msclaritea · 13 hours
"Cathleen Quinn is a political prisoner held by the state of CA for daring to say she didn’t feel safe being housed with intact men. She was 3 weeks away from her release. And the state revoked her parole.
It’s important that folks understand Cathleen was punished so harshly because she and Tomiekia Johnson were the first incarcerated women to speak against SB 132. The state needed to make an example of these two women. They needed to show ALL the other women housed in prison that they better shut up or they too would lose their job, their honor dorm housing, their parole, their everything.
This tactic has been highly effective. But it is crumbling. I’ve waited so long to share Cathleen’s story and I am so proud that her bravery now has allowed her story to be shared in front of US Senators.
9/25/24 @kelseybolar testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee, subcommittee on Criminal Justice & Counterterrorism"
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California is holding Cathleen Quinn as a political prisoner.
She was a few weeks away from parole when they pulled her hearing date after she complained about abuse by men who call themselves women being housed inside the prison. They gave her five more years.
@GavinNewsom @CAgovernor has the power to change that.
@WDI_USA @DeclarationOn @NoXY_USA
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msclaritea · 15 hours
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Benedict looks horrible, emaciated, tired and depressed. He looks as though he is being physically and sexually abused again.
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It is a direct result of Scientology and their handler, this subhuman parasite and it's partners, Adam Ackland, David Birkin, the Bronfmans, Laurene Powell Jobs, and Yuri Milner, keeping him within a circle of abuse. Disney is in such bad shape...AND FAR TOO COMPROMISED...to be of much help. I would ask those who still care, and I know that it's a lot, to keep Ben in your prayers. Sophie Hunter may already have used Benedict to get herself off the hook, just like when she snitched out Weinstein, years ago.
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The man has literal demons, breathing down his neck.
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msclaritea · 17 hours
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msclaritea · 17 hours
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msclaritea · 18 hours
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Dirty sons of bitches. It was the Scottish Rite, alright.
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msclaritea · 2 days
"RIP Dwayne.
Friends please I am requesting that you not simply offer condolences as I am asking if you will consider reading this in its entirety as this is a tribute to this man and it is a lesson to be learned. You just never know who is being kind to you.
Dwayne left us today. I am heartbroken. He was my neighbor two apartments down from mine on the 10th floor in the building I live of 170 apartments. Every Saturday Dwayne would take his red scooter and go outside to the parking lot and work on any issues with cars regarding maintenance for anybody here who had requested help during the week. All on his time and of his free heart. No payment. Most of the people in my building do not get out and we have tons of packages delivered every day from Amazon. If Amazon does not put the packages at our door then Dwayne would gather them in shopping carts and put them outside all the doors of the apartments. It could take an hour to do this. More days of the week than not. He never called me Robert, he only called me young man. I once ran into him at a gas station half a mile away where he was sitting in his scooter talking to anybody and everybody who would walk by and the whole town knew him. This afternoon I saw packages downstairs and I was expecting a delivery myself and I thought how unusual that Dwayne who has a deep baritone voice was not heard of all day and the packages were there late this afternoon. I knocked on his door. My heart told me to call the police for a welfare check. When the police came back outside of his apartment to the hall they informed me that it appeared he died in his sleep. I am heartbroken. We all are. He worked on cars just 2 days ago. Totally unexpected. 71 years old. I cannot believe what I discovered an hour later. I called the head of our maintenance on our emergency line and I spoke to Ron and I said please contact Renee. Renee came to our apartment and addressed the residents in our community room. She is our landlord. She asked to talk to me afterwards. Some of you may remember I made a post about 5 weeks ago about the powerful storm in the Detroit area that knocked out 200,000 residents homes without power including most of Ann Arbor and nearly all of Ypsilanti. I was in the hospital having had surgery. Upon discharge as a courtesy from a friend I stayed at a hotel. It was a heat wave in the 90s and all the residents in my building were staying with friends and relatives in the few pocket areas that did have power and I was fortunate to have a hotel room where I could continue to recover with electricity. After 3 days at the hotel and the power having returned I took an Uber back to my home. Dwayne heard me and knocked on my door and said young man where have you been. I told him I had stayed at a hotel and he shared with me how he stayed at his sisters. He said, " I was worried about you cuz I haven't seen you and the rest of us got back right away. I want your number so I know how to reach you when I don't see you for days." My friends this evening Renee told me something I previously did not know. While I remained in my apartment for a couple of days recuperating upon my return to our building he went around to all the residents telling them that, "Robert has been accounted for and he is safe. " I burst into tears and Renee's office. I never knew that.
