jookpubstock · 3 days
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New references!
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ooliecat · 2 days
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when aperture in yo brain gah what you looking so crazy for
i drew this months ago. i was gonna save it for october but i haven't posted. and i meant to post 12 hours ago. i bow and apologize. i i i
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Ponyboy's dorm room, circa 1970.
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sicc-nasti · 1 day
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Thinking of dipping my hand in doing TF2 Refs! If that piques anyone's interest? :3c
These would be great I think for fan classes but also good for existing classes that you've made into ocs! And man I love drawing ocs ahhh These would be full *flat color with a simplified background for ONE team color**. It would be in my style, but still reminiscent of TF2! Kind of like my Courier fan class ref I made forever ago *I am open to trying a rendered version similar to Couriers at an up-charge ** Additional team color refs can also be done for a small charge IF the counterpart has no distinct differences outside of color changes. This price increases depending on the level of differences between the same team color characters. And if theyre entirely different, then obv that will count as an entire new sheet. If you're interested, dm me here! I'd love to explain and explore this idea more. Im looking to do 1 or 2 of these rn, as an experiment with these current prices atm. Turn around time Im not sure about yet. Can do: Fan classes, canon classes, monsters, furries, MAYBE bots TF2 Characters that arent classes (like Merasmus), admin characters, fan teams, AU's, sonas, load outs, etc etc (Im also happy to try my hand at not tf2 centered ocs for this but will need discussion!) Lets chat ! ^_^ Id love to draw your silly ! ***Please note- There will be an up-charge if you need me to design your character, their emblem, their weapons, etc etc. Also, any bio text info needs to be supplied as well! I cant write ur ocs info for you lol. ***There will also be an up-charge for very detailed characters, but this will be discussed before money is exchanged!
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lunathemoonsblog · 2 days
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☽︎-•°Six-eard Macaque | Liu'er Mihóu - 鹿儿米侯-•°☾︎
"Macaque. Actually I'm.. Six-eard Macaque, cuz ya know.. My full name"
+ patient, intelligent, humor
= playful, introvert, controller
- aggressive, manipulative, bitter
Love: shadow puppets, Luna, plums
Hate: lies, complacency
Physical information
Age: 4000 (immortal)
Gender: Male
Height: 5’7
Species: Monkey demon
Abilities: 72 transformation, shadow duplicates, shadow manipulation, super strength, dark chi power
Luna: Love her, like to play with her and fulfills his duty as a father to her.
Wukong: Considers him a traitor, but let him to spend time with his adopted daughter when he need to do something.
MK and Mei: too loud but they remind him his past when he hang out with wukong.
About the other just don't care or no opinion.
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gurlu · 2 days
About 2 years ago, @mnevesart.bsky.social (on BlueSky) helped me and drew full rendered art of my character Ben, who I struggled hard to draw at the time (he didn't even have a name). For free. Just like that. I was just starting to draw again at the time. This single act of kindness fueled me to continue drawing, I wouldn't be drawing here today if it weren't for it. When I was finally able to draw him like I wanted, I closed the circle and commissioned Matt proper. It is now done :)
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fuerrziah · 17 hours
how i imagine older beau
ik im calling him an old guy but lets be honest 31y/o is not old HAHA SO here's the true old guy
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as he gets older and becomes a father his dad jokes are even worse
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tarnussy · 1 day
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Fallingstar Beast Anatomy Reference Masterpost
Not to be confused with the Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast, as the two look slightly different. This is the baby version of the critter for @pumpkinspicelyrium and another chapter of my reference posts.
Please feel free to show this to your artist friends by either reblogging or sharing it, as it took a good while to make.
There are many photos below, all of them 2k-3k in size, so open them up separately if needed (especially on mobile, as big photos tend to show up blurry unless tapped individually).
Posts like this:
Godrick 1 2 3 4 & Rennala & Morgott
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Hope you like it!
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Orca's ref
info post about Memento Cadre
more info under the cut
-Uses He/Him may also use They/Them
-head canon voice: 
-He’s a Crossfell variant (Crossfell by Jakei95). So has a different experience from the og Cross. 
-Joined Memento Cadre due to the fact his au had basically been destroyed, and he didn’t want to be apart of X!Gaster’s plan to revive it. He doesn’t talk about his life before Memento Cadre, and wants to keep it that way. Somewhere in the beginning of him joining the group him and X!Chara were split into two beings. 
-Has slightly less magic than the others, but makes up for it in physical prowess. Being physically stronger than the others as well as being able to take a lot more hits than them too. Paired on with the fact he is now LV 10 he’s a lot stronger than the others in the group (Other than Omen). A solid/good punch from him is like getting hit by a train. 
-His Name was originally ‘X’ but Omen (Nightmare) started to call him Orca, which after a while Orca became his new name, allowing him to distance himself from his old life. He’s never seen/heard of an orca before, doesn’t even know what his new name means.
-The tallest in Memento Cadre. Will slouch slightly from time to time when talking to others. 
