noahsresources · 30 days
PROMPTS FOR LOTS AND LOTS OF FLIRTING ♡ *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
what did you think after our first kiss?
what did i do to deserve you?
what are you craving right now?
i can't stop thinking about you.
you can't do that and expect me not to kiss you!
i never believed in true love until i met you.
sometimes i can't get enough of you.
my days get brighter when i think of you.
don't get mad if i fall asleep on you.
will you be mine?
you make my head spin and my knees shake.
i like it when we hold hands.
i want to grow old with you.
how do i look in your shirt?
that was really adorable.
let's skip the small talk and go straight to flirting.
i've been thinking about you all morning.
what did you think of our first date?
i could stare into your eyes forever.
come here. let me hold you for a while.
sorry, i got lost in your eyes. can you say that again?
i love your laugh.
i had a dream about you last night.
i want to spend the rest of my life by your side.
are you in the mood to have some fun?
how much skin is too much skin to show on our date tonight?
can i take you on a date?
do that again. that was really cute.
was it good for you?
you're really hot. just thought you should know.
how can you resist this face?
want to be my little spoon?
nobody understands me like you do.
i'm trying to flirt with you, but clearly it's not working.
you're so cute.
you don't know what you do to me.
i don't know what i'd do without you.
when can i see you again?
my bed smells like you.
i hope you feel the same way.
how about we take this to the bedroom?
you drive me crazy.
are you wearing my shirt? it looks good on you.
let me give you a nice, long massage.
you mean a lot to me.
you're pretty irresistable.
have you been flirting this whole time?
i thought about your smile today.
why don't you come sit with me? there's plenty of room.
it's okay if you fall asleep on me.
stay close to me.
you make everything brighter.
it's you. it's only ever going to be you.
you're cute when you blush.
i don't want to share you with anyone.
i wish i could wake up next to you every morning.
you make it hard to focus.
hey, i'm not the one with the cute smile! you are!
want to try that again?
you are my whole world.
i miss the taste of your kiss.
want to make them jealous?
i was counting down the minutes until i saw you.
you're my favorite type of distraction.
i think i'm addicted to you.
don't worry, i make a great pillow.
you're a great hugger.
you make all my dreams come true.
i can't stop thinking about last night.
i never want to know a world without you.
ever since i met you... i haven't stopped thinking about you.
you're more than enough.
let me get a good look at you.
i love everything about you.
you're a very special person.
you have amazing hands.
i promise you a weekend you'll never forget.
i have something special planned for tonight.
you're cute when you get like that.
oh no. not the puppy dog pout. you know i can't resist that.
i saw this and thought of you, so i had to get it.
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noahsresources · 1 month
Friends-to-More Starters
“You’re my best friend. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.”
“I’m glad I have you here. Being like this is easy with you.”
“At first, having feelings for you was awkward— but now I can’t fathom anything else.”
“I’ve known you for years, (insert name). Can we please drop the pretenses and be honest with each other, for once?”
“I know you don’t feel the same, but I need to get this off my chest.”
“Can you believe how far we’ve come?”
“You’ve been pouting ever since I went on that date. What’s going on?”
“I’m totally not jealous, but this time is for us— please don’t share it with other people.”
“But— you said you’d go there with me. Was that just something you said to make me feel better?”
“Come lie with me, please. I’ve had a bad day— I don’t want to be alone right now.”
“I told her we weren’t dating, but she didn’t believe me.”
“Wait— when did you get so beautiful/handsome/hot?”
“Are you sure you wanna leave the house in that? It’s awfully— revealing.”
“Okay— so maybe this is a date. Is that so bad?”
“Are you— trying to turn me on?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you my girlfriend/boyfriend— it just slipped out.”
“I didn’t mean to kiss you. It just sorta— happened.”
“I had this dream that we were married.”
“I had this dream that we kissed— and a sorta want to try it now.”
“Okay— so maybe I am a little jealous. So what? I can’t help it.”
“Just remember, I’m the one who taught you how to (insert intimate activity).”
“I know this sounds lame— but they’re not good enough for you.”
“Are you saying you want to kiss me?”
“Why are you blushing so hard?”
“I’m actually really offended that you didn’t ask me to go with you.”
“Friends can make-out every now and then— right? That’s not weird or anything.”
“I know we’re not together— but I want you to be my first.”
