miryum · 3 days
An arranged marriage with James Potter
Something had happened over the summer that made James Potter the most love-sick fool in all of Hogwarts. Purebloods being purebloods, it wasn’t uncommon for children to be paired up early on to secure the bloodline. While this happened mostly between the old-arching Slytherin families, an example being Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black, every once in a while, the other houses would participate too. 
Such was the case with James Potter and Y/n L/n. The L/n’s had spanned generations, stretching back to even the Gaunt’s time. But, such as the Gaunt family, the L/n family had run into some bad luck. Stocks didn’t go the way they wanted or something of the sort and now they were in ruining trouble. 
Euphemia Potter was usually one to scoff at arranged marriages, wanting the children to find love for themselves, blood status be damned. However, the L/n’s were good friends of hers and James had written home multiple times about their daughter. From his letters, it seemed as if the two were already dating. It was a perfect coincidence. Euphemia and Fleamont agreed instantly, lifting the weight of a thousand bricks off of the patriarch of the L/n household. 
However, James and Y/n were not dating. Much to James’ annoyance, the only thing between them was his unrequited infatuation towards Y/n. 
So that’s where the pair found themselves at the beginning of seventh year. Y/n L/n trying to fly under the radar and not draw any attention to herself or the new ring on her finger, and James Potter doing everything in his power to show off their relationship and spoil her in front of everyone. 
It began at the start of the year feast. James had an arm around Y/n’s shoulder the entire time. When a third year nervously asked if the two were dating, staring reverently up at James, the boy grinned and looked to Y/n. “I don’t know, love, are we?”
Y/n pushed James’ arm off her shoulder and indelicately said, “no. Take him.” The third year blushed and mumbled their way out of the conversation as James clutched his wounded heart.
During classes, James would loudly correct the professors from Miss. L/n to Mrs. Potter. It earned him wry smiles from McGonagall and Sprout, chuckles from Slughorn and Flitwick, and a cold glare from Y/n. The students all looked a bit confused whenever this happened, but chalked it up to the usual antics of James Potter. 
In the courtyard or by the Black Lake, James would lay his head on Y/n’s lap, even if she pushed him off or was sitting with her knees up. There were roses on her bed and notes in her bag and it got to the point where Y/n didn’t even question how James had snuck into her dorm. 
If Y/n ever went to Hogsmead, James was sure to follow. No matter what she bought, he would pay for. Even if she got frustrated, he would slip the galleons up onto the counter, grinning at the cashier. He wanted to show her that he could provide for her and give her a nice home. As she would walk from shop to shop, he would point out colours of shops, saying, “oh, that would be a good colour for our bathroom. Look at that little cuckoo clock! Y/n, we have to get it.”
He would follow wherever she went, asking what seemed like meaningless questions. Have you ever had any pets? Do you like the country or city better? Any aspirations for your career? What’s a place you always wanted to visit? Y/n thought nothing of it, but to James, her answers were slowly sculpting his future. Would she want a dog or a cat in our home? Where should our house be? I would like the country so our kids could run around more, but we can easily make the city work if she wants. Should I be a stay-at-home dad? Or could we juggle two careers? Where should our honeymoon be? 
Quidditch games were no better, because after every goal the chaser scored – and he scored a lot – he would look to the stands, find his fiancée, and blow her a kiss. Before every match, one of his spare jerseys would be laid out on her bed, a small note attached, begging her to wear it. She never did and he always gave her a pout when he realised it. And God forbid she didn’t go to the games. Once, she had been studying for an upcoming exam and hadn’t been able to make it. James had thrown a fit. Sirius had to drag him away from Madame Hooch before he secured an entire year of detention, but the boy still refused to get in the air. Madame Hooch threatened to start the game and make Gryffindor play a catcher down, but thankfully Remus and Peter had just found Y/n and dragged her to the pitch. The moment James saw her, he beamed and kicked off, broom now in the air. They had ended up winning. James spent the afterparty with his head on Y/n’s lap, arms reaching up to encircle her waist. He continuously reminded her how awful it would’ve been if she hadn’t shown up and only shut up when she began running her fingers through his hair.
