luckywatersao3 · 3 years
Harry doesn’t hear from Ron all summer: My friends hate me. I have no friends. I am alone in this world.
Ron doesn’t hear from Harry all summer: Welp, guess I better steal a car and go find out what the fuck’s going on.
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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Fred and George 🧡
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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Sorry I’ve been AWOL the last month-- I’ve been working on some other projects and getting my head on straight. Have some more fantastic anonymous fanart in the meantime! ❤️❤️
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
Hi, I've seen your reply to jalesidor's post on how fandom becomes ever more important the more one realises how disappointing jkr is. In it, you spoke about how both Harry and Draco are queer-coded in canon. Would you mind to expand on that? Or if you already have, would you mind linking that post or the tag under which I can find it? Absolutely no pressure to do so, just if you like! Thank you!
Hi anon! Sorry for the delay in answering; I wanted to do the question justice. I could have thrown some stuff at you off the top of my head, but that didn’t feel right—at my core, I am a Ravenclaw, and I could not bring myself to half-ass this. (For those who haven’t seen the referenced post, you can find it here)
Before I get into my personal analysis, I want to note that there has been a lot of discourse on this topic over the years, so many of my ideas didn’t actually originate with me, they just got incorporated into my mental cache of HP analysis. If you search the tags “canon drarry” or “drarry in canon” or any variation thereon, you’ll get a bunch of posts where people pull excerpts and explain how extremely not heterosexual the things happening in them are. @iamnmbr3 in particular has written a ton of these (which I didn’t realize were all by the same person until I started trying to track them down!), a few favorites being Arthur Weasley clearly thinking Harry’s got a crush, this hilarious list of canonical interactions, Narcissa’s very accurate understanding of how aware Harry and Draco are of each other, and that time Harry got beaned in the head by luggage because he was watching Draco change. Others classics include when @big-draco-energy got an ask about how Harry assumed that Draco must be a Death Eater if he was preoccupied enough to not care about their rivalry (and was right) and when @northward had a great observation about their obsessions with each other.
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Seriously, this scene, y’all!
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Possibly the most quoted line in Drarry fandom
And now, on to my own thoughts!
So first off, I want to say that some of the things that I’m going to flag as unintentional queer coding are rooted in stereotypes, and that that doesn’t mean that I believe in or condone said stereotypes. However, media often uses stereotyping as a lazy shorthand, and I think that that should be taken into account in this context, because it means there’s a reasonable assumption that people would interpret some character traits and scenes through that lens.
Secondly, so much credit to my amazing friend @mxmaneater, who actually HAS A FOLDER of photos of super gay moments from the books, which saved me a lot of time trying to dig up quotes that I knew existed but wouldn’t have been able to easily track down.
And finally, these are my personal interpretations. I’m not any sort of academic, and we’re all aware that JKR does not believe that she wrote Harry or Draco as queer. I’m hoping folks can be chill and take this in the spirit that it’s intended: as one possible reading. Your beliefs about the series and the characters are your own, and I’m not here to tell you you’re wrong just because they aren’t mine, so please extend me the same courtesy!
Now, without further ado, here we go:
Let’s start with Harry, because that’s the easier lift here. The Harry Potter books are written from a third person limited perspective, which means we only see things from Harry’s point of view and are privy to his thoughts. I can’t find a link, but I know that it’s widely quoted that JKR at some point used the fact that the books are from Harry’s perspective as justification for the ways in which some people or events were portrayed. The answers on this Quora post about pro-Gryffindor bias in the books do a good job of explaining the idea of Harry’s point of view skewing the point of view of the series.
So if we accept that the books reflect Harry’s thoughts and feelings about things, we’re left with the unmistakable fact that he frequently observes how handsome various boys and men are. We have physical descriptions of Cedric Diggory, Bill Weasley, Sirius Black, and even Tom Riddle that clearly illustrate admiration. Additionally, although it’s largely unflattering, it’s often noted amongst fans that we get full physical descriptions of Draco extremely regularly—we know his hair and eye color pretty much from the get go and hear about them often, as well as his outfits, his swagger, his smirking and ‘leering’ (yes, she really uses that word), etc.
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Some very heterosexual observations on men from the perspective of one Harry James Potter
Sure, Harry never explicitly says he’s into men, but let’s keep in mind the time period the books were placed in and the type of family that Harry was raised by: there is a very real chance that Harry wouldn’t have been aware of the idea of bisexuality and therefore would never have questioned his own orientation. Because he knew he liked girls, so of course he wasn’t gay! To many folks who later realized they were some form of not-straight, particularly bisexual and/or pansexual folks, this is a pretty common experience: not really registering that checking out people of multiple genders is not actually something that everyone does. *Stares vaguely into the distance while pondering all of the girls I didn’t realize I was crushing on until many years later*
Plus, as I’ve mentioned before, there’s the symbolism of the whole ‘literally being raised in a closet, abused for being a ‘freak’, and forced to keep his truth a secret because the people he lived with were ashamed of him’ thing. To queer people raised by homophobes (or anyone who knew people in that situation), this isn’t even the slightest bit subtle, and the fact that JKR either didn’t notice or is in denial about it is truly bizarre to me.
