As a archdevil fig should be able to make deals or pacts. However I highly doubt knowing how to is something that is just imparted to her.
So I wouldn’t be surprised if she accidentally devil dealed her friends and family over shit like promising to go to get ice cream later.
Fig awoke with a start, slapping her crystal alarm off quickly before she accidentally roused any of her party. They'd been out in the Red Wastes for days, searching the area for ruins that were supposed to contain an item Ayda needed for a ritual. The few clues they'd found so far seemed to be hinting they were headed in the right direction so hopefully they'd be home by the end of the week. Sleeping in shifts inside the hangvan was starting to get old.
As it stood it was Figs turn to keep watch. They hadn't been attacked by anything yet but the wastes were packed with creatures that would want to make an opportunistic meal out of them so they still had to be careful. She scrambled out of the van quietly, frowning when she noticed Kristen was asleep and not on watch like she was supposed to be. The archdevil silently closing the van door behind her as she stepped out into the freezing cold air outside.
As she expected their rogue was crouched near the dying embers of their fire. Ears perked up and pupils wide as he surveyed their surroundings for any incoming threats in the dark. He didn't acknowledge Fig until she was basically standing beside him, flapping a hand a her and gesturing back towards the van.
"Go back to bed, I'm not tired yet so I can keep watch longer." He shifted on the balls of his feet, wrapping his tail closer around his ankles to shield it from the cold. He was bundled up in one of his thick winter jackets but she could still see him shivering occasionally. Fig didn't feel the cold very much these days but judging from the steam escaping her lips with every breath it must be freezing.
"Nope. It's my turn to keep watch. I should be taking over from Kristen not you anyway." She plopped down on the opposite side of their dying fire to him, tossing a few of the dry twigs they'd scavenged into the embers and coaxing up a small flame. The extra light making Riz wince when it took a while for his vision to adjust.
"She had to use a lot of spells today so I told her to go sleep." The goblin explained, holding a had upto block the light of the fire while he waited for his pupils to contract. It always took a lot longer when he'd gone a while without sleep, which Fig clocked immediately.
"You were on watch yesterday.... and the night before. You need to sleep some time too." Fig tutted when he shook his head at her "Go to bed Riz."
"I'm good. I've gone longer without sleep and my perception is better than everyone's. It makes sense for me to be on watch."
"I gave you a chance dude, you can't be mad at me for this later." Fig flexed her hand, gathering the magic there before firing the sleep spell at their rogue. She'd been just a second too slow though, Riz dodging out of the way at the last second with an annoyed hiss and ducking behind a boulder to get out of her line of sight. "Go to BED Riz or I'll force you, three nights without sleep is too long."
"What the FUCK Fig. Stop!"
Fig crept towards the rock Riz was hiding behind, the rogue scrambling for another spot to stay hidden when she got close and ended up diving under the van.
"Nope. We've warned you before. Either go to bed yourself or it's magic nap time." The archdevil crouched to look under the van, noticing the wheels creak and the body dip because Riz was climbing the far side.
"It's fucking freezing Fig. IM freezing. You're likely to trigger hibernation with that godsdamned spell if you hit me then you'll have no rogue for a week in a PROBABLY trapped ruin."
"I'm willing to risk it. You are absoloutly whiffing your stealth right now so trap disarming will be a disaster." She stood on her tiptoes to peer onto the roof of the van, Riz hissing and baring his teeth at her as he backed further away. He was trapped up there though, so Fig threw another spell now that she could see him. The goblin scrabbling and sliding on the smooth metal as he dodged again.
"Fuck! Stop! You're just wasting spells at this point." Riz tried not to dig his claws into the van roof as he slid, tail whipping from side to side to keep his balance as his friend lined up for another shot. He didnt have the grip to dodge again so he held his hands up in surrender. "Okay FINE I'll go sleep just... stop."
Fig let the magic fizzle out on her fingertips, watching Riz clamber down off the roof of the van before landing in a cloud of dust in front of her.
"Look, I promise I won't try to sleep spell you again tonight if you actually sleep. No sitting in the van and pretending okay?"
Riz just let out a defeated sigh, rubbing at his eyes under his glasses and nodding. "Yeah. Okay. I'll sleep just... no more sleep spells."
"NO more sleep spells tonight. And a full eight hours." Fig clarified, holding her hand out for Riz to shake, the goblin rolling his eyes and taking the offered hand in his own.
"Yeah okay it's a deal."
The pair of them jumped and swore as an infernal sigil suddenly flared bright beneath their feet. The pattern burning itself into the ground before fading away with the smell of smoke and brimstone.
It all happened so quickly that Fig wasn't able to react and slow his fall, Riz hitting the ground with a thump as if he was a puppet with cut strings as sleep suddenly overtook him.
The rest of his party were awoken by Figs panicked yelling, the bard having NO idea what just happened and assuming they were under attack. None of them, save for Riz, got any sleep the rest of that night. The goblin only waking exactly eight hours later. Groggy, confused and to a group of incredibly relieved team-mates who had been trying to rouse him for hours.
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Very pleased to share that I designed the poster for Dimension 20's Euro tour!! You can purchase one at the merch booths at the show.
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Jennifer/Russels arc has been killing me. I actually talked about it in therapy yesterday and the conversation it led to had me choking back tears.
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Alright i been seeing enough discourse and im painfully curious. No nuance, but please be encouraged to elaborate in tags/comments/reblogs etc.
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Everybody do the wenis!
Gif alt:
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no more fan-ta-sizing about it! everything's already changed~
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I’m really enjoying the new series of The Adventure Zone it’s 100% my shit as I love dracula and the mcelroys! I particularly love Lady Godwin because let’s be honest i love a barbarian. Justin’s lady Godwin voice is also just so funny to me! It’s honestly such a fun show and the mad character concepts really pushed my character designs to be more silly and expressive!
Made some slight edits to brother phileaux from my wip because I thought it’d be cute if he was wearing his cowl in his puppet form.
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Ayda Aguefort 🐦‍🔥
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gender ain't the only binary NSBU is playing with
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there are five clusters of binary strings in 8-bit units on this screen, and when translated from ascii and put in order, they spell out:
"the hive hacker voice: I'm IN be gay do crime hack the planet"
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streamer au ??????? video game au ???
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fun canon things about the lake elsinore crew we learned this episode:
liv's mom has a miniature pinscher named dilly who is 11 and has no teeth
dang hates cops passionately and has vague beef with paula
russell makes an effort to stay flexible and is prideful over the fact that he is (also has a great ass)
paula is catholic
dang calls usha "his little ushie"
russell is a car guy
liv has only ever gotten drunk off of gatorade abominations at highschool parties
usha plays scrabble and is damn good at it
wendell only has his learner's permit
dang is a lite beer guy
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'I get it.'
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'Your girlfriend's out of town. It sucks.'
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Are we. Are we not going to talk about this. Why is no-one talking about this
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