him. She hated him for welcoming her. She hated him for making her believe that there was a chance for her to be happy, to find happiness with someone. But he was still caught up on his love for Mystra. Her eyes met his and his mouth dropped slightly.
No doubt he could see the tears forming in her eyes. A tear or two had fallen down her cheek, and his heart sunk. She was crying, and it was all because of him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her. He tried to open his mouth to protest her leaving, but she cut him off.
"I think it'll be best for you to stay at camp for a bit," she quietly said. She sniffled before her eyes meeting his. Her stare was colder than normal. "It's been a rough couple of days. You could use the rest." She wiggled her wrist free from his grasp before retreating to her tent for the night.
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thotferatu · 10 months
Gale Drabble (Couch Snuggles)
Rating: SFW Length: Literally 4 short paragraphs this is NOTHING *Not Proof Read. Literally just for my brain rot*
His fingers moved through locks of hair, brushing them away from his lover's slumbering face. As he gazed down he could see the ghostly reminders of scars, of a hard fought life and a place earned in the world today.
"How grand you chose to love me.." Gale muttered to himself, a smile creeping onto his lips. "You could have gone anywhere and yet.."
They rolled slightly, head turning up towards them as their eyelids fluttered. Gale's smile only grew. "Pleasant dreams only, I hope." Once again he fixed their hair, gently brushing it away from their forehead, but eventually the motions became that of simply tracing his thumb along their hairline. He'd seen blood, sweat, and dirt smeared across that face and each time it had only reminded him of the finest art.
In romance. In tragedy. In victory.
After a few minutes he set aside the book that had still been idling held in his other hand and reached beneath his lovers knees. "Come on now." He gruffed, struggling slightly as he cradled their head with his other arm, and rose to his feet. "Time for both of us to get some rest." Gale pressed his lips against their forehead, sighing through a smile as their eyes fluttered open to meet his.
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justporo · 8 months
Hear me out! Tav brought a statue of Astarion to the camp but Astarion does not recognize himself in it and does not understand why their leader spent 5000 gold on a random stone man. Meanwhile the party is betting on how long it will take Astarion to guess whose statue it is.
5000 Gold
"He's not... he's not gonna figure it out anytime soon, is he?"
Shadowheart shushed Karlach with an angry frown and a single finger thrown to her lips.
The two of them - along with your other companions observed the scene unfolding on the other side of the camp. Right where a delivery had just been made - and quite an uncommon one.
A giant stone statue, depicting... Astarion - and almost fully nude at that.
You couldn't resist when the offer had been made to you at the carnival at the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate. 5000 gold had felt like nothing for the punchline you had been about to make with having a statue be made of the one companion that couldn't remember what he himself looked like.
And Astarion, upon discovering Tav's most recent purchase, had started to throw a temper tantrum immediately, almost fainting when he had heard the paid sum out of your mouth.
The vampire had worked himself into an outright frenzy, screaming, hissing, gesticulating towards the statue, then back to you, then to the skies. Meanwhile all you could do anymore was biting your lip to stop yourself from bursting into the biggest laughing fit of your life.
The rest of the group kept observing from a safe distance.
"Istik", Lae'zel mumbled under her breath. But even the sober githyanki could barely hide a smile.
Shadowheart shushed her as well. Wyll had just been silently shaking his head for the last couple of minutes. Shadowheart had started taking bets on how long it would take the oblivious vampire to realise the cruel trick that was being played on him. Karlach, being way too optimistic, had already lost some coin to the cleric with their estimate of a few minutes.
Only Gale who had been busy this far with some of his thousand books had missed the whole spectacle so far. Just now had the wizard realised that something was going down. He eyed the fighting trio of you Astarion and stone Astarion and then the group of bystanders, trying to decipher the situation. When he couldn't make any logical sense of any of it he went over to the small onlooking group. "I appear to have missed something? What is-"
Shadowheart hissed at him to shut up, causing Gale to flinch back with a hurt facial expression. Wyll though wasn't impressed by the cleric and enlightened his friend: "It looks like our clever leader Tav has taken up the offer of getting a stone statue of Astarion for a bargain of 5000 gold without telling anyone. And now we're betting how long it's going to take him to realise it's him."
Shadowheart stared the Blade of Frontiers down. Wyll merely shrugged his shoulders. He'd faced more fearsome creatures than the cleric aplenty.
Gale just blinked several times at him, letting the words settle. Then a grin spread on the wizard's face. "I bet 100 gold it's gonna take him at least until the end of the day."
Shadowheart's furious expression lightened noticeably and she stretched out her hand to Gale. They shook on the bet. Then everyone turned back to the two Astarion's and you to continue watching the scene.
"Why in the nine hells would you get a statue of some random guy - he isn't that... Well, he is quite handsome!" Astarion yelled at you while you had to hide your face in your hands desperately trying to pull yourself together.
The vampire didn't let up: "Well, if only it had been me, then I would have understood, darling, who wouldn't want that as a piece of decor, but-"
That was it, you broke. Hysterical laughter started shaking you, up to the point where you doubled over and could barely breathe between laughing and crying from laughing.
The vampire meanwhile went through the whole spectrum of emotions known under the sun in a matter of seconds. Angered, confused, flustered. And then finally something in the elf’s brain clicked together.
He stared at the statue then at you, back to the statue and suddenly his hands wandered over his own face as if to grasp it's lines and shapes.