“I want my first kiss to be special—and you’re the most important person in my life right now. Will you kiss me, if I ask, or would that be too weird?”
“Whoa— umm— will you excuse me? I need to run to the bathroom really quick.”
“Look, I know we’re not together. But— we’re both in good places in our lives, and neither of us have any prospects. Do you think there’s a chance we might — well, we already act like an old, married couple, so—”
“Is it weird if I tell you I could see you as the mother/father of my children?”
“I know we said this was a ‘pretend relationship’— but what if we tried ‘for real’?”
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noahsresources · 1 month
An urgent and urgent appeal. Please do not stop reading. I am Safaa Asaad, a university student. I am 26 years old and married. I gave birth to my first child during the war. My life was full of love and optimism. I was distinguished in the field of law. I was diligent and had dreams and ambition. I intended to open my own law firm and defend the rights of others, diligence and perseverance. In restoring the rights to their owners, I got married while I was a student. I married the right man whom I had always been waiting for. We loved to always be together. He suffered before he married me. He worked hard to build the house and collect money to propose to me. His source of income was very good, and we got married and lived a good life. As time passed, the war came, and I had not completed the year. My marriage and our home were destroyed. My husband lost his job. My father, after seeing the destruction that befell our area, became unable to speak and became paralyzed from the outside. My husband, two months after entering the war, gave birth to my first child under difficult circumstances in a small tent full of insects and mosquitoes. I and my son could not live in a tent because of the insects, so we fled to escape. The border is under the shadow of the wall. We are suffering greatly, and now, after exhaustion and exhaustion, I decided to create a donation link to go out and save my family from Gaza. We were insulted and humiliated by the occupation army. The relative died and the relatives were killed. We were displaced. I cannot describe what happened to us. I ask you to save my family and get us out of Gaza with a donation. To us via the link, please donate, even if it is $10, it will make a difference to us. They can save us from death, and your donation will be a reason to save our lives, so my son can live the life I dreamed of, open a law firm, and open a project for my beloved husband. Please donate and support the💔💔😭😭 campaign.https://gofund.me/b25cb4bf
I hope you donate it will really help save my family. Even if it is $10 or $20.
Hello Safaa. Thank you for reaching out to me, and my heart goes out to you and your family. I would be happy to do everything I can to help you and your family get the safety, security, and success you deserve.
Safaa's fundraiser is verified and user @/ana-bananya made a more detailed post about her family. The fundraiser is currently at $9,097/$75,000 and is in desperate need of donations. Every bit counts, so please donate if you have the means.
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noahsresources · 1 month
for all the muses who enjoy swimming and the water! action and word prompts can be combined if so desired. for the actions, feel free to swap sender and receiver by adding a +↺!
❝ i didn't know you were so good in the water. ❞ ❝ oh my god, it's so cold! ❞ ❝ the water is so warm, it's so nice. ❞ ❝ ... i can't swim. ❞ ❝ a speedo? are you fucking serious? ❞ ❝ here comes a wave! ❞ ❝ i already burnt my feet walking across the sand! ❞ ❝ do you want me to put sunscreen on your back? ❞ ❝ are you sure you want to swim in that water? it looks kind of dirty. ❞ ❝ i'm so excited, i haven't been swimming in forever! ❞ ❝ wait, i have a swimsuit wedgie— ❞ ❝ that sunburn looks like it hurts. ❞ ❝ i bet i can hold my breath longer than you. ❞ ❝ i think the fish are nibbling on my toes! ❞ ❝ i love going for a dip at night. ❞ ❝ that swimsuit makes you look sexy. ❞ ❝ can you swim to the bottom? ❞ ❝ i'm scared of deep water. ❞ ❝ are you sure we're allowed to swim here? the whole thing's gated off. ❞ ❝ i'm more of a sunbather than a swimmer. ❞ ❝ alright, i'm ready to get out and dry off, how about you? ❞
