StickRonpa Project Server!
As you know, I'm working on Stickronpa, you already know that, but now I've created a server to help me with this project, if you want to help me with this project, here are what will be needed for this project:
- Background artists
- Character designers
- Animators
- Writers
Necessary information:
Danganronpa is a visual novel murder mystery game where 16 students are imprisoned in a school and forced to participate in a killing game.
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After the last game in the franchise, fans decided to make their own takes of the danganronpa format, in the form of YouTube series, Instagram series and fan fiction.
Stickronpa is a fanganronpa in itself, and its format will be visual with the look reminiscent of visual novels.
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For the project, background art will be necessary, a UI will be made to replicate the danganronpa UI. Your art will be credited when participating in the project.
Thank you for supporting me and choosing to help with this project.
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As you know, I've been working on Stickronpa for a while now, in fact I've been procrastinating a lot lately, but now I have a certain idea of what I plan to do, but for that I'll need help.
I've been having some difficulties with some things, like a map for important locations in the story and also backgrounds. And this has been difficult for me, but I decided it's better to have a little help with this project!
If you guys know how to make background art I would be happy to have your help (and I will give credits when necessary!),A little help with writing would be nice too.
One more thing, you don't need to know much about Dangaronpa to help me with this, I just need a little extra help. You can talk to me privately if you want to help and if you have a Discord I have no problem making a server for this project!
I apologize for making you wait too long for this project and thank you to those who supported me in making Stickronpa!
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Saw this template and I have to-
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This is a question for all my blogs, if I were to make an animated story, what would the plot be based on what you see on my blogs and what is posted?
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I rewrote Stargazers, please read the prologue and give me some feedback, that would be really cool.
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I feel extremely unmotivated for anything, I don't feel motivated to do anything, and I especially feel unmotivated to write.
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I'm losing motivation to continue Stargazers, I can't think of many important things for the story and most of it is literally a copy of the Sun and Moon Show! I was also told to learn things like astrophysics, science, technology and astrology to make the story work, but I can't so what's the point?? I guess that once again my projects and ideas will have to be buried so they never gain focus...
So... Don't expect anything more about Stargazers. I'm going to take the webnovel off my Wattpad and Tapas.
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ok, I had a dream last night, but what I remember most is, jester magical girls!
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NOT MY BABY!!!!😭😭😭
Any news about Lunar and Earth Show???😭
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Sooooo.... Kirby right?
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Ok, for context, a while ago I had an idea to reimagine Kirby's ENTIRE story in a comic format with some elements from the anime mixed in (especially after seeing @thewinterraven's comic, it's really good, go read it!) and honestly, I'd just like to reimagine the history of the games in an interesting way, I think Kirby's lore is super intriguing and cool, and Kirby is one of those cozy franchises with fun, likable characters and cool but simple stories. I don't know, I just want to do it for fun and because I like Kirby. So yeah, I'm working on a comic reimagining the Kirby universe in a narrative way, I just hope this is a good idea. TwT
Also, no one actually asked me this question, this is just a visualization of my subconscious asking me this (I think?)
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Working on a logo for a horror story, which logo should I use?
For context, the story takes place in a small town that is infamous for the disappearances of people, including children, and supposed appearances of children's spirits. The story focuses on the protagonist investigating these mysteries while trying to discover more about why he is haunted by strange visions of children and what the connection to his grandfather is.
Here are the prototypes, tell me what I can change to improve them and which one is the best to use for the story.
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[Just Blue, with her hair loose]
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AMV done!:D
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[Bb Second my beloved- Please save me from this cursed Art Block TvT]
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Pov: literally every artist:
Hmm...my oc is boring and bland and ppl hate it...:0,I have an idea!
T R A U M A .
HEY! this is so true.
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I'm thinking about making an AvA/AvM amv, but I don't know what music to use. I thought about The Score since I like that band's music. Any recommendations for songs that would go well with AvA?
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Yeah but your going to need enchanted books of unbreaking to slow down the time to break and mending to use xp orbs to repair it by itself
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