"You...," he started and stopped. Through your tears you were sure you could see the vampire's pointy ears turn bright pink. "That IS me!"
You were barely able to nod as another fit of laughter shook you. Astarion’s mouth opened several times but no sound came out. A rare occasion to the see the sassy rogue so void of words.
Meanwhile, a bunch of moans could be heard from the other side of camp where Shadowheart collected her won gold from the others.)
"Why would you-", Astarion began and his expression was barely readable while your laughter slowly died down and you were able to kneel back on your feet.
"Didn't you say it yourself? He's quite handsome, isn't he? Now you get to see for yourself again."
Astarion pointed an angry finger at you about to throw another fit but then his eyes fell on the statue again. Now with knowing what it was and what it meant it shut him up immediately.
He took a few steps closer to get a better look. His anger at you momentarily forgotten as he gazed upon his own image for the first time in over 200 years.
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cambion-companion · 1 year
Baldur's Gate 3 Characters with Virgin Reader
18+ only obviously. Dirty headcanons under the cut. (these are all the "good" endings btw
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Halsin would honestly be a little in awed shock when you tell him. He'd treat you tenderly, go slowly and save the more rough lovemaking once you're accustomed to his...girth.
There is a lot of emotional connection that goes into the intimate act and knowing its his partner's first time would mean a great deal to him, he takes the perceived responsibility seriously.
Yall would have to go slow though, to accomodate the guy's size. Has strength as his dump stat yet is built like a brick house.
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He's all for the game of seduction, especially if he is still unsure of where he stands with you and your party.
When discovering you're a virgin he acts the part, flirting and using honeyed words to manipulate your heart.
However as the two of you grow closer his feelings also change and he feels anxious about knowing he has your utter consent before taking things further.
He knows what it feels like to be used and wants to avoid causing you the same hurt and feelings of doubt, because against all odds he has begun to care for you.
So much foreplay...SO much foreplay. And you can be in whatever position you want, it's all about your comfort when the time comes to be intimate.
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yeah she'd tease you at first, all in good fun, but still she has to get those sharp words in somewhere.
Soon enough the teasing gives way to concerned questions, not probing too deep into your feelings, but enough to give her hints as to how comfortable you feel with her.
We all know Shadowheart is a slow burn romance, so expect a long buildup while your relationship blossoms.
Lots of sweet kisses and witty flirtations, respecting each other's space until the time feels right to take it to the next level.
perhaps it's after one of your many swimming lessons where you Shadowheart takes the reins and becomes the teacher of a different kind of lesson.
She'd be asking questions throughout, listening to your responses and making sure everything is perfect and you're not feeling rushed.
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Oh she would be so sweet. You know how Karlach is usually quite boisterous and tends toward the goofy side.
She'd sober up right quick when you discuss something so personal with her and she'd be quite pleased you decided to share this with her.
She promises to take it easy on you, at least at first wink wink, and she has the idea to allow you full control to explore her body as much as you wish.
Feel her heart, or at least where her heart used to be, it blazes hotter under your touch.
She might pop the occasional sweet joke, but her eyes and her care is on you the whole time.
She will ask if now is okay, and make sure to gain your express verbal permission before touching your body herself.
She is gentle at first, as promised, but it becomes hard for her to contain her enthusiasm as your coupling progresses. Remind her if you deem it necessary.
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Gale, he'd be surprised but I think pleased.
He would want you to feel comfortable with him, and thus would info dump about his Tressym and the many books he's read about magic and the weave.
It's all about words of affirmation and quality time with Gale, he wants to show you and tell you how much you truly mean to him and reaffirm it is you, not Mystra, with whom is explosive heart now lies.
When the night comes, because he does prefer the romance of a star filled sky, he would ask you if you wish to become one with him.
Maybe astral sex is too soon for the first night, but you can certainly accept when he no doubt extends that offer.
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I think it's pretty much canon that she beats the shit out of you when yall have intimate time...that wouldn't change on account of your virginity.
You'd tell her you're a virgin and she might not even know what that means, I wouldn't be surprised. Either that or she truly does not understand why you think it's important to mention.
She would encourage you to take initiative and assume a more dominant role, prodding you (probably with a stick) if you got too shy.
Later on, in her storyline when she becomes more of an individual unto herself, she will understand the softer aspects of lovemaking.
Then she will be more willing to empathize with the feelings that must come with a first-time coupling, and act a little slower accordingly.
Still prepare yourself for the occasional impatient "tchuk".
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are you kidding, he'd be the ultimate gentleman.
He'd definitely get you a picnic and take you somewhere that smells better than the party camp and that stew Gale attempted to make for supper.
I feel like he'd be more forward than Gale or Karlach, wanting to feel some semblance of peace that your body and your affection could offer.
He'd for sure be drawn to your inexperience, feeling a sense of protectiveness overcome him. (yes yes I understand this post is full of innuendo)
Might wax poetic about his many adventures but pull him in for another kiss and he'll quickly forget his train of thought.
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yes, I made him wait in line, little shit
This cambion knows how to fuck, sit down and block me if you vehemently disagree.
He finds out you're a virgin, and interested in him? Game over.
He plays the long game in all his dealings, and won't be bothered if you choose to play hard to get....in fact he prefers it. Cat and mouse etc.
He's not gentle, nope, but when you're finally in his claws you hardly want him to be.
Doesn't have the bonus of Incubus spittle acting as an aphrodisiac but has had many bedmates and centuries to study how best to use another's body to pleasure his own.
