phoenixmiko · 5 days
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You’re home 🤝🏻
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phoenixmiko · 12 days
We Don’t Live Very Long
Hey there, Nugget: It’s your da. You probably don’t remember me, and that’s good. You’re better off with your ma. She’s a good one. You hang on to her. There’s a big fight coming up, and I thought I should say this before I lose the chance to say it at all. I’m a Grey Warden now, and there’s really no way around it – we don’t live very long. If not tomorrow, it’ll be soon. I just feel it. Nugget, I want to say that I’m sorry I left. I want the best for you, even if it doesn’t seem like it sometimes. Or all the time. But it’s true. You were the only good thing that came out of Oghren, after all’s said and done. Not being there was the best I had to give. Maybe if your ma’s all right with it, you can ask her to tell you about the first time we met, when I was a real warrior. I didn’t do right by her. I’m only trying to do right by you. Atredum na satolva. Atrast tunsha. –A letter addressed to Oghren’s child, written shortly before the siege of Vigil’s Keep
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phoenixmiko · 12 days
A letter written by Alistair to Arl Eamon, never sent
“I didn’t think I belonged anywhere, Uncle. You said I should try my best, and I really did when I was at the chantry. Well, that’s a lie, I suppose. I wanted to try. It was hard to want that, however, when everyone’s always scowling at you. One templar kept telling me I was going to end up sent off to a Circle in the Anderfels after my vows. He laughed when he said it, a big laugh that made my gut turn to jelly. It made me think the Anderfels must be an awful place to have me end up there. "But the Wardens are different. Everyone who comes here…they didn’t belong anywhere either, and then they found their cause. They found each other. They don’t know anything about me, where I come from, and they don’t care. Duncan said I was worthy, and that’s all that mattered. I thought the man must have been insane to pick me out, me of all people, but now…Now I don’t know. They say I’m learning fast. I beat Rondall in a spar the other day, beat him honestly, and…I think I might be good at being a Warden. They think so, too. For the first time, I’m a little glad you kicked me out. Don’t take that wrong. I know you felt bad that night when you sent me off, Uncle. I just mean I landed on my feet.”
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phoenixmiko · 12 days
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phoenixmiko · 12 days
Hi! This is a weird question, but um. I was just watching Champions of the Just, and the scene where Barris drinks the lyrium confused the hell out of me -- the lyrium kit Cullen has in Perseverance looks like it's more for something taken like heroin, injected or snorted, but then they just... drink it? I'm really confused on what exactly the lyrium kit Cullen has *does* or *is*. Does World of Thedas explain it, or do you have any theories?
Not weird at all, interesting actually and this is going on my list of lore I need to make a specific post for. But for now, I will simply answer your question.
Here’s the thing, Lyrium comes in several forms:
The list above is categorized most dangerous to least dangerous.
Raw Lyrium is extremely dangerous just to touch and should never be consumed, these are the veins you find throughout the Deep Roads and are only ever mined by Dwarves. So not important to us for now.
Lyrium Sand is very volatile and explosive, it’s lyrium that has been ground course and essentially found as granules of lyrium. Not much use for this by Templars and so again, I’m skipping this for now.
Now Dust and Liquid are the two types of Lyrium you are looking at, which liquid Lyrium is Lyrium Potions. Both Dust and Liquid Lyrium have been processed by Dwarves and to an extent are completely safe for consumption. However, as you would expect Lyrium Dust requires extra preparation before you can consume it. You do not want to just shove powdered Lyrium in your mouth and hope it all makes it down (think about swallowing powdered drink mix…).
This is where a Templar’s philter comes in or as you know it, Cullen’s box of tools. Cullen can use it to at any time or place make Lyrium dust into a Lyrium draught/potion. Templars more often use philters because they are mobile and dust has a longer shelf life than liquid.
When Ser Barris is using the potions, it is 1) because he has and needs immediate access to extra lyrium reserves and 2) because he requires more than his daily dose to amp up the Templar ability they use in the quest.
So basically Barris is only using a potion to quickly supplement his lyrium dosage, while Cullen actually uses the tools in his box to turn lyrium powder into a drinkable form.