I'm still losing it as I sit here telling you this story. These are the unspoken acts of kindness that we don't see and we lack an awareness of them because of someone else's humility and for some people gossip is more enticing. The truth wins though. We live in such a good world and I wish this is what we would broadcast as these are the stories that sustain us enabling us to thrive.
Thank you Dwayne and rest in peace. I will never forget."
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RHughes PhD, Twitter
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msclaritea · 2 days
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msclaritea · 2 days
1/ Sexually confused men are invading yet another women’s group. It's perhaps their most absurd target yet: a group grounded in genetics, the Daughters of the American Revolution. Happily, members are channeling the rebellious spirit of their forebears and fighting back. 🧵
2/ DAR bylaws have always been clear. It’s for the daughters—female descendants—of Revolutionary patriots. As a genealogical organization, DAR takes biological integrity so seriously that only biological descendants—i.e., not adopted family members—are eligible for membership.
3/ A small group of the DAR’s leadership now appears to believe that men can be women. They even contend that such men have always been allowed in the DAR.
4/ According to an internal FAQ document, members are expected to pretend that “transgender women” have always been eligible and that their inclusion took place “organically,” as if implicit in bylaws written before “transgenderism” was even thought to exist.
5/ Concerned DAR members told us that leadership provides confusing answers around the legal obligations of the organization, often citing irrelevant public accommodation laws about "trans women" while simultaneously citing their status as a private member org to exclude men.
6/ When one DAR member posted in an unofficial DAR-focused Facebook group that she had requested copies of these legal opinions, pro-transgender activists promptly attempted to shut down the effort and accuse her of rule-breaking.
7/ Multiple DAR members reached out to the Daily Wire with concerns about being prevented from even criticizing the potential policy change. One cited an alleged policy on “circularization” that she felt discouraged members from alerting media or organizing opposition via email.
8/ Earlier this year, some members attempted to protect their society from men who insist upon invading women’s spaces. They proposed an amendment to the bylaws to clarify the definition of “woman”—a task that would have been unimaginable to the members’ illustrious ancestors.
9/ A select committee of radicalized leadership rejected this proposal.
10/ It’s not as though men don’t have their own equivalent group. The Sons of the American Revolution has been around since 1889. My grandfather was the president of his chapter. My father joined. And I will be a member whenever I take the time to complete my formal application.
11/ But these men don’t want to join the Sons of the American Revolution. They want to pretend they aren’t sons at all. They pretend to be women and demand that women welcome them into a private women’s membership club. It's disordered and immoral.
12/ The actual Daughters aren't giving up their society without a fight. A group of real Daughters are trying again, this time building a larger, grassroots effort to affirm the original intent of the bylaws and prevent men from continuing to invade their genealogical society.
13/ Chapters have until October 1 to protect the DAR from trans infiltration by endorsing a proposal to amend the bylaws. So far, over 50 chapters have indicated their plan to support. Members can reach out to [email protected] for more information.
14/ If successful, the Board of Management will be forced to respond by February. With the strong objection of a growing number of chapters nationwide, it will only become more difficult for leadership to push this radical agenda. We’ll be watching.
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msclaritea · 2 days
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Keep foreign powers and NGOs out of Africa. Kick them all out; the fake charities and evangelicals, the bigoted Chinese and degenerate Euro trash.
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msclaritea · 2 days
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msclaritea · 3 days
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So why was Sam Elliott's voice over deleted?
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The Oscars may be over but Sam Elliott’s opinions about “The Power of the Dog” have continued to generate controversy. Elliott previously called the movie a “piece of shit” and criticized its historical accuracy in a way that many felt was homophobic during an episode of Marc Maron’s “WTF” podcast. But today, during a panel appearance to promote “1883” (via Deadline), Elliott walked back his controversial comments about Jane Campion’s western.
