I Kissed The Scars On Her Skin
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Natasha X Reader
Inspired by the lyrics ‘I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you’re beautiful’ from the song A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil.
Chapter warnings/Tags: Mentions of objectification/sexualisation, Brief Reference to Natasha’s past and unwanted sexual experiences, talks of body image, Insecurities and anxiety about body image, comfort, fluff (?)
Word Count- 2.6k
I wrote this to try and get out of my writer's block and it's not worked đŸ« 
Please read the warnings/tags before reading.
Staring ahead at the mirror in the corner of the room, emerald green intently stared at her reflection, observing every inch of her bare body that was on display, wet, red curls clinging to her body as she simply stood in front of the mirror, her usually playful green corrupted into disgust. Hurt, regret and shame crawled down her spine as her gaze flickered from one body feature to another, a lump clawing its way into her throat as pain creeped onto her face as she continued to stare, every second passing only amplifying the whirlwind of emotions flooding through her.
Natasha couldn’t stop the negative and despondent trail her thoughts drifted down as she looked at herself properly, nausea stirring deep within her. She didn’t see herself staring back at her, all she could see was an object, a tool she used to get the mission done, no matter what it took. She didn’t see someone soft or beautiful, someone you’d want to spend hours admiring because they were so pretty and delicate, all she could see was something
 to be used. She was sexy and seductive, she wasn’t someone who was tender or gentle. She wasn’t someone lovable, she was something to be utilised for a mission.
Her eyes glossed over as she continued to berate her body, objectifying it herself as everyone else had done to her as she stared and ogled at her own body, trying to persuade herself there was something more to her than her looks. Her teeth anxiously bit down on her lower lip to stop it trembling as she failed to convince herself of anything positive, a stray tear managing to escape her when her gaze settled on one of the many scars that littered her body from her past.
The haunting memories of her past desperately tried to gnaw away at her thoughts but she didn’t pay them any attention as she was too focused on drowning in her other thoughts, drowning in the onslaught of doubts and insecurities eating away at her. She was a weapon and a killer. That’s all she was and all she was ever going to be.
The sound of keys twisting in the door made her aware of your arrival, the redhead not bothering to cover herself up as she assumed you would be happy to see her completely exposed, everyone else would. God, what did you even see in her? Was she just a good fuck? Is that why you hadn’t left her yet?
“Hey, you’re never going to believe what Sam did on the mission-“ You chuckled out as you opened the bedroom door, your eyes widening in surprise at the sight of her body, a smile naturally tugging at your lips before your gaze met her green in the reflection, the sheer amount of emotion swirling in them immediately filling you with concern, your face dropping into worry. “What’s wrong?” You ask softly as you carefully place your bag down on the floor, making your way gradually over to her body, watching her reaction as you approach your girlfriend.
“When you look at me, what do you see?” Her tone was laced with hurt as your brows furrow, your eyes trained on hers in the reflection as you move to stand next to her, being respectful and keeping your gaze locked on those eyes you fell so deeply for.
“I see the most beautiful woman in the world,” you whisper, your voice dripping with care and honesty as you watch her reaction, pain flashing across her face and causing confusion to wash across yours.
“No, no you don’t,” she mutters, lifting her hand to wipe away the tears lingering on her cheeks, brushing it away roughly as she hates crying, she hates showing any sign of weakness. “I’m not beautiful, I’m
I’m disgusting,” she mumbles, your face instantly reacting to her words, disbelief engraved on it as you take another step closer to her body, trying to think of a way to convince her that she wasn’t, she was more than what they made her.
“Nat,” you whisper softly as she stares ahead at the mirror, avoiding your gaze in the reflection as she tries to blink back the tears brimming in her eyes. “Natasha, look at me,” you murmur affectionately, waiting patiently for her to muster the courage to look at your loving and tender gaze, her mesmerising green eventually flickering over to your soft gaze. “Do you trust me?” your voice was barely above a whisper as your mouth moved near the shell of her ear, waiting for her consent before trying to show her how wrong she was.
She was beautiful, not because of her body but because of her heart. Despite everything she thought about herself, she was a kind, loving, and amazing woman, she was someone who managed to steal your heart without even trying. She was everything to you, and you needed her to know that.
When she nods, you show her your hands in the reflection, signalling to her you wanted to touch her before waiting for her to nod again, your hands gently moving to caress her waist when she was ready. Your warm touch felt odd against her skin momentarily, the sheer tenderness and care you managed to put into it made her heart flutter as you kept your gaze on her face, gauging her reactions carefully. It was almost overwhelming to feel so appreciated and seen by you, your hands moving against her soft skin slowly, your fingers moving over every inch of her body in an adoring way, not a hint of lust or desire present in your touch as you explored her body, slowly warming her cold body up.
“Do you know why I said I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world?” you murmur as you place a delicate kiss to her bare shoulder, the kiss so innocent and affectionate it almost makes Natasha tear up from the loving blooming within her as you close your eyes, almost lost in your admiration for her. “Because there’s not a single part of you I don’t adore, I love all of you Natasha, not just your body,” you whisper, your warm breath tickling her skin as you kiss her shoulder blade, letting your lips ghost over a small scar you knew haunted her.
You kissed over the scar with as much love as possible, trying to sooth her worries about the physical scar as well as trying to comfort the mental scars that littered her, the feeling of their rough, forceful hands still invading her thoughts from time to time.
You can hear her exhale a shaky breath at your words and actions, her body slowly relaxing further into your touch as you move to glide your hands down her toned arms, propping your head on her shoulder as your mouth ghosted her ear again, watching her reaction to your touch as she lets her eyes flutter shut, trying to engrave the memory of your touch into her mind forever.
“Do you know why I love your hands?” You mumble softly, a smile tugging at your lips as she shakes her head, too scared to speak and ruin the tranquil atmosphere that’s wrapped around the two of you, wanting to let the world fade away. “I love the way you run your fingers through my hair when we cuddle,” you whisper, trying to list all the unique things she does that you adore, trying to express to her your undying love, needing her to realise how much you care about her. “I love how gentle they are when I let you braid my hair, the way you twirl your pen between them in debrief meetings, that when you get anxious you trace the lines on your palms,” you mimic the movement with your own fingers, dragging the tips of your fingers across her hand before up and along her forearm until you move them back to her waist to rest there for a moment, letting everything sink in for a moment before you continue.
“Do you know why I love your shoulders and back?” you ask quietly, letting your fingers trace her spine almost intimately as your body ghosts behind hers, her body subconsciously leaning back further against you, seeking your warmth and comfort. “Because despite carrying the world on your shoulders, you make time for others, you care for everyone else,” you whisper, “But most importantly, you let me take care of you, which I know was something difficult for you to start with. I love how now you let me run my fingers up and down your back because you know I love watching you relax,” your let your thumb gently press into a spot on her back, knowing it was her weak spot and watching as her body crumbles apart at your touch, relaxing instantly into your arms as your hands move to snake around her waist, letting her sink into your embrace.
You hold her for as long as you think she needs it, her eyes still closed as she focuses on the feeling of your steady heartbeat behind her, ears listening attentively to your calm breaths as you embrace her, smiling fondly at her reflection as the disgust on her features dissipated into shyness and love, the suffocating spiral she was trapped in easing it’s grip as your words lured her out of her dark thoughts.
Only when she was ready, did you move away from the embrace, moving around her body to face her, your lips pressing delicately against her forehead to make the corner of her lips lift up that little bit more before you slowly kiss down her body in an appreciative way, trying to express your love for her as you kneel before her, almost as if you were worshipping her.
“Do you know why I love this scar?” you whisper ever so gently, her head tilting to look at you as you peer up at her, honesty overflowing from your eyes as she struggles to process how you could love the old wound on her lower abdomen. “It shows how strong you are,” you mumble as you kiss the scars on her skin, “It shows that you are a good person, Natasha. You saved that man’s life, you risked yours just so he could go home to see his children, I think that’s something to admire and love.”
“Y/n,” she murmurs out but you kiss near the scar again, her hands naturally moving to thread through your hair, wanting to feel closer to you as she lets you continue praising her body.
“I’m not finished,” you mumble playfully, not letting her disagree with your words. “I also love how if I let my fingers brush over the spot above it
” you chuckle out, knowing she was some reason ticklish there, a soft laugh escaping her as her body jerks at the funny sensation, your hands settling at her hips to show you weren’t going to tickle her again. “I get to hear that angelic laughter,” you whisper with a cocky smile, her eyes rolling as she looks down at you, unable to stop the smile breaking out on her face, your comforting words a safety boat coming to save her from the sea of doubts and insecurities.
“That was mean,” she grumbles, scratching your scalp softly as you lean against her body, smiling up at her with nothing but love in your eyes.
“It still made you smile,” you say whilst kissing the spot you had just tickled, your hands moving down to her legs, deciding to compliment one more part of her body, having a feeling your plan had already seemed to have worked. “Do you know why I love your legs?” You hum out, looking up at her and noticing the small hint of mirth in her eyes.
“Why?” She murmurs in a tender tone, your lips peppering a few soft kisses against the soft skin and her tone muscles.
“I love how you wrap them around my body to pull me closer when we cuddle,” you whisper, knowing that, especially when she was tired, she’d throw her leg over your body and slide you closer to her, needing to feel you completely pressed up against her to sleep comfortably. “Or when you use them to trap me to the bed playfully, trying to prove that you could beat me in a sparring match,” you tease, knowing full well she’d kick your ass if you spared against her. You chuckle as you watch her brow raise at your words, her smile endearing as she gets lost in your enamoured gaze, her heart unable to cope with the amount of love pumping through it.
Gradually, you push yourself back up to your feet and let your arms snake around her waist, pulling her body closer to yours as she keeps her eyes on you, trying her best to express how grateful she was to have you in her life, to have you push away all those negative thoughts and clear the fog of anxiety that would cloud her mind.
“You’re beautiful, Natasha,” you whisper, not hiding an ounce of your love for her in your tone, the soft look in your eyes turning serious as you need her to know you mean it. “There’s nothing you could do that would make me think otherwise. I love you, I always will.”
“I love you too,” she murmurs back affectionately, kissing your lips innocently, not wanting anything to escalate as she simply wanted to be with you, to feel loved and cared for. You let her face rest at the crook of your neck as you try to slide your jacket off to cover her body, noticing how she shivered slightly at the gentle breeze that filtered through the room from the window. You let her take as long as she needed in your embrace, only parting when she moved first, deciding to warm herself up by slipping under the covers of your bed as she watched you sit on the edge of the bed, taking off your boots tiredly. “I’m sorry,” she mumbles after a moment, realising that you had just gotten back from a long mission, exhaustion evident in your features as she observes you, your head instantly turning at her apology.
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” your tone is quiet as you kiss her forehead, letting your hand cup her cheek and thumb brush over the smooth skin. “I’m here for you, no matter what,” your tone conveys your care for her as you kiss her once more, swiftly taking the rest of your clothes off so you could join her in bed, letting your bare bodies press into each other so you could both get lost in a tranquil moment between lovers, gazing into each others eyes.
“Thank you for loving me,” she whispers after a little white, your lips stretching into a soft smile, your head tilting to look at her as she hugs your side, her leg slotted between yours like she always did.
“Thank you for giving me the chance to,” your words are soft as you hold the intimate stare, her cheeks tinting pink before she lets her face press further against your body, trying to hide the sudden shyness consuming her as well as giving into her body’s desire for sleep, the tormenting thoughts from earlier draining her. “Goodnight Nat,” you whisper once you could tell she was drifting off to sleep, your lips pressing one final kiss to her hair before letting your own eyes close, content with being in the arms of your lover. 
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mutlifandomloverblog · 5 days
Hey hey! No need to threaten me. I love you too. You know how I feel.
Do you have best friend or is the possition opened?
@mutlifandomloverblog has this position. But if you want to be very good friends with me just leave me a DM and let's become friends 😊 Don't be shy!
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mutlifandomloverblog · 5 days
Sometimes, people walk into your life just to leave. But sometimes, when you're really lucky, you find your person. A friend that never judges, no matter what. A sister who is always there. And they stay. They change your life. I am one of the lucky ones. I have found my person. My platonic soulmate. And she came into my life at a time I didn't even know I needed anyone. She came during my darkest hour. She's my person. The Meredith to my Christina. She is my absolute favorite person. She's helped me through so much and continues to do so. She continues to inspire me daily. I love her so much. @griffin-girl-r, you have changed my life in so many ways. You are my best friend. And I will always love you. đŸ„°
A/N: I just had surgery so the drugs are making me sentimental
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mutlifandomloverblog · 5 days
I'm so proud of you.
This is an original idea of mine I had for a short story in 1st POV about a secret love. I didn't wanted to post it but maybe someone will relate to my thoughts and like it.
I sat there, in the dimly lit room, waiting for her to make a move. We were seated across from each other at the round table, my gaze focused intently on her but my thoughts drifting away.
She rested her chin in her palm, and I felt the urge to kiss her cheek.
She was perfect, a goddess in all her might. Her silky brown hair flowed like a veil over her white dress, her smooth skin keeping me awake while Morpheus embraced the rest of the mortals.
'Lucky people,' I told myself. They've been blessed by the gods, while I'm here carrying Sisyphus' curse on my poor shoulders. Sometimes I wonder how long I'll be able to hold Atlas' weight.
I turned my head away, feeling guilty for daring to dream of her. She was an angel from above, while I was just a mere sinner.
Outside the manor, grey clouds loomed closer, darkening the blue sky. The rain was an unavoidable event tonight, just as my tears would be.
A sculpted bust of David silently watched my soul burn from the corner of the room.
She lifted her head and flashed me a mischievous smile, her eyes full of innocence. Giggling, she took my pawn, blocking my queen, making the long-awaited move.
"I win," she proudly chimed, making the corners of my lips slightly move upwardly.
"I am proud of you," I softly praised, rearranging the chess pieces once again.
'I love you,' I longed to tell her.
Her expressive brown eyes shined, and while hers briefly settled on the Renaissance painting of a battle on the wall behind me, mine stared deeply into hers.
I sighed.
If only she knew I let her win.
If only she knew that with each pawn she took, she won a piece of myself too. She is the queen, while I'm a simple pawn.
And like a steadfast sentinel, I'll guard her fragile self for the rest of her immortality, even if mine is out of reach.
Gods are made to be worshipped, and that's what I will do, even if she'll never know how deep my love for her has its roots.
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mutlifandomloverblog · 8 days
O M G! I wasn't expecting that. Thank you so much for doing it! Ilysm!
Sleeping Beauty | Gaia and the Widow (Natasha Romanoff x reader)
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Author’s Note: Hey y’all this is the first part of a new WLW series of one-shots I’m writing called Gaia and the Widow. I have a lot of ideas plus this is my first series so I’m really excited, and hope that you lovely readers like it. It’s pretty much a nature-powered reader with a lot of useless lesbian energy Nat (which is my favorite part lol). I always appreciate the engagement so please remember to follow, like, reblog, and comment to let me know what you think about the series and because Tumblr is an endless pit that likes to eat small authors' hard work!!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Summary: A beautiful woman’s presence can cure a certain widow’s sleep deprivation problem.