[ JUMP ] — sender excitedly jumps into the water, receiver following suit [ PUSH ] — sender playfully pushes receiver in the water [ TUG ] — sender tugs on receiver's legs from where they're dangling in the water to get them to join them in the water [ SPLASH ] — sender playfully splashes receiver [ WAVE ] — sender accidentally splashes receiver as they dive into the water [ DIVE ] — sender shows off to receiver how they gracefully dive into the water [ GUN ] — sender starts a water gun fight with receiver [ BOARD ] — sender teaches receiver how to use a skimboard [ RIDE ] — sender gives receiver a piggyback ride in the water ... only to throw them into the water! [ TOSS ] — sender picks up receiver and tosses them into the water [ WAVE ] — sender and receiver ride the waves together [ RACE ] — sender and receiver race to find out who is the faster swimmer [ STORM ] — sender and receiver take a dip in the middle of a rainstorm [ NIGHT ] — sender and receiver take a dip underneath a starry night sky [ SUNSCREEN ] — sender slathers sunscreen on receiver (optional: specify where) [ ALOE ] — sender slathers aloe vera on receiver's sunburnt skin (optional: specify where) [ HOT TUB ] — sender and receiver spend a relaxing evening in the hot tub together [ STARE ] — sender discreetly stares at receiver's body as they take off their clothes in preparation for a swim [ MOMENT ] — sender and receiver swim to a remote part of the body of water to have a quiet moment together [ KISS ] — sender and receiver share a kiss underwater [ HEATED ] — sender and receiver begin having sex in the water
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noahsresources · 1 month
Desire and dominance
"Beg me to stop, or I'll keep going." "You know you want it, don't you? To feel every single hit." "How does that feel? Does it hurt just right?" "You're not allowed to come until I say so." "Can you handle more, or do you need a break?" "Tell me how much you love the pain." "The more you beg, the more I’m going to enjoy this." "Do you like the way it feels when I tease you?" "You’ve been a bad [boy/girl/pet/etc.]; now face the consequences." "Let me hear you cry out, it only makes it better." "What are you willing to do for a little relief?" "Every whimper just makes me want to push you further." "Do you need to beg more convincingly?" "How long do you think you can last?" "I’m just getting started. Are you ready for more?" "This is just what you deserve." "Can you handle the intensity, or is it too much for you?" "Tell me exactly what you’re feeling." "You won’t get any mercy from me." "You look so vulnerable and delicious right now."
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noahsresources · 1 month
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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noahsresources · 1 month
send me a 🔥 and i'll tell you one thing my muse finds attractive about yours
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noahsresources · 1 month
inspired  by  devotedecay’s  non - sexual  acts  of  dominance  meme  ! send  in  one  of  these  for  my  muse’s  reaction  to  … (  add  ❝  reverse  ❞   if  you’d  like  to  see  how  my  muse  would  preform  the  action  !  )
[ shower ]   your muse joining mine in the shower.
[ choke ]   your muse choking mine.
[ kiss + soft ]   your muse pulling mine into a tender kiss.
[ kiss + rough ]   your muse pulling mine into a rough kiss.
[ pin ]   your muse pinning mine down.
[ wrists ]   your muse roughly grabbing mine by the wrists.
[ push ]   your muse pushing mine into bed.
[ rip + clothing ]   your muse tearing a piece of clothing off my muse.
[ spank ]   your muse spanking mine.
[ pull ]   your muse pulling my muses hair.
[ talk ]   your muse talking dirty to mine.
[ eyes ]   your muse making mine look them in the eyes during.
[ down ]   your muse pulling mine down by their collar / clothes.
[ knees ]   your muse telling mine to get on their knees.
[ hips ]   your muse pulling mine in close by the hips.
[ denial ]   your muse putting mine through orgasm denial.
[ many ]   your muse making mine orgasm over and over.
[ tied ]   your muse tying my muse down.
[ lazy ]   your muse lazily beginning to touch mine.
[ love ]   your muse telling mine they love them during.
[ dominance ]   your muse taking the lead and dominating mine.
[ submission ]   your muse letting mine take the lead and submitting to them.
[ humiliation ]   your muse humiliating mine, re: name-calling and verbal abuse.
[ pain ]   your muse hurting mine in bed, whether intentionally or not.
[ knife ]   your muse using a knife in bed, whether for threat or actually cutting mine.
[ hidden ]   your muse having sex with mine somewhere semi-public.
[ public ]   your muse having sex with mine in public, whee other people watch.
[ adore ]   your muse being near reverent with mine in bed.
[ dress ]   your muse having mine dress up in lingerie.
[ eat ]   your muse eating mine out.
[ sleep ]   your muse touching / beginning to have sex with mine while they’re asleep.
[ gag ]   your muse gagging mine, or or making them be quiet.
[ blindfold ]   your muse blindfolding mine.