“I wasn’t very articulate about it. I didn’t articulate it very well,” Elliott said. “And I said some things that hurt people and I feel terrible about that. The gay community has been incredible to me my entire career. And I mean my entire career, from before I got started in this town. Friends on every level and every job description up until today. I’m sorry I hurt any of those friends and someone that I loved. And anyone else by the words that I used.”
Oscars 2022: Jane Campion Wins Best Director, Making Her Third Female Winner Ever
He went on to remind the crowd that he praised Jane Campion’s previous work when he was on “WTF,” and he went on to compliment the film’s cast as well.
“I told the ‘WTF’ podcaster that I thought Jane Campion was a brilliant director, and I want to apologize to the cast of ‘The Power of the Dog,’ brilliant actors all,” Elliott said. “And in particular Benedict Cumberbatch. I can only say that I’m sorry and I am. I am.”
Many of Elliott’s grievances with the film stemmed from the fact that it was filmed in New Zealand with a director who was not American, yet it critiqued American history in ways that he felt was inaccurate.
“What the fuck does this woman — she’s a brilliant director by the way, I love her work, previous work — but what the fuck does this woman from down there, New Zealand, know about the American West?,” he said on “WTF.” “And why in the fuck does she shoot this movie in New Zealand and call it Montana and say, ‘This is the way it was.’ That fucking rubbed me the wrong way, pal.”
As Elliott apologized, he remarked that he learned a valuable lesson from the experience. “First, don’t do a podcast with the call letters WTF,” he said.
I'm sure at some point in the future, Benedict will shake his hand because he's a gentleman. As for me, I'm done with Elliott. The hate he generated was horrible.
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msclaritea · 3 days
Sophie Hunter is a fake-prenancy, failed actress, failed hooker, soulless meat puppet of an asshole. Go choke.
I can't believe I have to tell this to a woman your age, but repeating a lie won't make it true.
You've been pusing your BS about Sophie for 10 years now. We all know human trafficking is a thing. But you have yet to prove Sophie is involved. So you either show us your evidence, or you shut the fuck up once and for all. But you'll excuse me if I won't hold my breath over this.
Never asked you to
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msclaritea · 4 days
With all the information that's coming out against Sean Combs, the world's eyes are attuned to human trafficking. Please go to the police with all the proof you've acquired over the last 10 years to implicate Sophie Hunter.
If this is Team Z, I'm not laughing. On the off chance that you're new here...that is not how it works. Besides, I have it on good authority that Sophie's turn in the hot seat, is coming. We just all hope that Benedict is not dumb enough to be around her, when it happens.
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msclaritea · 4 days
"Going to be an explosion of these stories over the next few years. "Gender affirming care" has devastating physical and mental health consequences and very often will shorten lives by decades, especially in the females taking high doses of testosterone. Many female detransitioners talk about the way their bodies literally fell apart in front of their eyes on T.
The timeline of the explosion of this grotesque form of "care" is such that the first cohort of mass produced trans kids are probably in their early 30's now, when the horrific damage this "treatment" is really going to make itself known. You simply cannot pump massive doses of wrong-sex hormones into bodies that haven't evolved for it and expect it not to wreak havoc, as a society we have been conducting a massive human experimnetation program at scale on these kids and the bill is about to become due.
The worst part is it's all entirely manufactured. There is no such thing as a "trans child" and no reason for women to be taking heavy doses of testosterone. There is zero evidence it has any therapeutic effects, and mounting evidence that it wreaks havoc on the body and mind. The entire concept of the "trans child" was invented out of whole cloth to retroactively validate the trans identity of the cross dressing AGP males whose interests are the sole priority of the entire transgender movement.
