osmosisdreams · 7 months
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The way I’m gonna cry until I drown tomorrow
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
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Their bond was so special.
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
“Get away get away… get away…” [ in the hopes of not being very late with these starters, hello hello 🌻 ]
He didn't know her, and nobody on Paradis reacted to him like that. Anyone who might have had already left to live in Marley. This person must have been one of them - someone from Marley. Most of them didn't even visit Paradis. Sometimes they had the odd person who did, but it was usually someone like Yelena or Onyankopon who already had ties to the people here. Not many others were interested enough to try their luck here. Not in a place where their hated enemy was revered.
For the most part, he didn't engage others anymore. They had to speak to him first unless he was checking on Historia. It was easier that way - no confrontation; no conflict. No need to think about things he didn't want to think about. If someone spoke to him, well, he'd at least answer them... but this was no ally nor friend of his. "In my own home, too..." Most of the time he felt nothing. Emotions struggled to come out of him and he had simply gotten used to that. This... was aggravation though.
There was always a part of him that wasn't sure if he deserved to live a normal life. Perhaps it was just raw humanity that he was aggravated by someone treating him this way even on Paradis. Back when he had his titan, it had happened before... but that was before people saw him as their beacon of hope. It hadn't happened in a long time. Still, for someone from Marley to come to Paradis and tell one of its residents to "get away"... It felt like a whole lot of nerve.
"If you want to get away from me, you can do it yourself. You're not in Marley right now. I'm not obligated to keep my distance from anyone in my own home." Had he been in Marley, he would have avoided people anyway - at least, anyone he wasn't already familiar with and on good terms with. That was, specifically, his old friends. Had they been in Marley, he would have actually done as she desired... but they weren't in Marley. That bit of humanity he still had left in him was enough to deter him from that and stick to at least having some respect for himself, or at the very least, where he came from.
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
/ hey if you send anon hate bc someone set boundaries for themselves and their blog, you're a piece of shit <3
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
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It’s best I don’t speak
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
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Isayama redemption arc??
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
It was almost unfair, how easily he could access whatever he wanted in Levi's memories... and how Levi could know nothing Eren didn't tell him. How he couldn't see it on Eren's blank, expressionless face how tight his chest got looking straight at Levi with full attention, seeing his face bandaged. Seeing that the man had lost two fingers. Seeing the person he admired for years in this state. This was not at all how Eren would have ever expected to see him the first day he spotted Levi in the crowd of returning scouts. Just a starry eyed boy, seeing humanity's strongest in a light and glory that Levi himself may never have seen himself in.
"Kind of, yeah. We're in the Paths. Another... sort of dimension. Nobody else is here with us though. I can decide who comes here and when." Not that it wasn't fucked up. It was so fucked up, in fact, that it probably made Eren's mentality a thousand times worse than it already had been. The ability to manipulate the past and the confusion of time existing all at once could possibly mean that right now, right at this moment, he was just enlisting into the Scouts. It could also mean he was already dead and this was just the past. Time didn't make sense anymore.
Really, this power wasn't even supposed to be his. Ymir had given it to him when she sided with him over Zeke - who, in fact, Eren had just made the connection to with Levi's injuries. Levi had been around anyone else capable of that. The tightness he felt in his chest kept in a boiling rage that remained dutifully out of sight. He had succeeded in thwarting Zeke's plans, but he hadn't been quick enough. He hadn't been able to meet up with Zeke without Levi getting hurt.
And that... wasn't his choice. So no. All of this probably wasn't his choice. It wasn't, right? No, it wasn't. He had tried to stop the Rumbling - more times than he could even recount now. Every waking moment had been dedicated to stopping it since he realized he was just a boulder pushed along by Ymir. A boulder heading down its path and crushing whatever was in its way. A boulder that could veer off to the side but would inevitably still crash into the same target it would have hit if it hadn't veered off anywhere anyway.
What he answered, he answered with eyes facing in a direction away from Levi. There was too much of a story eyes could tell, and Levi could and probably would catch on quick. "What I wanted... wasn't this. Not specifically this. If we couldn't find another answer except war with the rest of the world, ideally we would wipe out their military as needed... and then their governments spreading the lies and filth about Paradis' people. Maybe there wasn't a way to do that, or if there was the rest of the world would still hate us, and that's why... I was always led back to this. Why no matter what I did, the future I kept seeing was still this."