Word Count: 2201
Warnings: none
Tags: ooc Natasha, major fluff, slight hurt/comfort, human-animal communication, and useless lesbian Natasha
The heaviness in her legs slowed her usually brisk and efficient stride to a shuffle. Her scarlet hair tangled upon her head from yet another night of tossing and turning. The distinctly earthy aroma of her favorite blend of coffee and the familiar smell of a sokovian breakfast led her listless form into the kitchen. Thankfully the emptiness of her schedule became her saving grace as she plopped down on one of the many stools surrounding the island. Just as her head hits the marble counter with a thunk, the commotion caused her fellow red-headed best friend to cast a glance her way.
“Jesus Nat, you look like shit,” She said, turning the stove off and reaching up to the cabinet in search of plates.
“Good morning to you too Wanda,” Her voice muffled as her face lays against the cool surface.
The ambiance of ceramic clinking and food being plated allows a sense of calm to wash over her. Her body’s deep desire for rest comes to the forefront of her consciousness as a plate and an obscenely large cup of coffee is placed in front of her.
“Nightmares again?” Wanda asks fully recognizing the concerningly common zombie state of the exhausted woman across from her.
She isn’t met with a reply as Natasha knocks back the huge cup of liquid life source like its water as Tony enters the kitchen.
He stops next to Wanda, plating a hefty portion on an empty plate, “Whoa what’s up with the walking dead.” He says as she flips him off, not caring to turn her attention from her coffee.
Finally coming up for a breath, she slams the cup of the counter with a metallic clang, “Don’t you have some outrageously expensive toy to tinker with junk rat.” Still not bothering to look at the man, she ate her breakfast.
“Okayyy I see the widow’s fangs are out this morning,” Tony said leaning against the stove as Wanda pours herself a cup of tea, “But you better get your shit together soon, we have a new face arriving today, and she’s a good friend of mine.”
“Who-” She tried to ask but was cut off as Friday's voice resounded through the room.
“Your guest has arrived Mr. Stark.”
Natasha turns around mid-chew only to witness the most beautiful woman she has ever seen emerge from the elevator. She swallows hard as time slows and her gaze trailed up your soft figure. She gawks at the way the complementing shades of green your outfit bring out the rich shade of skin that lies beneath. The expanse of your legs carries a body nurtured with love as each individual part comes together to create the presence of an ethereal being. Layered accessories frame the length of your neck and lead her gaze up to your face. Golden brown skin glows as the shine from your lipgloss illuminates a heart-stopping smile. A goddess, that’s what you have to be she thinks as the movement of your plush lips doesn’t register in her mind until she feels a sharp elbow meeting her ribs.
The world snaps back into place as Tony clears his throat and she realizes all eyes are on her. Her skin alights as the warmth spreads a deep red from her exposed shoulders all the way up to the entirety of her face in mere seconds. Words struggle to formulate in her mind to meet her mouth and she flounders like a fish out of the water as she realized she spent an embarrassing amount of time blatantly checking out a woman she doesn’t even know the name of. All lessons of seduction and instinctual finesse go out the window as she looks down to see your hand out to shake and miraculously chokes on her own spit. While hunched over and coughing out a lung, luckily for her, Tony diverts your attention with an arm thrown around your shoulder.
“Don’t mind her, she just needs some time to wake up,” He guides you away from the scene of Wanda patting Natasha’s back as the poor woman buries her head in her hands.
“Paperwork, oh so much paperwork to be done, my lovely friend. How about I give you the full tour and take you to HR?” He doesn’t give you a chance to answer before you are whisked back into the elevator.
You're gone before she can think as her body slowly comes down from its most attractive woman she’s ever seen induced panic. Her forehead smacks against the countertop as a groan of agony leaves her lips.
Wanda’s hand leaves her back and goes back to making her tea, “Smooth move widow,” Her shoulders tremble as she tries to contain her obvious amusement.
“You tell anybody about this and you won’t survive to see the next day,”
“Oh I’m not the one you have to worry about,” She trails off as she is about to leave the kitchen, “The town crier left is the one who left with the only person to ever make you into a literal blubbering mess.”
Met with the new welcomed silence, flickers of your alluring beauty fill every corner of her mind. The sudden need to sleep away her embarrassment hits her with full force until she jolts at a realization.
“Shit, I didn’t get her name.”
The day sluggishly transitioned into night. Heaviness filled her bones as she layed flat on her bed. Even with a cushy day of paperwork and meetings with Fury, the exhaustion plaguing her body refuses to reach her mind. The digits of her alarm clock switched to 3:48 AM as she rolled over to look. Her body is surrounded by the expensive duvet underneath her as she flopped back onto her back. As she struggles to quiet her mind a groan leaves her lips.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me,” She says as a combination of seemingly chronic exhaustion and frustration threatens to bubble over into tears.
Natasha drags her arm across her face as tears begin to prickle her lashline. Who would believe that the Black Widow with years of intensive training and combat experience can be reduced to tears by a lack of sleep of all things. Her sniffles punctuate the stillness of the early morning as a soft knock resounded against her door followed by a weird thumping noise.
Thoughts of just ignoring it go through her mind before realizing that she wasn’t going to get any sleep anyway, she begrudgingly slinks off her bed. As she trudges over to the door she hears what seems like exasperated whisper yelling. Just as she whips open the door you pop up with a fright holding a chocolate brown bunny rabbit against your chest.
“I’m so sorry, Daisy woke me up telling me that someone was in distress and lead me here. Are you okay?” You say holding a fidgety bunny as she continues to smack you in the face with her ear.
Not exactly sure if it’s the sleep deprivation, the emotional breakdown she was about to have, or the way the bunny’s knowing eyes gaze into her soul, she cries. Her knees hit the hardwood in her doorway as the floodgates are unleashed and the tears pour out of her tired eyes. Startled by the sudden change of emotion Daisy jumps out of your arms and onto her lap as you wrap your arms around her shoulders.
“Is me touching you okay?” You ask as her arms circle around your ribs.
Her breathing becomes choppy as she starts to hyperventilate. Your hand goes to smooth calming circles against her back and Daisy nudges her stomach.
“I need you to breathe with me alright?” After a few moments, the sharp movement of her chest begins to match yours.
Her senses are filled with the warm scent of shea butter, coconut, and vanilla as her face finds your neck. The trembles of her body subside under the warmth of your soothing touch as most of the panic uncharacteristically leaves her body. The softness of your body provides a comforting pressure against her lean figure, hardened by years of training. Time passes by as calm slowly reaches the depths of her soul.
“I don’t usually have a mental breakdown in front of beautiful women that I don’t even know the name of. I guess I just had a lot on my mind,” Natasha said punctuated by sniffles as she released you from the embrace.
You smile, taking your thumb to collect the last of the tears trickling down her face, “Well there is a first time for everything.”
“The name’s Natasha by the way, I didn’t really get a chance to introduce myself earlier,” She glanced down at the now sleeping bunny to avoid your gaze.
“Everybody calls me Gaia,” You reach your arm out to the side as a gang of various woodland animals suddenly appear out of nowhere and crowd around you, fighting for space on your lap, “for obvious reasons.”
Probably sensing her other animal friends, Daisy's little noise twitches before her head pops up and with an impressive hop, she lands and situates herself on your shoulder. She settles and nuzzles under the fluff of your bonnet before her ears go limp as she starts to doze off at an impressive speed. Natasha watches as the small animals interact with you until a small albino raccoon trots in front of you before standing on its hind legs. Intrigued, she sees the little raccoon do what seems like emoting with its paws as you listen intently to the soft chittering. You go to pick them up as your attention goes back to Natasha.
“Marshmallow here wanted me to ask you if you want one of them to keep you company for the rest of the morning, just to make sure you are feeling better,” You conveyed for her as she turns around in your arms to peek at Natasha.
“I- I don’t even know where to begin with what’s going on right now, but I think that I’m fine now. Tell her thank you though,” She says still bewildered with the physical manifestation of Sleeping Beauty sitting in front of her.
“She says she’s okay, thank you for offering though my sweet girl,” You say, scratching her behind the ears as she relaxes in your arms, “Looks like it’s past this one’s bedtime.”
Natasha takes the chance to reach behind her and push her door back, just to see her alarm clock flashing 4:14 AM, “It’s way past mine too.”
A weird feeling of longing washes over her as you carefully stand up, mindful of the creatures on and surrounding your form. Your gazes meet as you both stand in comfortable silence until Bumi, your white-tail deer fawn nips the back of your leg and tries to nudge you back towards your room.
“Okay, okay, I know that I need to go rest Bumi, you don't need to push,” She bleats for a few seconds before nipping you again, “Yes, I know that I have a lot of unpacking to do young lady,” Your eyebrow raises as she responds with another sequence of bleats followed by a cacophony of animals sounds.
You playfully scoff at the bossy attitude of the young deer before turning back to Natasha, “Well it was nice to officially meet you but looks like I really need to go back to sleep in order to avoid an animal uprising,” You said followed by a confirming snort from Bumi.
“We wouldn’t want that now would we,” Nat said smoothly as she swear that a chipmunk latched on the shoulder of your hoodie glared at her, “How about to make it up to you for keeping you up so late I come pick you up from your room and take you out to this new diner for lunch today?”
Her heart squeezed as a shy smile formed across your lips, “Yeah, that sounds great, I’ll see you in a few hours Natasha.” With a small wave, you turn on your toes and walk back to your room.
Natasha. Never would she think that the mere sound of her name leaving your lips could fill her with such warmth. Your smile, your voice, your presence is a force to be reckoned with. She steps back into her room and closes the door with a click. The daunting red digits of her alarm clock glows as it displays 4:21 AM, but the weight of exhaustion no longer plague her body. Leaning her back against the door, she slides down until the stark coolness of the hardwood meets her skin. Throwing her head back against the door, her eyes close as her trained senses fill with you. Her mind races with the possibilities of your new presence in her life, the need to make lunch perfect occupied the front of her thoughts. With a sigh she stands up and makes her way over to her bed, flopping onto it like a starfish. The grip of sleep quickly pulls her closer to blissful unconsciousness before she jolts straight up.
“Shit! I don’t know where her room is!”
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mutlifandomloverblog · 8 days
Girl, I love you too. But DO NOT post anything else on here rn. You are drunk.
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Do you have best friend or is the possition opened?
@mutlifandomloverblog has this position. But if you want to be very good friends with me just leave me a DM and let's become friends 😊 Don't be shy!
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mutlifandomloverblog · 8 days
I'll fight anyone who tries to take it. My best friend!
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Do you have best friend or is the possition opened?
@mutlifandomloverblog has this position. But if you want to be very good friends with me just leave me a DM and let's become friends 😊 Don't be shy!
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mutlifandomloverblog · 9 days
Gifts and Fun Consequences
Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x GN!Reader
Words: 3k
Warnings: A little bit of violence.
Summary: Playing a traitor hunter is not something your Queen is happy about.
The whole world around you was burning. Not literally. But, even in that aspect, it would not be long for it to happen as well. You had always liked to think you were a good person. Calm, kind, collected.
And you had been. For a while. Until Hightowers had decided to steal the throne. There was almost nothing from the old you in the new you. The betrayal had changed you. It was not even done to you, but it still felt like a knife had been buried in your back and twisted for good measure.
The feeling only had deepened when you had found out one of your closest friends had not shared the same views as you and his brother. Arryk's choice had cut you deep. As deep as your sword had cut him when he had tried to murder the Queen. And when he had not seen anything wrong with attacking Erryk in the process.
You'd found them battling in the Queen's sleeping chambers. It hadn't taken you long to put two and two together when you'd seen her terrified and curled up on the floor. Her features had been painted in colors you had never wanted to see.
Your sword out of its leather sheath had been the next thing you had known before you'd charged at Arryk when he'd knocked his brother down. You would never forget the look in his eyes.
The regret, the sorrow. But the readiness to end his brother's life had been there too. And it'd been the last thing to push you one step closer to dragging your sword through his stomach after he would not have listened to your pleas.
Nothing had been the same since that day. Since it had happened a week ago. Erryk had not been himself at all, but had never put the blame on you. And it was okay. You were blaming yourself for all three of you. There was enough guilt in you already.
That was why you did your best to mask the way emotions pulled at you. How they attempted to sneak their way into your head and lead to your demise.
Maybe that was why you had started making unwise decisions. Decisions that had seemed great and very well planned until you had taken action. It had not been the tactics of the war that had led you to those decisions.
It had been your anger at everyone and everything.
That was how you found yourself in this situation right now.
The clinking of the metal was bouncing off the stone walls as you walked with one hand over your sword and the other fisted in the hair of an unfortunate man. Unfortunate because he'd had the rare occasion of you making it your personal mission to find him.
He was not too smart, so it had not been a challenge at all. Taking candy out of a child's hand would be harder. You should have done this weeks ago when the Greens had decided to put their impostor on your Queen's throne.
A loud thud sounded throughout the big hall as you pushed the man to his knees. Your tight grip on the hair made him wince, his face scrunching up in pain before you let go of his head and stood a few steps in front of him.
Fixing your armor and making sure your sword was safely in its sheath, you cleared your throat while he stared up at you with a foolish smirk on his dirty face. "Is this what you truly fell into doing?" His head shook as it dropped loosely.
"Joining the unrightful, fake heir?" He spoke, seething out his words like a snake. "Betraying your King is disgusting to do even for you." He looked at you with displeasure written all over his face before he spat in front of your feet.
Taking a slow and deep breath, you looked up while pursing your lips. He really did not know when to stop. "Ah!" His head whipped as a strong punch was delivered to his face.
The air got knocked out of his lungs, causing his mouth to open as he blinked slowly. "I do not know what you are speaking of. I only know of the Queen Rhaenyra." Your stoic tone had nothing in common with the actions of your fist.
"I am not aware of what kind of people you acquaint yourself with, Cole—" Continuing, you raised one hand, clenching and unclenching it. "But I am not interested in joining."
Criston huffed. And huffed again. Before an airy chuckle turned into a laugh that you fought hard not to roll your eyes at. "You truly want to devote your life to serve that who-" The word could never be finished as your fist connected with his cheek once more.
"Oh, excuse me." Your face scrunched up in concern and confusion. Your upper body bent to get closer to his face. "Did you want to say something?" The question seemingly innocent held a huge warning behind itself.
If the way you said it was not enough, the look on your face should let him know you would not listen to insults thrown at the Queen.
His lips pursed as he looked at you with anger in his eyes. "You are pathetic." Almost spitting at you as he spoke, his nostrils flared. "You could have been a great knight, but instead, you are just her whore." His bitter tone made your lips pucker out for a second while you listened.
Your eyes went to the side and up while you slightly scrunched your eyebrows. But your gaze quickly found his again. Taking a step closer, you did not fear him doing anything. Even with his hands untied.
Lowering your upper body to the point your eye line was almost at the same level as his, you tilted your head. "I can be her whore." You said lowly. "I can be her slut." You added in a careless tone. "I can be whatever she wishes to call me."
The low volume of your voice only intensified the message you were giving. There were no threats, but he looked worried. "And I will still have more honor than you in your white cloak." You finished the sentence with a click of your tongue as you let out the last word.
Your burning gaze stayed on him as the silence embraced both of you. His eyes going between yours before his throat bopped.
"Ser Y/n!" You heard the only voice that could ever make you do whatever she wanted you to do. The only voice you followed the orders of. Sometimes not very well. Like this time.
You stood back to your full height while smiling at Criston. "What is the meaning of this?" You turned around just in time to see her confusion and irritation as she waved her hand.
"I have brought you a gift, Your Grace." Her head tilted at you as she squinted her eyes. You acted like nothing happened, back to your Queensguard-self. Back to behaving like a true knight on duty.
