#gorgug thistlespring
emiko-matsui · 3 days
gorgug in the time quangle was the most gorgug situation of all time. everyone got to come in pairs from their universes except gorgug who came alone with his car. the only other people who represented what his universe was to the others was arthur aguefort, gilear, and romance partner baron. everyone looked to him to fix something wildly out of his control that aguefort did. his van exploded. he's straight up not having a good time
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spiderziege · 3 days
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Mordred Manor! (with close-ups under the cut)
edit: i just put up some new drawings on my ko-fi, so if you wanna print this out as a poster or something, you can find it there at full resolution in the 'Misc Art' folder! :) (personal use only!)
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Gorgugeous Thistlespring and Figueroth Slayeth
My commissions are open btw <3
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m-artsoul · 2 days
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hilda x fantasy high
NOTE: this one might be a bit too niche LOL. big shout outs to my oomfie jim, who let me know that the 3rd season is out.
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theroonilwazzlib · 2 days
My dealer: got some straight gas 🤯✨🔥it's called "Time Quangles" and it's going to Quangle you out of your gourd!! 😳
Me: Yeah whatever I don't feel shit
Me ten minutes later: Wow dude I swear I never told that Gorgug was a himbo
My buddy Brennan quangling: they are called AGLETS and I'm going to tell them!!
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radiantarray · 2 days
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the gang’s all here! 🆘
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dullgecko · 3 days
Ok so we’ve had Riz accidentally becoming human sized, but have you considered the rest of the bad kids accidentally/being cursed to be goblin sized or full goblin themselves.
I’m honestly leaning more towards they’re all goblins since then they get the full goblin experience with all the instincts and biology quirks that come with it, also a curse that turns you into a goblin definitely seems like something some jerk of a long dead wizard would create.
Like gorgug is absolutely freaking out cause suddenly he’s small and he has to look up constantly and he’s so used to not using his full strength for anything and now he has to put his whole body into just opening a door, on the plus side he’s now the right size to give his parents proper hugs.
Fabian has to jump on and scramble onto every piece of furniture and everyone at school keeps trying to pick up! The whole thing’s incredibly undignified, plus especially with fighter as his main class he has the strongest urge to pounce on and hunt anything fast moving he sees.
Adaine is used to be quite and unseen thanks to her upbringing, which when she was an elf was still nit ok but atleast you could look away from her for a second and not have her disappear under a table etc.
Fig of course uses her new found sneakiness and increased senses to be an absolute menace, she’s taken to running up suprise biting peoples calves then running away before then can even spot her.
Kristen is trying to use the experience to learn more about being a goblin and kinda what Riz experiences just day to day, also Bucky definitely see her at school and has a mini freak out about her being cursed and turning into a ‘monster’ for turning against Helio (nothing against Bucky he’s just 14, heavily indoctrinated with 2 overbearing racist parents and with what he sees as direct evidence of what they’re teaching/telling/warning him in the form his sister)
Riz is having a bad time because he's trying to wrangle his entire party and they are not at all used to the level of anxiety that comes with being a goblin. They are small, they are prey animals, and he's trying to drag them through the hallways of the school in the middle of the day so he can set them up in the library and start working out how to fix the problem.
All five of them are clustering together as close as possible and on high alert and snappy. Fig, Gorgug and Fabian are the worst of them because they have the urge to protect everyone else.
Adaine has to be holding someones hand at all times or she will literally burst into tears from panic but they need her to focus because she'll have to research to break the curse and turn them back to normal.
They don't all look like normal goblins because their normal ancestry carried over slightly with the change. It's not helping things because it's such an oddity seeing something other than a Chaos Mountain or Bastion City goblin in the school and people keep trying to get a closer look.
Adaine as a high elf is the oddest looking, she's a pearly white with much larger ears that droop down at the ends with a much longer tail. She looks the closest to the goblins that stayed hidden the the fae wilds and escaped being controlled by maglubiyet and kidnapped to the material plane. She honestly looks like if someone wanted to make a marketable toy of a goblin and made them 'cuter' to be more appealing.
Gorgug is much taller and stockier than Riz but looks very close to him in colouration. His ears are a little smaller, and his tail is shorter but much thicker.
Fig is bright red and has little horn-nubs on her forehead. Her ears are slightly longer and thinner than Riz's and she almost looks like an imp and a goblin got crossed. The tuft on the end of her tail hides a wickedly sharp backwards facing set of spikes, similar to the point on the end of an imps tail.
Kristen could be mistaken for Riz's cousin they look so similar like this, if you discounted the hair colour. She has a lot more visible freckles than Riz though and her stripes are darker.
Fabian looks like an Ixalan goblin, goblins that evolved to run around on ships out at sea who are skilled at scaling the rigging, but with far darker skin. His tail is actually prehensile and can hold his full body weight in a way Riz's can't. He's also a little bit stockier but still has a hard time climbing things as much as Riz does because he's not used to it. The tail being much stronger than Riz's is useful, because the rogue has to grab it SEVERAL times to stop fabian chasing after things. Riz thinks, aesthetically, he's just as pretty as a goblin as he was as a half elf.
They're all slowly starting to realise that oh no Riz actually has a fairly high level of self control, and so do most goblins they've met before. Wrangling their instincts takes a lot of work and their rogue is constantly trying to get them back on task as he drags them through the school to the library to set them up somewhere dark and quiet where they'll settle down for a while. They're also realising why he sometimes snaps and gets cranky when they flick a light on when he's in a room. Everything is WAY too bright and hurts their eyes.
