jedi-enthusiast · 18 hours
I can’t believe that one simple question of- “hey should I donate to this nonprofit organization that brings happiness to me and others” -has brought such fucking vitriol out of some of y’all…
..,if your cause is driving you to tell people to kill themselves because they thought about donating $5 to a fanfiction website, maybe you should go outside, touch grass, and rethink your morals, yeah?
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jedi-enthusiast · 6 days
So, my college hosts its own version of comic-con every spring semester and i’ve already started working on my cosplay for it, since it’s gonna be a big project:
I’m going as Mother Miranda from Resident Evil: Village, and so I’m gonna need to glue down a ton of feathers onto the dress (I currently have 300 for the dress, but I’ll probably need more), I’m gonna need to build and make my own stole, as well as build my own set of 5 pairs of wings (10 in total), build and paint my own giant halo thing, paint my own mask and glue down the chains on it, making my own wig + veiling cover, and then finally adding more/different fabrics to the dress to give it the appearance I want.
…in short, it’s gonna be a pain in the ass.
Would y’all like to see me cosplay once it’s done? And/or the progress of my making it?
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jedi-enthusiast · 6 days
I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hate being sick I hATE BEING-
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 days
Hello. How are you?
Can you raise an explanation as to why The Jedi Padawans were sent to fight on the front lines alongside The Clones and Jedi Knights/Masters, please?
Of course, the Padawans need Masters but I'd assume there would probably be enough inside The Temple to teach them, despite the war...
I know The Jedi wouldn't want to send their children onto the front lines, so I'm trying to think of how they'd ended up there anyway.....
Thanks in advance (if you do have an explanation. If not, thanks anyway).
Good night/morning!
Hey, I'm doing alright---I'm sick rn, but I'm hoping that it'll pass soon so I can get back to my normal shenanigans <3
So the out-of-universe explanation is just that TCW was a show made for kids and so there are gonna be kid characters doing all the cool fighting and battle stuff. Is it pretty unrealistic? Yeah, but this is also a show set in space with magic powers and laser swords lol
In-universe things get a little more complicated and we kind of have to make our own assumptions based on what we already know.
In TPM we see that children...aren't really treated like children, from a young age they're actually treated more like teenagers or even adults. Padme is the queen of an entire planet at 14, a job so dangerous that she has 12 body-doubles who pretend to be her so she doesn't get killed, ready to die in her place---body-doubles who are probably of a similar/the same age. Anakin is allowed to compete in a pod-race on Tatooine at age 9, a race that is shown multiple times to be dangerous and get people killed, and it's treated as completely normal by both his mother and his opponents.
So we can probably deduce that, while the children are obviously still children, they're expected---and shown---to be more capable and independent than they would irl. They hold a level of maturity and responsibility at a younger age, and this is completely normal in the SW universe.
So the explanation is that padawans' ages don't really come into question.
We see from how Anakin and Obi-Wan react to Ahsoka, who is 13 in TCW movie, when she introduces herself as a padawan---they're shocked and view her as too young to be one, with Anakin continuously calling her a "youngling." From that, we can deduce that generally padawans are older than 13 and---in a universe where a 14 year old is seen as mature enough to rule a planet and other 13-15 year olds are mature enough to possibly die for said ruler---taking a padawan who is, say, 15+ into battle isn't really odd or seen as morally questionable.
As George Lucas says regarding Ahsoka being brought into the war, "she's being trained as a Jedi Knight, she's got this."
And so do all of the other padawans, maybe more so since a lot of them are probably older than her. They're Jedi, they're not younglings anymore, they can handle the responsibility and---if they can't---they're still just students and their master is right there to protect and teach them.
That seems to be the canon intention, at least. If you want to take a more nuanced look at it through the lense of them actually being children, rather than the canon intent of them being more mature children who can handle these things, you're probably going to have to come up with your own reasons why the Jedi would bring the padawans into it. In my fics, I usually go with the idea that the Jedi didn't have much of a choice, just due to what their training is/does as well as different concerns with leaving them at the Temple, as well as pressure from the Senate to have "every Jedi available" on the front lines---but you can obviously do something different, if that doesn't sing to your tune.