And every night, no matter if he went to bed first or she did, James would always go over to Y/n and give her a soft kiss on the forehead and a whispered, “sweet dreams.” No matter where she was, this became a daily occurance in Y/n’s life. At first, she tried to avoid it by sneaking off to the library whenever James began yawning and tossing around the idea of going to bed. But he would find her. She tried the kitchens, hoping he didn’t think to look for her there. But he would find her. She tried being in a group with her friends, in animated conversations. But he would weave his way through the group, step in front of her, and still say goodnight. It was like he had this magical map that told him where she was at all times. It was bloody infuriating. 
Much to James’ dismay, no progress seemed to be made. At least she was staying faithful to her fiancé, the Marauders reassured him as James griped and moaned. He would sling himself onto a common room chair, conveniently in the earshot of his dearest. Y/n would just roll her eyes. 
The majority of Hogwarts didn’t know what to do with them. The girls would swoon when they heard the new thing James Potter had come up with to woo Y/n L/n. The boys would huff and grumble about needing to step up their own game when it came to their girlfriends. James was setting the bar too high. The teachers would sit around, taking time to sip a well-deserved drink, as they complained how if L/n didn’t soon see the boy that was right in front of her, helpless to his love, then Potter was going to have a breakdown.
Yet, Y/n continued to push him away. James could be patient. He had been waiting practically seven years – he could wait a little more, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t hurt whenever she brushed him off. She could’ve said no to the engagement. She could’ve punched or hexed him. It didn’t seem like she truly hated him, more like she was embarrassed and tired of him. 
“I don’t get it,” James said finally one night. He laid out on his bed, long limbs stretching over the place as Peter and Sirius played Exploding Snap on the floor. 
Remus was reading on his own bed. The werewolf sighed, knowing where this was going. “What don’t you get, Prongs?” 
“Why doesn’t Y/n like me?” James murmured, looking at his friends with large, hurt eyes. 
“Mate,” Sirius said. One of the cards exploded, making Peter flinch. “Listen. She likes you, yeah? How else are you able to get close to her? I swear, you were practically on top of her a couple days ago.” He scoffed and laid down a card. 
James groaned loudly and exclaimed, “but I’ve tried everything! Hell, we’re literally engaged! I can’t go through an entire marriage like this. Especially not with the woman I love.”
Peter piped up, smiling sincerely at James. “Hey, I’m sure she’ll realise it soon enough. I think she loves you back. She’s just scared.”
“But I’m me!” James shouted out. “I’m not scary!” He looked around wildly at his friends. “Am I?” he asked pathetically.
“I think if you have to ask if you’re scary,” Remus pointed out, “then you’re not scary.”
Sirius grinned. “Excellent point, as always, Moony.”
Remus sighed and gave James a pointed look. “Perhaps, the best thing to do is talk to her. Since she is your future wife, after all.” 
“I do talk to her!” James argued. “I ask her about her day and tell her about our pranks. She- she responds. She’s very sweet, you know, but she never shows any affection.”
“Maybe you’re pressuring her,” Peter commented. “By being all lovey-dovey. You could try being her friend first?”
James didn’t think he could do that. He already thought of Y/n as his wife. He already thought of her as one of his best friends. But what else could he do to get her to feel the same way?
The next week, James took Peter’s words into consideration. Instead of leaving flowers in her dorm, James asked if he could join her in the library for a study session. Instead of blowing her kisses during Quidditch games, he just waved. Instead of envisioning their future, he focused on the present. 
It wasn’t until three weeks had passed that James noticed the results. Y/n began coming to him with some questions on schoolwork. Y/n waved back at Quidditch games, shooting him a thumbs up in encouragement. Y/n wouldn’t fiddle with her engagement ring nervously, as if worried someone would spot it. 
The girl noticed her changed behaviour too. On a random Thursday, when James came to kiss her goodnight, she paused her conversation and whispered back, “sleep well,” angling her body so he wouldn’t have to reach as far to kiss her temple. Soon after, she excused herself from her friends, flustered. Y/n paced around her dorm, twisting the ring back and forth. 
A knock came at the door. “Hey,” James murmured as he pushed open the door. “Are you okay?”
Y/n turned to face him. “You actually care about me, don’t you?” she whispered. 
James couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course,” he replied. “Why on earth would you think otherwise?”
She shrugged. “It seemed fake, you know? Like this one big prank to single me out. But then you actually seemed excited and willing to marry me, James. Marriage. This is the rest of our lives and we haven’t even kissed!”