The trans activists wear t shirts and hold signs that read "protect trans kids!" at every rally. But the truth is, that's exactly what we're trying to do, we're desperately trying to raise awareness of this problem precisely BECAUSE these kids need protecting. They need protecting from the cult-ideology that is killing them." Heretical Liberal
Liam Johns, trans activist who allowed the Observer to document pregnancy, dies at 35
Read more at: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article292748734.html#storylink=cpy
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msclaritea · 5 days
The Vigilant Citizen
Vigilant ReportsKim Noble: The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter PersonasPublished 13 years ago on September 22, 2011 By Vigilant Citizen
Kim Noble is a rare occurrence: a trauma-based mind control survivor with over 13 alter personas who don’t know each other but who all paint. She has suffered DID and MPD (dissociative identity disorder and multiple personality disorder) for most of her life, as a result of an extremely traumatic childhood. Each one of her alters paints with a personal and distinctive style but they all have one thing in common: they reveal the dark world of mind control programming, from its horrific techniques to its symbolism. We’ll look at the works of this unique artist who reveals a world that is totally hidden from the masses.
Many articles on this site point out the presence of mind control symbolism in popular culture. Photo shoots, music videos, and movies often glamorize and trivialize mind control and its symbolism by associating it with famous stars and trendy happenings. The fact, however, remains that these references celebrate one of the most abominable practices known to man: trauma-based mind control, also called Monarch programming. Originating from the secret CIA project called MK-Ultra, Monarch programming subjects its victims to some of the most sadistic tortures conceivable (for more details on Monarch programming see the article entitled Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control).
The works of Kim Noble vividly document the life of a mind control slave through the eyes of 13 alter personas. While a few of these alters paint peaceful landscapes and nature scenes, most of them depict horrific aspects of mind control such as physical torture, electroshock, violent abuse, dehumanization and dark occult rituals. The stories told by these paintings are almost too much to bear, yet they likely actually happened to Kim Noble as they precisely reflect accounts of other Monarch survivors. Looking at the works of Kim Noble not only reveals gritty details of an abominable practice carried on by “elite” organizations, it reveals the symbolism that is also thrown in our faces on a daily basis through corporate-owned mass media. Let’s look at the life and works of Kim Noble.
Who Is Kim Noble?
I have the feeling that Kim Noble herself would have trouble answering this question. Here’s the biography found on her official website.
“Kim Noble is a woman who, from the age of 14 years, spent 20 years in and out of hospital until she made contact with Dr Valerie Sinason and Dr Rob Hale at the Tavistock and Portman Clinics. In 1995 she began therapy and was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (originally named multiple personality disorder). D.I.D is a creative way to cope with unbearable pain. The main personality splits into several parts with dissociative or amnesic barriers between them. It is a controversial disorder but Kim has had extensive tests over 2 years by leading psychology professor at UCL, John Morton, who has established there is no memory between the personalities and that she has the misfortune of representing the British gold standard over genuine dissociation..."
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What Ted Saw” depicts the abuse of a small child by its handlers. “Ted” is the small Teddy Bear sitting on the floor. Young mind control victims are often given Teddy Bears by their handlers to make them develop an emotional attachment to them. This attachment is then exploited by the handlers to create emotional trauma.
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Kanye West is not 'free' and I know of no so-called real Christians who parade their wives around in public, naked. He's a Truth Telling Tool. So be it.
But isn't it a coincidence that Artist Kim Noble, MKULTRA victim, graphically and clearly shows that Teddy Bears are used in SRA against child victims, and douchebag, Graham Norton exposed Benedict Cumberbatch to that very same trigger, on international television, for cheap laughs.
Ben is a famewhore who like dicks but doesn't have the balls to admit it. Zero is a famewhore. They cut a deal. End of the story. She's a beard and he provides as a payment. No need to declare yourself as a truth seeker, you invent things. It's business. Nothing more. The more you blame satan or Epstein the more you sound totally crazy.
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Funny, a lot of the stuff we’ve been talking about for the past few years is coming up in the Diddy case. No wonder you’re sending asks like this. This shit is happening ALL OVER the Entertainment Industry.
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msclaritea · 5 days
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"𝙃𝙤𝙩 𝙊𝙛𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨-
𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙋. 𝘿𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡. 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩? 𝙃𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙣 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚. 𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙣 & 𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙚. 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨
The Name Drops?'
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msclaritea · 5 days
You're as honest as zero is talented. After 10 years the truth is out, you're the more rotten of the two. You motherfucking imposter.
Really? Because a lot of what is coming out about Diddy is eerily similar to what we’ve BEEN SAYING about what happened to Ben. 🤷‍♀️
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