jadedsnowtiger · 2 months
Tim in full 35 hour mode, staring at the doorway, as Superman danced ballet in the doorway.
"Krypto Greet." Tim turned to the white dog.
The dog looks around the room, almost confused by the command.
Superman was spinning on his toes now, as Tim shook his head.
"Okay, time for bed."
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jadedsnowtiger · 2 months
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jadedsnowtiger · 7 months
Dick watched the scene with slight confusion.
In the darkness of the kitchen Rachel appeared to be making herself something, as she mindlessly walked around.
“Chicken!” She yelled, throwing the remaining chicken from that night's dinner across the room.
The mustard sprayed all over the room, as Dick decided this was a good time to intervene.
“Rach-el.” Dick called her name out, as he slipped in some unknown substance, handing hard onto his hip.  “The fuck?”
“Pa-ta-to!” She cried, full in tears as she now was searching the stove.
“Rachel, Fuck, Wake up!” Dick moved to grab something to toss towards her, as he attempted to get off the floor, slipping around in the mess.
Rachel sat in front of the stove in full tears, as she reached into the stove.
“Pa-ta-to!” She cried in full sadness.
An half awake Gar, was smart enough to turn on the lights.
Gar looked around the trashed kitchen, condiments everywhere, the fridge had to be empty by that was tossed all around the room.
Gar frowned at his half eaten chili, now painting the roof of the whole kitchen.
“Baby, you're asleep.”
Gar stepped into the room, noticing the spread out Dick on the floor struggling to get up.
“Save the Kitchen, forget me!” Dick called out, waving him off.
Rachel was crying for her potatoes, her hand in the stove. 
Gar shook his head, not knowing to laugh or cry. But fully knowing the CCTV video was going to be epic.
Gar made his way to Rachel as she cried, rocking herself.
“Mama, hey, wake up.” Gar spoke gently, as he knelt down beside her. 
Rachel looked around the room, blinking as she rubbed her eyes.
The kitchen was a warzone.
“Wanna have a quick shower?” Gar asked softly. “Trust me, you do.”
The Half demon looked around confused. She herself was covered in god knows what, but she could taste blueberry in her mouth.
Rachel turned to Gar confused.
“It's all Dicks fault.” Gar smiled at her softly, as he nodded.
“I can't even get off the floor, what the fuck is this?” Dick was trying his hardest to get off the floor, but slipped each time.
“What did I do?” Rachel looked around the room. 
It was a warzone.
“You managed to make art.” Gar smiled, as he laughed at the mess. “It's beautiful.
It was something to look at, as some of the chili gave way from the rooftop.
“Okay, seriously one of you get me off the floor.” Dick was on his hands and knees covered head to toe in whatever he was in.
“No, look, you painted Africa!”  Gar pointed at a mustard strain with a bright smile, distracting her from everything around her.
Somehow in her mayhem she has painted the Continent of Africa. 
Rachel broke out laughing.
“This taste like Olive oil- fuck not my inported stuff.” Dick moaned, as he noticed the tin beside him. “You came from the Motherland!”
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jadedsnowtiger · 7 months
On the wall were Images of the Titans, drawn as stick figures, with bright  yellow Minions placed as bad guys in the middle of the screen.
Tim worked hard on his presentation, as he stood in front of them, giving the debrief.
On the screen a bomb of glitter went off across the screen as the minions ran for freedom, only to get captured by WWII dressed cops.
“And that's it!” Tim spoke proudly, showing off his report. “Oh, and  then we went to the strippers.”
A photo of Conner was showing, leaning against the stage in horror. 
“Oh god.” Gar was laughing beside her shaking his head, as he rubbed her side.
“Girls are confusing.” Conner spoke up, as he looked at the screen.
“And then you went to the strippers?” Dick turned to Tim, with his hands on his hips. “How did my three,  underage babies get into a bar?”
“Canada.” Gar smiled, from his spot.
“Its only boobs!” Kori laughed, as she sat in her chair with her brandy, oddly missing the one image Tim flashed through.