Maybe his efforts and attempts were just too weak. Unusable. It made sense though. If they wiped out the military and governments of their enemies, all the ordinary people would still hate them. Revile them. See them as demons the way they already do. See them as unjust, violence obsessed monsters.
In that way, realistically, what other way could they have prevented the people on Paradis from being mercilessly slaughtered? The rest of the world, led by Marley, would not have stopped until not a single native human life form could be found on the whole island. This wasn't what Eren wanted, but it was the only answer left - and the only answer Ymir seemed to let him reach. Maybe she was right and there was no other way. Maybe to protect all their own innocents, he did have to slaughter all of their innocents. Still though, to scorch the earth itself? Punish life itself for humanity's idiocy?
Still though - why him? Why did she have to pick him to do this?
Unintentionally or not, Levi's disdain for the locale was a good distraction. It was just set dressing anyway in this place, when they could go anywhere within either of their memories. With the ability to warp the land itself around them here, they could forgo the sand. "Anyway, I'll get rid of the sand... but anywhere you want to go, as long as one of us ever experienced it, we can go to... in a sense."
The sand and stars distorted, reshaping into the old fort they stayed at for a month, before they had found out Annie was the Female Titan. They were both there in front of themselves - Levi going over very detailed and specific cleanliness methods to an Eren nearly five years younger than the one Levi found himself here with. Cleanliness methods, mind him, that Eren had adopted nearly religiously by the time the 104th had become Levi's newest squad.
All of those things were so simple. Everything back then, at least before Annie, had been so easy to digest. He was already being pulled along by Ymir's current, and perhaps that ignorance was truly bliss. At least, as far as he knew, that month was as close to bliss as he had known in a long time at that particular point.
"If I could have any choice... I would go back to these days. If I could throw it all away and go back, I probably would. I don't think I could change anything, and we would probably still end up back here. Maybe no matter how many times I went back, I would just relive the exact same things, over and over. I wonder if that would be torture? If I had to live through all the good things again that came with the bad, but always be able to relive the good things... Could that possibly be any worse than this? If I was reliving times before my titan powers were properly awakened... would that be cruel to live through again and again, or would it be a relief to never have to know anything? Always going back and never completing the Rumbling. Stopping it all right here and just... going back, forever. Infinitely, I guess... because time couldn't end if it only kept going backwards. Could that really... be worse than this?"
How the sky looked like, the infinity of it and its beauty, had always been a dream he didn't believe would ever come true — getting to witness such magnificent sights. And yet, Levi showed no interest in the starry sky above their heads. For someone who had been fighting for his entire life, he didn't find comfort in the quietness this place offered, a break from the nightmare they had found themselves in. A shadow of himself he ended up being, his dedication on living having vanished. Fire still burned on his eyes, but there was very little of him that hadn't been burnt out yet.
One word dominated his mind only, having robbed his life of any other meaning: revenge. To fulfill the vow he made to Erwin. His last order, a promise that sent hundreds of soldiers to their deaths. It had been his choice, the weight of it too much to bear — he had reached his breaking point, cracks having made their appearance. How much longer, would he have to wait to kill him? Could it be, Erwin had cursed him that day? As if his heart had stopped beating, as if the world had lost its colors. His vision clouded, a fog to make their world an even darker place to live in. He couldn't any longer see the light. Blind he'd wander, waiting for when he'd kill him — for when he'd set them free. Set himself free.
Head hung low, sitting cross-legged, out of strength, weak and vulnerable before the enemy. He couldn't stand, and he couldn't cast his eyes on him. Not yet, not until he heard his voice first, not until he recognized a part of the boy he had once believed to be humanity's hope. Whose eyes weren't the same empty as the last time he had seen him back on that airship. Still human, not the monster they described him to be from the start.