Which my source for this is actually from the crafting of potions throughout the Dragon Age series and from Ser (the character), who explains philters. Ser is the Templar specialization trainer for Warriors in Dragon Age Inquisition.
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phoenixmiko · 12 days
[…] Teryn Bryce Cousland spent four months receiving oaths and taking possession of his ancestral home, and every day without fail he sent a letter to Lady Eleanor – sometimes more than one a day. One letter was reportedly just a stick-figure drawing of him sitting in Highever’s great hall looking bored. They met again in Denerim at the formal coronation of King Maric. The teryn of Highever attempted to propose to the Lady of the Storm Coast by singing her all ten verses of “The Soldier and the Seawolf.” She only let him go to three. The song was not sung at their wedding. – p. 115 of World of Thedas, volume 2.
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phoenixmiko · 12 days
The Soldier & The Seawolf
The lion’s ships were Denerim bound Oh, drop him, Lady, drop him! Let the true king’s call for aid resound Just drop him, Lady, drop him! A soldier lad from the army came Oh, drop him, Lady, drop him! Leading thirty souls in Maric’s name. Just drop him, Lady, drop him! Turn him loose and let him go Down to the rocks and the waves below The depths can have that scurvy knave Just drop him, Lady, drop him! When the soldier met the Mistral’s crew Not a word of their great deeds he knew And the Seawolf he took for a servant lass Great Andraste, what an ass! ‘Fore the Seawolf’s ire, no man could stand Soldier felt his death was close at hand Two great steps back did he retreat And the cliff side crumbled 'neath his feet. – A sea chantey immortalizing the first meeting between Lord Bryce Cousland and Lady Eleanor “The Seawolf” Mac Eanraig
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phoenixmiko · 26 days
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Lulu (FFX) and Morrigan (Dragon Age)
Who would win?
Print available through Society6! 
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phoenixmiko · 28 days
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Dragon Age Inquisition Scenery - Inquisition camp in the Hinterlands
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phoenixmiko · 2 months
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I translated Kousuke Fujishima's design commentary for the Symphonia cast!
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phoenixmiko · 2 months
Day 3: Yuan-fen (Chinese)
The destiny, the fate, or the luck that brings people or things together.
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The front door to the gym slowly opens and a young brunette stumbles in looking exhausted. Her hair is messy, most likely from the helmet that she currently has slung across her arm. She takes a deep breath and walks further into the building before she finally spots who she came to see. 
“Hey Lee”  the green-clad man whipped his head around and rushed over to her just as quickly pulling her into a hug.  Tenten flinched, Lee let her go panicked
“Lotus, are you okay?” He took in her appearance. Her arms and legs were scrapped up
“It's just been a really rough day.  I got into a little bike accident but I'm fine. You don't need to freak out” 
As if on cue, he started pacing back and forth. Asking her 21 questions and firing them off faster than she could answer.  The brunette walked over to a nearby set of bleachers to take a seat.  Lee followed right behind continue his string of questions and concerns. 
“Lee, calm down. Look I'm okay”  
“You have to tell me what happened? Right now! ” 
She rolled her eyes regretting telling him the truth.
“This idiot in a luxury vehicle opened up the passenger side door without looking and hit me with it right as I'm passing his vehicle. I go flying off and this random person catches me and we both end up tumbling to the ground”
Lee nodded so she'd would continue.
“My adrenaline was pumping so I'm a little foggy on the details. I'm not sure how to.. explain it…but the guy who caught me ended up being the owner of the vehicle that I crashed into.  Not how that works exactly because he was out on the street with me but yeah. I think he said his name was like Ninji or something…I got his contact information and I'm supposed to call him to make arrangements. 
Lee puts his hand out, asking for the card.  Tenten reached into her jacket pocket and pulled the thick business card made of vinyl. He read the name.
Hyuuga Neji
Assistant Director of Hyuuga Industries
“ I know him. This is that friend I’ve been wanting you to meet.  How youthful”  A bright smile began to form on his face. “ Funny enough, he should be stopping back shortly for our weekly workout,” Lee handed her back the card. 
Tenten didn't know what to say.  Her high is now gone and the ache in her muscles now begins to set in. 