But she did not see you just as that anymore. She knew your true self. "A gift?" She repeated, unimpressed. "Is this the gift you are speaking of?" The annoyance in her tone was shining through as she gestured with her hand to Criston.
However, her eyes were glued to you. And they were not filled with happiness. "Yes, Your Grace." You stepped to the side, giving her a clear line of sight from the direction of where she was standing.
She glanced at the man before her eyes rolled as she sighed unhappily. Her hands holding onto her long dress. "And to what possible end would you bring him into the Dragonstone?" Her mouth was tense, the skin on her neck straining with each word she spoke.
"He had plenty of things to say, Your Grace." You informed her before moving your eyes to Criston. "Did you not?" The rhetorical question made the man look up at you as he avoided Rhaenyra's gaze.
He, however, stayed quiet. "Did you not?!"
"Yes!" You smiled to yourself satisfied when he finally responded after you had raised your voice.
His eyes dropping to the ground as he kept kneeling on the hard stone. Rhaenyra finally looked at him for longer than a second. Intrigue appeared on her features.
"What things?" Her words held some edge, opposite to the, now, calm demeanor. "Tell your Queen what things." You nodded at the man who would not raise his gaze above the floor.
You waited for him to speak as Rhaenyra looked at you with parted lips. Sucking in your bottom lip, you slightly shook your head before stretching your mouth into an unamused smile.
"Tell your Queen!" Your voice was so loud it bounced off the walls in the hall and caused the blonde woman to look at you with widened eyes.
"She's not my Queen!" He finally replied, trying to be loud but could barely be heard.
Your eyes found Rhaenyra, not believing in Criston's foolishness. "If she is not, then you are a traitor to the crown." You declared openly, your hands resting on the handle of your sword.
The Queen's gaze was roaming your face as you bit the corner of your lip from the inside. Standing on guard right next to the dark-haired man, your head was looking straight ahead at nothing in particular.
"It is not possible for me to be what you speak of when I believe in one, true King Aegon II." Your mouth ticked at his words. You had never liked him. Ever since he had joined the Kingsguards.
He represented nothing with himself. He was no real warrior. "What will you choose to do with me for speaking honestly, Ser Y/n?" Your eyes faltered at the mocking tone of your name as you could see from the corner how Rhaenyra's face changed into anger upon hearing it too.
Moving slowly and lowering your head to his, you watched as his ignorant grin widened. "The only person who can decide your fate is Queen Rhaenyra." The firmness of your words made the man blink.
"And you should be happy about it." Now, it was your turn to smirk at him. "Because I already have a lot of things planned for you in case she needs any help with deciding." Criston's face quickly dropped as he paled a little.
It made the corners of your mouth lift even higher as you stood straighter. At times, you could be perceived as insane. And it was perfect for torturing methods. Or situations like this where it did not hurt to scare and threaten unworthy people.
Criston knew what you were capable of. You were also sure he would not want to experience how far your cruelty could go.
"That is enough." The Queen's voice made you stand straighter again as you would not look away from Criston. You relished in the fear that was forming on his face. "Take him away to the dungeon."
Rhaenyra ordered two guards, gesturing with her head as her hands laid neatly at her front. "And you, Ser Y/n." Your posture formed to perfection as you stood with your chin up. "I will be waiting for the explanation in my chambers." Her words were sharp as you listened.
She would not look away from you for a longer while before shaking her head in irritation and walking away.
"Are you mad?!" She almost yelled out as soon as the doors closed, leaving only the two of you to privacy. "Have you not listened to what I said before?!" It would have to be the angriest you had ever seen her.
"I have, my Queen." There was nothing you could say or do that would make it better right now. She was already mad at you. Mad for ignoring her orders.
"Chasing after Cole alone? Only Daemon could be accused of such foolishness!" Her feet were taking her back and forth as she was pacing around the chambers.
Her hand was on her forehead as she rubbed it. "Cole is nothing close to a warrior, he could not be a challenge even at his best-" Her angry eyes found you quickly as you started speaking.
"It is not Cole I am worried about!" She cut you off sharply, her gaze piercing through yours as you sighed. "It is everyone else that could have seen you, kidnapped you, even taken your life!" Her voice kept getting louder and louder.
But you did not even flinch, you listened to everything she had to say. You took a half-step forward, reaching for her with your hand. "Rhaen, nothing happen-"
"That is no way to speak to your Queen!" Her teeth were clenched as she looked at you with wide, full-of-rage eyes.
You immediately stepped back to your previous spot. Hands going to your sides as you stood to your full height. Your head was unmoving as you stared blankly ahead.
"You disregarded my orders, left the Dragonstone without my permission at a convenient time when I could not have noticed your absence until recently." She started ranting and listing every single thing you had done. Every rule you had broken. "And most importantly, you could have died!"
Her wild eyes were going from one thing to another and another, trying to find anything that would occupy her head. She was leaning on the table, her arms spread widely as she breathed deeply.
You stayed silent. Your stance did not falter even for a second as she was composing herself. Her hand rubbing at her eyebrows before she turned around to you.
"Will you not say anything?!" She asked loudly, raising her hands and making them drop to her sides.
She tensed her entire mouth as she waited for you. "I apologize for my actions, Your Majesty, it will not happen again." You spoke softly, not letting your eyes wander to her. Not letting them connect with hers.
She huffed in irritation, turning her body around and running a hand through her hair before moving back to you. "Is that all you have to say?" She pursed her lips, her hand gesturing to you as its palm was pointed up.
When you did not reply, she started walking and stood right in front of you. She stared right into your eyes, going between them, as you did your best to avoid her gaze.
"Are you not going to embrace me?" Her tone was still firm, but you could sense the falter in her words.
"I am not allowed to-"
"Oh, for Gods' sake, Y/n." Her eyes rolled in frustration as she grabbed both of your hands and wrapped your arms around herself.
Your mouth twitched as a small smile threatened to break out on your lips when she pushed herself closer to you. "Do not dare to do this ever again." She spoke in your neck and you finally let a grin spread on your face as you tightened your arms around her.
"I was losing my mind worrying about you." One of your hands went up to her hair and softly caressed it as the metal of your armor clinked.
She huffed in annoyance at how stiff your movements were and pulled away while looking at your chest. "Take this off. I hate it when it gets in my way." You could not help the chuckle that passed your lips as you started getting rid of the armor.
"I do not think you like anything or anyone getting in your way, my dear." Her head tilted at your words, but you saw the hint of a smile that formed on her lips.
"I do not mind someone getting in my way." The chuckle only intensified as your head shook while she quickly raised her eyebrows at you. A playful smirk playing on her lips.
When you managed to put away all of the parts, she quickly stepped back into your personal space and sneaked her arms around your torso. "If you ever do that again, there will be serious consequences." Her breath was hitting your lips as she kept her head up to look at you.
Smirking at her, you embraced her with your strong arms before pulling her closer and ghosting your lips over hers. "It depends on what type of consequences we are speaking of." Your low voice had the woman glancing down at your lips as she dug her short nails into your back.
"Some of them proved to be quite tempting." You added, brushing her lips with yours. And it was all it took for her to connect them, fisting your shirt and pulling at it.
You did not waste any second and kissed her back instantly, hands lying flat on her back before one of them wandered lower. Her mouth opened when you squeezed her backside and you swiftly pushed your tongue inside.
Moans sounded through both of your throats before she pulled away to get some air. Your mouth did not wait for hers to come back as you attached it to her soft skin. Sucking and nibbling on her neck, you heard her sighs getting louder.
"To the bed." Her words were quiet, but you were used to that in this kind of situation as she was losing herself.
"I thought you wanted to speak." Teasing her with a smirk on your face, you earned yourself a hard glare when she grabbed your hair and pulled you away from her neck.
"Do not test my patience any longer today." Your smirk widened so much it could break your face as you smashed your lips against hers and started walking her back to the bed.
The anticipation was rising for both of you as you were getting drunk on how eager she was.
"As you wish, my Queen."
After all, there was something you could do to make it better.
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mutlifandomloverblog · 9 days
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In another world Pt.1
A Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader story
Hello guys! I’ve fallen in love with the whole game of thrones/hotd universe and I’ve just had this idea on my mind.
Not quite sure how good this will be and if the storyline will work out but I’ll give it a shot, bear with me.
I wanted to sort of base this off a world that’s parallel to the OG story but without all the heartbreaking deaths and destruction of everyone. I’m just sort of creating my version of the story so things will be out of place and not canon to the series. Maybe in a different universe Rhaenyra was allowed to be happy!
Anyways this will be a series but I’m not certain on the schedule as I’m unreliable with that stuff 😭Enjoy!
Somewhere was a world where nothing had ever created a massive war between two houses, one where there was genuine peace throughout all of the seven kingdoms

A world free of cruelty and tyranny, one where the people lived in peace and harmony.
Sounds beautiful.
Fortunately, unfortunately, this world is much different from what you are expecting. Though it is much less complex and dreadful, without all of the major deaths and the betrayals, somehow humankind has managed to still create conflict.
As long as we are living and breathing, the game still continues, players will still play, players will still cheat, players will bargain. The ongoing game of the thrones.
The dice will still continue to roll till the very last breath of humanity.
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House stark, a strong and loyal house, was home to a family of four. The Lord Rickon Stark and his wife, Lady Gilliane Stark.
These two had given birth and raised two respectful young children. Cregan stark, heir of Winterfell, and Y/n stark, who’s
not heir of Winterfell but still a powerful figure.
These two were beautifully raised by their mother and turned out well mannered. Cregan was educated properly and the people of Winterfell were delighted to know that their next leader was a great man to be. Y/n, a diligent and courageous girl, received her kindness from her mother.
On the other hand, her recklessness and wittiness had definitely strung from her father’s genes. Despite her somewhat developed manners, that girl was always being scolded. At least once every couple days she was getting dragged by her ear with red cheeks by her own mother through the courtyard.
Though, the people of Winterfell still respected her. It was hard not to. Yes..she was a cheeky pain in the arse from time to time, but she treated everyone fairly and kindly. Often times people forget they are even talking to a person of higher power because she is just so humble.
She can always be found helping her people, whether it’s carrying goods for merchants, cleaning up, cooking, even patching up the wounded. She was a delight to her house and she was proud of her people.
For being age seven and ten, she was already proving herself worthy of making her house proud. Surprisingly she had no desire to rule over Winterfell so there was no strain in the relationship with her brother. She would rather be burned and eaten by a dragon than be stuck with politics for the rest of her life.
Much like her father, she loved to fight. She loved combat
and she was good at it. Give her a bow, sword, dagger, hell, even a stick will do. Regardless of her mother’s protests, she always had a sword wrapped around her waist. At first her mother wanted her to act more lady like and would rather her see her pick up a different hobby
one less bloody and non violent. Yet the love she had for her daughter overpowered her protests and she gave in, allowing for her to be trained alongside her brother. It was certain as she grew older there was no need for worries, nearly standing the same height as her brother at a strong 6’0, she could certainly hold her own. Still her mother would roll her eyes and frown every time her daughter came in for dinner with a new scratch or bruise from training.
A leader and a strong knight.
Cregan and Y/n.
The Lord and Lady of Winterfell could certainly not be anymore happier.
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It was a beautiful day out today, the sun was shining with blue sky’s all over kings landing. Citizens all over were gathered, celebrating with wine and food throughout the streets, a gift from the crown. Music was heard throughout the city and there was not one person that wasn’t cheerful.
Tomorrow marked the Princesses seven and tenth birthday. The energy all over was bright, as the realms delight was greatly celebrated and praised.
A tournament was being held in honor for Princess Rhaenyra. A great event that the whole city could enjoy and watch. Houses all over had traveled great distances to honor and partake in this tourney. Along with those houses was House Stark.
“Are we there yet?” The girl whined inside the spacious, but not spacious enough carriage. Her mother clicked her tongue and stared out the window, praying to the gods that the walls of kings landing were to come into view soon.
“Please stop talking.” Cregan grumbled from the front of the cart, his nose stuck in a book and his patience growing thin. The tension was growing thick as he was about to jump across the room and shut his sister up.
Y/n rolled her eyes and snuggled up with the fur blanket she brought along with her. A whine from her foot caught her attention and she looked down at her direwolf Nora, and much like her owner she was growing sick of this ride.
Not even a few minutes later the Gods had answered Gilliane’s prayers because the walls of the city had finally come into view. She was glad she didn’t have to witness her children start a brawl in the past couple days, which was surprising, nearly a new record. Though she envied her husband who was ahead of the cart with his horse, riding in peace and quiet for the past couple days. She could strangle him if she could, that treacherous journey was enough to kick him off that horse on the way home and make him trade places.
Y/n felt her stomach drop once she saw those tall walls. Her face dropping and her fingers starting to fidget with the rings lined along her hand. She wasn’t nervous for the tournament
no no no..it was much more than that. Not that she would tell anyone, even though everyone knew. The young wolf was petrified of a certain Princess.
The strong alliance with the Targaryens had made them great family friends. Still Y/n never got used to seeing the silver haired girl, and just like the first time she felt butterflies in her stomach. Y/n and Rhaenyra had a strange relationship, despite their houses close bond.
Y/n’s way of flirting being a mix of cocky and sarcastic remarks, and Rhaenyra responding by rolling her eyes and calling the girl a thorn in her side along with many other light insults. Though she would never tell Y/n, the wolf held a special place in the dragons heart. Behind that wall of arrogance was a warm loving person and Rhaenyra loved to spend time with her even though they spent most of it bickering.
The wolf threw the blanket off of her and turned to the small chest beside her, picking off invisible dust and debris. Her brother quickly noticing her inability to stay still, in which he could only let out a light snicker. He made eye contact with his mother and gave her a short nod in the direction of Y/n. Lady Stark looked over at her daughter and caught onto what her son had noticed. She couldn’t help but smile, realizing that the girl was nervous about her gift for her friend.
“She’ll love it my sweet wolf.” She spoke, reaching out and resting her hand on her shoulder. Y/n reached up and gripped her hand, letting out a sigh and looking up at her mother.
“I-I just- what if
what if she thinks it’s stupid, She’s probably going to receive much better gifts” Y/n muttered insecurely, running her hands down her face. Her mother gave her a knowing look and moved to sit next to her daughter, throwing her hand over her shoulder and pulling her into her embrace.
“It’s true she’s receiving many gifts
” She started and her daughter huffed, turning to look away from her mother. Gilliane moved her daughter’s chin with her hand to regain her attention and continued. “But you know a meaningful gift from a special person is worth more than a thousand other gifts.”
Y/n gave her a small smile and rested her head on her mother’s shoulder. Cregan watched with a small grin on his face and wished that for his sisters sake, either Rhaenyra or Y/n would just finally confess so he could stop watching this pitiful back and forth game they were playing.
As they pulled up closer, Y/n looked out the window and saw tents lined up for yards and couldn’t help but feel excited. She hasn’t told her mother yet but she plans to partake in the tournament. Hopefully she wins so she doesn’t have to get an earful of rage from her mother from all the injuries she’s gained without a reward of triumph.
And finally the carriage has come to a stop, Cregan basically bursting through the doors for fresh air. Y/n trudged out, groans from the alleged back pain she had gained. Giving out her hand for her mother, the Starks had made their way out onto the field and scanned the area. Their men had started setting up their tents while the Handmaidens exited another cart.
