imjustwritingg · 2 days
like you wanted it forever - chapter 20
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Happy Hockey Jay Day! I know the last chapter was brutal, but this one might make up for it. I did make some changes while editing so there’s no ice skating in this chapter, but it’s coming later. 🥰
Hope you still enjoy this one! Happy reading! 🏒📸✨
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
Did somebody know or answer to a previous ask about the fic of upstead and the two kids adopted?? Asking for a friend who also has been searching for it and has a feeling the author might have delete it ( I hope not)
Yes! Someone commented about it on the original post. The fic is “We Can” by one-cpd on FFNet. There are also two accompanying fics…”We Are” and “We Have” that you can find on their profile.
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
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That cute flirty conversation (requested by anonymous).
CHICAGO PD 7.20 || Silence of the Night
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
Btw if I say things like “by god” or “good lord” in posts please be aware I don’t mean it in a catholic way I mean it in a 1950s scientist reacting in horror after they create an evil creature in the lab set in the distant future year of 2005
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
“i don’t block people just because of a difference of opinion” cool i do
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
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Is this a problem?
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
I guess some people voluntarily turned a blind eye whenever atrocious and vile comments were thrown at Tracy huh….. 1000x worse than what they think playboy means btw
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
I agree with you. I think it speaks volumes about Gwen when he said in a interview his only option was to sign a three year contract or nothing and then they gave him three episodes of rubbish when he didn’t sign on. I think J and T defo thought they could have a Upstead happy ending and assumed they would write one for them with Jesse staying around Chicago. Gwen made it clear in her interview she didn’t want to write that. I also think him leaving and being very clear he wanted a main role but hanging around Chicago for two years until T was finished there and then immediately getting the job he wanted is so loud. Like he wasn’t going without her.
All. Of. This.
It was so very clear, and I really can’t stand the fact that I gave Gwen the benefit of the doubt for so long thinking she wouldn’t ruin Upstead. She could have done the right thing for the characters and she just didn’t because of her own animosity and I will truly never forgive or forget it.
Jesse was literally right there, for so damn long, and it is so unbelievably frustrating. It didn’t have to be this way.
I’m just so relieved they’re both away from that show and out from under Gwen. She doesn’t deserve either of them.
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
Waiittttt a minute WHAT stuff came out about upzek?! I kinda stopped following cpd
Paddy talked about it in a meet and greet at a con last weekend.
He said he and Tracy hated the idea of Upzek and went to the showrunners about it, but were ultimately overruled until the fans made it clear they didn’t like the couple either.
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
Do you know who hires directors on shows? I’m asking because I’ve been wondering if Gwen had say over Jesse directing or if it was someone else behind the scenes who made the decision.
The showrunner and executive producers usually call those shots. It also could have been part of Jesse’s negotiations when he left the show to gain the directing experience he wanted.
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imjustwritingg · 5 days
Do you think Jenna will start posting her time spent with Jesse and Tracy now too?
Maybe when she’s with them again. I don’t think she’d start posting them randomly otherwise unless it was a special occasion.
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imjustwritingg · 6 days
Heyy!! Any updates coming on the California fic???
Hi there! I was aiming to update today, but I don’t think that’s going to happen, so maybe I will at some point this weekend. I’m sorry it’s been a while for that fic. Not giving up on it though, I promise!
Thank you for asking about it. 🫶🏼
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imjustwritingg · 6 days
✨Teaser Friday✨
Happy Friday everyone!! Here are your teasers for the next chapter of LYWIF. See ya Tuesdaaaaay. 🥰
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imjustwritingg · 6 days
can you expand a little on you theory about Gwen and trasse exist.
Sure! Long story semi-short is I think Jesse didn’t extend his contract and left PD because he wasn’t getting what he wanted and what was alluded (and probably previously discussed) for his character.
Tracy didn’t extend her contract either and followed him out the door the next year. I think there might have been a differing of opinions between her and Gwen as well, especially considering the stuff that came out recently about Upzek…her and Paddy HATED them together and went to the showrunners about it, and were overruled until the fans made it known they didn’t like them together either. Knowing that, I feel even more confident that Tracy would have done the same thing with the Hailey/Upstead storyline and Gwen shut her down.
Gwen was upset about Tracy and Jesse leaving and took it out on them the only way she could which was by ruining their characters and breaking them up on-screen.
*Disclaimer for those that need it: This is a THEORY. It is MY OPINION.
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imjustwritingg · 6 days
You could just say Jesse was smitten with Tracy since they met cause that was clear! Calling him a playboy demeans him & them!
Fucking hell. Y’all are exhausting.
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imjustwritingg · 6 days
It's probably just me, but what was shown of Jesse in the trailer is what I would have liked to have seen from Jesse on PD...
I don’t think it’s just you at all. I’m pretty sure all of us who loved him on PD wanted the same and more for Jay Halstead, but unfortunately it wasn’t up to Jesse or the fans, and his character was left in the hands of a showrunner with a petty agenda.
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imjustwritingg · 6 days
What makes you think that J did the first step? Just curious.
Jesse’s history. He’s always been outspoken and flirty and back then he gave off almost a playboy vibe to me. I feel like he would’ve been the one to take the initiative there.
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