“Okay, anything else?” Dick turned to Tim.
Tim shook his head, as he smiled softly, turning off the screen.
“Okay, this is over.” Dick walked out of the room, done with them for the moment.
“Why was Conner scared?” Kori was laughing, but interested.
“The stripper shot a ping pong ball out of her special spot!” Conner cried out, in fear.
Kori just smiled. “I can-”
“KORI!” Dick all but screamed in fear.
“No, not my mom!”  Gar jumped off the couch, in pure terror.
Suddenly none was laughing, all turning to Kori in fear.
“No-No.” Rachel jumped up in fear. “I have enough trauma!”
“Take me too!” Gar called out, as he followed her run from the room.
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jadedsnowtiger · 8 months
Rachel found herself sitting with Dinah, playing with the Infant Conner in the corner of the dining lounge of the Watchtower.
Dinah was pumping away, as Rachel took the time to play with the bright eyed baby full of facial expressions and giggles.
Rachel had Conner on the floor, his arms and legs reaching up at her, as Rachel knelt down.
“Why is the milk in a jug?”
Rachel turned, to see Hawkman standing in the door of the fridge. 
That wasn't milk-well it was, but-
Rachel turned to Dinah, who smiled, holding her finger to her mouth.
The Avian man didn't see them, as he spoke to the Dark skinned Green Lantern, who also didn't notice them in the corner.
Rachel didn't know him, just seen him once in a blue moon.
“Hell if I know, Clark must have brought it right from the cow.” The Lantern spoke up.
Rachel covered her mouth, as both used the milk in their coffee, so innocent these poor men were, maybe both couldn't read the English writing on the Jug.
She turned to Dinah, who seemed to wait for both men to taste their milk.
“Good milk?” She called out to them.
Both jumped, as if unaware that they were even there.
“Yeah, it's alright.” Hawkman spoke, looking towards her.
“It's fresh.”  Dinah smiled, holding up the pump.
The darkener skinned Lantern turned a few shades of pale, as he looked at Dinah.
“Well, now it's even better.” Hawkman just walked out of the room, with his coffee in hand.
“You're a cruel woman, Dinah.” The Lantern moaned for his coffee, placing it down on the counter as he walked away, head down.
“Its written on the Jug!” She called out to both of them
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jadedsnowtiger · 8 months
Tim was standing in front of the Nespresso machine, wearing a coffee sack, bear foot as his hair was wild around his head.
The Nespresso was set up on the floor of the kitchen, surrounded by lit candles, and incense, as it lay on a white cloth.
“Brew for me!” He calls out, as he spreads his arms, laughing maniacally.
Rachel watched the display, unsure of what to do,  if Tim had finally lost his last brain cell.
“And he placed the pod into the Machine!” Tim called out, as if reading from a book. “And the Machine brewed it for him.”
Rachel laughed at the slander, holding her hand over her mouth, as she watched Tim's session, as he followed his written word.
“And the Machine said on to him-”
Coffee sounds, came from the machine, as Tim repeated it.
“Woosh woosh Screech!” Tim screamed out, following with the machine, his arms out wide.
Rachel was laughing, as she fell onto the floor.
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jadedsnowtiger · 8 months
"There she is!"
Rachel jumped as her door slammed open.
It was the middle of the night, she had just gotten to sleep, as Dick stood in the doorway.
“There is my baby!” He called out, as he stumbled into the bedroom.
“Dick, don't wake her.” Kori called out, as she rushed into the doorway.
“But, look at my baby.” 
He called out, way too loud for Rachel, as she winced in bed.
“My sweet, perfect, little baby.” 
Rachel watched as Dick stumbled into the room.
“Isn't she perfect?” Dick called back to Kori.
“I am so sorry, Rachel.” Kori came into the room. “Dick, get out here.”
“No, you can't have, my baby!”  He called back, crawling into bed.
Rachel just blinked, watching this unfold, it was too late, and she was to tired.
“Daddies here now.” Dick declares, as he pulled Rachel into his arms. “Daddy is here now.” 