Riz ends up setting up his entire party in a study room in the library with the lights off while they start hunting through books for a way to break the curse. Adaine calmed down a lot in the smaller darker room and is happily flipping through the books with her incredibly small version of Boggy perched on her head.
Gorgug ends up conked out napping in the corner because oops, it's daytime and they're nocturnal now.
Fig gets bored and cant resist the urge to go cause mischeif, the librarian ends up catching her and bringing her back once she tires herself out with her biting game.
Kristen is surprisingly chill about the whole thing and tries to go to her classes as normal, right up until her brother sees her and starts saying some very hurtful stuff. She abandons her idea at that point and comes back to cuddle sadly with Gorgug and Fig where they're napping in the corner.
Fabian, at some point, finally registers something in his brain and whispers something in Riz's ear before dragging him off. They disappear for nearly half an hour and Riz returns disheveled with a thousand yard stare, a split lip, and a VERY smug and equally dishevelled looking Fabian. If anyone asks him what happened he just says bathroom and nothing else.
Riz just goes back to helping Adaine look for the way to break the curse without comment. Fabian sitting down next to him and playing on his crystal because he doesnt understand any of the wizard shit they're doing but keeps intertwining his tail with their rogues.
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embraceweird · 3 days
Gorgug and Augefort are the duo of all time
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dropoutconfessions · 9 hours
controversial opinion but I actually don't even think porter's villain reveal changed his character that much (except for the finale battle). like the way he treated gorgug was Bad!!!! he was extremely biased and non-flexible on his views on rage and how its supposed to look and be felt. I think making him a groomer was eerily seamless. arguably it was the making him a god-complex fantasy fascist that was more of a drastic turn for his character (though not necessarily unimaginable either). Anyway I've always hated porter real bad so I guess it was gonna be easier for me to digest the villain reveal than other people who did like him prior to junior year
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Since episode two of Dimension 20: The Time Quangle explicitly states that Gorgug is the only being in all the multiverse who can kill Arthur Aguefort, I believe that at some point Gorgug will kill Aguefort in personal combat and usurp control of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy (under an obscure and bizarre trial by combat clause).
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Happy autumn!!! the bad kids are getting c o z y
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seasonofhotness · 2 days
Just had an idea for a fanfic, which is a little annoying bc I'm still finishing A Lesson In Rage (and I should really be working on query letter submissions and novel numero dos), but the idea won't stop buzzing in the back of my brain:
Baron is jealous of the Bad Kids for all the attention Riz gives them. The solution is obvious: if there were no Bad Kids, there would be no problem. Baron decides to take them out, one by one, starting with Gorgug.
Basically, an excuse to write a Baron goes after Gorgug fic bc I'd love to see them interact more, and I'm a sucker for Gorgug whump. Maybe I'll write it as a oneshot.
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rizsnt · 4 months
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see you at basrar's! ✶✶✶
bonus: yearbook page!
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alltears · 5 months
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the intrepid heroes reached new levels of Accurate Teenage Friendship tonight (see also)
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polarsirens · 4 months
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Is this justice? Is this a new dawn?
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dullgecko · 2 days
I was thinking about events after fantasy high and was wandering what it would be like 100ish years after.
Still alive would be
Fabian: looks to be around 65ish if he was a human. He’s settled down after having his own adventures at sea spends a lot of time with the remaining bad kids and his family having come to terms with the fact the he’s the last “mortal” bad kid left.
Adaine: still looks young as elves tend to do. Spends most of her time hopping from fallinel to elmvill doing oracle duties spends a lot of time attempting to help reforms in fallinel aided by the worshippers of galacaia who worship the late saint o’shaughnessy’s vision of the god. (She also raised Ayda after she reincarnated)
Fig: in her true form dosent look a day past when she became a archdevil but having fully come into her fiendish side she can shift her appearance often taking a form simmilar to a fiendish version of her mother. She spends most of her time in hell at the bottomless pit doing archdevil stuff. But makes sure to spend at least one day a week with Fabain and Adaine.
Passed away
Riz: spends his time working for the lower planer reconnoissance task force with his dad. He works closely with Fig in the hells and manages to sneak plenty of “coincidental” meeting with the other two bad kids when meeting with Fig.
Kristen: works in heaven providing guidance to Cassandra and Ankarnas followers. Also works closely with fig as Cassandra’s chosen she has a innate connection to Ankarnas’s Chosen
Gorgug: I think Gorgug just rests after death his life was so packed with working as both a barbarian and artificer teacher at Aguefort as well as Aguefort seeming go to him for issues. He still finds ways to talk to the bad kids with Kirsten and Cassandra’s help as he mostly stays in there afterlife.
There is absoloutly no way that even death would manage to separate them for more than a month at a time. Tops. They're a bonded set do not separate. Plus, if they're not keeping an eye on them Riz WILL work himself into a second death he already did it once before (there is absoloutly zero chance that Riz died of old age, either he gets killed by someone else or his shitty habits catch up to him early).
They all need mandated chill out time together to stop from going insane. Fig sets it up before the first of them dies, way back in highschool, with a forever binding pact (they all had a little bit of a freak out when they got drunk, started chatting and they all realised their life spans would be so wildly different). At least once a month, EVERY month, for the rest of time they have to spend at least a full day together as a group. Not even death can stop that.
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