Oh and bring you pleasure of course.
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Go play DOS2
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hijackalx · 6 months
Headcanon thingy, but who would the boys (Gale, Astarion, Wyll, and Gortash) react to seeing their lover trying on lingerie?
felt like testing my drabble skills so i added a lil something extra to them 😎💗 enjoy pookie!!
likes when you surprise him with it. wear some under your clothes as a little treat for when he’s undressing you 😌✨
you look so good that it makes him trip over his words. he’s too busy ogling your body to pay attention to what he’s saying. will have him laughing like a nervous virgin 😹
LOVESSSSS garters. can’t keep his hands off of them. particularly loves the way your thighs strain beneath them when you’re on your knees
instantly wants to enchant the bottoms to make them vibrate and watch you get off like that (don’t ask if that’s actually possible my brain functions on horny not logic)
your outfit is inconspicuous, plain— perfect for covering up the lingerie hiding beneath. you wait patiently in his lap as he unwraps your silken robe, biting back a smirk.
he pauses to take in the sight of the lace hugging your skin, how it flows so delicately around your shape. he tuts, shooting you a familiar, frivolous grin. “feeling naughty tonight, are we?” just moments later, his hands move to rest on your bottoms, a seemingly harmless action that results in a soft buzz and a gasp. “i can work with that.”
insists on going with you to pick some out. follows you into every dressing room to “make sure it fits right” lol. so picky but mostly because he loves watching you try them on
his favorites are flowy/frilly types, like babydoll tops or satin robes. also LOVES stockings of any kind
makes you feel like an actual doll ✨🌸 repeatedly tells you how perfect you are and can’t keep his hands off you. will also try to get you flustered by whispering really dirty stuff about how you look into your ear
likes when you have fun with it and show off for him— be cheeky. do a little spin. bend over in front of him. be prepared for him to pinch or smack your ass though
he sits comfortably on the dressing room bench as you approach him. “how about this one?” you pull your bottom lip in playfully, placing your hands on his shoulders as he takes your body into his grasp.
“mm,” erupts from his throat, watching as his lithe fingers slip over and under the fabric sparsely covering your skin. “now, this one i like.” he places a slow and deliberate kiss to your exposed abdomen, his ruby gaze flitting up to meet yours; there’s an impish glint to them that tells you he doesn’t plan on waiting to have you any longer.
likes to make sketches of you wearing it. has so many drawings of you in compromising positions with it on. definitely keeps them for when he’s alone
loves corsets and bustiers because of how they emphasize your chest, especially in blacks and reds. crotchless panties also drive him INSANE
the sluttier you act while wearing it the better. don’t try to be modest (there’s honestly no reason to be anyway, he’s a freak fr 😹😹)
a sucker for fishnets. likes to take them off and use them to tie your wrists together. will also shove them in your mouth/gag you with them on occasion
his dark irises glance up from his work every so often to study your decorated figure; they follow the arch of your back, the heart shape of your ass, and linger on the exposed area between your thighs more often than not.
“lower,” he directs, and you immediately respond by deepening the angle of your back. he hums contently, scribbles some more, then adds, “spread your legs further.”
you comply once again, happy to flaunt your body under his gaze. the corner of your lip pulls upward, anticipating your reward for being such an obedient little muse.
bust this out on your honeymoon and he gets SOOO flustered. i’m talking stuttering/looking away/rubbing his neck
his favorites on you are lacy teddies— especially in blues, purples, and whites. more traditionally sexy styles really get him going
lowkey so obsessed with how you look in it. the kind of thing that’s on his mind 24/7. almost always asking you to put it on for him at the end of the day with a little pout 😹💗
LOVES when you strip for him nice and slow, especially how you tease him by carefully revealing each skimpy garment beneath your clothes. a lapdance is also mandatory
you spot the anxiousness simmering beneath his lax surface— he longs to touch you, but you’d rather toy with him a little more.
prowling closer to where he sits, you slowly unbutton your blouse. with each maneuver of your fingers, you reveal the lingerie lying beneath, watching how his hungry, needy gaze fixates on it.
he inhales sharply as you straddle his lap and take his hand in yours. he lets you guide it over your ornamented body, his eyes heavy with desire as he mutters a low and raspy, “you’ll ruin me.”
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blkgirl-writing · 7 months
Valentine's day drabble HCs for the men of BG3 x Reader
These are a collection of small drabbles written in different styles for valentines day! Warning Gales is the longest, whoops.
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Gales cold warm hands grasped around your waist from behind, squeezing your skin gently as he rested his head on your shoulder.
"The earl grey lavender, please-" He kissed your neck softly, speaking in a quiet tone. It was a perfect day inside his tower, the rays of sun beaming through the stained glass, fluttering rainbows across the cozy kitchen. The kettle whistles quieting down as you took it off the stove.
"It's already in the mug, lovely" You gestured to his favorite mug, a heavy stoneware piece decorated with flowers of purple and pink encased in a golden heart, he said it reminded him of when he realized he had loved you. You never fully asked why, but it made enough sense to be sweet.
"How you know me so well." Gale Smiled. You finished pouring the water and handed him his extra-strong tea. He leaned against the counter, blowing on the drink a few times. "Maybe I should have told you earlier, but I do have a surprise for you."
"I thought we said no gifts!" You batted his shoulder playfully, "though I'll admit, I didn't follow that rule either."
"is that so?" Gale leaned in to kiss your lips through a smile. "We just can't seem to help ourselves."