I hope my ramble answered your question <3
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 days
Before watching GoT and HotD, I used to wonder why people were so obsessed with the Starks and the Targaryens, but now...ngl I get it
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jedi-enthusiast · 10 days
I hate being sick because I want to write, but I have literally 0 energy...help 😭
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jedi-enthusiast · 11 days
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jedi-enthusiast · 11 days
Hot take but if you're unaware of either the Israeli opposition against Netanyahu or the Palestinian opposition against Hamas (and especially if you're unaware of both), you are not informed enough to be commenting on Israel and Palestine
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jedi-enthusiast · 11 days
Chappell is full of shit. "Both sides suck" okay girl your family are Republicans.
hasn’t recovered from the republican parent lib-hating brainrot
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jedi-enthusiast · 14 days
Since I decided to wake up and choose violence and/or chaos, who is your favorite Jedi and why?
This is such a hard question to answer because I lowkey love all of them, but---if I had to choose---it'd probably come down to three:
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi, because I love his snark and kindness, and his story about essentially embodying everything that the Order teaches---even during times he's wrong, because he accepts his mistakes and learns from them---and his love for being a Jedi and the Order...all of it is just really close to my heart.
2. Mace Windu because, call me contrarian, but everything that some people seem to hate about him are all aspects I love. He keeps a level head during tense situations and is polite even when frustrated, but he still takes no shit from anyone because he knows what's right and how he- (and others) -deserve to be treated. He doesn't emote much, which is nice representation to see because neither do I, but he's still shown and kind and caring and compassionate---even to his enemies or those he doesn't know. He's an insanely talented duelist, but that talent also extends to his teaching ability and his influence helped those in his lineage stay in the Light---even if sometimes they struggled. Idk, I just love him so much and I feel like he gets a lot of unnecessary hate.
3. Finally, I'd say Luminara Unduli. Just like Mace, I feel like she gets a lot of unnecessary hate for things that she hasn't done---simply because people hate anyone or anything that challenges their christian western worldview. Luminara cares deeply about those around her, but she also knows when she has to let go and she refuses to let her emotions blind her to reality. She's very intelligent and a wise teacher, but she's also willing to admit when she's wrong and let others take the lead when they have more experience. She's very brave and kind, and she can even make light of a tense situation when need be---as shown in the Geonosis episodes. Not to mention that she has one of the coolest character designs in the franchise.
Overall, though, I love all of the Jedi and I could probably find something good about every single one of them <3
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jedi-enthusiast · 15 days
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jedi-enthusiast · 15 days
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Hi! This is literally not what Kamala Harris said at all.
Here is what she DID say:
On Oct. 7, Hamas, a terrorist organization, slaughtered 1,200 Israelis. Many of them young people who were simply attending a concert. Women were horribly raped. And so absolutely, I said then, I say now, Israel has a right to defend itself. We would. And how it does so matters. Because it is also true far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Children, mothers. What we know is that this war must end. It must when, end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a cease-fire deal and we need the hostages out. And so we will continue to work around the clock on that. Work around the clock also understanding that we must chart a course for a two-state solution. And in that solution, there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel and in equal measure for the Palestinians. But the one thing I will assure you always, I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself, in particular as it relates to Iran and any threat that Iran and its proxies pose to Israel. But we must have a two-state solution where we can rebuild Gaza, where the Palestinians have security, self-determination and the dignity they so rightly deserve.
(emphasis mine)
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jedi-enthusiast · 17 days
@caterpillarinachrysalis i have them blocked, so i don’t think they’ll be able to see this post—i’m sorry about that/gen
Could you debunk the "jedi are slavers/have slave" argument people always seem to bring up in correlation with leading the clones? Thanks in advance ! <3
Of course!!!
Firstly, while the Kaminoans say that the clones were made for the Jedi, they are actually property of the Republic---which means that, since I would agree that they're slaves even if that wasn't GL's intent, the Republic would be considered the slavers, not the Jedi.
"Oh, but Jedi-Enthusiast, the Jedi are still slavers because they're forcing them into battle-" NOPE!