Rachel turned to Kori, whom was watching the sight shaking her head.
“Richard.” Kori laughed, shaking her head.
“I must protect my daughter's virginity!” Dick declared.
“What, No.-"
 Rachel pushed Dick away from her. Whatever this was, she didn't have the energy for.
“The green snake is coming.” He warned.
“Mom, what the fuck?” Rachel turned to Kori, now laughing so hard she was on the floor.
“The green snake is coming, we need to save you.” Dick declared, petting Rachel's head, as if she was a baby.
“Mom, Help?”
 Rachel was concerned, Dick wasn't right.
“Dick does have a limit.” Kori laughed on the floor, lost to the madness, also appearing heavily drunk.
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jadedsnowtiger · 9 months
Something I wrote for my faniction
Just a blur, becuase for some.reason I find it funny.
“Now, Kori says you're all staying home tonight, which means training room!” Dick tried to make it sound exciting.
“Boo.”  Gar groaned, sitting beside Raven's as he kissed her cheek.
“Ha!” Tim jumped out from the table quickly with two made fitas. “My training is hiding from you and your Maddess!” 
Tim declared, as he ran out of the room, straight into Victor.
The Demon felt bad, as Tim looked heartbroken, laying on the floor with his broken spilt dinner. 
“My baby!”
Rachel watched as Tim made grabby hands, at the remains.
“Okay, then.” Victor stepped over Tim. “Mini crackhead.”
Rachel smiled, laughing as Victor walked towards the table. Rachel giggled, as she watched Tim flinch before dying  with a dramatic sigh.
“Ahhhhhh!” He ‘Died’ on the floor.
“Quick! CPR!” 
Raven watched as Gar jumped into the fray, as he ran to Tim.
“Conner mouth to mouth!” Gar declared, posting at Conner.
Conner looked at his dinner, before turning to his boyfriend.
“I'll do ass to mouth-ow!” 
A knife threw across the table at Conner's shoulder.
Raven jumped, for a second, forgetting he was Superboy, Gar held her back, shaking his head.
“Dude!” Conner wasn't impressed.
Raven just laughed, as Kori pulled the knife from Conners shoulder.
“This is my dinner table.” She threatens everyone, placing a table cloth on Conner's shoulder.  “You will all sit down, like the Good kids you all are.”
Raven turned to see poor Tim, his eyes wide in fear of his brother, and sister in law.
“Gar save me!” Tim begged, holding on to Gar.
It was fun to watch Gar. He would do anything for his Robin, looking at Raven he winked towards her as he, changing quickly into his Werewolf form before tossing Tim over his shoulder.
Her Kitty waved at her, before running from the room.
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jadedsnowtiger · 9 months
Sleepwalking was something Rachel did.
Everyone knew to keep an eye out for her, most keep their doors open during the deep hours, just to listen out for her.Sleepwalking Rachel had a hard time walking around, and would argue at the furniture on her way. 
Once Tim learned about this, he started to record, so Rachel could see what she was up to. Rachel wasn't against it, these videos could often be funny.
Rachel was sleep Zooming.
Running around the living room, in the well beaten path, around the back of the couch, behind the rocking chair, and around the pain room, making a circle.
“Meow!” She declared, as she zoomed around the room.
Conner was in the corner, his hand over his mouth as he watched over her. He was holding in his laughter, as he watched the display.
“Meow!” Rachel was just running, freely having the time of her life.
“Cookies!” Rachel screamed, running out of her bedroom.
The camera showed the time being 338am, as the demon made her way down the hallway.
“I want cookies!” 
She screamed, marching her way, as the camera shifted.
Gar poked his head out of his bedroom, looking around for the yelling.
Noticing Rachel he sighed laughing, but followed her.
Rachel napping on the couch, before jolting up
“God damn it Garfield!”
Gar turned to her completely confused, as he put his phone down.
“Don't eat Aquaman!” Rachel screams, pointing at the window.
“Okay.” Gar nods, looking completely confused. “No eating Aquaman.”