“You should wait around and properly meet him. Wait here. I need to go grab some from the back”  Lee quickly ran off leaving her to her thoughts.
She didn't know whether this was destiny,  fate, or just random but she knew one thing for sure.  It was happening.
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phoenixmiko · 2 months
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 . ݁₊ ⊹˚₊‧ ‧₊˚ . ݁˖ . ݁
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phoenixmiko · 2 months
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Melody of Memories
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phoenixmiko · 2 months
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R A W FMA series by ROK-MO
New post every Friday!!
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phoenixmiko · 2 months
Perfect images of best character
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phoenixmiko · 2 months
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VFORCE episode 47 ending.
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phoenixmiko · 2 months
Inquisition romances reacting to hearing Cole talk about talk about how the inquisitor feels about them?
Cassandra: “Strong and brave but romantic on the inside, hiding it like crystal in rock. So beautiful it hurts, and sometimes she looks at me like she does and I feel like nothing can touch me.”
By the time Cole is done with his speech Cassandra is bright red, and everyone in the party gets a stern warning to forget they heard anything. But later, when they get a moment alone, she leans against him and marvels that somehow she was the one with the happily ever after.
Solas: “Wise and clever and funny when no one is looking. Soft whispers, gentle hands, exploring the Fade. His hands move when he talks, lights up from the inside when he is excited to share something.” 
It’s hard to make the Dread Wolf blush, but there is no denying the red that tries to climb up his neck. A sloppy kiss on the cheek from his Vhenan makes it worse, but even after he mockingly pushes her away the glow settles into his heart.
Sera: “Laughter and pranks, hard beams of the roof beneath us, funny words in funny places and when she smiles it lights up the whole tavern. She–”
The threat of arrows in unhappy places mean that the thought never gets completed, but Sera is sure to reward her honeytongue later for being so sweet.
Blackwall: Quiet and brave and sad, sometimes, but when he smiles he looks like a different person. Laughing and joking, sawdust in my hair and straw in his, a world away from the world. Happy, happy just with him.”
If the Inquisitor seems embarassed Blackwall will tell Cole to shush, but if not he makes no comment and simply presses the words into his heart– even as he knows he doesn’t deserve them.
Dorian: “Handsome  and clever, and so brave even though he doesn’t know it. Sometimes his mustache tickles when we kiss, and he talks to himself when he’s asleep. Kissing against the library shelves when no one is looking, hands in his hair because it makes him fuss.”
Dorian is still learning exactly how comfortable southerners are with his…whatever it is with the inquisitor, but when Cole’s soliloquy nets only gentle teasing he takes heart, and without a doubt will never forget the words that spell out how his Amatus truly feels. If he’s feeling very bold he’ll steal forward later and reward those words with a fast kiss.
Iron Bull: “Sometimes after we–”
After months of close quarters the Iron Bull has gotten pretty good at telling when Cole is going to start spouting off things that are best kept between two people. And besides, he has a dragon tooth around his neck and a the slow intermingling of their belongings in his room to remind just how he and his Kadan feel about each other.
The notched bed post is also a pretty good indicator.
Josephine: “So clever and witty, never flustered by the nobles but her eyes cross if I kiss the tip of her nose. She works too hard and takes on too much, but it makes me feel safe. Dancing and laughing, smiles and kisses and so much happiness, hope Leliana sees the happy. Her hair curls in the morning and when she wakes up she smiles at me like I made the sun rise.”
By the time Cole is done the Inquisition’s chief diplomat is bright red, but tears of happiness swim in her eyes as she lets her lover hip her into the kind of kiss only princesses in fairy tales seem to get.
Cullen: “So strong, so brave, taking on too much. His scar tickles my lips when we kiss, and he always closes his eyes when we do. Blushes and flirting, and when he holds my hand it feels right. He works too hard and worries too much, but when we were together the desk was more than a desk. Whole in the roof and stars in the sky, but he is the one who guides me when I’m lost.”
If the Inquisitor was not away on a mission it is very likely that Cullen would have simply imploded from embarrassment. As it is he flushes beet red, but a part of his heart is brimming with happiness, and maybe it is finally time to plan that trip to the lake…
–Mod Feredone
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