“That wasn’t too bad of a ride, right my love?” Rickon spoke with a smile while looking towards his wife. Gilliane swear she felt her eye twitch as she just blinked at her husband. His smile dropping shortly after noticing his wife’s lack of response. “I
” The man started but was interrupted by his youngest yelling and making a scene due to her “aching” knees and sore back. She was dramatically limping around with a hand on her back, her handmaidens giggling at her antics. He looked back at his wife and couldn’t help but nod in understanding and gave her a tight lipped smile, walking away to help set up the tents.
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Many hours later, they had managed to set up camp and were now sitting around a table eating a bountiful dinner. Luckily for the Starks their daughter was an excellent hunter so they were able to feast on fresh and delicious meat.
“So Y/n are you ready for the tournament?” Her mother asked and she swear she felt her heart drop. She paused her eating and looked around the table, everyone holding in snickers. She dropped her bread on the table and painfully swallowed. “Don’t take me for a fool.” Gilliane laughed and her husband shook his head with a smirk.
“My beautiful mother, I can explain.” She begged, quickly taking a big gulp of her wine. “Don’t try to charm me Y/n Stark.” Her mother squinted, shaking her head softly with a growing smile. Cregan let his laugh slip and Y/n quickly pinched his thigh, making the boy jump up and slam his knee onto the table.
Letting out a hiss, Cregan quickly regained himself and pinched Y/n back but with more force.
“Ow! You bitch!” The girl yelped, starting a small fight as the two got up from their seats and were now tumbling on the ground.
Their mother and father watched with blank faces and a growing headache. The handmaidens and men who came along were giving them sympathy smiles, trying to hold back their laughter.
“Knock it off!” Rickon bellowed, slamming his fist on the table. The two kids quickly jumped up, dusting off their clothes and gulping in fear. The tent was silent for a quick second before Y/n moved her foot and slowly stepped onto Cregans foot, the fight starting back up.
“Lord save us.” Gilliane grumbled and dropped her head into her hands. Rickon standing up, attempting to try to pull his two little wolfs apart.
Fortunately for Gilliane, she was gifted with a family of hard headed individuals! Seeing that her husband got socked in the stomach by his children and
.has now joined in on the fight.
She quickly stood up, nearly knocking her chair over. The handmaidens and soldiers gulping and looking away from the scene.
Insults and the sound of shuffling filled the tent as she made her way over to the rest of her family. She gripped her husbands shirt and pulled him back, his face dropping when he realized that his wife was indeed not happy. Y/n and Cregan continued but not until they felt their ears being pulled and they began to cry out for their mother to let go.
“I’m sorry mother!”
“We’ll stop!”
Before she could scold her children, the tent door had draped open and everyone went silent at the sight of the visitor.
The helpers had immediately bowed muttering terms of honor for their Princess.
“My lady.” Gilliane had smiled, still not letting go of her two wild children. Y/n’s face paled and luckily for her, her mother finally had let go of her ear and she scrambled to give the lady a small bow.
“Princess.” She muttered, her face growing red at her longtime crush finding her in such positions. Still with dirt all over her face and her hair ruffled up, Rhaenyra couldn’t help but feel her heart skip a beat.
“Am I interrupting something?” She spoke with a raised brow, a small grin growing on her face. Y/n shook her head and dusted herself off. “Nothing too serious my Princess.” She grumbled, giving a death glare to her brother.
The Starks watched the interaction with knowing grins and somehow all made their way back to their seats. Y/n’s father even pulling an extra chair out for the Princess.
“Won’t you join us my lady, we would love to catch up.” Rickon spoke, his hand showing the new empty seat. Rhaenyra happily nodded, looking over at his daughter who was currently avoiding her stare out of embarrassment.
“I would love to, though it has to be a quick visit as I do have to get back to my chambers. Father’s request
” The Princess complained but still sat down next to Y/n.
For the rest of the night the Starks and The daughter of the King had enjoyed a nice, violent free conversation. Though the Starks knew Y/n was on her best behavior for the girl. The stark girl just happy as a clam to be visited by the Princess.
Authors note!
I proofread as much as I could before I got distracted so pls ignore if my grammar is bad😔
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mutlifandomloverblog · 9 days
rhaenyra suggesting something to y/n
rhaenyra, to y/n: darling, im in a mood for something
y/n: well, what are you in the mood for?
rhaenyra: world domination
y/n: world domination? tha– isn't that a bit exaggerated?
rhaenyra: no, i don't think so because you are my world
y/n: aww, nyra...you don't have to be so sweet
y/n: *processing what nyra said*
y/n: *red as tomato*
rhaenyra, watching y/n's face: mhm, there we go
y/n: OH
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mutlifandomloverblog · 9 days
My Sweet Girl~Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem! Velaryon! reader
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Keep reading
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mutlifandomloverblog · 9 days
It's like a fever, I'm burning alive
Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem!reader
Summary: You discover that Rhaenyra went to King's Landing and things don't go well.
Word Count: 1,3K
Warning: ANGST, mentions of war, mentions of deaths, mentions of betrayal, mentions of child deaths, power imbalance, brief sex, nipple sucking, lesbian sex.
note: this story is new and is also available on my AO3.
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You hurriedly walked through the halls, holding the skirt of your simple dress. Your heart was pounding harder and harder and your anxiety didn't lessen when you saw one of the doors to the Queen's chambers in Dragonstone. Giving a nod of complicity to the royal guard, you opened the heavy door and looked around restlessly, looking for any sign of silver hair, but in vain, the place was empty.
Placing your hands over your chest to try and calm the pounding of your heart, you began to pace from side to side, your vision becoming blurred by the tears that began to appear. This couldn't be happening, she couldn't have been so foolish to consider doing something like that.
She went to King's Landing. Accompanied only by a guard.
The information came from Elinda and you still couldn't believe what your Queen had done. She was not the type to take risks without any reason, she made wise and coherent decisions.
You waited for hours, sitting in a place on the floor where you could hardly be seen if the main door to the rooms opened, it got dark and you only realized it when you heard the sound of the door opening. You stood up abruptly to see who it was and sighed in relief when you saw that it was your beloved queen.
Bowing slightly and approached hesitantly, your eyes passing anxiously and desperately over her entire figure, looking for any injuries, the ones she received when Ser Arryk invaded her rooms in a cowardly attack were enough. She looked at you in a mixture of surprise and relief to see you there, as if your presence was a medicine. You frowned when you noticed the septa robes she was wearing.
"Did you really do what I was told you did?" you asked, the knot in your stomach growing with each word that left your mouth. "Did you go see that snake in King's Landing?"
"I needed to talk to Alicent about the latest events, clarify things." She walked across the large room and began taking off her clothes, throwing them on top of one of the dark wooden chairs.
"To clarify?" you asked, the situation sounding unbelievable to your ears. "And what is there to clarify? She took your throne to give to her son."
"Her grandson was murdered in his bed while he slept and she thought I had ordered such a transgression." She was left with just her thin cloth intimate dress, turned to you and held her hands in front of her, twirling her wedding ring nervously. "I couldn't be at peace if–"
"Peace?!" You widen your eyes slightly, in disbelief. "I was there, Rhaenyra, I saw the procession. She was sitting as she was paraded with the corpse of her grandson, do you know what one of the court members said? They called you cruel, a monster, a defiler of the innocent. There is no peace anymore."
She sighed and sat down on the dark lounge chair, turned her face toward the large fireplace and fell silent.
"Her other son murdered your son, Lucerys was a messenger, this is treason." you keep talking. "Don't you understand yet? It's only you who cares, she doesn't care. Aegon doesn't care."
"I made a promise to my father and I intend to keep it, I will not rule with unnecessary killings and deaths." she finally turned to face you again. "Both the Dowager Queen and I have lost loved ones in recent weeks. I thought we could come together in our grief."
You sighed to contain your rising anger. Rhaenyra was too complacent, the greens wouldn't stop until they had her head to govern without her interference and she still didn't see that.
"You could have been killed." you take a few steps and lean on the wooden back of one of the chairs.
"I was careful and took one of the guards with me, no one knew it was me." she kept her purple eyes sharp in your direction.
"You must think you're so smart, but you were just a fool." you found yourself saying. "A fool who clings to the past, a past with a person who was never your friend."
"It is not foolish to seek all ways to peace!" She raises her voice, a few veins poking out slightly on her neck. "Understand me, you know me as well as I know you, don't be gratuitously hostile."
"If you act like a fool then I'll treat you like one!" you raised your voice too, gripping the wood tightly. "The people of King's Landing believe you are a baby killer, they would dismember you if they knew you were there!"
"I'm still your queen, remember that." she spat.
You felt a violent knot in your stomach and took a few steps back, lowering your head, swallowing hard and clasping your hands humbly in front of your body.
"May I go now, Your Grace?" you asked, eyes fixed on the stone floor.
"No." she replied and got up from the lounger, walking in long strides towards you.
She stopped inches from touching your body completely and pulled your hands into hers, they were warm and welcoming, as always. Rhaenyra leans in and rubs the side of her face against yours, her aquiline nose caressing your cheek, you closed your eyes and leaned against her.
"Stand by my side, I have enough people disagreeing with me, all the time." she pulled back and looked at you closely. "I don't want to have arguments with you either."
You looked down at your joined hands, the symbol of your bond with Rhaenyra. You had been by her side for so many years, you didn't want your close relationship to be ruined. You were afraid of losing her in this horrendous war, the constant search for peace could kill her.
"I got scared." You admitted, eyes still fixed on your clasped hands. "I came running as soon as Elinda told me, I was hoping you hadn't done such a thing."
"If I make a decision in the future that is risky, I will have the decency to ask you what you think first." She said and you looked up, locking your eyes with hers.
"No need to do that, Your Grace." you caress her slender fingers. "Seek peace, if that is what torments you, but do not perish along the way."
She nodded slightly and kept her eyes fixed on your face, smiled slightly and tilted her face even closer to yours.
"I miss you so much, you haven't been here often." she says, voice turning velvety.
She didn't need to say anything else, you tilted your face up and pressed your lips against hers, your eager tongue invading your dragon queen's mouth in a hurry, you kissed your lover hungrily until she ran out of air, your desperate hands tracing the slim curves beneath the almost transparent nightgown. Your mouth didn't stop when you pulled away for air, you continued trailing kisses across her face, down to her neck.
You bit and kissed her milky skin neck, and continued moving down until you reached her favorite part, but she pulled away and you looked at her in confusion.
"Not standing, to bed." she said breathlessly and you hurriedly pulled her towards the bed, laid her down and leaned on your elbows on top of her.
Rhaenyra took the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders, exposing her breasts to you. She lay down completely and looked at you expectantly. You let out a soft moan as you saw your beloved queen expose herself to you.
You leaned forward and pulled her right breast into your mouth, then pinched her nipples with your lips, your tongue grazing against the sensitive, hard nipple. She couldn't help but whimper. She put her hands on the back of your head and pulled you into her chest.
You buried your face in her breasts, you could spend your whole life pleasuring your queen.
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mutlifandomloverblog · 10 days
Could I request something Rhaenyra x Stark!reader smut with them being feral codependent soulmates? I love that trope. They would totally be unhinged and in love wives together plus the fire and ice parallels 😭 Like after Laenor “dies”, Rhaenyra’s goes looking for a new spouse and runs into Stark!reader and it’s just love/obsession at first sight?
My queen is cruel | Rhaenyra Targaryen
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★Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem!Stark!reader
Summary: your family comes from Winterfell to the capital at the invitation of the Targaryen family. Princess Rhaenyra announced that she would choose a new spouse. Your brother was a contender from the House of Stark, but it seems to the princess that another contender from the rulers of the north is more interesting.
★Warnings: NSFW 18+, soulmates dynamic, mentions of blood and alcohol, innocent reader, virginity loss, oral, fingering
★Word count: 3.1k
★AN: omg my first House of the Dragon fic, I hope I translated some titles and names correctly. Thanks for the request, it took me so long to write this, but I love Rhaenyra so much 💕
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Rhaenys's bitter, heartbreaking cry is heard in the silence of the room. The woman looks at the burnt body that just a few minutes ago was her son. “Who allowed this?! Why wasn’t anyone around?!” Corlys embraces his wife in rage and grief. That day, sadness became the main companion of the grieving parents.
No one knows that on the shore, the one who is now considered dead is running towards the boat. Laenor Velaryon sails away to disappear forever from this life in which he was imprisoned. Rhaenyra gave him a chance at happiness and Laenor will not forget this.
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Rhaenyra Targaryen is officially recognized as a widow. It is expected that rumors about the death of the princess's husband began to spread like a plague, from servants to other servants, and those to their families, from there the plague was transmitted to all seven kingdoms. Some believed in the official story, others, like the grieving mother, blamed the Targaryen family for everything, they said that the princess ordered the murder, that she was tired of her husband. But for Rhaenyra it was enough to know that this was absurdity and slander.
“So what are you going to do next?” Daemon approached unnoticed. Rhaenyra didn’t look at him, her gaze was directed far out to sea. "I think I'm looking for a new spouse." Damon thought the hint was crystal clear. He thought that she still wanted him, wanted to finish what they started that night all those years ago. “Rhaenyra...” He was interrupted, “No uncle, leave it alone. Kiss me and let me go. If you do not...” A ringing silence hung between them. The phrase did not need to be continued; he already understood it.
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King's Landing was filled with lords, princes and princesses from all over Westeros. The royal family invited all the noble houses, announcing that the heir to the iron throne would thus choose a new life partner.
“I don’t understand why you took me with you.” Your carriage was approaching to the King's Landing. Your parents were, as always, calm and cool, as befits the Starks, the rulers of the north. Your younger brother looked around the windows excitedly, clearly excited about his first trip outside of Winterfell. “Your mother and I think that you also need to see the capital.” Your father, as always, spoke directly and to the point. You smiled bitterly. “Only we’re here to try to marry Rob to this pompous princess.” You didn’t hide your bias towards this whole thing, which was more like an auction. “Y/N just try to say something like that about the princess in public and you will disgrace the entire House of Starks.”
For the rest of the trip you rode in silence, only occasionally fiddling with the hilt of the sword hidden in a sheath under your heavy black coat. Perhaps you had a little curiosity about the princess. What does the one who will take the iron throne look like, against whom there was so much outrage just because she was a woman. You thought that she must be strong and stubborn just like her ancestors. The same as the previously lived Visenya about whom you once read.
The carriage stopped.
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“Do I have to wear this? How will I take my sword with me?” Your mother stood in the chambers that had kindly been allocated to you and watched as a maid helped you lace up a black dress with antique long sleeves. “You don't need the sword today, honey. This is a royal ball and you are not a knight in service." You looked in the mirror, and even though dresses weren't something you wore often, it didn't look bad at all for your taste. Still, the velvet in tandem with the large fur coat that you took from Winterfell looked harmonious.
“But what if something goes wrong and I’m left without a weapon?” You insisted. After so many years of training, the sword became an extension of you, and going out without it was akin to death. "The Royal Guard will protect us all." Your mother tried to be gentle and calm your worries. The woman came up behind you and put her hands on your shoulders. “For just one evening, be a princess and not a rude warrior. For me." You covered her hands. "Okay, just for you."
