imightwritetoday · 4 years
Sometimes I just wish that I had something profound to say, some interesting words to write. When I open that Google Doc though, turns out I have nothing to say. There are no immensely impactful words spilling out of my brain, fighting across my keyboard and making my fingers dance like marionette puppets. There’s nothing insightful about me about I don’t have anything insightful to say to others. I dream of being an author though, of sitting with my laptop for hours on end, occasionally taking a sip of hot chocolate or organic fruit juice, or whatever might bring some energy and ideas to my brain at the time. I dream of having a career where I can simply let out all of my ideas and allow the creativity to flourish on an empty document on my dimly lit desktop, pouring out of me like rain pours from the clouds in a dark rainforest, like light spills through the atmosphere from the giant ball of flames we know as the sun. I want late nights of writing my deepest thoughts, eye bags growing and my deepest emotions coming out as the stars appear. I hope for sleepless days where I watch the sunrise in my window through my splendidly tired eyes, pausing for a moment to appreciate the beauty in everything. I want to see my books make their way across the world, resting perfectly on a shelf in the bookstore, waiting for the perfect person to pick one up and read it all in one life-changing night. I want to spark something inside of people and watch them be inspired by the things I have to say. I want the title of author and all of the anonymity and mysteriousness that comes with it. But, I sit here, staring, straining my eyes, and blank white screen, waiting for the words to write themselves. 
My greatest wish is to do something impactful. I want to have done something with my life that has meaning. I want to have changed people, changed lives, changed the world. I want to be the unknown artist behind the famous photograph you see on the cover of the most famous magazines. I want to be the author under the mysterious pen name that nobody can uncover. I want to be the writer of the stupidly impactful little Pinterest pin, the one with the white background in the typewriter font that you can’t help but screenshot and save for later, only to forget about and then look back on years later in a purge of the camera roll, having the same life-altering moment as the first time it was read. I want my voice, my work, what I share to be so deeply poetic that it transforms reality, weaving its way in between every aspect of life. 
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imightwritetoday · 4 years
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imightwritetoday · 4 years
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