BEN: Ooooh.
Jeff: What?
BEN: It looks like someone likes Y/N.
Jeff: What? No way. I just think Y/N’s cool. It’s not like I lay awake at night thinking about them.
Jeff, later that night: Oh.
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Toby, barging into the mansion and throwing a calculator at Tim: Bet you weren’t counting on that!
[15 minutes later]
Tim: [Has all of the members of the mansion lined up along the wall as Toby stands next to him]
Tim: Alright, who told Toby to do it?
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Y/N: Come hang out with me and my friends!
Helen: I haven’t met three of them, so no.
Y/N: It can be fun to hang out with new people though!
Helen, vibrating like a chihuahua: No thank you.
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Jeff: Slender’s so annoying. He’s always asking me how I am, if I’ve eaten, offering me water.
BEN: You mean he cares about you?
Jeff: … Is that what this is?
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hey aubrie! hope ur doing well :]. i was wondering, do any of the creeps have religious trauma? and the ones that dont, do they believe in any religion? random question, ive just been down in the dumps abt my religious trauma lately </3
Me when I meant to answer this like four hours ago, covered in flour trying to make dough-
I feel like for me personally at this moment I don’t think any of them do? I haven’t gotten to the point where I’ve considered religious trauma for them despite having my own, but I think that just depends on each individual person and their own headcanons.
Well I mean now that I’m thinking about it EJ… My EJ was raised in a cult and like- Was used as a sacrifice to summon the demon they praised who he then fused with so- So technically EJ you could say. Can’t believe I forgot that.
But I don’t see any of the creeps being religious personally, maybe it’s just tainted by my own hatred of religion, but I can’t see any of them believing in a god. I think I would say to leave it up to you guys in if you headcanon them as religious or not.
I’m sorry if this isn’t the answer you were looking for and I hope you feel better soon!
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Y/N: Can I bribe you to get me water with a kiss?
Jeff: No because you’ll still kiss me anyway.
BEN, scrambling to get up: I’ll do it! I want a kiss!
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Sully: I hate you.
Y/N: You love me endlessly.
Sully: …I guess.
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Do you think any of the creeps that are originally not English, still have small difficulties with certain words? Like maybe using the wrong past tense or not pronouncing some words incorrectly?
I feel like the answer to me would be Helen. While he is presently fluent in both French and English (born in France) I feel like he’s probably a little shaky on English sometimes. He was out on his own after killing his parents at 14, and he didn’t meet Slender until he was 17, so he had three years by himself to try and keep learning things.
I feel like he could partially speak English by the time Slender found him, but I think he had to really focus on learning things after being introduced to the mansion, since Slender homeschools all of them if they never finished their education.
I think he’s good most of the time, but he definitely still has a bit of a French accent and sometimes has a hard time saying words, and I do see him sometimes just forgetting what a word is in English. I think the problem for him is if he forgets something in English or messes something up he gets embarrassed and doesn’t want other people to know so he just tries to figure it out himself.
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hai aubrie !! just a question :). who do you think is most/least likely to have sex on the first date?
An interesting question but I was sitting here and I'm like... I don't think enough of them would be willing to have sex on the first date? Like because of trauma or general insecurity or lack of trust so I think I might just have to group them?? Maybe it's just my brain I dunno, I feel like it wouldn't gradient well :p
Could have sex on the first date if they feel the relationship will continue; Offender, Jane, Brian, Liu, Smiley, Trender, Candy, Nina
Would much rather wait (for either trauma, comfort levels, needing a connection, etc.); Jeff, BEN, EJ, LJ, Toby, Tim, Slender, Natalie, Helen, Splendor, Jason, Pup, Zalgo, Hobo, Kate
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hello! I really enjoy your writing and was wondering if request are still closed? I see people requesting but it says they are closed and I'm kinda confused.
Hello! Requests are indeed closed. It’s just sometimes when people send a request in when they’re open they’ll say that they’re glad the requests are open, which I understand is definitely confusing.
Just always follow whether or not I’m saying they’re closed ^^ They won’t be open again for maybe another month, month and a half.
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Puppeteer: So what do you like about being in the rain?
Y/N: Well, I like splashing puddles-
Helen, in French: I like trying to get hit by lightning.
Y/N: He said it’s soothing.
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BEN: Liu, you cannot tell Jeff that Y/N is in love with him, okay?
Liu: Oh, would you just trust me? I am not going to say a word to Jeff, I promise.
BEN: Okay, good.
[30 seconds later]
Liu: Y/N! Why have you not told my brother you’re in love with him yet?!?
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hi, like your writing alot, can i request ej with an so who likes to kiss his scars/him in general in an attempt to make him feel better?
Helloooo I hope you enjoy, I'm feeling a lil wonky myself today, so I tried to make this fluffy for you
Jack tries to insist oftentimes that he's perfectly fine and dandy, although that's not quite true. Most days he is alright, but there are a lot of times when his past and his trauma overwhelm him, where he gets incredibly depressed and despondent, but he does his best to hide it behind his stoic personality. To you, however, who knows him so well and notices all his signs and tells that could slip past others, it's quite obvious when he's in a depressive rut, as he is right now. It's upsetting to watch him try and work through these things alone, so of course you want to be there for him to help him, and the best way to do that is usually through physical affection. You've made it a routine to try and soothe him with touch, as you've found over time that he benefits greatly from it, as touch-starved as he is, and today is no different.