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All arriving guests entered the huge hall in turn, after which they were seated at long tables, which were bursting with an abundance of dishes kindly offered by the royal family. “The Starks of Winterfell,” the man shouted and your family entered the hall. You followed your parents straight to the table in the center, at which the Targaryen couple was already sitting with the king and that famous Princess Rhaenyra at their head. Finally, you were close enough that you could see a woman with dazzling white hair and sharp purple eyes. Your breath caught somewhere in the depths and you couldn’t look away. It seems at this moment the ice and skepticism inside you broke, burst into a thousand pieces. You had to lower your head according to the rules of etiquette, but you couldn’t tear yourself away from contemplation. And when she finally looked at you, when your eyes met, you realized that you had problems. “Your Grace, this is our son Rob and eldest daughter Y/N.” Your father, as the head of the family, introduced his children and added, “I hope that Rob can claim the place of your husband Princess Rhaenyra.”
At these words, you remembered why you were here and a little jealousy pricked somewhere in your chest. You were almost jealous of your brother. But who are you to be jealous, because you just met. This is all becoming too strange, but so tempting. You sat down and the evening began.
Wines of different varieties continually filled the glasses of rich gentlemen, everyone laughed, joked and discussed who the heiress would choose as her husband. The Lannisters were sitting next to you and you could hear snatches of greasy jokes about how their eldest son could have Rhaenyra in all poses. Anger boiled inside you, how could this bastard say such things about this woman. “And they also say that her sons are bastards, and she is a whore.” The loud laughter of the Lannisters infuriated you even more. “Then your house is no better for having sworn allegiance to a whore.” You thought you said it quietly, but they apparently heard you.
“I didn’t hear what the pup from Winterfell was barking just now?” Everyone who was at your table fell silent and the whole room also paid attention to this. “I said what I meant.” The man was already deeply drunk and clearly in the mood for a fight. He stood up and you stood up next, you were the same height. “If you are so brave, then say out loud what you think of the princess.” Rhaenyra's purple eyes watched your quarrel carefully, it would be a lie to say that she did not look at you all evening, knowing that all the men in this room would be denied. She definitely liked your spark and wanted to see what happened next.
“I said that her sons are bastards, and she is a whore.” The man said the last word slowly, syllable by syllable, everyone present was in suspense. King Viserys took out his favorite blade. "I'll cut out your filthy tongue." As soon as he finished the phrase, a knife, prudently hidden under a fur coat, appeared in your hand and pinned Lannister’s palm to the table. He tried to get it. “There are a lot of vital veins in this part of the arm; if you try to pull it out, you will bleed to death.” The white cloaks immediately drew their swords and stood ready. Rhaenyra's entire being was hypnotized in delight by your actions and words, at that moment she chose her spouse. The entire Lannister family stood up and was ready to tear you apart.
"Get them out." For the first time that evening, Rhaenyra's voice broke the silence of the event. The bastard's face lit up with a smile. “My princess, thank you...” But before he could finish speaking, the guards twisted his hands, pulling the knife out of his palm, causing the man to let out a bitter scream. The entire Lannister family was disgracedly eliminated from the feast; there was silence for several more minutes, only whispers were heard from different sides.
"What are you doing." Your father pulled you by the arm, urging you to sit down, and glared at you with eyes full of rage. “Your mother asked you not to take weapons with you.” “She asked not to take the sword, dear father.” Rhaenyra stood up. “Today, to our great regret, unpleasant and unacceptable events occurred for the royal court.” She paused, her gaze returning to you and a smile gracing her lips. “But let’s not let these events overshadow our holiday, let’s raise our glasses and have a feast.” The crowd cheered and raised their glasses as they praised Princess Rhaenyra's wisdom and resilience. The celebration continued until late at night, you drank several glasses of wine after the incident and by the end you were decently drunk.
All evening you kept looking at Rhaenyra, your head was filled with thoughts about how beautiful and wise she is, about how wrong you were, how you regret that you didn’t want to go to the capital. But then these euphoric thoughts were darkened by the fact of her imminent marriage to one of the men of these noble houses and perhaps even to your brother.
You headed to your chambers, every now and then passing by local servants. Your legs dragged you heavily, your mind only thought about taking a warm bath and washing away inappropriate thoughts about the heiress. The heavy door opened with a slight creak, letting you into the semi-darkness of the room. You thought that you asked the servants to extinguish all the candles, but for some reason they were burning. Your gaze caught on an unfamiliar figure standing with his back to you, and the knife that had recently been in the Lannister’s bastard was again in your hand, waiting to defend yourself from intruders.
"You're a little warrior aren't you?" A velvety voice broke the silence and the stranger turned to face you. You immediately lowered the knife. “Your Grace, forgive me, I didn’t know it was you.” You immediately bent your knee in front of her. You were absolutely at a loss and the whole situation was a little confusing, why was the princess, the heir to the throne, waiting for you in your chambers in the middle of the night? “No need for formalities, please stand up.”
She walked through your chambers looking at some of your personal belongings until she found the sword. “Oh, this is your main weapon, as I understand it, you don’t to swing a knife every time of course ...” she bent down to take a closer look at the sparkling silver blade. “Such a beautiful thing, to match the owner.” Her compliment made your already red cheeks flush. “Did you want to talk about what happened, Your Grace?” you desperately wanted to change the topic.
“Did your mother ever tell you the legend of soulmates?” You were dumbfounded by her question. “Your Grace, I don’t quite understand...” She continued to walk around the room. “Don’t they really tell such stories in the north?” Her tone sounded fakely upset. “They say I know one.” “Then tell me too.”
You didn’t understand anything, Rhaenyra Targaryen came to you at night to listen to fairy tales for children? Perhaps something was put in the wine and now you were hallucinating, but it seemed like everything looked real. The woman lit the fireplace and, unbecoming for a future queen, sat down on the soft fur in front of the fire. She looked up at you, inviting you to sit next to her, you obeyed. The crackling of logs, the heat of the fire and the soft floral perfume of Rhaenyra lulled to sleep.
“My mother... told me when I was a child that there was a belief...” you cleaned the throat. “That every person has their own soulmate, but not everyone is able to find it, it’s like a person who was created by the seven gods just for you.” Rhaenyra began to unravel her tight braid; her head began to hurt unpleasantly from her hairstyle. You watched out of the corner of your eye as her snow-white strands gradually fell onto her shoulders. “And how do you understand who exactly your person is?” She encouraged you to continue. “I don’t remember exactly, but they said that when you see him or her, you will immediately understand, just the first glance or the first meeting and
boom.” "Boom?" She asked again, not quite understanding your strange wording. "Yes." You were looking at the burning logs when Rhaenyra's hand covered yours. She has already unbraided her hair. “Do you want to brush them?” Something strange was clearly happening. But who are you to refuse, you nodded and took the wooden comb brought from Winterfell from the nightstand. Hands carefully took strands of silver hair and combed them, as if they would break from the wrong movement.
“Do you believe in this legends?” You thought for a second. “I’m not sure, or rather I didn’t believe it before, but now these fairy tales don’t seem so stupid to me.” You put comb down, combing all hair perfectly. “I don’t understand why these questions are asked, Your Grace.” Your head was a complete mess due to the mixture of alcohol and adrenaline caused by the woman next to you. “Please call me Rhaenyra.” She turned to face you. “You understand everything, little warrior, don’t lie to me.” The woman moved closer and closer until she placed one hand on your shoulder. "Your Grace...Rhaenira." She leaned in so close that her lips were almost touching yours. "I want you." You looked into bright purple eyes, which shone yellow in the firelight. “Tell me the wolf of Winterfell, do you want me?” Her perfume smelled so delicious, her soft skin, white as her hair, that the dress did not hide, begged to be touched, “I...yes please, I want you.”
Rhaenyra's lips touched yours, sharing the sweetness of the recently drunk wine. One of the woman's hands grabbed the collar of your velvet dress and began to pull it down your shoulders to free your soft breasts. She carefully laid you on your back, on the soft fur, holding the back of your head. Her lips moved to her neck, then to her shoulder and then wrapped around her pink nipple. The action caused you to place your hand on her head, stroking her silver hair. The princess's hands lifted the skirt of the dress to the waist and stroked the skin of your soft thighs. "Cute little thing." She giggled and touched your lips again. The kiss was untidy, but full of tenderness and desire. Rhaenyra relieved you of underwear, her fingers slipped inside without a barrier, you were completely wet, just for her, but then she remembered. “Is this your first time?” She stopped any action, waiting in horror for an answer. "Yes, my grace." Rhaenyra buried her nose in the crook of your neck and began to kiss you, whispering, “I’m sorry, I should have asked earlier.” Your hand rested on hers that was still between your legs. “Please continue, I want this more than anything.”
And she continued, gently pounding and curling her fingers to hit that sensitive spot inside that made you see stars and whine like a pup. "Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra, oh please my grace." Your hand touched the sensitive bud for additional stimulation. “Oh fuck, fuck...I'm gonna...” “Cum for me, cum for your queen.” Her movements became faster and clearer until you came, squeezing around her long fingers, biting your hand so as not to scream from the new sensations that she was giving you. She pulled out and showed you her hand, which sparkled in the firelight from your release, and then licked every last drop, causing your eyes to darken.
When you came to your senses, you stood up, only to strip completely and push Rhaenyra towards the bed, urging you to sit on it. "Please let me return the favor." You knelt in front of her, lifting the skirt of her dress up to expose her stockinged legs. Your lips kissed every centimeter of skin, no one worshiped it like you. When your mouth reaches her pussy, you notice that her arousal has left a wet mark on the bed linen. The tongue draws a line along the entire length, collecting her arousal, and the woman moans, lowering her hand to stroke your cheek. “My little savior, tell me, would you have killed him if I had not intervened?” You kiss her palm. "Yes my grace." And you hug her sensitive bud with your lips, simultaneously pushing three fingers inside, immediately picking up a fast pace. "Oh Gods!" She moans and screams without being embarrassed to be heard, the way you stretch her drives the woman crazy. “Fuck, that’s it!” and “Yeah right there, that’s my good girl.” You fuck her, trying to please your queen as best as possible and feel how she clench around your fingers. “Fuck fuck Y/N!” She cums, for a long time, and you fuck her through orgasm until she whines from overstimulation, asking her to stop.
You move onto the bed and lie on top of her again, kissing her. “I didn’t believe in soulmates until I saw you.” She hugs you, covering your naked body. You lie there, again inhaling the aroma of her perfume and not believing in the reality of what happened. “I would like to believe that it’s true,” she replies and you think.
“Have you already chosen someone to be your spouse?” You say this quietly, in a whisper. It was at this moment that you remembered why your family came here in the first place and how you may have acted meanly towards your brother. She laughs and you don't understand. "Yes, I chose you."
You lift your head sharply, looking into those purple eyes to see if she's deceiving you. “But...what if people are against it, what will you do?”
She thought about it, she knew that there would be dissatisfied people. “Then I will personally give Syrax the command to burn to the ground anyone who questions my choice.”
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mutlifandomloverblog · 11 days
You’ve Changed
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Summary: You’ve been hiding out for ages, living your own life now that you’ve chosen to be a solo-act agent. When someone from your past happens to appear at your door--this time with something on her mind--how will you react? Natasha Romanoff x Reader WC: 1,497 Warnings: None
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“You’ve changed so much since the last time I saw you.” A voice fills the kitchen, leaving you startled as you turn to face the redhead standing in the open door frame. Her green eyes trail up and down your entirety for a moment as she takes in your appearance. You know you look quite different from the last time she saw you, over a year having passed since you left the compound.
“How’d you find me?” You ask with a slight coldness, turning back to the sink to finish putting stray dishes away. In reality, you don’t care how she found her way here, but a part of you is curious why Natasha’s standing in your apartment thousands of miles away from her own home.
“I told you I’d always keep an eye on you.” Natasha answers, stepping into the kitchen to eye all the things you have sprawled on the dining table. You peek over your shoulder to see her thumbing through the various papers. Maps, charts, diagrams, and clues sit covering at least half of the table, your next project in full fruition.
“Something caught your eye?” You question, crossing your arms as you lean against the counter. She’s certainly making herself at home. You don’t feel obligated to explain your use of all these documents, but something has her intrigued by them.
“Actually, that’s why I’m here. It seems we need your help with a mission, and you’re already two steps ahead.” She tells you, finally looking up to wait for a response. You say nothing at first, eyebrows raising for just a second as you feel a sense of surprise wash over you. It’s no secret that you left the compound to be on your own, when you felt like it was the best option for everyone since you don’t work well on a team.
What everyone doesn’t know is that you’ve continued your work as an agent, employed by whoever needs their dirty work done across the globe. You aren’t going to deny your capabilities as a top agent, you just couldn’t stay at the compound where you felt like a distraction more than a hero. Unfortunately your temper would get in the way more often than not, the constant bickering between you and your teammates jeopardizing missions.
“You came all this way just to see what information I have on a little mission?” You huff, leaning over the table to gather the documents. You stack them neatly and place them out of sight on a nearby bookshelf. You’ve been researching a specific target for months now, why would you share all your collected evidence this far along?
“We don’t just want the intel you have on this mission, we want you to join it.” She says plainly, her eyes refusing to leave you. You sigh, rubbing your forehead with your hand in contemplation. The last thing you expected was Natasha asking for help, let alone her showing up on your doorstep.
“After all this time, I never thought I’d see you crawling back for my help.” You admit, giving her a small smirk. She returns it, shrugging slightly as she speaks. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to offer your hand for this mission, you already have so much intel on it and could be of use. But what would that mean for you and Nat working together again?
“Life has a funny way of bringing people back together, doesn’t it?” Natasha expresses, earning a chuckle from you. You shake your head in disbelief, taking in the redhead standing in the room that was empty just a moment ago.
“When do we start?”
You show Natasha around the hideaway apartment you’ve rented for just over a year now since leaving New York. It stands in the center of Austria, hidden from any enemy eyes that could possibly be spying on a young agent. It was supposed to be hidden from the eyes of everyone, but it seems the Avengers once again proved their ability to locate anything and anyone.
“Is that blood?” Natasha asks, motioning to a worn floorboard with a mysterious stain.
“No?” You answer with hesitance, quick to move on to the next part of the apartment. It seems too soon to explain your continuation in crime fighting after moving to Austria. You know Natasha wouldn’t approve of your lifestyle, let alone the Avengers. They were always so protective over you, yet another reason why you needed to leave.
She doesn’t say anything, stepping cautiously over the floorboard as you move into the living room and conclude the tour.
Natasha informed you of the plan; tomorrow, you move to a safe house off the border of Romania where you’ll infiltrate a HYDRA base just a few miles out. You’re surprised at the trust held in your ability to infiltrate an enemy base, considering Natasha thinks the last time you engaged in any form of combat was at the compound.
While you both wait for the sun to set and the night to turn into morning, the two of you sit in the living room, silence echoing as the unfamiliarity of each other fills the room. You don’t know if Natasha feels betrayed, hurt, or even scared from your disappearance. You know how much she cares about you, or how much she used to anyway. Is there any bit of that caring nature left? Or was it demolished when you ran away from the one place you thought of as home?
“You promised you’d be safe when you left.” Natasha suddenly spoke, breaking the silent tension strung between you. Your head pops up, eyes moving from the window to her. What is she implying? What does she know?
“You promised you’d let me make my own decisions.” You remark, your gaze finding the window again. You aren’t going to give her the satisfaction of eye contact if she’s going to play this game.
“I don’t want you running around the world, fighting dangerous people you can’t handle on your own.” She jabs, her knowledge of your life here revealing itself. She knows you’re still an agent. Your eyes narrow, turning to face her completely. Your heart rate increases, unaware that she’d still think you aren’t capable of this lifestyle.