[ praise ]   your muse praising mine in bed.
[ good ]   your muse calling mine a good boy / girl.
[ want ]   your muse telling mine they want them.
[ snarl ]   your muse growling and / or baring their teeth at mine during sex.
[ mark ]   your muse purposefully marking mine up with bruises, hickies, ect.
[ wall ]   your muse shoving mine up against a wall.
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noahsresources · 1 month
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noahsresources · 1 month
My family in Gaza is facing difficult circumstances after losing so much due to ongoing events. We, myself (Bilal) and my siblings, are trying to adjust to a new reality where our home is no longer as it was, and the security we once had seems like a distant dream. Despite the significant challenges, we remain resilient and try to hold onto hope. However, we need your support to get through this tough time, rebuild our lives, and recover some of what we’ve lost. Your donations can help us secure what we need to live with dignity and return to a more normal life.https://gofund.me/ba5b76e9
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noahsresources · 1 month
Im Mahmoud from Gaza ..i need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and my family 🍉🇵🇸
My link in bio
Asking for help is not easy .l request a small donation of $ 15 or $25 from each person .$35 will save my family and help me cover travel expenses and rebuild.what's left of my home
you can deliver your regards
throgh link (please see my bio)https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-gaza-family-to-get-out
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
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noahsresources · 1 month
Hello my generous supporters! 🍉🖤🤍💚♥️
The war has killed all my dreams and🍉 ambitions as a student, but there is still a dream of saving my family survive to safety and peace. So, I hope 🌹🌹🌹you will be the light at the end of the tunnel. Please stand by me till the war ends. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
I am asking to offer you generous help and support for people who are really in bad need of your contributions. A displaced family with a jobless father have added much to our suffering and cries, so I would be thankful and appreciating to you if you help share our loads by donating whatever you can or reposting my messages. 🌹💐
I am a medicine student from Gaza, seeking safety and peace for my family that has been suffering the heavy loads of living necessities for 330 days of the war on Gaza. 😭😭😭
please donate & share!! 🩵 🇵🇸
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noahsresources · 2 months
Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.
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noahsresources · 2 months
Hello My Freind 🌹
I want your support My house was destroyed and I am currently living in a tent with my children 😞
My Mom and Dad who suffer from chronic diseases, They need urgent medical care and medications that are not available 💔
Please help my family by donating or reblog my campaign is going very slowly 🙏🍉
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noahsresources · 2 months
Tumblr media
Send me a ♡ plus a ship and I'll tell you...
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noahsresources · 2 months
misc shippy-esque starters … sentence starters
“I love you.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Kiss me, please?”
“You’re so beautiful.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“Rain or shine, I’m here for you.”
“I was so lucky to have met you.”
“I want to have a future with you.”
“I love you — no, I mean it, I love you.”
“You mean more to me than you know.”
“You make me want to be a better person.”
“I want to be someone who’s worthy of you.”
“You’re the most lovable person I’ve ever met.”
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“How do you always find a way to make me smile?”
“I never thought I could feel this way… about anyone.”
“The world just seems a little better when I’m with you.”
“I’m not good at this kind of thing, but I want to be with you.”
“I still can’t believe someone like you loves someone like me.”
“Neither of us are perfect but, together, it feels like we’re a little better.”
“I never thought I’d fall in love with someone like you, but I’m glad I did.”
“There is nothing you could say or do that could ever make me love you less.”
“They told me if I fell in love with you, I would regret it. But, I haven’t. Not for a second.”
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noahsresources · 2 months
random headcanon q’s 
1. is your muse able to keep a secret?
2. is your muse skilled at using technology?
3. how skilled is your muse at communication? 
4. who would your muse consider their best friend?
5. are there any fears your muse still holds from childhood? 
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
7. what clothes does your muse feel most comfortable in? why?
8. how many fights has your muse been a part of? how did they fare?
9. does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting, etc.)
10. how often does your muse find themselves daydreaming? what about?
11. how often does your muse cry? do they cry silently, privately, or out in the open?
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
13. is your muse proficient at any musical instruments? how long did it take them to learn?
14. does your muse prefer cooler or warmer weather? how does the heat/cold affect them?
15. does your muse know how to cook? what is the most complicated dish they’re able to make?
16. is your muse argumentative? if not, what is a topic they feel strongly enough about to argue for?
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