The thing is, even if the Jedi could refuse to fight in the war---which is a very complicated thing, both morally and politically---the Republic would still be sending the clones to fight the Separatists, only this time without the Jedi. And, as we've seen multiple times in TCW, more clones tend to die on missions without the Jedi's help---and that the Jedi are often shown saving their men from situations where they would otherwise die or be injured.
And, as much as I enjoy the trope of "the Jedi have limited experience actually running a war, so they struggle a bit and ask for help so the Jedi and clones get closer" because of the angst and fluff potential, in canon the Jedi are shown to be very good tacticians and they're rarely shown to struggle leading their men.
All of this to say that the Jedi leading the clones actually saves more lives, and that the Jedi not leading them would mean a lot more of them die...and idk about y'all, but I don't think- "more clones should die so the Jedi stay morally pure" -is the gotcha anti-Jedi morons think it is.
Not to mention that, if the Jedi didn't lead them, the job would go to people like Tarkin---y'know the man who criticized the Jedi for not being ruthless enough and caring for their men.
Are the Jedi put in a difficult position by leading the clones? Yes.
Is fighting in the war a morally grey decision? Yes.
But are the Jedi slavers or terrible in any way for doing what they did? Absolutely fucking not.
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jedi-enthusiast · 23 days
Alright dude, I'm responding and then I'm gonna ask you to please get the fuck off of my blog because I don't have the patience to deal with someone whose only argument is basically- "well that doesn't count" -or- "nuh uh" -whenever I make logically sound arguments.
Which, side note, if the only thing you can do when faced with an argument that disproves yours is change the goalposts and refuse to actually respond to the majority of my points, then maybe you're just wrong and refuse to admit it 🤷‍♀️
Sure, main characters in SW tend to be Jedi, but if we're still going by the "main characters" argument then you can't criticize the Jedi, you're gonna need to get real specific on who you're talking about because the majority of the Jedi characters we see aren't main characters either---and you can't criticize the institution either because, again, it's not a "main character" or around "long enough," in your opinion.
Three movies and a show with multiple episodes centered around them don't make someone a main character? Ok then, by that logic, the only main characters in Star Wars are Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Palpatine, and Anakin, going by Lucas-canon. No one else.
Luke, Han, Leia? Side characters.
Padme, Ahsoka, pretty much every other Jedi? Side characters.
The clones themselves? They only appear in two movies and in the show, sure they have some episodes to themselves, but they're usually side or background characters---so they don't matter either!!! Which means this whole debate is pointless!!!
Again, you either need to stick to the argument that only the main characters matter---which would mean the clones don't and so the Jedi don't have to do jack shit---or you need to stop responding to me pointing out the Senate's responsibility by saying- "nuh uh."
Next point, so being a woman immediately takes away a character's autonomy and responsibility? ...interesting that you think that, especially considering that sexism isn't really a thing in the SW universe. From what we see, gender never really comes into the equation throughout the shows and movies, not the way that things like class and age do---Leia is mocked by Han because she's a noble, not because she's a girl, Padme and Ahsoka are doubted because of their age, etc.
Not to mention that men are also equally doubted for the same things---Anakin is doubted because of his age in TPM (pod racing), Yoda is doubted because of his age (they think he's going senile), whoever the fuck Ahsoka had a crush on was doubted because he was a noble, same goes for Satine's nephew, etc.
So, again, you're basically just going- "nuh uh" -when faced with a sound argument.
And have you ever seen the show? The one with the characters you're arguing with me about? The Clone Wars? Because I can fucking list the times, let's fucking go:
The Lumen episodes, the Pantora moon episode, the episodes with Tarkin, again the episodes where people are literally protesting and bombing the Jedi, the episodes with the twins who don't like the Jedi, the episodes with Satine who vocally shits on the Jedi, and I could go on.
And I'll remind you that the galaxy cheered when the Jedi were murdered and that in Disney-canon it's shown that plenty of people actually didn't like the Jedi during the Republic and/or Empire days.