He was the one in charge to end his life if he ever lost control. Maybe he should have, the moment his eyes lost light, many years before he left Paradis. Yet he couldn't, not really. Not only because of the sorry state he was in, but because part of him, his gut instinct, didn't believe it was all Eren's fault. He was responsible for his life, and for how he chose to lead it. The blood Eren had spilled, was on his hands as well. Maybe he truly had been an untamable beast from the start. Maybe Levi had made the wrong choice, saving his life many years ago. Yet he didn't regret offering himself on the court on that day. He didn't regret the years they spent together under the same roof. The outcome had always been unknown, and all he could was trust his judgement at a certain time.
Otherwise he'd go insane. Same way the one before him had.
One more time. He planned this to be the last time they saw each other. That could be true, but the Captain refused to believe that. For he was supposed to have died as well, yet he sat before him, still fighting to fulfill his duty, still fighting to give all their sacrifices meaning. Even in this useless body, when all hope was lost. ❝ We must be inside my head. Right? ❞ Being an Ackerman, meant there should be limits to the control Eren had over him. Not that he gave a damn. Levi had long come to terms with freedom only being an illusion. They all had shackles to bind them, after all. Shackles they couldn't break. ❝ That's fucked up. ❞
Why care speak to him, of all people? Why care about what he thought? They hadn't had a proper conversation in a long time, having found themselves on opposite sides, Eren having chosen with Zeke ( or wasn't that the case? ) and Levi having now joined forces with Marley, doing everything within his power to get closer to killing the bastard who took everything from him. ❝ Is all of this your choice? ❞ The choice he regretted the least? Was causing such chaos and destruction truly his wish? Was it advancing forward, disregarding the feelings of everyone who ever cared for him ( not him, his friends', those who truly mattered to Eren )?
❝ I hate sand. ❞ It'd get all over his clothes, and it was difficult to clean after. But that wasn't the real meaning behind his words. Anger, frustration, heartache all masked as his obsession for cleanliness, his voice holding an unfamiliar vulnerability, an attempt to hide his true feelings, even towards the end — frustration for the weakened state he was in when they needed him the most, anger for everything they've lost and how much of themselves they had to give up, and heartache for being betrayed from someone he had once believed to carry light, for having lost him.
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
Score? Hell, he had lost track. Funny, really - he used to keep count of all the times they trained and he'd gotten beaten. Right to the very end, he could only really only say he won once, and that one time was with assistance from the Scouts. As a titan and as a normal human, he always lost to her. Technically, even with the Rumbling, it had not ended in his death... which meant that effectively, he had lost and not achieved that goal.
Was that really his goal though? His goal had always been to exterminate all titans. Ymir's goal had been... to get Mikasa to kill him. Had he simply justified that, knowing he should not have been able to escape that endgame, and tried to fool himself into believing it was what he was aiming for? Giving it purpose by making his friends heroes? Because, in truth, just as he had spilled to Armin, he didn't actually desire death.
"You've beaten me every time I can think of." Nowadays he was far from the worst fighter, and to be frank, Annie had been quite literally unable to get any stronger in the four years she'd been encased in the hardening she'd formed to protect herself. All that time, he'd only gone up, while she remained static. Technically, in theory anyway, he might have had a chance to actually properly win against her. Way back when, that would've been plenty of motivation for him. Right now, it was not motivation or a lack thereof. It was... empty space. Empty, like the rest of him in purpose.
"But... I don't think of this as quitting. I strove to wipe out all titans and to keep fighting until I did so. That's... been done. The fight is over. As long as I don't have anything left to fight, it's almost like the motivation is just gone. Like I can't find it in me to know what to strive for. As a kid, Armin convinced me to want to see what was beyond the walls. I saw that. When I got older, it was to eliminate the titans. I did that. Now I..."
If he had managed to do it years ago and somehow not have gone through everything he had in the past four years, maybe he actually would have been able to move on. Find a new motivator. Find a new thing to fight for. Clear a goal and go after something new. Life itself was always a fight. It was always survival. That in itself was his problem. His current state of low recovery - enough to be conscious and aware - might have been to blame for his inability to consider all his options, but life and survival were holding on in him based on mere survival instinct.