“Good.” Rachel lays back down and falls asleep.
“Have a potato.” 
She pelts the object at Dicks head, as she walks by him.
“Make me  a potato!” She tossed another.
Dick watches her confused.
“I am a potato.” She declares, as she falls to the floor.
“I need a razer.” Rachel slams Kori's bedroom wide open, the older women, screaming slightly in shook.
“I need a razer.” She demands.
Confused and half asleep, Kori shook her head.
“I am going to shave Gars legs, they bother me.” the sleeping demon told her.
“Tomorrow.” Kori laughed gently. “Tonight, we sleep.” 
 Rachel walks towards the bed, before crawling in and falling asleep beside her Mama.
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jadedsnowtiger · 9 months
Walking inside the bedroom, Gar was loving up on Krypto. Cuddling the wiggling puppy as Gar told him he was a good boy.
Rachel smiled watching Gar, none could ever love the way Gar did.
Fully and completely, Gar was the embodiment of love. The gods gave Gar to Rachel, to show her what love truly was.
Gar just glowed, as he turned to look up at her.
Rachel was under the spell, as he walked towards her.
“She caught us, Krypto.” Gar laughed, petting the dogs chest. “She knows about us, now.”
“You're cheating on me?” She gasped playfully, deciding to join his game.
“Shhh.” Gar laughed, waving at her. “This is my secret lover.” 
Krypto just barked, happy to have the attention on him.
“You have your own.” Gar pointed to her hip pillow.
Rachel laughed, as she tried to look upset.
“Don't speak of Angelia that way!” She stomp her foot, playfully.
“Well, let me and my dog have an affair!” Gar laughed back, as Krypto kissed him.
Rachel laughed, unable to stop, the poor had no idea what they were talking about, right?
“Um.” Conner stopped at the door looking at both of them alarmed. 
“No, we are having an Affair!” 
Gar called out, hugging Krypto. Krypto kissed him, barking as he jumped around Gar.
“Come here boy.” Conner tapped at his hip, as the dog hopped away.
“Did our love mean nothing to you?” Gar cried out to the dog, falling to his knees.
As if perfectly timed, Krypto burped, before walking out of the room.
Rachel broke out laughing, as she fell to her knees. Gar smiled at her brightly, as he crawled towards her, giggling.
“So much for your affair.” Rachel laughed gently. 
“Affairs are never made to last.” Gar shighed, holding his hand to his forehead. 
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jadedsnowtiger · 9 months
Adventures in sleep walking.
Rachel watched as on the screen, an image of herself was walking though the hallways of the tower.
She was sleep walking, as she had no memory of this.
Watching herself zombie walk down the hallway, holding her chicken, as she talked with him.
“Now, each is a cleaner.” The zombie image of her talked to the stuff animal. “If we drink it, will we be cured of our evil?”
Rachel turned to look at Dick concerned.
“Keep watching.” He smiled softly. "It gets better."
Rachel looked down at the tablet, as the sleep walking image of herself walked into the living room.
Tim and Barnard where making out on the couch, as the image changed.
It seemed pretty intense as Barnard removed his shirt, pushing Tim down onto the couch.
The zombie image of Rachel, approached them.
“Jesus!” Barnard noticed her, jumping off the opposite side of the couch.
“Rachel?” Tim turned to her concerned.
“Grilled cheese.” She demanded, her eyes glowing red. “Make me, a grilled cheese.”
Rachel dropped the tablet onto her lap giggling..
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jadedsnowtiger · 10 months
“A potato flew across the room!” Tim sang, tossing the potato around, at Bart. “Before you came.”
“Give me that.” 
Rachel watched from her spot on the counter as Conner was attempting to make dinner.
Gar, Tim and Bart were deep into a ADHD moment, singing as they worked against Conner.
Rachel knew better then to help, she was useless in the kitchen. Rachel sat on her spot, watching the unimpressed Super try to work around the hyper behavior, as Bart picked up the chicken breast.
Rachel watched, as he placed the chicken Breast to his chest.