Some people loved them, yes, but not everyone and certainly not enough people to make the Senate give up their army---especially considering that most people never met a Jedi, so they wouldn't give a damn what they had to say just because they're Jedi. Again, people would be more likely to be swayed by the senators.
And why do you think it'd be fair for the Jedi to use their only "break" days, which usually aren't even breaks because usually they're just doing work on Coruscant, doing more paperwork...when the Senate and senators should be taking care of this shit?
Again, all you're doing is saying- "nuh uh" -and trying to blame the Jedi for everything rather than just admitting you were wrong when faced with a logically sound argument.
What, since Padme isn't a main character apparently, did you want Obi-Wan giving speeches in the Senate and walking around with 10 body doubles? Maybe Yoda could've been the one to give birth to Luke and Leia, since Padme doesn't matter. Palpatine should've just been having a conversation with a mirror in TPM when discussing the current Chancellor with the Queen of Naboo. Anakin was actually making out with his palm in that arena on Geonosis, and his wedding was really a hallucination brought on by the shit tons of medication he was probably on.
Because, yeah, Padme isn't a main character so therefore she and her actions don't count.
Maybe we could have Obi-Wan without a beard for Luke, Yoda with a gun for Han, and Palpatine in a drag for Leia since they're also not main characters---only being in three movies and all 🤷‍♀️
Could you debunk the "jedi are slavers/have slave" argument people always seem to bring up in correlation with leading the clones? Thanks in advance ! <3
Of course!!!
Firstly, while the Kaminoans say that the clones were made for the Jedi, they are actually property of the Republic---which means that, since I would agree that they're slaves even if that wasn't GL's intent, the Republic would be considered the slavers, not the Jedi.
"Oh, but Jedi-Enthusiast, the Jedi are still slavers because they're forcing them into battle-" NOPE!
The thing is, even if the Jedi could refuse to fight in the war---which is a very complicated thing, both morally and politically---the Republic would still be sending the clones to fight the Separatists, only this time without the Jedi. And, as we've seen multiple times in TCW, more clones tend to die on missions without the Jedi's help---and that the Jedi are often shown saving their men from situations where they would otherwise die or be injured.
And, as much as I enjoy the trope of "the Jedi have limited experience actually running a war, so they struggle a bit and ask for help so the Jedi and clones get closer" because of the angst and fluff potential, in canon the Jedi are shown to be very good tacticians and they're rarely shown to struggle leading their men.
All of this to say that the Jedi leading the clones actually saves more lives, and that the Jedi not leading them would mean a lot more of them die...and idk about y'all, but I don't think- "more clones should die so the Jedi stay morally pure" -is the gotcha anti-Jedi morons think it is.
Not to mention that, if the Jedi didn't lead them, the job would go to people like Tarkin---y'know the man who criticized the Jedi for not being ruthless enough and caring for their men.
Are the Jedi put in a difficult position by leading the clones? Yes.
Is fighting in the war a morally grey decision? Yes.
But are the Jedi slavers or terrible in any way for doing what they did? Absolutely fucking not.
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jedi-enthusiast · 23 days
The Jedi really don’t have that much sway over people’s minds—people FREQUENTLY don’t listen to them or bash their ideas in TCW, and by the end people are literally protesting them and bombing the Temple. People aren’t just going to hear the Jedi say- “hey the clones are people” -and magically flip their worldview, they need to be consistently challenged and pushed towards the truth and even that doesn’t work a good chunk of the time.
Not to mention that the Jedi are literally dealing with a war, trying to find the sith that’s apparently pulling the strings, and also just trying to raise, train, and make sure that their own people stay alive—exactly when would they have time to release press statements or print brochures? It’s made very clear that the Jedi are spread across the galaxy far away from their home and each other.
And, again, those are jobs for the SENATORS, who have the time, money, and actual sway over people’s opinions- (given that they’re all generally respected and popular leaders from their planets) -rather than the people literally stuck putting out fires across the galaxy.