He was too confused, guilty, and afraid to think coherently enough. In fact, it was a fragile and strangely new mindset to him. It felt like something had snapped in him when he survived the Rumbling - something that had been holding on by the skin of a thread ever since he initiated it. Something that never should have broke, because it wouldn't have if he hadn't survived. Every bit of crushing weight collapsed on him when he had enough sense returned to him to compute everything that had happened.
It wasn't just the fights with Annie he lost. He lost his own fight to will himself to survive and keep pushing forward against all odds. He lost his fight to freedom when Ymir took his freedom from him. But then, he'd never had that freedom, did he? He was always doomed to acquire the Founding Titan and have a future that was set in captive stone.
If he was alive in ten years, say, would he have found a new purpose? Maybe. Right now though his mind was blank. It was all he could do to even process everything - to even consider he had a future separate from being expected to save humanity while ironically being on a set path to destroy most of it.
"...I didn't want to die, but I expected it. I planned for it. I never even considered making it out alive. Now that I have, I don't know what to do with myself. I don't know where to go from here. As far as I was aware for a long time, my life ended here. There was never any reason or need to think of what was past this. I spent four years trying to avoid the Rumbling I saw in the future, only to live through the exact moments it all failed. That I completely failed. It... still happened. Four years of never thinking about what was past the Rumbling because as far as I knew, unless I could change it, there was nothing past it for me. Suddenly now, there is. Suddenly now, I get a future that isn't pre-written - freedom from my written path and destination - that eighty percent of the world doesn't get."
Why even tell her this? He didn't totally know. It was technically relevant - his reason for having nothing he looked ahead to. It was just... heavier than she may have anticipated. Perhaps being in only half his right mind right now had a part in it. Well, not that honesty mattered anymore. He'd tried to hide his honesty behind erasing their memories, but that was when telling them the truth would have made them waver. There was... nothing left for them to waver over if they had already decided to, upon finding a way to, get him back alive.
There’s a tinge of excitement sparking within her when Eren expresses his want to train with her again. But it dies out in the few seconds it takes for that uncertainty to settle in his eyes.
Annie doesn’t blame him one bit, for not knowing how to feel, for questioning his own emotions and memories. Even before the rumbling and the paths, she found herself questioning much of her own experiences. Simplicity overcomplicated by guilt and desires that should not have taken residence in her heart. But she always reached for that simplicity and ignored everything else, during the worst of circumstances. She has to do it so she can go home to her father. That’s all that matters. Or rather, all that should matter. Everything else was an unnecessary complication. To be ignored. Shoved in the deepest depths of her mind.
But she’s not here to dwell on those simplicities. Now that she does have what she wants, she can dive into the more complicated. As it turned out, human nature is barely satisfied even after one’s goal is achieved. There’s always more to strive after. More to want. And maybe what Eren wants right now is to feel human again.
“The good it would do is that I get to kick your ass again,” she says. Something she’s wanted to do for a long time now, for many different reasons. “I’d say we need to settle the score after all, don’t you think?”
Their last fight didn’t end in her favor. But a third, final “match” so to speak, would give them a definite answer. Not that she doesn’t know the answer. Eren is stronger than she is, always has been, and… after seven years, he’s probably even stronger. But it’s never been about strength as much as it was about technique. That was the whole point of her moves. Still there’s a point where strength will undoubtedly outshine technique, no matter how skilled. It’s not winning she’s after, anyway. She wouldn’t mind losing to him again.
“I’m not asking you to be that person.” She frowns. “Even I can’t be who I was back then, and I didn’t travel through two thousand years worth of memories.” Her eyes settle on his, insistent and severe. Her version of encouragement. She’d reach for his hand to comfort him, but she doubts that’ll make much of a difference. “Don’t tell me you’re choosing to quit now of all times. I thought your whole thing was to fight, no matter what. The war’s over, but you still have plenty of small battles to win.”
Annie has never been one for motivational speaking. It’s why being an “ambassador of peace” is the biggest joke in the universe. It’s yet another role she has to fulfill, which is all the more reason that moments like these are special. Moments where she can be whoever she wants to be, without having to fit into a role that should have never been hers to fill.
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
“I want it to stop. It’s not stopping.”