“I got titties Mama!” Bart smiled at her, holding the chicken to his chest.
Rachel broke out into giggles, as Bart danced around.
“For fuckshakes.” Conner grabbed the chicken away from Bart. 
“My titties!” Bart frown, flinging his arms around.
“Go sit with Mama.” Conner all but growled, as he pointed at Rachel.
Rachel opened her arms for the mini Speeder, as he walked over for his hug.
“What does this taste-? Tim was holding a spice, as he went to taste it with his finger making a face of horror.  “Water, water!’
“You Titans are like Herding cattle.”  
Rachel noticed Clark  and Diana standing in the doorway of the kitchen, as they watched the room, with twin smiles.
“But we are adorable.” Rachel smiled, to the older adults.
“Water!” Tim cried out, as Gar walked over with a glass.
“This is ginger.” Gar sighed, passing the glass.
“It's my death!’ Tim cried out.
“We don't do well with others either.” Rachel teased Clark, as she turned back to him. “We are rabid.”
Clark smiled, shaking his head. 
“Where is Dick?” Diana asked, as she looked around the room.
“In my pants!” Tim called out, giggling away.
“Oh.” Diana covered her mouth, as she smiled brightly.
“They got into a candy shop.” Rachel tried to explain to the adults. “Someone left them unsupervised.” 
“There is no god!” Conner turned to the stove, as the food he was making burst into flames. 
“Do we help?” Clark asked, as the kitchen turned to smoke.
“No.”  Rachel spoke as the fire system turned on dosing the whole kitchen.
“I fucking hate Mondays.” Conner swore, picking up Tim, as he stormed out of the room, Stopping at Rachel's side, as he took Bart as well.
“What is going on?” Dick came to the room looking horrified, the room was trashed.
Rach reached up touching her nose, as the boys all followed.
Snitches  get stitches, she wasn't going to be the one to talk. She was just an observation in this situation. 
The boys all followed, Gar being the last one, shifted into his Tiger form, to prevent snitching. 
“For fucks shake!” Dick looked at them, then at the room. “Out.”
Rachel all but jumped from her chair, as she ran from the kitchen.
“So, typical Monday?” Clark asked as she ran off.
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jadedsnowtiger · 10 months
Random Titan moments
"-I also thought about Rachel in the shower-” A knife flew across the room, piercing the wall beside Conner's head.
Rachel broke out into drunken giggles, as she noticed Dick standing in the doorway with a second knife.
This was a bad time for truth games, where the four younger Titans sat around in a circle with a bottle of Vodka.
“Go on.” Dick spoke with pure anger.
Conner turned to Rachel with a new shot of whiskey as he passed it to her.
“How do women shave their neithers?”
Rachel wasn't able to take the glass, as she broke out into giggles.
The knife flew dangerously close to Conners crossed legs.
“No, he's got a point.” Tim spoke up, as he turned to Rachel, just as drunk as she was. “How do you do it? I tried to do it once, and I cut my ass hole!” 
 “For fuckshakes!” Dick threw his hands up, walking away in defeat. 
“I am hairless.” She drank the shot glass, blushing away. “Demon side?”
“Bitch!” Tim threw his cookie at her head. "Really?"
Rachel blushed looking away
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jadedsnowtiger · 10 months
“Everyone in place?”
Dick smiled, as Rachel looked around her. They were having a mock emergency and evaluation, in the bottom of the cave.
It was supposed to be a mock water simulation, Kori was playing dead in the  large kitty pool.
Rachel was supposed to be electrocuted, by a water source.  The light up Sparklers alongside her was the live-line.
Damian was in a cardboard box, Tim made up to be a boat, a blow up doll was dead in a puddle, headless.
And Dick, was the trauma victim, he was supposed to run around screaming.
Jason and Bruce were overseeing the training exercise.
The Young Justice League was the First Responder. Gar, Cassie, Conner, Tim, looked around as Tim walked ahead.