"So what's this gift?" you asked. He set down his own mug, ducking into the pantry to retrieve a box, unwrapped and simple. He placed it on the counter and patiently waited, his excitement barely hidden in his smile.
You opened the small box to reveal a mug, a matching mug to his, but a dark blue with purple and red flowers, with a silver heart. It was gorgeous, less heavy than his and somehow it felt built to hold within your two hands.
"Oh Gale, it's perfect." You kissed his cheek, refusing to let go of the mug quite yet, the hug would have to wait.
"I had it specifically made by the same artist. Tara now has a similar water bowl as well. She felt left out" Gales hand slipped around your waist yet again. "as much as I love it when you steal my mug, I thought it was beyond time you had your own as well."
"Oh so you didn't want me using yours?" Your teasing turned into pecks, which led to kisses- "Your gift is waiting in the bedroom," You smirked, hand caressing his messy hair. "If that's ok, of course,"
"I was secretly hoping that was the case." His hand intertwined with yours, nearly sweeping you off your feet.
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Wyll had been staring at you for some time before you'd woken up, the sun shining down on your resting face, the definition of peaceful. Wyll hadn't remembered pure peace, it had been years since he'd felt fully at rest, but with you, calmness was as easy as breathing. All he had to do was look at you, and he remembered serenity.
He had made sure he was the best man for you, the best man he could be. He loved you with all his heart and made sure you felt like a goddess above every waking moment of your lives together, however long that may be. He loved the small moments you shared, like when you'd tripped and nearly fallen, but straight into his arms. "Well I didn't think you'd be falling head over heels for me this fast," He'd said. And you'd laughed and smiled, and he swore he'd do everything to keep that smile on your perfect lips.
He remembered your first date, where he had tried so hard to reserve a seat at the best restaurant in baldurs Gate, but ended up in a dingy bar, getting more drunk with each cup, and instead of spending the night entangled in each other's bodies, you'd shared barely cohesive thoughts and stories from lives long past. He learned your favorite color, your old friendships, and the star that you felt most connected to, the smaller details that never seemed to have enough time for during your big adventure.
Or the time you'd styled his hair into braided buns, which he'd kept in until his hair was frizzy and far past wash day. But you'd worked so hard on it to be perfectly symmetrical that he never wanted to take out your work. He asked you to help him with his hair, after that, not just because you were good at it, which, hells, you'd made him feel confident in himself for the first time since he grew his horns, but because your light touch sent him into a nearly meditative state of bliss. The way your fingers carefully combed through his hair, spending time to detangle each knot with such care that he had barely noticed it at all. And eventually, you'd taught him how to do your hair, too. Eventually wearing matching styles (if he asked politely), and took turns in the "hair chair"
"Honey?" You whispered, groggy and barely awake, "have you been staring at me again?"
"Is it a crime?" Wyll asked, placing a light kiss on your forehead.
"Only if I was drooling"
"Oh, but you look too adorable when you drool." He chucked, holding you closer to his warm chest.
"Shut up..." You pouted, eyes fluttering open and closed, trying to force yourself awake. But sleep had you tight in it's arms, and so did Wyll.
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Red was his favorite color, after all. The room was dripping with it, black, gold, and dark, burgundy. Candles dripping hot wax down into careful carafes, soon to be poured and decorating your skin. It was romantic, it was warm, and it was lustful. Astarions eyes never left you, dancing across your body in pure sin, he clearly knew exactly how your night would unfold, and the only hint he'd give you was the devilish smile on his lips.
"It's going to be a long night, hm?"
"Oh yes, darling" Astarion purred, his hand sliding into your hair and pulling downwards, revealing your neck to him. His fangs scraped against your bare skin, but not piercing it, no, that was for later, with much less clothing and a lot more sweat, when all you could see was his snow-white skin and the blood rushing through your veins.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
@shyminnie07 @makers-breath @claryvoyantfray @black-sapphic @fapqueen
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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brotherwtf · 1 month
you guys know how Callum always does that little nose flick thing before he kisses someone in all of his films? John Egan does that to Gale Cleven every time before he kisses him
talks sweetly to him before he kisses him, smiling big and goofy and nudges his nose on Gale's before kissing him gently, Gale smiles every time against John's lips because he loves it so much
John nuzzles their noses together when he's cuddling Gale, wrapping his arms around Gale's shoulder and bringing his face in close to nudge their noses together and kissing Gale in their bed as Gale giggles (literally giggles) into John's lips because it's so sweet.
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« Thank you || Astarion ||
A/n: I watched a scene of Baldurs Gate and it made me sad so now I’m rectifying it. I know these don’t exist in Bauldrs Gate { at least I’m positive but it’s my fic damn it.
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Astarion hated it, keeping you from going out in the Sun because of him, you were pregnant, you should be enjoying what the day light had to offer not being stuck in the dark with him.
The others did their best to see you yet the further along you got the shorter the visits came. He couldn’t blame them, not with how tired you often got and yet he still blamed himself.
Because being cooped up in the dark was not good for you. Letting his eyes slip over your sleeping form, he sighed gliding across your cheek until he heard the sound of knocking.
Biting back a scowl, he quickly rushed to the door wanting to be as quick as possible since he’d rather not wake you.
“What?! Oh it’s you.” Frowning, Astarion adverted his gaze when he spotted Gale. “If you are here for sweetness, she is sleeping.”