Eren wished he could help. That he could say or do something to relieve her. When it was also a problem he faced though? That was all it was - a mere wish. A desire to help, strangely similar to how he used to be. What they went through was something they would probably carry with them for the rest of their lives though. Memories and dreams they didn't truly own, and the burden of being unable to shut them out. They came and went as they pleased.
Perhaps when they were older, such things would slow down. Eventually they would have lived more years freely, without these experiences, than the amount of years they lived with them. Falco was probably the least affected, if only because of the amount of time he was exposed to the titan abilities, but Reiner was probably still taking things hard. They were all a mess. It was too soon for them to be normal again. Maybe in Annie and Reiner's cases, they were never normal.
Well, worst case was they could sit in fucked up silence regularly. Best case was that they could relate to each other - ironically enough, when they had been trying to kill each other not even that long ago, and prior to that had been enemies years prior. Friends before that - or at least, he had thought so at the time. Ever since the Rumbling ended, he had never thought to ask about it. By now, was it actually relevant anymore? Any friendship they may have had became such a convoluted mess that it might have been better to start over.
"I got rid of all the titans, but I guess I can't exactly get rid of the trauma you all went through." Even nowadays, his voice remained low and devoid of emotion. Devoid of the belief that he should be capable of expressing emotion. Devoid of the ability to recall exactly what it was like to express emotion properly. "Sorry about that. I might have been able to manipulate some things if the Paths were still accessible to me, but they were gone with the Founder. I'm just an average person now." Again; but it had been so long since then that it was hard to remember what it felt like being an average person. The worst part was that he wasn't sure if he entirely missed it.
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
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Eren was Annie’s first friend, however, their interactions weren’t animated
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
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Eren genga released, by prkp_prkg_
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
Could we maybe do a rp, please? I have an oc that i really would love to ship with Eren🥺 ~✝️
/ sooo like, I'm trying to answer this the most polite way I can, but this kind of thing makes me extremely uncomfortable. firstly, I only write with mutuals, and if you're a mutual of mine then a simple ask or ask meme is an easy way to start a thread if I haven't sent you something yet.
if you're not a mutual, either you followed me and I checked out your blog and saw too much OOC content (i.e. not enough actual writing), and/or I felt your writing/muse was not compatible with mine (this can include a lack of lengthy posts, because if you only write a couple paragraphs for all your threads, I do deem that incompatible with me/my writing style and habits).
second, my rules very clearly state my ships. it feels very disrespectful to be asked to ship after I made my situation very clear. this gives off the impression that you either did not my rules or did read them and just didn't care about what was in them.
I know you probably didn't mean any harm by this, but this comes across to me as not actually caring about my preferences and just wanting any Eren to ship with, regardless of the mun or muse. this has nothing to do with your OC and I'm sure your OC is fine, and hopefully able to help you be creative and have an outlet for that creativity. I just have a very select few characters I will ship with, and those characters are listed in two spots on my blog. even then, I ship based on mun agreement and/or existing muse chemistry and don't write for the sole purpose of shipping.
I do write with OCs, but if you're explicitly only looking to ship, I am sorry to say I am not the right person for you. If I do or ever do follow you then I will still write with you, and I do accept one-sided romantic feelings toward Eren, but as stated in my rules, only if the person I'm interacting with understandings the relationship will not be mutual. If I feel like a ship is being forced on me, I will warn someone once in private, but if it continues, I will drop them as a writing partner.
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
/ woulddd anyone be willing to write with me on another blog if I wrote a non AoT character? I just... have a very strong muse from another series and am interested in writing him again.
I'm not losing Eren, he's right here! 👋 I just wanna also write for another character I haven't written in many years.
I've been debating making a small multi muse for that franchise but I don't actually know how well it'd go since RP on Tumblr is much more dead than back when I used to write here, and for now I'd like to focus on just the one since I already have Eren.
but please let me know if you'd be interested so I know who to follow if I make the blog! this blog will also be linked on the blog's main page as my other active RP blog, so you'll know it's me.