-Best way to describe his personality is like a honey badger mixed with a chihuahua. Needlessly aggressive, and acts like everything is out to get him so kicks off to keep everyone away from him. But only lets a few select people/monsters come close. He can be seen as a fighting dog that is still learning to act like a normal dog.
Or a pray animal that has nowhere else to run so has to fight. 
-His personality when it comes to those he likes is basically like a teddy bear. Very soft and protective. He acts as a guard dog for them, and always tries to do his best to protect everyone and keep them out of trouble. He’s willing to put his life on the line for them, even if it means he might die, if it gives the others time to get away in his eyes it’s worth it.
-Never really learned to read/write, learned a bit when he was a kid, but never continued to learn. Omen (Nightmare) did offer to teach him when he realized Orca didn’t know. But Orca refused due to being embarrassed. Though Omen would teach him anyway at random times in a nonchalant way making Orca feel less awkward about it.
-Was basically created to be a walking loyal weapon. He’s loyal to a scary degree, this is why he was in such a bad spot in his au for so long. But when things went to hell and he realized he had no one to place that loyalty in it gave him major trust issues. Omen (Nightmare) was able to gain Orca’s trust over a long period of time. And slowly the rest of Memento Cadre he began to trust with Omen’s help.
-Will sometimes get annoyed at Omen, yes Omen doesn’t treat him as a weapon and will actively go out of his way to protect Orca so he doesn’t have to fight, but Orca feels somewhat useless without being able to fight, since it’s all he’s ever known. He knows Omen is trying to teach him how to be more of a person than a weapon, but he also wants to do the things he’s good at for Omen. 
-Spends a lot of his free time with Omen whenever Omen is in the archive, since he likes to hear stories about the aus from Omen. Prides himself on the fact he’s the one who has gotten Omen to talk the most. 
-Wears a spiked collar to keep people away from his neck. Hates anyone getting near his neck/face.
-Wears fingerless gloves to protect his knuckles, as he has a habit of biting his knuckles when nervous. 
-His cape is really heavy, its a similar weight to 3-4 weighted blankets (not including the spikes and fur on the cape, which also add to the weight)
-X wound on his face, from time to time the wound can hurt and also give him bad headaches. The wound never fully healed so if he catches it on something it could start bleeding again. The others in the group have each tried to heal it, but couldn’t and it made the pain worse for him for a short time. 
-His normal resting face looks like a glare, which tends to scare off most people, without him meaning to scare them off. 
-Hates being alone, has to be hanging out with someone, so is often seen following the others like a lost puppy. He’s sort of fine when it comes to going to sleep on his own, but if he awakes during the night he will seek out Omen as he knows Omen doesn’t really sleep. Will normally fall back asleep in whatever room Omen is in.
-His tail wags when happy, in the past he never used to wag his tail before joining the group. Has once sprained his tail from wagging it to hard, was extremely embarrassed about it, and once he got healed he wasn’t seen for a few hours because he was so embarrassed. 
-Used to be a royal guard, was so caught up in fighting honorably that he would fall for tricks/others fighting dirty. But since spending time in the group he no longer cares about this, and will 100% do anything he can to win. E.g. throwing sand/dirt/snow into others eyes/eye sockets, throwing his cape (which is heavy as hell) at peoples faces to blind them/catch them. etc. Though he is also aware when to back off from a fight he can’t win.  
-Is part dragon, often runs off of the instincts of his draconic side. So will sometimes act more beast than monster/person. 
-Due to running off instincts half of the time he may do things that are closer to what animals will do. E.g. he will groom the ones he likes, he bites/scratches/purrs/growls, he collects/hoards shiny things. Gets possessive over people/things. 
-May have LV flares that are mainly effected by his mood. And due to him running on more instinct based he will often become extremely destructive during these flares. Or may get very protective of the group/over one specific person. He can’t really help it.
-Used to sleep sat up, being on edge even when sleeping. He’s started to rest better now and will lay down now, but does so curled up into a ball.
-Will pick people up that he likes. Will also wrap his cape around people he likes too. May also steal people this way too, throwing an arm/the cape over someone to hid them then dragging them away. 
-Will also let people lean on him, e.g. will stand behind the others so they can lean back on him. Normally the MTT will grab either side of his cape and pull it over themselves too to hide in Orca's cape. Omen will lean back on Orca but won't really mess with his cape.
-When walking around an au, especially in Snowdin, the MTT will follow behind him in a line stepping exactly in the places where he steps. E.g. in Snowdin it will look like one set of footprints. Orca is unsure on why they do this or when it started, but doesn’t question it since he knows it keeps the others close to him, and also he feels almost honored that they’re following in his footsteps rather than Omen’s. 
-Was very iffy with food before joining Memento Cadre. Would basically eat anything put in front of him. Even if it was to make him ill. He never really had a good consistent food source in his au, and also when joining the group he also would hoard food, and hide food as well, which he slowly grew out of, though sometimes he still does hide his favorite snacks.
-Yuji from JJK, specifically when Yuji gets serious and the frames go black and white. He's also inspired by the move black flash from JJK as well
-orcas, mainly how they will punt things out of the ocean and generally only bigger whales are the thing that can stand up to them.