Titling his head, Gale smiled clasping his hands behind his back. “Oh no! I am here for you my friend, I wanted to give you something.” He stated pulling out a ring. “It is a A Daylight Amulet, also referred to as a Daylight Ring,a piece of jewelry with a lapis lazuli gemstone enchanted by yours truly.” He held his head high.
“I don’t need some gaudy-.”
“Now now, before you turn your nose up at this. Just understand what it does.” Gale continued to smile as he handed the vampire the ring. “It has an enchantment on it that protects your kind from the sunlight, with this ring. You can walk freely during the day.”
“What?” Astarion sucked in some air, he’s heard around about this but he never thought it would be possible. Frowning he sipped the ring on his finger just as the sun started to rise. He didn’t even notice that the sun was shinning on him.
That he wasn’t burning!
Taking a deep breath he took a step out side his door then closed his eyes enjoying the sun beating down on the skin.
he wasn’t burning! He could be with his children in the Sun!
A laugh escaped his lips, it felt too long since the parasite being gone that he’s felt the sun on his skin.
He could dance with you on the sun.
Turning to face Gale with a smile, his eyes Misty from the tears threatening to fall. “Thank you.”
Gale let out a laugh tipping his head to the man then quickly waved him off. “You have nothing t thank me for my friend. I just did not like the thought of you not be able to be with your child….now I am off, still need to find that pesky cure. I did promise after all.”
Giving the man a wink, he then turned it you as you were standing in the doorway. “Have a good morning.”
Watching Gale leave, you took a step out side as your eyes remained glued to Astarion. You didn’t know what to say, so instead you grasped your husband’s hand falling into his embrace.
“Dance with me my love.”
Looking up at Astarion with a watery smile you nodded your head. “I’d love too.”
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heretoobsessstuff · 3 months
“we’re all gonna miss major Cleven, sir”.
Major Cleven John thought bitterly. Gale. Sweet beautiful Gale. Gale who was there. In the cockpit. Fighting for his life while John was sleeping next to a random woman. Gale who was falling from the sky. Living his last moments. Losing blood. In pain. Scared and cold and alone. While John was here in London. Drinking and coaxing a random woman to spend more time in his bed. Where was Gale now? His Gale. Laying on the dirt and mud somewhere? Lost in some distant German field with no one to look for him? His ocean blue eyes forever closed? What had become of him? Of his Gale? Was anything even left of him?
John felt sick with anger. His thoughts ran wild with no one to tame them. I should’ve never left him alone. I should’ve been up there with him. Protecting him. Looking out for him. It was supposed to be me and him left up in the sky. Not me in London and him lost somewhere I can never reach. It’s all my fault. I failed him. I failed him. Grief clawing at his throat. Suffocating him. His eyes stinging with unshed tears and the lump he had swollen down a hundred times with the alcohol. He needed to go. Avenge Buck. Or find him. Or join him. Wherever he was.
“Don’t worry Kenny” he said. Jumping into the Jeep. Hands shaking. “I don’t even feel it”.
Read Another drabble from Gale’s POV here:
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yandere-sins · 2 months
Hello! Another bg3 fan, your Ascendent!Astarion fic was delicious. I saw you mention yandere gale, and omg I'm losing my mind at the idea.
Man literally fell in love with a God, and yet somehow he found someone even more perfect.
Imagine being locked in the tower with him, resigned to your fate, and instead trying to play to his kind side. You'd rather he cast spells for minor things, like the sparkle light trick, rather than return to 24/7 Hold Person.
The man is a Archmage, I'm sure he would know a way to freeze you in place until you had agreed to behave.
I'm looking forward when/if you decide to follow through writing about him!!
Best wishes
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the Astarion fic, and thank you for giving me a small idea for some Gale ♥
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
Gale didn't look up from his book until the moment he felt your hand reach out to the little sparks he sent from his fingertips over the armrest of his reading chair for you.
Turning his head away from the pages to look at your sprawled-out form on the floor next to his chair, he watched as you tried to reach for them, always just a second too late before they disappeared. Even if you caught one, they wouldn't have done you any harm, but he knew that his magic amused you, albeit just for a while. Still, he watched in awe as you passed your hand through the illusions, leaving glittering tails of magic in the air, the sight of you mesmerizing him.
You had been awfully silent while he was reading, the comfy lounge chair across from him empty as you decided to spend your time on the wooden floor instead. It was a comfort thing you once explained, although he didn't understand why you needed to hide between amenities and piles of books to feel comfortable at that moment. You two had long passed the stage of getting hurt by each other's words and one or the other lashing out, Gale's punishments sometimes sending you into a flight instinct that could only be resolved by hiding somewhere in his tower.
Yet, knowing you stayed by his side despite feeling like you needed to hide yourself, gratification went through every inch of his body.
Life was peaceful now. He got to love you, got to care for you. Even if you didn't reciprocate his feelings unconditionally, he had learned to live with your compliancy. It was so much better than your anger and outbursts. All the days spent crying and throwing things against each other, with you inevitably ending up in a holding spell or hurt and desperate, were over, and Gale never wanted to return to them.
Closing his book, Gale leaned over the armrest of his reading chair, resting his head on his arms and watching you lay there silently and expressionless, with only your eyes moving to meet his. Even this small gesture reminded him of why he loved you so much. He loved every second he got to spend with you locked in this tower. Every minuscule day that passed was filled with euphorical love. Every spell he showcased to you, every moment of intimacy and affection you two had was ingrained in his memory. There was no one Gale would ever love again like he did you. It was sheer impossible to ever feel the same heart-wrenching, downright sickening amount of affection he felt looking at you with anyone else.