And if you’re saying that the Jedi are the main characters, so everything is always on/about them:
1. Padme is a main character, one of the main three characters of the prequels, so why aren’t you blaming her?
And 2. Then why are we sitting here talking about the clones? The clones aren’t main characters in the prequels, they’re on the same level as the senators: they’re different for each episode except for a couple reoccurring characters that generally aren’t the main cast for the episode they’re in, but occasionally are.
If we’re counting the Senate out because “the senators aren’t main characters” then we shouldn’t be having this conversation at all because neither are the clones.
Not to mention that, if we’re talking about a deeper read of SW where the clones are slaves rather than the surface-level understanding that GL was going for, then you can’t limit the playing board to- “well i don’t wanna hear that part so it doesn’t count.” I tend to only go by Lucas-canon in these arguments, so that’s my limitation—everything within that playbook is fair game.
So are we talking about surface level Star Wars, where only the main characters count and GL made it clear that the clones aren’t slaves- (they’re supposed to be an allegory for the draft) -and the Jedi are definitively the good guys?
Or are we talking about deep Star Wars, where you can’t veto my argument about the Senate being more responsible than the Jedi and the Jedi being unable to do so just because “the Jedi are the main characters?”
Could you debunk the "jedi are slavers/have slave" argument people always seem to bring up in correlation with leading the clones? Thanks in advance ! <3
Of course!!!
Firstly, while the Kaminoans say that the clones were made for the Jedi, they are actually property of the Republic---which means that, since I would agree that they're slaves even if that wasn't GL's intent, the Republic would be considered the slavers, not the Jedi.
"Oh, but Jedi-Enthusiast, the Jedi are still slavers because they're forcing them into battle-" NOPE!
The thing is, even if the Jedi could refuse to fight in the war---which is a very complicated thing, both morally and politically---the Republic would still be sending the clones to fight the Separatists, only this time without the Jedi. And, as we've seen multiple times in TCW, more clones tend to die on missions without the Jedi's help---and that the Jedi are often shown saving their men from situations where they would otherwise die or be injured.
And, as much as I enjoy the trope of "the Jedi have limited experience actually running a war, so they struggle a bit and ask for help so the Jedi and clones get closer" because of the angst and fluff potential, in canon the Jedi are shown to be very good tacticians and they're rarely shown to struggle leading their men.
All of this to say that the Jedi leading the clones actually saves more lives, and that the Jedi not leading them would mean a lot more of them die...and idk about y'all, but I don't think- "more clones should die so the Jedi stay morally pure" -is the gotcha anti-Jedi morons think it is.
Not to mention that, if the Jedi didn't lead them, the job would go to people like Tarkin---y'know the man who criticized the Jedi for not being ruthless enough and caring for their men.
Are the Jedi put in a difficult position by leading the clones? Yes.
Is fighting in the war a morally grey decision? Yes.
But are the Jedi slavers or terrible in any way for doing what they did? Absolutely fucking not.
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jedi-enthusiast · 23 days
I have seen it framed as malicious…multiple times.
Now, firstly, it’s not brought up because the clones have to still be drafted by the Republic by RotS—the prequels were made before TCW, so TCW has to stick to the canon of the movies, plus Lucas-canon movies are higher canon then Lucas-canon shows in the hierarchy.
Theoretically they could have delved into the clones’ situation, but it was a choice by GL and the show runners not to because-
1. they’re working with limited time tables, each episode is 25 minutes at MOST
2. while plenty of adults enjoy it, TCW is meant to be a kid’s tv show, a basic once-over of- “this is slavery, it’s bad, the Jedi are against it” -in the movies and TCW is about as complicated as it’s gonna get. In order to properly explore the clones and their situation it’d probably take quite a few “series” episodes- (which isn’t often done in TCW anyway, since it’s episodic) -or even a separate series by itself, and it’d deal with a lot darker and more complicated themes, issues, and politics than people are gonna wanna show children
and 3. the “choice” to portray the clones as slaves in canon was less of a choice rather than George Lucas and TCW’s show runners not thinking through the idea of having an army made of people who have no choice in the matter. It was an accident, just one that many people in the SW fandom have chosen to embrace in order to enjoy Star Wars through a more “adult” lens where the previously mentioned darker themes and complex politics come into play.