James cracked a smirk. He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I can fix that really easily.”
“But you think you’re in this for the long run?” Y/n asked desperately. “For- for the fights? The late nights? The chores? And we haven’t even talked if we want kids or not!”
“Love,” he interrupted her spiral. “Have you thought about the waking up every morning in my arms? The dancing in the kitchen for no reason? The anniversary dinners where I profess my love over and over again?” He stepped forward, placing his warm hands on her arms soothingly. “And if you want, I would love to have mini replicas of us running around, waking us up in the middle of the night because of a night terror. I would love for them to disrupt our dancing in the kitchen by demanding they want to dance too. And I would love for them to groan when they see me being all sappy towards my wife.”
How could any girl say no when James Potter was standing before her, promising her endless devotion? The kiss was slow, James’ lips slowly moving against hers. He revelled in the warmth of her body and how her head tilted to him as he cupped her cheek gently. All short and lovely and sweet, the kisses were exactly how James had dreamed. 
The couple parted and the boy stared down at her. His finger went up to brush her bottom lip before murmuring, “will you marry me?”
She didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
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shakespearean-simp · 2 days
reader and theo got caught making out in the abandoned bathroom
r: *hurriedly straightens hair and clothes, embarrassed, and follows the professor to wherever they're being led*
t: *follows after them, nonchalant, looking at their ass (that he was squeezing a few minutes ago)*
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daiziesssart · 1 day
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i was gonna go to bed but suddenly wanted to draw more paperman jily
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ccccatttta · 12 hours
regulus who is selectively mute because of trauma. he saw what being loud did to sirius, so he chose to stay silent, not even a whisper at night.
james who's CODA, seeing him talking in sign language with sirius as they get to the train, and going immediately to him to present himself, and just starting to ramble endlessly, hands moving as fast as lightning, sometimes even babbling from excitement.
regulus just stares at him, it's the first time someone has been that excited from just meeting him. it's so unfamiliar and an insane contrast from how he gets treated at home. it's endearing, and james doesn't stop, goes from one topic to another and asks a million questions.
it's so endearing and bizarre that regulus let's out a little laugh, and it definitely sounds weird, voice barely there from years of not using it, but it's still a whisper of a laugh, barely there but loud enough to hear. something he hasn't done in so long he's surprised he can even manage to remember how to do it.
he stops it immediately.
james thinks it's his life mission to hear it again.
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courfee · 2 days
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Here’s the thing nobody tells you about living. It’s easy, really, once you get the hang of it.
— orange slices and sunrises by @messymoony <333
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Sirius : I heard the gayest noise ever
Regulus : did you hear your voice
Sirius *gasps dramatically but doesn't deny*
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ultravioletbrit · 2 days
“vintage” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 253 words
Regulus is standing with James in their garage looking at what is probably the saddest excuse for a car Regulus has ever seen.
“It’s old.” Regulus says.
“It’s vintage.” James counters.
“It’s ugly.” Regulus is walking around the car.
“It’s… okay, yes, it is ugly. But it won’t be when I’m done with it.” Regulus walks towards James with a skeptical look.
“I promise, it’ll be beautiful. You’ll see.” James tells him. “Please, can I keep it?” James pouts.
Regulus smiles fondly at James and wraps his arms around his waist.
“Jamie, you don’t need my permission to keep it. But I don’t understand why you don’t just want to buy a new car. You know, one that actually runs?” Regulus asks him.
“Restoring it, rebuilding it, is the whole point. It’s not just about the car, it’s about the process.” James has a glimmer in his eyes that makes him look absolutely beautiful.
“The process?” Regulus says, amused and endeared by how excited James is.
“Yes! It’ll be fun. Doesn’t it sound fun?” James runs his hand over the hood of the car and his finger tips turn black from the dust and dirt.
“It sounds dirty.” Regulus tells him.
“You don’t want to help?” James teasingly wiggles his fingers towards Regulus.
“I’ll watch.” Regulus grabs James’ wrist to avoid the dirt but uses his hold on him to pull James in for a kiss.
And Regulus quickly realizes that watching a sweaty, greasy, dirty James is, indeed, a lot of fun.