You wouldn't leave him. You'd always be waiting for him, no matter what, never letting him down or abandoning him. Even if it wasn't willingly, you'd stay here with him until the end of both of your times. Even then, Gale hoped the gods would give him a boon for his devotion and unite you even in the afterlife.
"You're beautiful," he mused, eyes twinkling with affection. Yours had long lost their spark, but knowing you were alive was enough for him. "I love you so much."
"Do it again," you asked, ignoring his comment and pointing your index at his hand. "The sparks."
Unlatching his arm from under his head, Gale hovered it in front of you, summoning back the sparkles. Their flashing colors reflected so beautifully in your emotionless eyes that it almost made him tear up. You almost looked like you had before he took you with him to this tower and locked you up for his own selfish reasons. It reminded him of how he fell in love with you, which only made his heart swell more.
You reached up to inspect his hand, softly touching him like a cat, pawing at a toy, as you tried to see where the sparks came from and find out how he did the magic that eluded you. Gale would have loved to teach you all he knew about the magic he loved nearly as much as he did you if you weren't at risk of using it to hurt yourself or him. His dream was to join you in your magic, connecting to you on a level much deeper than just his love for you. But for now, he'd content himself with the feeling of your touch against his fingertips, every one of them making his heart jump and other parts of him uncomfortably tight as his mind raced with thoughts.
It's been too long since you touched him, your affection so sparse and selective. Who could blame Gale for being excited like a little boy on his birthday when you shared some of it with him?
"Mind if I join you down there?" he asked, his voice cracking as he tried not to sound too needy. You stiffened, your explorations stopping abruptly. Your gaze shot up to his face, and your expression twisted into disgust, seeing the light blush around his cheeks. You didn't want him to join you.
It wasn't a question, though.
You shrieked pitifully as you tried to get away, noticing the changes in him just a second too late. Towers of books collapsed around you, undoubtedly bruising you where they hit, but at the end of the day, he was the hunter and you the prey, and the years had worn you down, so your advantages against him had diminished. Gale had always taken what he wanted. Right after the fight against the mind flayers ended, he swore he wouldn't let anyone else but himself dictate his life ever again, and that included you.
Even when you shivered, trying to worm yourself out of his grip as he pinned you down, fear and disgust wretching your beautiful face into a grimace, everything about you screaming that you were unwilling to comply with his lust and desire, Gale simply had to have you. He'd never have enough of his curious little kitten, the one so easily amused by low-level spells that he'd produce for you all day long if they made you stay by his side. He'd never tire of your touch or the memories of your body against his, and it was time to make more of them, lasting him even on the days you didn't love him at all. Memories that would break you down if they had to, as long as it meant he would get what he wanted.
And what Gale always wanted was simple—you.
So as he smiled down at you, his eyes filled with the madness of a lonely wizard while his lips quivered in anticipation of a kiss, his grip only tightened, and the word that you hated the most escaped him before Gale could even realize what he was doing to you.
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galebrainrott · 9 months
Imagine going shopping for perfume or candles with gale
Perfume shopping with Gale Dekarios | Drabble
Back in Waterdeep, Gale and I found ourselves wandering through a high-end perfume shop. Surrounded by the myriad of fragrances, Gale couldn't help but be drawn to one that held a distinct and unusual charm – the scent of old books. His eyes lit up with delight as he sampled the fragrance.
"Ah, Tav, I think I rather like this one! It smells like ancient tomes, parchment, and the wisdom of ages, a library captured in a bottle, " Gale exclaimed, holding up the small tester bottle.
I chuckled, watching his enthusiasm. "Of all the scents, you pick the one that reminds you of books?"
He flashed a mischievous grin, "Why not? It's like carrying the wisdom of a library wherever you go. Besides, who wouldn't want to smell like the knowledge of ages?"
After a few moments, I felt a gentle weight on my shoulder. Turning, I found Gale resting his head on the crook of my neck, his eyes closed in contentment.
"You tired, Gale?" I asked, my voice a hushed whisper.
"Finding the perfect scent is a delightful but exhausting endeavour," he admitted, his words muffled against my shoulder. "But being here with you makes it all worthwhile."
He nuzzled into my neck, taking a deep breath.
"You know," he murmured, his voice a soft hum against my skin, "I’ve always loved your natural scent."
"Natural scent?" I raised an eyebrow, teasingly.
He leaned back slightly, looking at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I can't quite tell if it's soap, perfume, or just you, but whatever it is, it's intoxicating."
“You really have a way with words, Gale."
He chuckled, a sound that resonated with warmth. "Well, you know me. Words are my constant companions, much like the books I so adore."
"Alright, Gale," I smiled, "I'll buy you the book perfume."
A contented hum escaped his lips. "Perfect," he says, nuzzling even closer to my neck.
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galesdekariios · 8 months
Communication (Gale x Wynmoira)
Hello beautiful people! I've finally continued on with my Gale and Wyn drabbles. I will definitely be posting more, especially for this month there's a small writing challenge to write daily happening so be on the lookout for more works with various tavs of mine! :)
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Part [1]. Part [2] (you are here).
can find it on my ao3 here
It had been days since Gale’s big revelation. Wynmoira kept her distance from him, not having the courage to face him. She’d make excuses for why she didn’t need him tagging along on their adventures, assuring that she and Shadowheart could handle it, that a third magic user was unnecessary. When she was back at camp, she’d use any excuse to go for a supply run, typically alone or taking Karlach with her in case anyone took issue.