And, even ignoring all of that, how exactly were the Jedi supposed to “force” the Senate to change things for the clones?
1. They can’t go on strike to protest what the clones are going through, that’d get people killed
2. They can’t physically force anyone to do anything or use a mind trick to force their way, that’s sith behavior and a dictatorship
3. They can’t steal the clones away from the Republic because-
(a) where would they keep the clones? in the Republic they’d just be captured and forced to fight again, the Separatists would kill them or force them to fight for a dictatorship, and they definitely wouldn’t be safe in the Outed Rim where gangs and criminal empires run rampant and would turn them in for a quick buck
(b) how would the Jedi take care of them? what about food, water, clothes, medical supplies, shelter, other necessities? they don’t have tons of money, “their money” is allocated to them by the Republic—who, in this case, would not be giving them money
and (c) that’d either just get civilians killed because they aren’t fighting at all or get clones killed because they’re fighting but not taking orders from the Republic, which would cut off their supplies, which would make the “saving clones” thing pointless
and 4. the Jedi have no political power, so it’s not like they can push the Senate to free the clones in that way either—which brings me to my final point:
Why do y’all put the blame on the Jedi for “not doing anything to free the clones” when the people who have the most power to do something about the clones’ situation are the politicians!
Where is this anger and blame for Padme? For Bail? For Mon Mothma? None of whom did anything to help the clones.
For Riyo Chuchi? Who only started helping the clones after the war was over and the clones were being tossed out by the Empire.
Y’all love to piss on the Jedi for not helping the clones, when they have no power to do so, while simultaneously ignoring the fact that other characters are actually in a position to help and they do nothing!!!
So yeah, my point still stands.
Could you debunk the "jedi are slavers/have slave" argument people always seem to bring up in correlation with leading the clones? Thanks in advance ! <3
Of course!!!
Firstly, while the Kaminoans say that the clones were made for the Jedi, they are actually property of the Republic---which means that, since I would agree that they're slaves even if that wasn't GL's intent, the Republic would be considered the slavers, not the Jedi.
"Oh, but Jedi-Enthusiast, the Jedi are still slavers because they're forcing them into battle-" NOPE!
The thing is, even if the Jedi could refuse to fight in the war---which is a very complicated thing, both morally and politically---the Republic would still be sending the clones to fight the Separatists, only this time without the Jedi. And, as we've seen multiple times in TCW, more clones tend to die on missions without the Jedi's help---and that the Jedi are often shown saving their men from situations where they would otherwise die or be injured.
And, as much as I enjoy the trope of "the Jedi have limited experience actually running a war, so they struggle a bit and ask for help so the Jedi and clones get closer" because of the angst and fluff potential, in canon the Jedi are shown to be very good tacticians and they're rarely shown to struggle leading their men.
All of this to say that the Jedi leading the clones actually saves more lives, and that the Jedi not leading them would mean a lot more of them die...and idk about y'all, but I don't think- "more clones should die so the Jedi stay morally pure" -is the gotcha anti-Jedi morons think it is.
Not to mention that, if the Jedi didn't lead them, the job would go to people like Tarkin---y'know the man who criticized the Jedi for not being ruthless enough and caring for their men.
Are the Jedi put in a difficult position by leading the clones? Yes.
Is fighting in the war a morally grey decision? Yes.
But are the Jedi slavers or terrible in any way for doing what they did? Absolutely fucking not.
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jedi-enthusiast · 24 days
In Aotearoa New Zealand a Jewish artwork was removed from a "celebration of diversity" display. Palestine Waikato called it "pertaining to a dangerous ideology of settler colonial expansion", "artwashing", and "offensive to Palestinians". The controversial artwork?
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Please, enlighten me, how on earth is THIS dangerous in any way?
Claire van der Most of the Hamilton Multicultural Services Trust denies that this is antisemitic and says that it breaks the design brief by including religious symbols and country flags: "Doves, interpreted as a common religious symbol; and blue lines which were interpreted as being symbolic of the Israeli flag."
A Palestinian artwork was also removed, but I can't find any images or descriptions of it.
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