-Crossfell by Jakei95 is also a huge inspo obviously lol
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pocketseizure · 6 hours
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Reference for Zelda's short hairstyles
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ckret2 · 1 day
Did you update the fic? I can’t see an update in ao3 but you’ve kinda been posting like u did (or maybe I’m just confused lol)
There are tumblr updates too. I updated the fic on tumblr on Friday. I've posted other things on here since then that aren't updates.
I'm currently writing chapter 80-something, posting chapter 60-something on tumblr, and editing everything between ch 9 and ch 60-something for TBOB compatibility to post to AO3; and I do NOT want what I'm posting to catch up with what I'm writing. So this is my current writing/editing schedule for every week, starting over on Saturdays:
edit and queue this week's next tumblr chapter*
write at least one future chapter
edit and post another ao3 chapter
work on editing other chapters
(*if I finished queueing the next tumblr chapter before the end of the weekend, and the prior week I didn't manage to post an ao3 chapter, I can work on editing & posting an ao3 chapter before the end of the weekend)
If I don't finish 1 & 2 before the end of Friday, ao3 isn't getting a chapter that week.
Last week, it took me all week to write an outline for a chapter, so I didn't finish 2. This weekend it took me til right before bed Sunday to queue this week's chapter. So ao3's skipped a week.
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hinterland-clans · 22 hours
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the leaders of riftclan! there's information about each under the cut :D
Shardstar (Shard of White Stone, he/him): the founder of Riftclan, Shard was once a prey-hunter of the Tribe of Rushing Water, sent with a group of his Tribemates on a quest to help the Clan cats. While most of the Clan cats settled in the safety of the woods, his group embraced the mountainside as home. He was often doubtful of his abilities as a leader, but was wise and thoughtful. His leader mark is a white chest stripe.
Goldstar (Gold Falling Feather, she/her): born soon after the journey to the mountain territories, Gold was one of the first true RiftClan cats. she was intelligent and witty, and established the warrior divisions in Riftclan. her leader mark is stripes under her eyes.
Quietstar (Quietleap, she/her): proud, determined, and singlemindedly protective of her Clan, Quietstar began as a strong, well-regarded leader. However, she tended to quickly spiral out of control in times of trouble, her anger and worry for her Clanmates getting the better of her judgement. When the Clan fell weak to a famine, and the other Clans refused to spare the little food they had, Quietstar led a crusade against the other Clans that ended with her being struck by lightning at a gathering battle. She wanders the Dark Forest, silenty contemplating her actions. Her leader mark is a white paw.
Violetstar (they/she): chosen as Quietstar's deputy because they would never question her actions, Violetstar began as a young, impressionable leader. While always ready to assist their Clanmates with their problems, they also tended to disregard rules in favor of their own desires. Her leader mark is a white tail stripe.
Patchstar (Patchtail, he/him): as Violetstar's half-Pineclan son, Patchstar often faced silent scorn from his Clanmates. In response, he was usually aloof and angry with those around him. He had a soft side for his mate and his daughter, Sunpaw. When Sunpaw was murdered by Blackflame, Patchstar's faith in his Clanmates was further challenged. He carried this distrust for the rest of his life. His leader mark is spots on his flank.
Rubblestar (Rubblefur, he/him): Rubblefur was a thoughtful, contemplative, and humorous cat who was well-respected by the other Clans. However, he was often gossiped about for his supposed nepotism towards his children, especially Spirepeak. His leader mark is a pale belly spot.
Spirestar (Spirepeak, she/her): proud and quick to anger, Spirestar was originally discounted as a young, unqualified leader of her Clan. While the war with GlenClan was instigated by Ashenstar, she matched his ferocity to create a long, arduous conflict. As she got older, however, she grew into her role and traded her temper for bold nobility. Her leader mark was a white chest spot.
Screestar (Screefall, he/him): a cat who has faced adversity since an accident left him with a dead foot and brain damage, Screestar is tenacious and wise. While intimidating on the outside, in reality Screestar is a huge softie, and is always willing to help those in need. His leader mark is freckles on his shoulders.
Slatestar (Slatepatch, she/her): once ambitious, Slatestar sometimes wonders if leadership is truly what she wants from her life. The Clan's worldviews have hurt many of those she cares about, and it seems that, though she is leader, she has little power to help them. But she is determined to use her position to change her Clan's traditions and values, to help them become more open and accepting of change. Her leader mark is a grey circle on her back.
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nalooksthrough · 3 days
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Traced Dale's turn around for body reference. His torso is quite long under that jacket of his. I'll say his torso and leg length are pretty equal, if he wasn't wearing his boot all the time they probably would be equal length.
And yeah he canonically has the flattest ass. As he should. He doesn't deserve one.
I spent way too long on this...
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viewsofthecamera · 1 day
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plant reference for artist
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nyxnaiastock · 1 day
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aleadom · 3 days
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Hollyleaf illustration and design! Used to not care for her until recently. She is one of my fav now, traumatized golden child that doesn't know how to handle things after a life shattering event and breakdown.
Requests for Warrior cats to design are welcome!
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