Draco is a little harder to pin down without delving into stereotyping, so I’m just gonna go for it: Draco is a textbook Drama Gay™. He’s performative in his speech, using a lot of flamboyant gestures; he constantly performs over the top reenactments for his friends; he makes buttons and sews costumes and does drawings and generally just goes through a lot of effort to pick on his ‘rival’. The only scenes where we see him in something that could be read as a heterosexual romantic relationship are with Pansy Parkinson, whom he doesn’t seem remotely interested in; she reads more like a prop that he puts up with to project a particular image. Also, at one point we see him flopped across her lap to have his hair pet, which is definitely a thing that I remember happening during rehearsals back when I was involved in high school theater (and almost never by people with compatible orientations).
And then there’s this scene:
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Someone once made a post about just how gay this whole thing is: pointedly grabbing the biggest bowtruckle, whispering in Harry’s ear, smirking over his shoulder while walking away, etc. (If anyone can find it, please send me the link and I’ll add it to the list of other people’s thoughts that contributed to all of this.)
So, that’s what I’ve got for you! Someone could probably write a whole research paper on this (and hell, maybe they have), but hopefully this at least somewhat explains my assertions of queer coding. As a reward for reading all of this, please enjoy a bonus scene of Harry NOT being attracted to a man:
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Poor Ron. Maybe next time, buddy.
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
ok so i was watching this gif carefully 
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and when i first saw it i was like “aww Nat jumping into steve’s lap that’s so cute she’s like AHH STEVE SAVE ME” and then i was thinking ‘well she probably realized he’s way stronger than she is and could help shield her if they crashed’
but then i kept watching it and i noticed how she immediately pulls him forward 
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and first i thought it was the momentum of her jump but you can clearly see in the gif how she gets settled (quickly) THEN pulls him close to her
and then i realized
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that is a bullet hole. 
Nat somehow knew EXACTLY where Steve was gonna get shot at, jumped up into his seat, and saved him
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Natasha Fucking Romanoff 
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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You’ve heard of lemons and the Citrus Scale? Well, what about KINKTOMATO?
KINKTOMATO is an important concept in fandom. It’s a humourous re-spelling of YKINMKATO - Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And That’s OK). This is the idea that if you don’t like a particular kink or ship etc, that’s fine but you don’t need to attack or shame the people who do. Just leave them alone to enjoy their fics and art in peace and ask that they do the same in return. 
KINKTOMATO is the “you do you��� of fandom. It’s the “whatever floats your boat” of leaving other people alone. It’s an easy and judgement-free way of hoping that your fellow fans enjoy their content as much as you enjoy yours and understanding that different folks like different strokes. 
Having preferences is human. Having squicks is totally normal. Everyone has NOTPs or lines they don’t want to cross. But fandom is a large group of diverse people with varying tastes and interests and backgrounds. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Ship and let ship. Don’t like? Don’t read. Your kink is not my kink, and that’s okay. 
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
This is clearly a repost, but I couldn’t find the original artist via reverse image search, and I can’t make out the tumblr name in the signature. Anyone know the artist?
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I love this Sterek fanart “Intense” - Mason Hewitt’s quote
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
The only reason Harry never truly grasped the depth of Ron’s insecurity about being least loved until witnessing the destruction of the locket is because Ron had been Harry’s most loved person since the day they met.
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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Mornings with the potter-malfoys
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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“lawful good water biscuit”
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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"The first time he comes across the mansion, he's returning from a hunt"
A fateful first encounter in @longing-and-heartache-and-lust lovely fic for the @geraskierbigbang
You can read the first chapter of "the drug, the dark, the light, the flame" right here
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
Sneak peak at a random Ron/Pansy fic that I’ll be publishing sometime in the next week...
Just as Pansy was putting her latte on the roof of her car to unlock the door, a police car pulled into the spot two down from her. She ducked quickly into the car. She recognized most of the town’s policemen on sight, and a few of them knew her personally, for a variety of reasons. Pansy had a few hiccups with the law, back in secondary and sixth form, which she’d blame all on Draco.
But the men that exited the police car weren’t any of the ones she expected. She still recognized them, though.
Fuck, he looked good. His distinctive red hair was mostly hidden under his cap, but Pansy would have recognized those freckles anywhere. God knows she spent enough of school staring at them. He’d filled out, in the years since she’d seen him last, no longer looking like the gangly boy of school. His shoulders were broad, his waist trim, and Pansy guessed that it was all hard muscle under his uniform. Ron bloody Weasley, you fit bastard.
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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god i wish Superwolf was a thing that actually happened TuT IT WOULD BE AWESOME!!! xD so here you go- my new aka second Superwolf fanart (my first one) hope you like it ;D
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
Me reading enemies to lovers fics in 2012
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Me reading enemies to lovers fics in 2021
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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Texts From Superheroes
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
Courtesy of reddit:
I just found out you can set your Amazon Smile nonprofit to the Organization for Transformative Works (the nonprofit that runs AO3)! This is a great idea if you can’t afford to donate to AO3 but want to support them! They’ll get a small percentage (0.5%) of your money spent on Amazon to OTW. 
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