“I can fend for myself, thanks. If you have such a big problem with me making a living, you can leave. Figure out the mission yourself.” You stand up in a rush, preparing to get some space from the woman you barely recognize. It seems she doesn’t even recognize you either, unwilling to accept your true state as an adult now.
You freeze at the words that fall from her lips next. “You’re not the person I thought you were.” She says softly. Is that supposed to be some sort of apology?
“That’s what happens when people grow up. They change. They find aspirations, goals. They live their lives.” You voice, slowly turning back to face her. You feel the silence creep over the room as she pauses a moment to think.
“What I mean is, you’re more mature. You’ve grown, in more ways than one.” She laughs. “I wanted you to join me on this mission because I know you can handle it. I thought I was doing the right thing, coming here after all that time even though you wanted space, but
” Natasha trailed off, thinking over her decision asking you to join her. She was beginning to regret bothering you, and slowly understood you are an adult now who can decide things for yourself. You’re not the young, reckless teenager you used to be.
At the end of the day, regardless if you’re at the compound or moved out, living your own life, Natasha is like an older sister. She was there when you were rescued from HYDRA, she was there when you were a scared little girl. She was there when you decided you wanted change, when you didn’t want to be a superhero like the rest of them.
But today, she’s here. Although unsure if the girl before her is still the same exact young shadow that once roamed the halls of the compound following closely in her stead, or if she’s truly an adult that doesn’t need anyone anymore. You don’t know how much of either is true.
” You finally responded, turning to face her. “You’re the only one who knows me, the real me. Maybe even better than I do. I never thought I’d admit that, but it’s true. I wasn’t expecting you to show up here, but a part of me is glad you did. I missed you.” You admit, offering a small heartfelt smile. She easily returns it, her hand finding yours to hold.
That’s when Natasha takes a deep breath, and it’s easy to see the gears turning in her mind. “So, about that mission
You laugh, finally nodding in agreement. “Let’s do it. Together, just like old times.”
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mutlifandomloverblog · 11 days
By your side
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Summary: Who knew that a nightmares could lead to a night of cuddles?
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
WC: 2,473
A/N: I wrote this when I was high off my ass😭
Natasha found herself to be incredibly independent and she maintained her routine well. But she noticed that ever since the day you got settled in the compound, she grew more and more distracted. And apparently she wasn’t the only one who took notice.
She couldn’t help it, every time you passed by her, she always felt her heart rate increase as a sudden warmth encases her body. She always wondered what it was she felt about you, it was hard to distinguish.
Natasha hated that you had that effect on her, she didn’t know what was going on, she never felt this way before. She hated the fact that her heart yearned for you when you got sent on missions, and she hated she would do anything to have your smile directed towards her.
It took Natasha weeks to finally distinguish the feeling as love, but the denial built up. Love was for children, so why was this feeling so overbearing? The butterflies that fluttered in her stomach whenever she heard your laugh across the room, she’d always wish it was because of her.
It was a late night in the compound, the soft moonlight shining through the windows. Natasha was perched on one of the kitchen stools, her head rested in between her hands while she was deep in thought. 
She was a night owl, it wasn’t something she always liked but it brought her some peace. The nightmares she had were practically burned into her eyelids every time she closed her eyes. 
That was definitely the not peaceful part of being a night owl, but other than that, she loved staring out into the night. It brought her a sense of comfort as the sounds of the city echoed in her ears, the lights of buildings far too bright but still beautiful.
But this wasn’t one of those nights, Natasha didn’t know what changed. It was another terrible experience that the red room had brought her, other than being on the table for her graduation ceremony. 
The graduation ceremony was an experience that Natasha prepared herself to talk about, knowing well enough that it had to be brung up soon. And it did, with Bruce.
But this memory, it was just inexplicable. She felt like the words were just getting stuck in her throat before they even came close to being vocalized. Not that she couldn’t explain it, but she couldn’t express it. 
Sighing, Natasha dropped one of her hands onto the cold countertop, her warm skin screaming in relief once it came in contact with it. Her finger tips tracing the marble lines with a soft touch. 
The half glass of water beside Natasha was completely forgotten as she was practically drowning in her head. Her mind slowly drifted to you, was she ever going to confess to you?
Hell, would you even want to start something with somebody like her? She was closed off with many barriers, and yet you managed to break them all down without even realizing it. You quickly grew her trust possibly ten times faster than Clint, and he was the first one she ever opened up to!
Natasha loved how you were just so kind, you were like a puppy who just got adopted. You always blew her breath away whenever you’d be the first to greet her, or when you’d silently hand her a plate of food whenever you cooked for yourself.
She wondered if that was all casual, it was just you being friendly, right? There was no way you reciprocated those feelings, you were nice to everybody, you just didn’t to leave her out? Natasha honestly prayed for that to not be the case.
She sighed once more as her other hand fell from her cheek, her head slumping slightly as a wave of exhaustion flew through her. She desperately needed sleep, but she couldn’t bare the thought of another nightmare, especially when the images were still deeply engraved in her head.
Natasha’s throat felt dry and scratchy as it felt like she had been munching on saltine crackers. Her eyes slowly drifted towards the glass of water before she reached out to it. As she was drinking the remains of the liquid, the sound of the floorboards creaking with light footsteps echoed the hall, making her ears perk up. Who else would be up at this ungodly hour?
Her eyes narrowed, trying to make out the dark figure that was approaching the area where she sat. The darkness making it especially harder for her when the only source of light was the slight glow of moonlight shining through one of the many windows. 
Natasha quietly set down the now empty glass on the counter, her mind screaming at her to stand up or do something. But her body didn’t make a move to stand up. Her eyes were trained towards the hallway as she waited for the figure to finally step into the soft glow of the night.
It was you. Every fibre of her being froze as her breath hitched, the sight of you as the moonlight kissed your face, enhancing your features. 
She quickly averted her gaze and looked down at her fingers which were still tracing the streaks of grey that splayed across the counter. 
Natasha came to the assumption that you hadn’t caught sight of her yet, as she listened to your footsteps trail past her to the cabinets that held all the glass cups. Soon enough, she heard the ringing of glass cups and water being poured into it.
Her verdant eyes slowly lifted from her fingers, before placing her sights on you. Slowly traveling up your figure from behind, huffing a quiet laugh at your choice of pajamas. 
As she was still gazing at you, Natasha slightly shifted in her seat. The quiet noise catching your attention, as your head shot up from your full glass of water before your lips even touched the rim. 
Natasha’s eyes widened a fraction before she instantly eased up. She watched as your eyes flicker around the area around you both, before they landed on her, and she swears she saw them soften at the sight of her.
“Nat?” Your voice hushed into a gentle whisper, afraid that if you spoke any louder that you would alarm her. “What’re you doing awake?”
“I could say the same about you.” She dodged, her head tilting to the left as her tone held a playful manner. 
“I was just honestly craving for some cold water. But what about you, Nat? You look really
” You paused as you pursed your lips in thought, afraid of offending the Russian woman sat in front of you.
“Exhausted. Especially when I clearly see that the glass in front of you is dry, water is long gone. How long have you been up?”
Your tone voices out your concern as your feet absentmindedly leads you to sit in the stool next to Natasha, your knees brushing together as you could feel the heat radiating off of her.
“Not long.” The words flying out of her mouth almost immediately. The action making you furrow your eyebrows as you turn your head to peer at her side profile. 
She was gorgeous, even in the dead of night, hell it made her stand out even more. The moonlight blending in with her scarlet hair, making it into a more beautiful hue. Her cute button nose and her raised cheekbones kissed under the moon.
“Mmm.. You know you could talk to me right, Nat?” 
The nickname made Natasha’s heart leap, it sounded so good when you said it, she yearned to hear more of it. Processing your words, she let out a soft sigh, her gaze floating away from her pale skin as she stared ahead of her.
“Yeah. Its just..” She drifted off, a blank look on her face as she stared into nothing. Your face contorted in concern on the other hand, your hand hovering over her shoulder before placing it, thumb rubbing tiny circles.
Natasha let out a breath, whatever it was that she was thinking about, you knew it was definitely personal. “You don’t have to talk about it right now, Nat.”
You had an idea what it could be about though, especially with the distant look you could recognize anywhere in her jade eyes. A nightmare, or at least that’s what you assume it is. 
There was a few minutes of comforting silence between the two of you, all you could hear was Natasha’s slightly labored breaths and the sound of your own heart beating in your ears.
“I have nightmares too,” Natashas head snapped towards your direction, her eyes still holding the blank look but a hint of curiosity. She wondered where you were going with this. “I never overcame them. There’s some days where they just packed a harder punch, and other days they just seem to quiet down. But they never left.”
Natasha stayed quiet, soaking in your words as she tries to understand the point you’re trying to make.
“I know you have them too, and I don’t want to push it with you and make you tell me what’s going on. That would just make me feel like a jerk.” 
The hand on Natasha’s shoulder felt heavier, she didn’t know if it was you or because she had just realized how comforting your touch was.
“I just want to let you know that you could always come to me. Even if it would be in the dead of night or not, my room will always be open to you. I deeply care about you, Nat.” 
Tears slowly welled up in Natasha’s eyes as her gaze met yours, her eyes glittering with tears making the green in her eyes pop. 
You take the chance and examine her features once more, the tip of her nose starting to flush a subtle pink along with her cheeks. 
The both of you bask in the silence once more, her eyes moving past yours to stare at your necklace, feeling overwhelmed by your gaze. You understood her, probably too much, it was always hard having to get over a nightmare you had moments prior.
You waited a few moments more before slowly reaching your hand away from her shoulder to her other one, pulling her into a soft embrace. 
Your arms gently encasing her firmly, but not firm enough to where she feels suffocated. Feeling her shoulders slump and her breathing starting to even out, you rest your head above hers, feeling her breath hit the skin of your neck. 
One of your hands reached up towards her hair, combing through her red locks, from her scalp to her ends. You stayed like this until you feel Natasha’s body slump into yours with dead weight. 
Sneaking a glance at her face, you finally noticed she was asleep. She looked so graceful when she slept, as if she never had any worries to begin with. You wondered if you’d ever get the opportunity to ask her out. Taking a deep breath, you reached under her, before lifting her up bridal style, taking her back to her room.
You were exhausted, every limb of your body was screaming for you to just jump into your bed. You and Tony managed to save the mission before it failed, but tons of HYDRA agents jumped the both of you in return.
Finally stripped of your bloody suit, you limped your way to your bed. With each step you took, the drowsiness started becoming more overwhelming. 
You fought to keep your eyes open as you draped the comforter over yourself, your body immediately relaxing from its tensed state as you laid sprawled out on your back.
It didn’t take long for your eyes to slowly shut and your breathing eventually evening out. Before you knew it, you were asleep. 
But there was still a part of you that was conscious, even through all the exhaustion. You soon heard your door creak open and close with a small sound of the handle spinning back into place.
Quiet footsteps made their way towards your bed before it all went silent. You felt a shiver run through you as you felt eyes on you. Unbeknownst to you, those pair of eyes belonged to the specific Russian whom you gave permission to your room.  
Natasha hesitated, she was stood at the foot of your bed. It had been a week since you gave her that offer. Every day since then, her nightmares had gotten progressively worse. She had thought about going to you sooner but then would back out, afraid to be a bother.
Tonights nightmare wasn’t any different from the rest, but she managed to wake herself up before the worst came. Now here she was, next to your bed as she watched the soft rise and fall of your chest while you lay sprawled out like a starfish. 
Natasha clenched her jaw, still deep in thought. Should she really take up your offer? She could always go to the training room and let it all out there. 
She sighed, rubbing a palm over her face as her eyes start to flutter. She was too deep in thought that she hadn’t noticed how tired she really was.
Letting out another heavy sigh, Natasha took a step forward and sat on the edge of your bed, scared you’d wake up if she’d put anymore weight. 
But that thought flew out of her mind almost immediately once she felt a yawn crawling its way up her throat. Natasha gently grabbed the covers that you were buried beneath and curled up next to you.
As if sensing her presence, your arm found its way under her neck and around her back, resting on the curve of her waist and effectively pulling her closer to the warmth of your body.
Natasha’s eyes shoot open as they instantly land on you, wondering if you’d been awake the whole time. But the steady fall of your chest and the quiet snores coming from you seem to answer her question as she lays her head down on your chest.
The comforting sound of your heartbeat and breaths lulled Natasha as her eyes fluttered, but yet she still fought to stay awake, wanting to bask in the moment before she has to face you in the morning. 
Natasha shifted impossibly closer to you as her arm reached over your waist and her leg intertwined with yours. She was practically bathing in the warmth that your body gave off, as her nose nuzzled into the juncture of your neck. 
To her, it was honestly a dream to even be this close or intimate with you, especially with her infatuation. Soon enough, she was drifting off into a peaceful slumber, by your side. 
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mutlifandomloverblog · 12 days
The Doctor's In
Summary: Billy Maximoff sustains an injury and Wanda comes to you, her neighbour who happens to be an ER doctor.
Wanda Maximoff x F!R
For @esposadejoyhuerta - hope this week is better to us <3
That’s all you are. You don’t even know how you manage to get home, dragging your feet through the door and dropping your bag next to the couch.
Sleep or eat?
You look between the kitchen and sofa, and the view of the cushions and the blanket you left there is far more attractive than the prospect of food.
Sleep it is.
Dropping face first on the couch, you sigh, excited at the idea of sleeping for the next few hours, until your next shift at the hospital.
You close your eyes, and don’t know how long you’ve been asleep until a desperate knock wakes you.
“Who is it?” you say, scared by the sudden noise.
“It’s Wanda”
You relax instanty, sighing with relief. Though you don’t speak regularly to your neighbours, Wanda is by far the nicest.
“Is everything ok?” as soon as you open the door, you can see her disheveled state and the fear in her eyes. “Wanda, what’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry, Billy had a little accident in the stairs and he’s in pain, I didn’t know what to do and remembered you’re a doctor”
“Come on” you let her lead the way, opening the door. As soon as you enter you can hear Billy’s cries and Tommy by his side. The boy is sitting at the bottom of the stairs, holding his right arm.
“Hey, Billy. Wanna tell me what happened?”
“It hurts” is all he manages to say.
“May I examine you? You can tell me if it hurts a lot or only a little, yes?”
The boy nods, trying to calm down as you inspect his arm. At a certain movement, he flinches, and you sigh, turning to Wanda.
“He needs an X-Ray”
“Ok, I’ll take him now”
“Why don’t I drive you?” you say, thinking it might be dangerous for Wanda to get behind the wheel when she’s in so much distress. The woman nods, and you help Billy up, making sure he doesn’t move his arm.
Wanda sits with both boys in the back of your car, her hands going through Billy’s hair to calm him down.
“Sorry about the mess” you say, looking at all the junk you had in your car.
“It’s alright” she says, looking a bit more relaxed. “I’m sorry for making you drive us, you must be exhausted”
“I don’t mind at all”
You look through the rearview mirror, Wanda smiling softly and you return the gesture, feeling a bit flustered.
“I thought I told you to go home” Chief Fury says as soon as you walk through the ER.
 my neighbour’s kid got into an accident so”
“Alright, then” his threatening glare softens as soon as his eyes land on the woman walking behind you and her two kids, Billy in a wheelchair.