But no matter how hard she tried to avoid him, he always found a way, an excuse, to try to talk to her. He’d try to talk about a book he was reading, and typically, Wynmoira loved to hear about it, but she’d now say she was busy or too tired. He’d try to talk to her at dinner, asking about her day, yet she gave one-word answers or excused herself. She couldn’t let go of her petty jealousy and insecurities, and it was beginning to take a toll on her.
“Need help there?” Gale called out behind Wynmoira. He watched the woman struggle to juggle the newly cut wood in a wheelbarrow. The camp was running low on wood, and it was her turn to cut a few logs. Typically, she didn’t struggle this badly, but she got caught up in the moment during her hacking.
“I’m fine,” she said harshly. She placed another piece of wood on top of the stack. It fell, and like a domino effect, others followed shortly after. Gale watched as the mess unfolded and let out a small huff before reaching for the fallen wood.
“I don’t believe that’s true,” he challenged. His voice was soft yet assertive. They locked eyes for a moment, the silence growing between them. Wynmoira wanted to tell him to go away, yet some part of her wanted him to stay. She missed him, whether she wanted to admit it or not. She missed their time together, and avoiding him made her feel hollow like she was missing something.
“Fine, you can help,” she caved. She reached for a few logs on the ground before placing them into a stack in his arms. Gale let out a small grunt as he tried to adjust to the added weight before chuckling, proud of himself as he steadied the weight. Wynmoira grabbed the wheelbarrow and began pulling it, Gale joining her side as they headed towards camp.
“We haven’t seen much of each other these days,” Gale pointed out, his eyes wandering to Wynmoira. Her eyes remained straight ahead, not drifting for a moment. “I miss our little talks.” His voice was softer, with a hint of pain in his words. Wynmoira’s face faltered for a moment, recognizing the shift in his tone. But just as quickly as it changed, she returned to her stone-cold gaze.
“We’re talking now, aren’t we?” She quipped.
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.” Wynmoira finally broke her gaze ahead, looking over at the wizard. His brows furrowed, his lips curled downwards slightly. “Ever since the ordeal with the hag, you’ve been…different.”
She wanted to challenge him, tell him he was wrong. That she was the same woman she’d always been. But she couldn’t bring herself to say it. She knew he was right. Things were different between them. She never really prepared herself for this type of conversation. In all honesty, she hoped to avoid it entirely.
“I just needed to adjust my priorities.” She paused, turning away from him. She couldn’t face him and have this conversation, not now. “We need to get these tadpoles out of our heads before it’s too late.” She continued pulling the wheelbarrow, leaving Gale behind. He followed shortly after her, and the two remained silent until they made it to camp. Karlach approached the two, welcoming them back.
“Hi there, soldier!” Karlach had a large smile on her face. She was comfortable, wearing her camp clothing. There were no real plans for today other than resupplying and resting. Her eyes drifted to Gale, who was following behind, noticing the small frown on his face. “What did you do, Wyn?” Wynmoira’s eyes widened slightly, and her brows furrowed in confusion.
“Lovely how you immediately assume it was my fault,” she protested. Karlach looked at her, raising a brow. She didn’t have to say anything before Wynmoira caved, nodding her head. “He tried talking, and I don’t want to talk.” She settled the wheelbarrow on the ground and began pulling some logs out, placing a few by the nearby campfire pit. Once enough was placed, she made her way over to a larger stack of wood, refilling the pit. Gale joined her side momentarily, adding his collection to the pile before leaving her. As he walked away, she couldn’t help but look after him. His head and shoulders fell slightly as he sulked back to his tent.
He remained in his tent for the rest of the day, never coming out once. The sun had set, and the others were gathered around the campfire. Wynmoira sat beside Shadowheart, listening to Wyll tell everyone another one of his stories about his journeys. Shadowheart seemed in tune with his words, but Wynmoira was in her own little world. Her eyes would drift towards Gale’s tent in the distance, waiting for him to join the others. He didn’t even leave to get dinner once it was ready.
“You can always go in,” Shadowheart nudged Wynmoira’s shoulder. Wynmoira snapped out of it, giving a small smile to Shadowheart before shaking her head.
“I’m the last person he’d want to see,” she said. She used her fork to nudge the small bits of potato on her plate. She ate only a portion of her food; not really hungry tonight. Shadowheart stood up, walking away from her companion before returning with a full plate of food and handing it to Wynmoira.
“Give it to him. Don’t need two of you moping about,” she teased. Wynmoira took a moment before standing and taking the plate of food. She went to Gale’s tent, stopping just a few steps outside. Everyone’s voices from the campfire were like soft background noise, and she was in utter silence, waiting outside Gale’s tent. She felt a small lump form in the back of her throat, afraid to call out to him.
“I know you’re out there,” he called out. She mentally cursed herself before entering the tent, a sheepish smile on her lips. Gale was sitting on a small chair, a book in hand. His eyes were glued to the page despite her entrance.
“You didn’t get dinner. Don’t need you starving to death.” She tried to joke, wanting to lighten the mood. Gale took a small breath, his eyes leaving the book to meet hers. “Here,” she held out his plate. He stared at the plate momentarily before finally caving and grabbing it from her hands. Wynmoira sat beside him, keeping her plate on her lap. Her hands fiddled with the plate, needing to find something to distract her from her anxious feelings.