“Bart, I see a child!” Tim called out, as Conner rushed ahead. “Cassie, go and see about the hydoline-”
“My dog, I lost my dog!!” Dick  began running around the room, in mock panic. “Bubbles, where are you??” 
“One DOA.” Gar called out looking at the headless doll.
“Are you sure?” Tim checked in.
“...I mean, there is a green pool somewhere.” Gar spoke up, waving  his arms to the headless body.
"My Bubbles!!" Dick ran though the pack screaming.
“Gar, Stop that panicked woman, before she runs into the power lines!” Tim demanded of Gar, who ran off. 
“Bubbles, my baby!” Dick was screaming as he ran.
Cassie caught Rachel's attention.
“I found one.” 
Cassie walked over to Rachel, smiling down at Rachel, as they walked towards her.
“Are you okay, Miss?” Cassie bent down ten feet away from the power source.
“Shook shook!” Rachel gasped out, throwing her hand onto her head. 
“She's in Shook!” Cassie called back.
“Conner cut the lines down.” Tim was pulling Kori out of the pool, his tiny frame made it impossible, as Kori fell back laughing, as Gar jumped into Dicks back, kicking himself before he hurt himself.
Damian was fighting off Barts help, screaming Stranger danger.
“Kid stay in the boat, you're safe.” Tim spoke up towards Damian, trying to gain control over the giggles of Kori.
“I chose a water grave!” Damian demanded jumping into the pool.
“Nooo!” Bart fell to his knees.
“Guys, stay on task.” Bruce spoke up.
Conner kicked the sparklers away from Rachel, as Cassie rushed to check her over, rolling her on her back.
“Miss, are you okay?” Cassie asked her, checking her neck for her pulse.
“Waite, where the fuck is your pulse?” Cassie demanded, searching for it, confused.
“I don't have one.” Rachel smiled up, with a smile. 
“The fuck?” Cassie was confused looking over Rachel.
“I don't have a heart.” Rachel whispered.
“Rachel's dead!” Cassie looked around confused.
“Check again for a pulse!” Tim called out, giving mock CPR to Kori.
“Rachel had no fucking pulse!” Cassie called as they began to panic, as everyone in the room turned to her.
“What?” Rachel asked, looking around. “The gem on my forehead, is what remains of my heart.” 
“That's why she's always cold.” Gar spoke up, as Bart got a fighting Damian out of the pool. “No blood circulation- Wait, do none of the YJ know this?”
“I know.” Conner smiled with a shit eating grin. “I just wanted to see what Cassie would do.”
“I'll fucking kill you.” Cassie jumped up, attacking Conner. “Why would you do that!”
"Shits and giggles." Conner ran ahead.
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jadedsnowtiger · 10 months
Sleep walking.
She was walking though smoke, everywhere she looked was just smoke.
Rachel hugged herself, she was frezzing, but she couldn't find away out. Everywhere around her was just smoke.
Rachel had no idea how long she had been walking, but it was leading her to no where.
She had called out for help until her voice rough, she cried for help until her tears went dry, all but losing hope. 
She was lost and scared.
Rachel wanted her Dad, his warm hugs and kisses, as he laughed at her antics. She wanted her Mama and her bright ever burning love.
She looked around confused, as she was pulled from the smoke.
The whisper was gently, as she felt the warmth of someone picking her up.
Rachel looked around confused, as the smoke lifted, showing her in the middle of the bedroom hallway.
"You were sleeping, Baby." 
Dicks voice was warm, as she looked up.
"Where are you?" Dicks eyes watched her with worry, as he brushed her bangs from her eyes.
Rachel wasn't sure, as she looked around, it was the bedroom corridor. Each door tagged with the person inside, lost to the late night spell.
There was no smoke, she could see clearly, each door, hers and Tim's where doorless, as Kypto poked his out from the latter's, looking over at her with a whimper.
"I got her boy." Dick told the dog softly.
Kypto walked back into Tim's room, as Dick rubbed her back gently.
"I got you." Dick swore, kissing her head gently. "Where are we?"
“Home.” Rachel turned to him.
“We are.” Dick smiled warmly, kissing her head.