“He needs an X-Ray, I didn’t see signs of a concussion or any other injuries”
“Admit him, get vitals and go to imaging. Ma’am, you can wait here while Dr. Y/L/N checks on your son”
“Can’t I go with him?”
“I’m afraid not”
“It’s alright, I won’t leave him alone” you squeeze her hand, pushing Billy to the X-ray room.
Luckily it’s empty when you walk in, the technician setting everything up quickly.
“I thought your shift ended” Darcy says and you shrug your shoulders.
“Shit happens”
Billy laughs and your eyes widen, forgetting you were around a child.
“Uh, maybe don’t tell your mom I said that, kid?”
“Hey, don’t do it for free. Get something in return for your silence” Darcy intervenes and you want to smack her. But Billy keeps on laughing as you argue with your friend, and it’s nice to see him smiling after being in so much pain.
Darcy whistles as soon as you look at the image of Billy’s fracture.
“Clean split”
“Yeah, he got lucky”
You figure it’s better to ask for an Ortho resident to help with the cast. Darcy keeps Billy company while you go talk to Wanda.
“Hey” you sit next to her, offering a cup of coffee you brought from the machine.
“How is he?” Wanda asks, looking at Tommy, who is sound asleep in the chair next to hers. You motion for her to stand up to talk without waking him up.
“Billy broke his arm but won’t need surgery. Just a cast for a few weeks and then we can remove it”
“I’m such an idiot” she curses and you’re taken aback by her outburst. As a trauma surgeon, you had seen your fair share of ugly situations, so a cast was one of the best outcomes all things considered.
“I shouldn’t have let them play, but it was late and I figured they just needed to run a bit more before they got tired” she goes on, hand running through her hair. You can see the tears pooling in her eyes.
“Hey, hey, stop” you place your hands in her arms, waiting until she looks at you. “Blaming yourself is not helping at all. Listen, kids get hurt playing, it’s practically a rite of passage. And I know it sucks and it’s scary but Billy is fine and I’m always around for anything, ok?”
“Ok” she nods and without thinking, you pull her closer, hugging her. Wanda rests her head on your shoulder, her scent pleasant and calming. You rub circles down her back and she relaxes.
“Thank you” she says, her hands still on your waist. You can’t help but notice how beautiful she looks, even in her disheveled state and your eyes travel to her lips.
“Dr. Y/L/N?” a resident approaches you, clearly hesitant to interrupt.
“Yeah” it takes you a second too long to look away, making Wanda blush.
“Billy is all set up” she informs you. “If Miss Maximoff filled out all the forms he’s good to go”
“Yeah, I did” the woman nods next to you, picking up her things and waking Tommy up. The resident leads you to a room where Billy is waiting for his mother. Tommy runs up to him and admires his cast, looking at the material in his brother’s arm.
“Here” you say, adjusting an armsling for him to rest. Signing his discharge and picking up some pain meds, you lead the Maximoffs out of the hospital.
By the time you park in your driveway it’s 2 AM and you have to be at the hospital in less than 12 hours.
“Come on sweetheart” Wanda tries to wake Billy, but you stand next to her and offer to carry him all the way to his room.
You’ve known Wanda for almost two years now but had never gone inside her house. As you carry the boy upstairs, you notice all the family pictures and drawings that the twins made.
“Sleep tight, little man” you say, moving aside so Wanda can remove his shoes and tuck him in. “Let me know if you need anything, ok? I’ll be home until noon”
“Oh, actually, can you wait a second for me? I’m sorry, it won’t be long”
“Sure” you nod, going down to the living room.
You don’t know if it’s the exhaustion or Wanda has an incredibly comfortable couch, but as soon as you sit there, you relax and drift off.
By the time Wanda tucks in both boys and comes downstairs, you’re fast asleep. The woman smiles, your features soft as you catch up on much needed sleep. Wanda pulls out a blanket and drapes it over your body, hoping you’ll finally be able to get some rest.
It smells amazing.
The scent of fried bacon and butter makes you open your eyes, your stomach suddenly very aware that you forgot to have dinner last night.
Looking around, you realise this isn’t your house, but it still takes a minute to remember everything. Wanda, the twins, the hospital.
“Morning” the woman says when she sees you looking confused; the way you rub the sleep off your eyes makes her heart flutter.
“Wanda, hey. Sorry, I crashed in your living room. I’ll get out of your way now”
“I’m making breakfast. I bet you haven’t eaten anything since yesterday”
” you rub your neck, stretching. You fold the blanket and walk to her, your mouth watering at the smell of everything.
“Orange juice?” she offers.
“Yeah, thanks” you take the glass. “Can I help with anything?”
“You’ve done enough, Y/N. Come on, sit. Enjoy”
You smile sheepishly, grabbing pancakes, bacon and some jam. The first bite is so good, you let out a loud moan.
“Sorry” you blush, Wanda biting her lip curiously at the sound you just made. “These are like the best pancakes I’ve ever had”
“Thank you” she sits across from you, drinking coffee and resting her chin on her hand. “Do you have to be back to work soon?”
“Yeah, in a couple of hours. I’ve got surgery and gotta make the rounds on some patients from yesterday”
“You work too much” she admonishes in her mom voice and you laugh.
“I’ve heard that one before”
“Your boss?”
“Yeah. I mean, I don’t have any family here and all of my friends are at the hospital, so it’s better than being home alone doing nothing”
“Not all of your friends are at the hospital” she says with a shy smile and you nod, appreciating her words.
“What about you? Anything interesting going on?”
“Aside from Billy and Tommy being pure chaos? No, that’s enough for a lifetime” she laughs, and it’s honestly the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard.
“They’re really sweet kids. It must be hard work but you’re doing amazing with both of them, Wanda”
“Thank you” she looks down at her cup of coffee and you nod, eating the rest of your food in silence.
Wanda is about to say something else when your pager goes off.
“Oh, great” you mutter. “My surgery’s gonna be earlier. Gotta hurry up”
“Chew your food!” Wanda scolds when you began to put everything in your mouth.
“Sorry” you say, trying to slow down. Wanda rolls her eyes. “Can I at least do the dishes?”
“Fine” she concedes, and shows you where everything is. “You better eat before your surgery. Or I’ll pack you lunch”
“I promise I’ll eat” you say, rolling your eyes. Once the dishes are done you pick up your stuff and walk out the door, Wanda close behind. “Let me know if you need anything? Billy might have some discomfort but the meds should be enough. But either way, call me”
“I don’t actually have your phone number” she says, making you frown.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Here” You take out a piece of paper from your pocket and scribble on it. “Anything at all, call me. Even if I’m in surgery, I’ll make sure one of the nurses answers for me”
“Is there anything I can do to repay you?”
“Those pancakes were heavenly. Thank you”
It’s hard for you to say goodbye to Wanda, but you hear the twins calling and decide it’s time to go back home.
The woman gives you a nod and you reach out, squeezing her hand. You feel warm as you go back to your place.
To be honest, you’re hoping Wanda calls you, for more than just a consult.
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mutlifandomloverblog · 12 days
Sunshine | Gaia and the Widow (Natasha Romanoff x reader)
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Authors Note: Hey y’all! I’m back from my writing coma with a WIP that I finally finished. I intended this fic to be an installment in the Gaia and the Widow universe. But since that series isn’t in chronological order and just goes by where my inspiration takes me, I felt that this was the perfect start to shake off the creative cobwebs. So yeah, it's full of gratuitous smut, mild possessiveness, and mainly lesbian sex (my fave lol). I always appreciate the engagement, so please remember to follow, like, reblog, and comment to let me know what you think about the series because Tumblr is an endless pit that likes to eat small authors' hard work!!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x powered! reader
Summary: You're too sweet for this world. Natasha has to step in when an arrogant trainee tries to go in for a taste.
Tags: VERY NSFW (18+ only), oral, sex toys, possessiveness, dom/sub, fluff, fluids everywhere, nat is emotionally constipated, sapphic yearning, tiny mention of violence, protective natasha, squirting, overstimulation, marking, and marathon sex. 
The sun’s rays of the early morning flood the room through the gap in the curtains. A soft groan left the redhead’s lips as she began to gain consciousness. Her arm tightens around your waist, gently nudging your back closer to her chest. The repeated movement of your chest rising and falling comforts her and grounds her racing thoughts in these early hours. As her eyes slowly open, the soft presence of the love of her life fills her vision. A tiny smile spreads across her lips as her hand caresses the soft skin on your side and her lips press against your neck. Her ministrations gently rouse you from the clutches of sleep as you begin to fidget. 
“Good morning beautiful,” her beautifully raspy voice whispered against your skin. 
Deciding to turn you over, her hand on the small of your back brings you impossibly closer as your hand reaches up to cup her cheek, “Good morning to you too, my love.”
Her lips capture yours as a satisfied groan vibrates through her chest. You can feel her other arm sneaking under you and effortlessly flipping you on top of her. Your skin melds with hers as those wandering hands you love so much feel and grope the softness of your body. The familiar pressure of your weight on top of hers brings comfort that she couldn’t even begin to explain. She has the skill to rip the air from your lungs in the most intimate way as your lips move in harmony. You whine as she pulls away but are easily placated when her lips trace over the darkened marks left during last night’s activities. 
“Now, how exactly am I supposed to get out of this bed when you look so bare and inviting this early in the morning gorgeous,” Natasha whispered as she nibbled on your sensitive neck. 
A shudder runs up your spine as you push up on your hands to look at her, “Have you not done enough, Romanoff?” You scoff as she sits up and makes sure to keep you in her lap, your arms wrapping around her neck, “And if anything, it’s your fault that I’m in this state since you jumped me the moment you opened the door, you animal.” 
You jolted as both her hands slapped and groped the sore flesh of your ass, “I don’t seem to recall hearing any complaints when I jumped you last night, now did I, princess?” You could hear the smirk and heavy accent in her voice as an involuntary moan left your lips. Damn her and her stupid sexy Russian accent. 
You poke her cheek with a faux pout, “Shut up, you devil woman. I bet I’ll be walking funny all day cause of you.” 
She cooed with mirth as her hand ran up and down your back, “Well, I had to make sure I left you something to remember me by since I’m going to be swamped with training all day, and I won’t have much time with my sunflower.” 
“So you send me a cheesy text in the middle of the day if you miss me, not give me a limp, you psycho.” You laugh and go to slap her chest, but she catches it and places a kiss on your palm. 
“But I’m your psycho, so you have to deal with me for the foreseeable future,” She says as she places your arms back around her neck. 
“Yeah, yeah, you’re lucky that I like you so much, Romanoff.” 
She was about to respond as a loud banging resounded against the door. 
“I know you’re up, Nat. We need to meet the newbies down on the training floor in 30, ” Steve’s voice boomed through the blanket of quiet as he continued to knock on the door. 
At that, Nat’s head slumped against your shoulder with a groan, “Don’t get your panties in a twist old man. I’ll be down in 30 or whatever; just stop banging on the door before you knock it down.” 
He sighed and started to walk away, “I’m just going to act like you said okay, don’t be late.”
You pulled her face out of your neck and cupped her face. “Sounds like duty calls, my love. Plus, I need to get up anyway so I can bake something nice for the new recruits to have during lunch.” 
“Ugh, you are just too sweet,” She pecked your soft lips and eased you both to the end of the bed. 
“Eh, I know,” You got off her lap and watched as she started getting ready. 
“Now, let’s just hope they survive long enough to make it to lunch.” She scoffed, approached you, and kissed your forehead after she was fully dressed. I’ll see you later, sweetness. Save something sweet for me.” With a wink, she left, the metal door closing with a dull thunk.
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It’s nearly impossible to be upset at someone so precious. Is it your fault that the sun always finds a way to hit your skin just right? That you glow like some ethereal being? Is it your fault that the smell of your cookies sends every man and inhuman alike in the compound stampeding towards the kitchen? Is it your fault that your soft embrace and warm scent can magically banish sadness to the farthest corner of her mind? Or is it your fault that a mere glance or smile can and will send even any man, woman, or anything between to their knees? Well, the rational answer would be no, but the storm of conflicting emotions brewing in your girlfriend is telling her otherwise. 
Ever since your sudden appearance at the Avenger’s compound, it’s been obvious how your warmth and kindness instantly enrapture those around you. From the unmistakable twinge of a smile in the corner of Fury’s lips as he introduced you to the team or even the way that a light touch when the big guy gets a little out of control will reduce the angry, green man to a puppy trailing after your every step. And especially with a superpower so unique and fitting, it’s hard not to love you. 
Of course, it took a little time to adjust to the dainty flowers that would appear after every step you take and the herd of various animals hanging off you at any point. But you made up for any odd behaviors with your effortless displays of beauty, grace, and kindness that outshine what many thought were humanly possible. No matter how guarded or cold someone may seem on the outside, your reputation to soften even the coldest of hearts precedes you. 
Even with that being said, nobody could have predicted that the Natasha Romanoff, the black widow falling for you, would become a reality. And it was difficult to allow the walls around her heart to fall and put in the work to let you in and allow herself to be loved. So, excuse her for feeling possessive of the best thing that has ever happened to her. 
She knew that those two new trainees would be a problem one way or another. They were too cocky and conceited during training. Oozing the overconfidence of the typical male intelligence agent that hasn’t been knocked down on their ass enough times to be put into their place. So the pair sneaking way too many glances your way bristled her in a way she hasn’t felt in a while. Yeah, she knows her girlfriend is insanely attractive and garners attention wherever she goes, but their attention comes off as predatory. She tries to focus on eating the lunch you made special for her as she glares holes into the back of their heads. 
Natasha smiles, and her attention shifts as your eyes brighten when some trainees ask about your power. How your eyes light up when you talk about your love of animals, your close relationships with them, and your favorite plants automatically calm to rage bubbling under the surface. She allows herself to drift into a blissful trance from the sound of your voice when she is startled by one of the bunnies that frequent your little woodland posse hops on her foot erratically to get her attention.  Looking down at the brown bunny, she notices one of their ears pointing in your direction as it growls. Confused by the usually cuddly bunny’s sudden aggression, she looks in that direction and finds those two trainees walking towards you. Nat gets the message as she stands and thanks the bunny with the last carrot from her lunch and quick pats before she makes her way over to you. 
Natasha weaved through the clusters of people talking with practiced ease and got to you first. Silently coming up behind you, she put her hands on your shoulder, and you jumped. “Excuse me, ladies. I need to steal her for a moment,” she says as she spins you to face her.
Her heart melted as she saw your eyes brighten at the sight of her: “Oh, hi, Natty. Did you get the chance to eat the lunch I left in your office? Did you like it?” 
She watched as you bounced with excitement, “Yes gorgeous, I found the lunch you made me, and it was delicious,” You held her wrist as she caressed your cheek with her thumb, “Thank you for doing that I love-” 
You startle again as a grating voice inserts itself into your conversation, “Where’s my special lunch, beautiful?” Your whole body tensed as an unknown person grips your shoulder and swirls his finger in your curly hair. 
Before you got a chance to respond, Natasha maneuvered around you, ripping his hand off and bending his fingers painfully. His tone showed that he was trying to be flirty, but it just came off as creepy, putting you on alert even with your girlfriend there. Her voice darkened as the joints in his hands loudly crack and he started to sink to the floor in pain, “Don’t you ever even think about putting your hands on her again if you want to keep it attached to your body.” 
The trainee cringed as the bones in his hand felt ready to break, “What’s your problem?! It’s not illegal to flirt with girls now, is it? I just wanted to get her number!” The distress is evident in his voice. 