“You…us…things are complicated because of Mystra, aren’t they?” He finally asked. Wynmoira went tense, her hands coming to a halt on the plate. Her eyes drifted to him, and he was already looking at her with his soft brown eyes. She couldn’t find the words to say how she felt, so she nodded her head.
There was no denying that something was forming between the two, since their night practicing with the weave. Images that played through her mind about him, intimate images, were exposed, as were similar images of her in his mind. For a moment, Wynmoira thought something great could come from it. But after learning about Mystra, things became complicated. Her insecurities got the best of her, and she tried to separate herself from him. Hoping that her feelings could disappear. Things would hurt a lot less. But nothing is that easy.
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” Wynmoira finally said. She chewed at the inside of her cheek, feeling herself become uneasy as she continued to speak. “Your past is your past, I can’t hold it against you. We’ve all got skeletons in our closets.” She knew herself she had her own secrets, secrets she wasn’t ready to tell. It wasn’t fair for her to hold his against him so harshly.
“I appreciate that, but no,” he said. He placed the plate on the table beside him, turning his body to give her his full attention. “No doubt my past has caused a ripple in our…relationship. Frankly, I didn’t know how to tell you about it. I think a part of me was ashamed, really.”
His words pained her to hear. Gale didn’t seem like the type to have shame. The way he was always so confident in himself, she admired it greatly. But to see him like this, talking about his shame, reminded her that he wasn’t the perfect man she envisioned. He was flawed, just like her. He was human.
“I’m sorry,” Wynmoira said softly. She placed her plate on the table and took Gale’s hand in hers. A small smile grew on her lips as she gave him a gentle squeeze. “You didn’t deserve the way I treated you. I just got so…insecure.” Gale placed his hand on top of hers, giving her a gentle squeeze this time. A small smile formed on his lips as the two held a soft gaze with one another.
“All is forgiven,” he assured her. She missed this. She missed him, his touch, his embrace. She felt safe with him, something she didn’t feel with anyone else. He always found ways to put her at ease, even when he wasn’t trying. “But I do require one thing from you.”
“And what is that?”
“Don’t shut me out,” he asked softly. “If something troubles you, tell me. Let me share your pain. Let me take on your burden. I can handle it.”
His words warmed her heart. No one had ever done that for her. Or at least she couldn’t remember someone doing such a thing. He cared deeply for her, and she felt stupid for letting her insecurities tell her otherwise.
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tumbleweed-run · 1 year
Gale & Jealousy
Gale didn’t think he was a jealous man. He knew he wasn’t the only person Mystra liked, she was a goddess - so who was he to pretend. Sure he liked to pretend(hope), perhaps, that he was the only person she was actively bedding. But really he knew she could do whatever she wished and he would still worship her.
And before Mystra? Flings, youthful indiscretions, what have you. They weren’t serious, his only true love up to that point was magic and the study of the weave.
But you? He feels an unsettling churning in his stomach as you chat with Karlach. The churn is an outright burning when you sport Astarion’s fang marks on your neck. But he doesn’t recognize it for what it is, after all you’re not his yet.
A few stolen moments of magic is not a declaration of relationship, no matter how he feels.
But after Moonrise watching you with Halsin, chatting about the future of the Shadowlands. As he watches the Druid regard you with awe and raw attraction. He has to name it for what it is. Jealously plain and simple.
He’s never had a love that was his and his alone. If he was honest with himself, he’s never had love focused exclusively on him. He revels in the feeling when your secret smiles are for him and him alone. When you whisper your ‘I love you’ under your breath as you fall asleep at night he feels as if he nights burst (and for once it isn’t that damn orb).
So he’s a jealous man, now. He swears he won’t feed it too often but having someone that’s just his? That’s a powerful feeling and one he’ll be damned if he gives up again.
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newtabfics · 10 months
Need Gale x reader NSFW please where he uses magic to "finger" her while some guy is flirting with her in a tavern, cause bro is a possessive freak
....JKFDLFJ TEE HEE. No for real. Me squealing over this thought.
Y/N's hand tensed on the bar as the man smiled gently to her. She had no idea how to tell him she was blushing because and invisible hand was toying with her clit as she felt her fiance's eyes on them.
"O-Oh really?" She stammered out, trying to keep composed.
Her breath hitched a slight as he listened to the man tell some exaggerated tale about how he saved Baldur's Gate from the Mindflayers, despite him talking to one of the seven heroes.
Y/N's eyes darted behind him, making eye contact with Gale. He sat there, watching the scene with dark eyes. Her eyes flicked down to his hand. Two fingers curled right as she felt something curl inside her and his thumb pressed forward as something pressed against her clit.
"Ah!" She gasped, clearing her throat, looking to the man talking to her. "What an exhilarating tale!" She gritted out as she slammed her hand on the bar with a strained smile.
The guy blinked and smiled, thinking she was strange but tried to press. "I haven't even gotten to the best part."
Y/N hummed as the fingers began to pump quickly, winding her up tight before vanishing entirely as the man finished his story. Her eyes darted back to Gale.
The wizard smirked as his eyes darted to the stairs.
"I gotta go," She told the drunk before getting up and speed walking towards the stairs.
Before her foot landed on the top step, Gale appeared and cupped her face, kissing her deeply.
"You're such an ass," She muttered against his lips as he lifted her.
"You love me," He chuckled.
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