Rachel leaned into his kiss, letting his love fill her mind.
There was nothing stronger than Dicks love for her, it was the rope she had been reaching for her whole life.
“Come on, Sleep with me.” He spoke gently, as he carried her off to his bedroom.
Kori was sitting up in her nightgown, smiling gently as Dick carried her towards her Mama. 
“Sleep walking again, baby?” Kori asked softly, opening the blanket for her.
Rachel nodded, crawling close into Kori's warmth and love.
“Where were you?” Kori asked, wrapping Rachel up in the blanket.
“There was smoke.” Rachel curled up into Kori, feeling Dick lay down behind her.
“I was lost.” Rachel looked up to Kori.
“I found you.” Dick wrapped his arm around her.
Rachel blinked out the tears, turning to him
“You did.” 
“I always will.” He swore, kissing her head.
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jadedsnowtiger · 1 year
When Rachel was asked, if she had an extra pare of gold rings, she followed to see what madness was about to from this action.
She followed, as Jason held his hand to his mouth, pulling her along with him.
They walked over to the Batsuits, nicely lined up, as Jason nodded towords one.
Rachel had never noticed this one before as Jason pulled out a thick needle, piercing the nipples of the suit.
Rachel laughed, holding her mouth.
Now they were pierced, the gold almost matching his yellow bat symbol.
Rachel pray Batman would use that suit, as she walked over dumbing an old coffee down the costume he uses now.
She was committed, as she pulled down a second, his back up, tossing it around in the Bat poop on the floor.
"Now, on to my bike to the safe house." Jason whaipered, pulling her along with his madness.
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jadedsnowtiger · 1 year
Working on a story, this part was just to much fun working on.
"What. The. Fuck?"Rachel looked in fear. She had only been on the roof for like two hours.
The main floor was covered in Pizza, Taco and Waffle media, balloons, posters, and several large cutouts, pillows, blankets, it was everywhere.
"This right here, is why we need to fear Tim." Victor nodded, looking overwhelmed, as he turned to Rachel.
"Dinners here!" Tim was dressed up like taco, as a Waffle wearing Conner, and Pizza Bart walked in.
"He's gones mad." Victor whispered, frozen in fear.
Rachel nodded.
"I got you guys hats!" Tim bounced over, as he pulled them towards the kitchen. 
This is where his madness kicked in, there was pizza on every counter. Tacos covered the island, as  hundreds of waffles were  handed from the roof by strings.
"Okay, now we worry." Victor spoke up beside her.
"Rachel gets the waffle hat, Victor gets the pizza." Tim giggled, passing them all the hats, as he expected him to put them on. 
Rachel was worried about him now.
"Put on your hats." Tim pointed at Rachel, as she did, half in fear.
"Titans! Let this war begin." Tim smiled, dancing around the room. ""Boys, spread out the evidence."
"Yes sir!' Bart saluted, pulling out a box, as he and Conner ran off, Gar decided to escape and join them. Bastard.
Just as Bruce came in the opposite door, looking around the room in horror.
"The fu-" Bruce tripped over an inflatable taco. "Fuck."
Rachel did her best not to laugh.
"You will respect the pizza Taco Waffles Gods!" Tim smiled innocently.
Dick threw the taco at Tim, Tim easily dodged it.
"Respect them!!" Tim demanded, as he marched around the room, pointing to a gothic inspiration looking renaissance poster of Waffles, Tacos and Pizza.
Rachel couldn't help herself as she laughed in horror.
'Hes going to be my Corporal.' Raven was enjoying this.
"Repent for your sin!" Tim demanded.
"When did you last slept, Tim?" Bruce asked cornered.
"All pray to the gods!" Tim screamed.
Quickly Bart, Gar and Conner were in front  of him, from nowhere, bent down as if praying.
"You know, fuck it." Victor walked ahead and joined in on the prayer circle. "All hail the Pizza!"
Rachel wasn't even sure what was going on anymore, as Damian picked up a pillow Taco and walked away, tired of this game.
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