Nat applies more pressure to his hand and twists it as she bends to his shaking form, “And what makes you think you can just grab a woman you have never met before and put your hands in her hair?” The bones make an audible crack as tears come to his eyes, “Not to mention that she’s not even single dumbass.” 
The cafeteria goes quiet as the guy sobs, “I didn’t know, man. I didn’t see a ring, so I thought she was free game.” 
She scoffs and pulls him close to her face, “First of all, women aren’t objects to be claimed, you stupid prick, and second, just because a woman doesn’t have a ring doesn’t mean you get to prey on them like some disgusting animal. Touch my girlfriend again, and this pain you feel now will not be anywhere close to the agony that I will afflict upon you, got it?” 
He nods quickly as he continues to cry, “Yes, yes, I understand. I’ll never do it again. Please let me go.” 
Nat finally let go, ignoring the sniveling excuse of an agent cradling his shattered hand and turning back to you, “Are you okay, sunshine? Are you hurt?” She asks, checking over you. 
You stand there stunned at what just happened, unsure if you should feel as turned on as you do. “Ye-yeah, I’m fine. I'm creeped out, yeah, but fine overall.” She grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you into a rough kiss, easily dominating your mouth as your legs almost gave out from the sudden affection. Pulling away with a wet smack, she leaves you dazed as she wraps her arm around your waist and turns towards their audience. 
“If any, and I mean any of you, try some stunt like him towards my girlfriend again, I promise that you will not get off as easily as walking away with just a shattered hand. This girl is mine and mine alone. I hope you remember that for your own good.” 
With that, she pulled your dazed and very turned-on self back to your shared room, where everybody was still in shock. Clint leaned on the back wall and slapped a $20 bill into Steve’s hand. “The one time I need her to knee cap somebody, she doesn’t knee cap somebody. Unbelievable,” Clint grumbles as he leaves the room. 
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The door is slammed close, and you’re thrown face-first into the sheets as waves of aggression exude off your girlfriend. Without even getting the chance to reorient yourself, she’s on you, stripping you down to nothing but your panties before pinning your wrists to the bed and pressing her weight down on you from behind. Her breath tickles your ear as she whispers, “I’m not gonna lie princess, having someone hit on you because it wasn’t obvious that you are mine did something to me.” Her thumb wipes at the concealer-covered marks to expose the burgundy skin underneath. 
She lets go of your wrists and sits back on her haunches, “It seems like I need to make it more obvious who you belong to.” A yelp escapes you as your pliant form is manhandled. Your chest is pressed into the mattress as your knees are pushed under you. Your back curved into a deep arch, perfectly presenting your vulnerable core to your hungry lover. Satisfied with your display,  her index finger caresses the seam of your pussy as a wet spot grows on the thin material. She then moves her hands to place her thumbs on each side of your heat, spreading your folds beneath your underwear before leaning down and running her tongue against you through the slick fabric. You whimper as her tongue presses hard against your clit. Pulling away, she kisses the growing wet spot before smacking your ass hard, entranced by the fluid movement. 
“Oh my sweet sunshine, it looks like this pretty pussy needs some attention, huh? Did me putting that kid into place seriously make you this wet, sweetheart?” Her voice was laced with a sweet venom that makes you quickly fall into submission.
A muffled mhm left your lips, so Nat took the chance to peel away your soaked underwear while taking a moment to savor the delicate curves of your form. Your body trembles when she lowers her lips back down to your folds. Once again, using her thumbs to spread you open, she blows on your pussy and laughs as it twitches. Deciding to put you out of your misery, she places an open mouth kiss over your sensitive clit and closes her lips around it. 
Your sweet moans fuel her hunger as she drags her tongue along your sensitive folds, your taste coating her taste buds. Her tongue, well-versed in the most debilitating ways to make you cum, glides against you with urgency. A burning wave of pleasure shoots through you, and your hips begin to tremble at the sensation. With an overwhelming desire to devour you, her hands migrate to the soft flesh of your ass, grabbing hold and burying her face deeper against you. Deft fingers grip your skin as she grinds your ass against her face in synch with her lips sucking up and down your folds. The raging flames of mutual desperation guide your movements as the world around her disappears. 
Natasha’s senses overflow with you and only you. Your taste, the supple skin beneath her fingers, your overarching submission, the glide of your tangy essence coating her face, and your addicting scent permeate her brain with every greedy inhale. Nothing but your radiant warmth and intoxicating aura penetrates every atom of her mind. Your body is her sanctuary, protecting her from the world. Providing her the privilege of safety to completely let go of everything. Her brain can shut off, and every thought is disregarded, with the blind need to indulge in your embodiment. With you, she isn’t one of Earth’s mightiest heroes, an assassin, a spy, or a secret agent. She’s just Natasha, your girlfriend, protector, lover, best friend, and the one with the privilege to adore you until her last breath. Serving as a devotee to your astonishing existence, committed to worshipping the ground you walk on. 
Your girlfriend has become lost in the feeling of your sex, determined to extract every ounce of pleasure from your body. Time is a foreign concept when she is honored to occupy the space between your legs. Floating without spatial awareness as she executes her entrusted responsibility to elevate your perception of what pleasure can truly be. The familiar weight of your hand rouses her from her headspace. Your fingers weakly press against the space between her eyebrows with all that’s left of your strength. Overstimulation laces the lilt of your pitiful whines. Your movements struggle to separate your ravenous partner from the throbbing pulse of your sex. 
Her lips begrudgingly detached from you with an obscene squelch, and your body collapses on the bed without her support. Not keen on creating too much distance between you, she leans back to fully take in what she’s done. Your complexion glows with a layer of sweating clinging to you, the skin on your ass and legs are marred with a combination of burgundy hickeys and bite marks, every muscle from your core to your toes is tremoring from the abundance of pleasure, the entirety of your flushed pussy is swollen and drenched from your juices, and most interestingly of all is the puddle you have collapsed on top of. The color of your fitted sheet is darkened by the copious amount of cum Natasha drew out of you. The fabric is drenched by the numerous rounds of overstimulation squirting out of you. That is when your girlfriend becomes aware of the saturated state of her skin. She is coated in the evidence of your pleasure. Her mouth and cheeks are slick with your essence. It seems that at some point in her cum drunk stupor, she removed her clothes so her breasts and torso were glistening from the cum that escaped her fervent slurping. She relishes in the delightful caress of your syrupy nectar drying against her skin.
Your nerves are going haywire, a buzzing current of pleasure spreading across every inch of your body. You’re limp as Natasha flips you on your back and edges you away from the damp area of the sheet. Your chest heaves, desperate for oxygen following the oral marathon you just experienced. Your legs are nudged apart as your girlfriend carefully lays her head on your soft thigh. Your breathing synchs as both of your minds recover from the deluge of endorphins. Her hand reaches up to rest on the plush curve of your stomach, massaging the delicate area as she feels the muscles in your abdomen misfire from overexertion. Her touch placates your raging nerves and allows for your post-sex neediness to break through.
Natasha smiles at your elegant digits weaving with hers. Your whines softened with the desire to feel her body on yours, and her body started to shift as you struggled to pull her on top of you. A satisfied breath leaves your chest when you feel the tickle of her breathing against your neck as her lips pepper your sweet spot with soft kisses. And with a final adjustment, she tangles her legs with yours. The pleasant pressure of her weight draped across your body dispels the last remnant of discomfort radiating through your muscles. Bliss. That’s all you both felt, skin on skin, as the essence of your souls intertwine. Your arms wrap around her back, squeezing with the persistent desire to feel her body closer to you. 
“Wow.” You were the first to convey your thoughts. You can feel Natasha’s body tremble with laughter at your response.
“Just wow? That’s all you have to say?” She asked with her tone laced with mirth.
You rolled your eyes at her teasing. “Natasha Romanoff,” you scoffed. “I would have thought that you would understand how often you make me speechless by now. Your very existence occupies my every waking thought, and my brain has been overtaken by the overwhelming affection I have for you since the first time I saw you. My love for you is infinite. My heart beats for you, and I yearn to savor every second soaking up your presence.” You noticed her lips leave your neck and her face nestled in the crook of your neck during your sappy confession of love.
You’re startled by the feeling of moisture running down your neck and the quivering from the body on top of you. Panic surges through your chest as you realize that your girlfriend is sobbing. Prepared to comfort her in a time of vulnerability, you shift your hand to the back of her neck and stroke the skin with your thumbs to soothe her. You know how hard communicating and processing her emotions are for Natasha, so you are used to comforting her as she goes through the motions. 
You jolt as she suddenly pushes off your chest and cages you in with her arms straightened on either side of your head. Her eyes are wet with tears, and her skin flushes bright red from her neck to her ears. A few salty droplets land on your face as they run down hers. Her bottom lip is trapped between her teeth as she tries to compose herself. The unspoken ballads of her love for you are silently communicated by the love-sick expression on her face. Your thumb reaches her cheek to wipe away another fallen tear before you caress her burning skin. Her lips struggle to form a coherent thought. This is what you do to each other. The dizzying intensity of your love for each other paralyzes the mind and electrifies the heart. 
You go to comfort her as frustration overtakes her expression. Her frustration isn’t with you; it's with herself. Frustrated with her inability to express the depths of her love in such a vulnerable and poetic way that you so easily can. Her heart hammers in her chest as the floodgates trapping the raging tsunami of her heart are close to bursting. She would give anything in the world to instantly have the ability to describe how much you mean to her. She stills with the feeling of your palms cupping her cheeks.
“It’s okay Natty, I know. Better yet, I can feel it. I know how hard expressing your emotions is for you, but I see them. I know your heart and feel your love for me whenever I gaze into those emerald eyes. So please don’t overwhelm yourself, rushing to figure out your words. For now, how you put it into words is hazy, but the intensity of your feelings is clear to me.” Natasha forces out stuttered fragments of words in response to your additional confession of love. You feel more tears drop on your face as they increase in volume. Your thumbs resume their ministrations of wiping the delicate rivulets off her skin. 
“I love you, sweetie.” Your final exclamation put the final crack in the floodgates. The reassuring smile you sent her way was so sweet it made her teeth ache. She is determined. If she can’t say how she feels, she will show it. She moved your hands to her waist; your thumbs automatically began rubbing soothing patterns on her skin. 
Your girlfriend moved so fast you didn’t have a chance to react before her lips were on yours and her hands were holding your jaw. She smiled against your lips as she felt you melt with her touch. With renewed vigor, new lips move against yours with bruising intensity. A tingling warmth blossoms in your core as she grinds her hips down onto yours. The friction stimulates your arousal as her tongue prods against your lips, begging for entry. You’re starting to feel lightheaded as Natasha steals the air out of your lungs. Oxygen fills your chest as you break apart with a gasp; a string of spit stretches between your lips before it snaps. She seized the opportunity of your desperate panting by slamming her lips back against yours. Your surprise allows her the chance to slip her tongue between your lips. The kiss is wet and messy; your teeth clash as your tongues slip against each other. Your girlfriend’s hands work their way up your torso and rub tight circles against your nipples. A shiver racks through you as your sensitive buds harden. Preoccupied with Nat hungrily exploring your mouth, your back arches in surprise when she pinches your swollen nipples hard. Her nimble fingers roll and pull them while groping at your chest. When the lightheadedness returns, her lips pull away from you, and she takes a moment to observe how worked up she makes you. 
Your lips are swollen and red as they glisten with your combined saliva, a drop spilling down the side of your mouth. With a dazed look in your eyes, she can see the absence of thoughts floating around in your pretty little head. Your poor nipples are puffy and inflamed from her playing with them. With one last peck on the lips, she slides off you to lay next to you, pressed up against your side. She uses a curious finger to trail from your neck all the way to your mound, tracing mindless shapes against your skin. She gazes down at you with pity, your body racked with tremors from her stimulation.
“Poor baby, getting all hot and bothered from a little teasing.” Natasha cooed, her tone slightly condescending. “You must be sooo uncomfortable. I bet your pretty pussy is just soaked, you poor thing.” 
Your girlfriend moves off the bed and opens the walk-in closet, searching for the toys she wants to use on you. Satisfied with her selection, she comes back to you and places the toys on the foot of the bed. You summon a crumb of strength to sit up on your elbows to look at her. She is eager to situate the harness of her strapon. You groan at her choice of dildo because, of course, she picks the longest, girthiest, and most ribbed toy in her whole collection. She gets back on the bed with the toy secured and inches toward you. Her strap hangs due to its weight and drags against the sheets. Eager to play with you, her hands gripped the back of your thighs before yanking your body closer to her. She takes the opportunity to suck a few more dark marks on the inside of your thighs; thankful for your flexibility, she spreads them further apart and pushes your ankles by your head. A rolling surge of lust clouds her mind at the sight of you all drenched, spread, and needy for her.
“Who owns this pussy baby?” Dominance radiating off of Natasha, and with a quick shift of her hips, she grinds the strap between your folds.
With each targeted roll of her hips, the ribbed texture catches each sensitive spot before nudging at your clit. That is when you notice the rest of the toys she picked out. A Hitachi, nipple clamps, rabbit, blindfold, spreader bar, cane, and silk rope. Your response was stuck in your throat as a weird mix of anticipation and fear ran up your spine at her sadistic grin. Displeased with your silence, she lets go of one of your ankles to rear back and place a harsh open-handed slap right on your clit. Every nerve is set on fire as your body seizes with pain. 
“Don’t make me have to repeat myself.” She growled with authority.
“I-I’m sorry, please forgive me, ma’am. It’s yours. My pussy is yours.” You struggle to force your thoughts out as she grinds the nubbly ridges against your puffy slit. Her thrusts are accompanied by the sloppy squelching of your arousal being smeared around. The seamless inclusion of Natasha’s preferred title displays your descent into subspace. She has always been moved by how you have entirely entrusted your body to her, offering her your wholehearted submission, knowing that she will never do anything you wouldn’t want. She’s taken out of her train of thought as she notices your hips grinding against the toy, thoroughly coating it with your juices. 
“Okay needy girl, I’m done keeping you waiting.” Her hunger is punctuated by a brutal thrust that catches the rim of your hole, and your back arches as you whimper. “What’s your color?”
“Green! My color is green. Please fuck me ma’am! I need you!” 
Natasha is highly pleased with your level of desperation, “Good.  Because I’ve got quite a few things planned for you, sweetness.” With one precise thrust, she shoves the entire length down to the hilt, and your hips meet with a wet slap. A sharp moan is ripped from your chest as the tip nudges the deepest part of you. Testing out the girth, she stays inside of you but rolls her hips hard, smashing against your g-spot. A short stream of fluid is forced out of you, and the droplets spray against her taut stomach. 
Her hunger for your body flares at your reaction, she takes a moment to drag her other toys closer in reach. She picks up the Hitachi and turns it on to the highest setting. You jump at the sound of mechanical buzzing. Your girlfriend prods at your puffy nipple with the vibrating head and snickers as your body shudders. You try to shift away from the powerful stimulation, but you don’t get very far. 
“We’re going to have a lot of fun together, sweetheart. Hope you don’t have any plans tomorrow.”Natasha pulls out of you before wrapping your legs around her waist, but you can’t even enjoy the moment of relief before she rams into you while jamming the Hitachi directly on your clit. The pleasure is blinding. Your back arches, and your legs tighten around her waist as your body goes into shock.
The scream you let out could be heard across the complex. Natasha makes a note to put in a request for better soundproofing in their apartment.
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