Being nocturnal, he usually doesn't wake up until late in the afternoon, and when you find him today it's obvious his lethargy is hitting him. He's normally up and getting dressed, but today he's lying in bed buried under the covers, showing no signs of moving anytime soon. As you move to crawl into his bed beside him, he turns immediately, sighing as he shoves his face into your chest and pulls you firmly against him, trying to snuggle all of his worries away. You're the only person he truly lets his guard down around, and as you move back to look at his face, the depression and worry lines are clearly sinking into him, and you're quick to cover his face in kisses, causing surprised noises to rise from him, but they're quickly replaced by purrs, his feline ears relaxing and his tail swishing back and forth. Your eyes trace over the various scars across his skin, scars Jack tries (and often succeeds to, due to his lack of vision) to forget about, your fingers moving to trace them gently. His body tenses a bit at the feeling of you caressing them, but the purrs continue to leave him as he headbutts into you gently, but you continue to do what you always do and move your lips across his scars.
It always flusters him when you do so, giving him a deep feeling in his chest he's not sure how to process, a feeling that makes him a little uncomfortable as he's not used to feeling it, but at the same time he doesn't want you to stop. He can't see the scars across his skin, some of them from work, some of them from the night he became a demon, some of them inflicted by his own hands during his darker nights, but he hates them. He can't see how they make him look, but the more insecure parts of his mind tell him they must make him look even more monstrous, and it's a sore spot for him, so for you to treat them so delicately, for you to lovingly kiss them in an attempt to make him feel better, it just deeply flusters him in a way he never thought he'd feel. Your repetitive attempts to do this to him over time have soothed his worries a lot, but it doesn't make him any less embarrassed every time you do it. It makes him happy that you love him so much, that you accept him and cherish him despite what he perceives to be flaws. He feels himself relaxing and his negative thoughts leaving him as your lips gently work their way across his face now, and his nose scrunches up when you intentionally try and tickle him with butterfly kisses, causing you to laugh at his adorable expression. It's a repetitive process you like to do, one that brings both of you joy, and while Jack never thought that it would do so, he feels so at peace knowing he's finally found someone who loves him enough to do things like this. While he was originally so shy about you doing things like this, there are lots of days where he finds himself missing this, finds himself wanting to find you, and ask you to do this to him, but you always seem to know just when he needs it. He loves you more than he ever thought he'd be able to love anything, and the fact that you clearly care about him so much increases that love tenfold. He feels himself drifting back off to sleep as you continue to kiss all over him, a smile on his face as peace runs through his mind, all thanks to you.
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This might seem like an unusual question but since you talked abt EJ’s hugs yesterday it sparked a thought. If you had the opportunity to hug any 3 people that you write for, who would they be? :) for your own comfort or just because you think they need a hug, any reason, I’m just curious :3
Ugggghhhh they all need a hug so fucking bad. Okay to make this easier on myself and cheat at your question, I'm going to do the three I would hug because they really need it, and the three I would hug for my own comfort.
The three I think need a hug the most are Toby, LJ, and Hobo, the three of them desperately need a big hug and I would be more than willing to provide it to them.
When it comes to the three I just want to hug the most it gets tricky because... I wanna hug all of them... But if I HAD to do 3, it would be Jeff because he's my comfort boy and the character I've loved the most for the longest time, Zalgo because he's big huge and I feel like he could give a really incredible fully encompassing hug especially since he's over 2 feet taller than me, and I have to say both as a tie breaker, but it would be either Helen or EJ as my final because Helen is also a really big comfort character for me, and EJ because I want the maximum snuggle hug, so in the event that this actually happened I would have to flip a coin.
I love answering questions like this but sometimes they're just so difficult.
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BEN: Describe your ideal partner.
Y/N: Uh… 6 feet tall, long hair, blue eyes-
BEN: You’re just describing Jeff, aren’t you?
BEN: Describe your ideal-
Jeff: Y/N.
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hope this doesn’t seem like a request, but at what point in the reader and jason’s relationship does he trust them with his music box? that box is basically his life, so when do you think he’d trust his beloved with it?
Hmmmmm that’s a good question. I think he would start very gradually, like even just mentioning that the box exists in the first place and the power it holds only once he begins fully trusting you. Once he’s fully trusted you for a long while I think he might show it to you, not let you touch it, but show it to you. He keeps it in his chest in my canon, and I think he’d just open up his chest to let you look at it. Little while after that, I think he’d allow you to touch it for smaller periods of time.
But I don’t think he’d fully allow you access to it until you reach the point of marriage. Jason wouldn’t marry just anyone, he would have to be fully and unequivocally devoted to you, and at that point he’ll trust you to keep the box safe. His box is his life as you said, so once he is fully aware he wants to give you his life, he’ll give you his box.
I don’t have an exact timeline for the points at which it would happen for each stage as it really depends on the person and the relationship, but that’s the general basis for how it would go
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(Im sorry if this seems like a request!!! It’s not!!!)
I’m not feeling too great today :(
What are your opinions on EJ’s hugs? Like are they warm and strong or weak and distanced?
I hope you can feel better :( EJ would definitely give you a hug to help you feel better :)
I feel like if EJ doesn’t like someone he like, he hugs like a praying mantis? He doesn’t fully wrap around them and he sort of shrinks into himself and just wants it to be over as soon as possible. In those hugs he wouldn’t even initiate, it would be if someone else initiated when he didn’t want it.
If he DOES like you, his hugs are all consuming. He loves basically dwarfing someone in a hug and completely wrapping his whole body around someone. His arms, his tail, his legs if he can get them around you. I think he also is the type to bury his head into the top of your head or your neck and snuggle into you. He grips tightly but it’s a comforting warm kind of tightness that makes you want to melt and never leave. He craves warmth because my EJ is weak to cold temperatures and ends up hibernating if he gets too cold, so he just loves being as physically close to you as he can and absorbing all of your warmth. Hes definitely far more cuddly with hugs if you’re his partner, but even if you’re his friend I think he gives really good comforting hugs. Definitely could hug you and purr himself to sleep on you though if he’s your partner so if he hugs you when you’re someone cozy, be prepared for that possibility.
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