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birdiebirdjay · 3 days
does anyone else just see canon severus and lily's relationship as completely platonic?
like i know the fandom's general portrayal of sev's love is romantic, but what if they were just really good friends? canonically there's really nothing pointing to severus having a crush on her but i guess boys and girls can't just be good friends.
if anything, james is the one that had the very creepy borderline stalker portrayal, not severus. from my memory, severus did follow lily around for a while after the mudblood incident, but he did stop when she directly told him to get lost? james on the other hand had apparently been harassing her for literal years and asking her to date him if she wanted him to stop tormenting her best friend for existing. jfc how tf did this guy get one of the biggest fanbases within the harry potter fandom???
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The lifeless body of a teenager lay on a snowy street. Falling flakes of snow fell noiselessly on his motionless face, thin strands of black hair are now covered with frost, and once full of life, his eyes are tightly covered with snow-white eyelashes. The scar that had once been an ordinary thin line left by Dudley now extended across his forehead in a complex pattern resembling cracks on ice.
Dudley and his buddies didn't even turn around, leaving him lying on the cold ground. It seemed to them that Harry had simply fainted after they beat him up. They could not even think that they had seen the young man for the last time.
The cold pulled his heart into an icy silence forever.
Harry in his Jack Frost arc. Should write tomarry story like that in winter
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kaylasficrecs · 18 hours
theodore nott recs - part 2
weren't suppose to let me go | drabble, fluff (slight angst) | @anawritez-posts
til it's gone | one shot, fluff | @obsessedwithceleste
crying in the courtyard | imagine, flangst | @aligned-starz
why can't we love freely | imagine, angst | @amourane
emotions | imagine, flangst | @priniya
eyes wide open | one shot, fluff, slight smut | @spectorgram
kiss with a fist | series | @theostrophywife
snow on the beach | one shot, flangst | @theostrophywife
just a little longer | imagine, fluff | @rosesareredrosa
lonely | one shot, fluff | @evergone
springs breaks loose | imagine, fluff | @fangisms
voodoo doll | one shot, fluff | @moonpascal <3
the moment i knew | imagine, angst | @dylsluvrs
cinnamon girl | imagine, fluff | @thestarsarebrightertonight
fights | imagine, soft fluff | @iamgonnagetyouback
behind locked doors | au-ish, drabble, flangst | @anawritez-posts
study break | drabble, fluff | @crimsntwlip
clingy sleepy boyfriend | drabble, fluff | @anawritez-posts
the cat chronicles | one shot, fluff | @obsessedwithceleste
only me | one shot, fluff | @amiableness
flames on thin ice | imagine, fluffy flangst | @sectumsempraaa
you're the closet to heaven i'll ever be | imagine, fluff | @amiableness
alone | imagine, angst | can't tag this author
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mlekom3 · 21 hours
Imagine regulus keeps encountering this weird ass deer,and eventually he starts talking with it and finds it relaxing to lay out his troubles to the deer.Meanwhile james is shitting himself from fear,realizing he's bisexual and overall confusion on why does he find his best mate's brother so damn atractive.
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shakespearean-simp · 3 days
exboyfriend!mattheo watching f!reader clean up her new boyfriend instead of him
when mattheo beat him up after hearing him say to his friends that he was using her and that she was a slut
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m: *why doesn't she look at me like that anymore? he doesn't deserve her. i love her. i love her? i love her. i miss her. please come back. i need her. yeah i need her. why does she look at him the way she used to look at me? she deserves someone better. like me. he should eat shit. he looks like shit too. good job mattheo.*
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sandumilfshou · 1 day
au where everything's the same just shifted forward like 20-30 years and drunk teenage harry makes a tinder profile as tom riddle for a laugh, only somehow it gets back to v, who Knows the only bitch with this audacity could be harry james potter. so voldemort makes a tinder profile for harry and then they match with each other
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delineate-creates · 11 hours
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A request I immediately jumped to fill
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bloodiedseraph · 3 days
Hrrrnnngrhhhhhh thinking about writing a fic where Harry is death and Tom is his most beloved worshipper. If this has already been written I fear I will cry
Need the world to think the man with green eyes is Tom's omen but really it's the other way AROUND
Need Harry caressing Tom's face and calling him his omen. Need Tom being a pathetic simp for his god
nvm thinking about I am WRITING THISSS
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Harry: look how I don't kill to solve problems very de-
Tom: what abt the professor in first year, basi-
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