look at these shiny cool trinkets I got at a convention!
DND themed soaps! With the mythos and magic character names
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I throw vaguely J.C. Leyendecker inspired bugs and scurry back into the void
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wow you got to the red stop light faster and more dangerously than anyone else. should we throw a party?? should we call nascar
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“Why are you so upset about adult content bans? You don’t even post that stuff. can’t you just look at porn somewhere else?”
Well, you see, I have this small problem where my very existence is considered adult content by a small but very powerful group of people and I actually rather enjoy being able to exist in public without restriction so uhhhh put that in your bong and smoke it kiddo.
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2 genres of fanfiction:
1) put that guy into situations
2) take that guy OUT of situations for the love of GOD let them REST 
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I'm sorry, but I'm just too fucking old to pretend that the presidential ticket of "Person who performed some of the first gay marriages in her state while it was still federally illegal" and "governor who created a trans refuge state while other states were making it illegal to transition" is somehow 'jUsT aS bAd foR QuEer pEopLe' as the ticket promising to reverse marriage equality and make trans healthcare next to impossible.
That is such a monumentally stupid opinion that I'm going to have a hard time believing that you're actually that stupid, and I'll probably just assume you're malicious.
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honestly books are so amazing. like here is a big Piece of Information. don’t worry, you will only receive the information one page at a time, slowly, over the course of eight or more hours. you can stop in the middle of this if you want to get a snack or sleep. there is no need to look at a screen. the paper makes nice scratchy sounds. i love you books
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I’m still on your mind…
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possiblyawesometmblr · 12 hours
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I had to get this because wow it’s so sylph coded. Had to get all the angles so you KNOW So you UNDERSTAND y’know? /lh/silly
Their name is Glitters :]
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possiblyawesometmblr · 12 hours
"Remember you got friends, lots of them. Not me though, cya!" *fucking leaves*
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possiblyawesometmblr · 12 hours
the most important thing i gathered from ash lore today was that avians are in fact mammals
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possiblyawesometmblr · 12 hours
"if you are over 30 on Tumblr the mental illness won" "the aging fanbase of Tumblr" motherfucker if you are over 30 and have been here the entire time it means the mental illness didn't win we are still alive WE MADE IT
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possiblyawesometmblr · 20 hours
one thing i find really cool about fable but i don't think i've ever seen any one talk about is the intentionality you can see when you look at who ascended when and why
we get our first glimpse at this in texts about deltavera: they were born into a time of great food insecurity, developed the idea of animals as a solution, and ascended so that they could continue putting that plan into action. the gods are responses to needs; it's the primordials' way of helping. they may be detached but they are also aware of the problems the realms are facing
of course, we get an up close and personal look at this in the back half of season 3. the worlds are all out of wack and on the verge of collapse? make a god of balance to keep everything under control until the issue is dealt with
everyone's memories are all fucked up from half a decade of resets? get a new god of memory on the ground to help
the way the worlds are structured is fundamentally flawed and needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up? make sure the heir of destruction is ready, and throw in a god of rebirth as a bonus
no one to keep the overworld anchored anymore? goddess of the world.
and all this is why i absolutely adore malitae on a conceptual level. because they ascend in the middle of the war. people are suffering horribly; their communities are ravaged, they're losing friends and family left and right, it seems that the gods who were supposed to care for them see them as cannon fodder.
and what do the primordials give these people? a god of expression, of the arts, of taking all that pain and emotion and making something beautiful out of it. because in the middle of tragedy, art is not just important, it's necessary for survival. malitae is the embodiment of that one Brecht quote; "in the dark times, will there also be singing? yes, there will also be singing. about the dark times." and i love them for it.
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possiblyawesometmblr · 20 hours
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you're so right hen
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get mad. get rageful. debate all you like because im sending them to the death arena and you can't stop me
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possiblyawesometmblr · 20 hours
*goes up to a polyamorous triad* so which one of you unspools the thread of fate, which one measures it, and which one cuts it?
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possiblyawesometmblr · 20 hours
due to systemic oppression, usamerican leftists don't currently have the political power to instate a leftist president. we do, however, have enough power to make one of two candidates lose the election. we could use this power to make the white supremacist lose to the black woman, or we could use it to make the black woman lose to the white supremacist. the obvious choice for leftists would be to prioritize making the white supremacist lose, but tumblr users have devised a loop hole, where they agitate primarily for making the black woman lose, but omit the detail about who she would be losing to. this makes their stance more palatable to people who correctly believe that having a white supremacist president would be the worst possible outcome.
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