counting likes as interest, so if you like this post I'm going to take it as you're up for writing with me outside AoT. muse is Yuri from Vesperia and I really want to try sticking my face back into writing for that franchise. Yuri just happens to have been the one who bugged me to come back first. 💜
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”
— Steve Maraboli
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
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                     ɪɴᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅᴇɴᴛ ᴋᴇɪᴛʜ sʜᴀᴅɪs ᴏғ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ ᴏɴ ᴛɪᴛᴀɴ / sʜɪɴɢᴇᴋɪ ɴᴏ ᴋʏᴏᴊɪɴ                     𝟷𝟾+ | ɴsғᴡ | sᴇʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ | ᴘʀɪᴠᴀᴛᴇ | ᴀғғɪʟɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴏᴛ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ  
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this is a role play blog for keith shadis of the anime / manga "attack on titan" / "shingeki no kyojin" by hajime isayama.
the blog is written by an adult for adults. i wish to not be followed by children (that includes anyone below the age of 18). if i find out that someone lied about their age i will block because i am not comfortable writing with minors! so please be honest and let's respect each other's boundaries.
writer is 30+ and uses he/him/his pronouns.
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this role player only interacts with mutuals
you are welcome to tag me in posts, inspiring pictures, music or quotes (whether media found on tumblr or outside of tumblr), send random headcanon questions (this point also applies to non-mutuals), tag me in role plays of yours with someone else if my character was mentioned and send me memes any time. it doesn't matter when you send me something. go wild.
selective multi-ship. keith is straight.
i don't usually follow first unless you are a snk / aot rp account to respect other people's boundaries. i know that the show is quite controversially perceived and i'd rather people follow me first before i would follow back, to know that the interest is real.
my other aot blogs are @urireiss and @theo-magath
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do not threaten, vague about or publicly shame other writers because you disagree with them on an ethical, religious, ideological, political or otherwise personal level. if i see that on my dash it will make me block you.
i don't need other people to do the thinking and judging for me, as i am an adult person who can form an opinion on a serious matter and decide what to do about it on his own.
i will not unfollow or block someone just because you want me to.
i will always write whatever i want and don't care about what other people think about it.
if you soft block me chances are i will 100% follow you again, because i can not tell whether it was you or tumblr. i'm not a mind reader and wouldn't get the hint. be proactive and just hard block me, if you want me out of your life.
if you dislike anything written here, please also just block me.
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block when i am not interested. especially when it concerns blogs recommended to me by tumblr and i repeatedly see them on my dash board. if i have made up my mind that i wouldn't rp with a person, i don't see why i shouldn't just block to be recommended someone else instead.
unfollow when i grow bored or consider our characters incompatible. or when someone hasn't been active in over 2 weeks.
disappear for a while because i am ill and my activity on my blog solely depends on how fit i am. there will be days, weeks or even months where i could just disappear out of the blue. i don't mind if you just unfollow me after i haven't been active in a long time but would be happy to get back in touch once i am back.
make mistakes when english is concerned as it is not my native language. it is a second language that i learnt but i am not as perfect or eloquent as people who speak it every day. there will be misunderstandings!
follow other people because i am / would be very interested to interact. please note that i am not the type to follow first simply because i try to keep my circle small as too many mutuals overwhelm me and i want to be respectful of people's boundaries. however if i followed you, my interest won and i consider you a very interesting writer with very interesting content!!!
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death, murder, gore, suicide, suicidal thoughts, depression
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
/ modern au with @puretitan is literally just puretitan's eren saying the most unhinged shit and my eren trying to do damage control.
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osmosisdreams · 7 months
@foreverascout from here
He had found out this soon?! Sheesh... He knew Jean was always one of the smart ones, but he hadn't been sure that he would confront him about it so readily. That alone wasn't odd, but it was almost impressive that he would do so over even food. Was it really that odd for Eren to do something kind when unprompted? Yikes... Might want to get on doing something about that then.
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"Um... I knew you liked them and you seemed like you were having a hard time lately. Like you were stressed or something." Well, they were all a bit stressed, but Jean was usually a little better than this about keeping it in. That alone was reason enough to prompt Eren to at least try something. There was a difference between everyone's responses to fighting, and acting out of sorts.
It wasn't always something he readily picked up on, but having spent as long with these people as he had, it was getting easier... and having his own emotional turmoil these days also made it easier. "I didn't want to seem like I was doing something for a favor or to get something in return, so I didn't say anything..."
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