rawendeavors · 8 years
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A mer-Rey for MerMay ;)
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rawendeavors · 8 years
Glimpse into how we made Zootopia:
Imagining Zootopia (Full Documentary)
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rawendeavors · 9 years
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Trying to get back into the Oatley Academy’s Magic Box course. I enrolled originally....gosh...over a year ago (maybe even close to two) now, but I’ve never gotten past the first lesson. I decided that if I really want to improve though, then I needed to kick my butt in gear and actually do it. This is about the point I made it to last time, but my sketch this go-around is much better (and also based on a different Rubens’ painting, shown above). I’ll try to post my progress here as well as on my FB art page. Here’s to finishing what I start! Red Panda references: Gathered from Google Images Peter Paul Rubens’ painting: “Portrait of Helena Fourment”
Info on the Magic Box can be found here: Oatley Academy
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rawendeavors · 9 years
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Daily sketch round-up!
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rawendeavors · 9 years
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Post 2 of 2: Daily sketches for 2016 so far 1. David Bowie (RIP) 2. Like a leaf in the wind... 3. Corgi love
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rawendeavors · 9 years
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Post 1 of 2: Daily sketches for 2016 so far. Top to bottom, left to right: 1. Galinda (Wicked) 2. Elphaba (Wicked) 3. Moon river 4. Portrait of a girl (inspired by Rey from TFA) 5. Girl in a coat 6. Self portrait 7. Chained in Silver and Gold 8. Dylan Galvin - photo (c) Love Charm Photo 9./10. Star fishing/Gibbs (NCIS)
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rawendeavors · 9 years
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I keep meaning to post this somewhere, but I kept forgetting. This was for one of my Oatley Academy Live assignments. It’s a short comic dealing with a fear we have. I don’t know that I really portrayed it that well, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. The whole point was to get through the process of making something anyway, and I did that. :)
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rawendeavors · 9 years
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Trying to get back into my Magic Box lessons. Here are some really awful red panda studies to prepare for the fancy animals assignment. I’m definitely going to do a bunch more of these before I attempt to sketch out the painting.
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rawendeavors · 9 years
The “If you’re not drawing 24/7 you aren’t working hard enough.” mentality is garbage.
When I was in college there was this ongoing competitive mindset from the teachers /students that: “If you’re not drawing all night / getting 1 - 2 hours of sleep, you’re going to fall behind.” If you’re an artist you’ve probably met this kind of thinking… I’ve heard it from so many pros / tutorials.
One of my professors said that line all the time. I loved this dude. he worked at Disney on many of my favorite movies, and my young self became absorbed in this mindset. About 3 years into my degree that professor had a stroke, and when he went to the doctor they said he actually previously had something like 10+ strokes without even knowing, brought on by stress, and that he needed to slow down. 
Since then I’ve heard tons of other accounts of sickness and divorce brought on from addiction to work.
A few years later I was listening to an Animation podcast interviewing Glen Keane. He brought up that there were other animators who would live and breathe their work, never going home, barely sleeping, etc. 
What shocked me was that Glen Keane said something like “I ignored this idea, and decided to go home every night to spend time with my family, because I could learn just as much from my life experiences with them.” 
Anyway I just wanted to take a second after hearing a statement like this again recently and let any young artists out there know that:
There’s nothing wrong with investing plenty of time studying and drawing, but also be healthy. 
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rawendeavors · 9 years
I lost it at Flash. I’m so excited for this movie.
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Some of the characters from Zootopia. 
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rawendeavors · 9 years
OMG I went to high school with Caitlin! I’m so excited and happy to hear about this! Congrats you guys!
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The cartoon short that Caitlin Rose Boyle and I have been working on with Nickelodeon Animation Studio is ONLINE! Over the past year and a half Caitlin and I pitched, wrote, boarded, designed characters, and then saw through the production of the short. This opportunity has changed my life in many ways and I want to thank all of you who are still here rooting for us. Your love and support mean everything!
Everyone, meet Buck and Lou!: http://www.nick.com/videos/clip/short-toons-the-night-crew.html
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rawendeavors · 9 years
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A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.
There’s not enough space to post all of them, SO here’s links to everything he has posted (on twitter) so far : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 
Now that new semesters have started, I thought people might need these. Enjoy your lessons!
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rawendeavors · 9 years
Dealing with Artistic Burnout
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Artistic burnout is a problem many artists experience at some point in their career. If you’ve never experienced it, then consider yourself lucky. But if you have, I wanted to talk a little bit about it as someone who has been there.
Let’s be honest, art is a pretty awesome career. We’re extremely fortunate to get paid to do something we really love. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to turn a hobby into a career, and something I am truly grateful for. But like any career, sometimes it’s stressful and difficult, and it requires a lot of effort. It can be frustrating when that thing you used to do for fun in your free time becomes the thing that is causing you stress. It’s the one unfortunate side effect of turning your hobby into your job. Sometimes you’re just not going to enjoy it.
Keep reading
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rawendeavors · 9 years
Everything about this is adorable! :3
hey guys!! i’m finally uploading my senior film, trash cat! i hope you guys like it because it was seriously a blast to work on and such a great learning experience :3 some awesome people who helped me (and whose tumblrs i know) are zbogucki, cameronbutlerart, dawnmbennett, jingleschram, and inkohit!
also be sure to check it out on vimeo so you can watch it in hd~
ALSO ALSO there is a post credits scene! please watch through til the end!
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rawendeavors · 9 years
Get upset. Find the words. Write them and share with everyone you know.
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I interrupt a long-term hiatus to help raise awareness towards the new Copyright Laws that might come into effect starting next week unless we join efforts to stop it. 
A friend and fellow artist, Will Terry, has joined forces with Brad Holland to help us understand what this Copyright Law is all about, here is their message:
“Orphan Works in a Nutshell:
- Congress is drafting a new US Copyright Act. If passed, it would replace current US Copyright law. There isn’t any bill yet, but the Copyright Office has issued its recommendations for one. Their Report is 234 pages long and is very complicated, so it’s risky to try reducing it to a few words. But here’s a summary of its basic features:
It would void your Constitutional right to the EXCLUSIVE CONTROL of YOUR work.
It would effectively reverse the default premise of copyright law; which means…
It would make the public’s right to use your work its defining goal; which means…
You would have to make your work available to the public.
You would have to do this by registering every picture you want to retain the rights to with for-profit registries.
Unregistered work would be considered legally “orphaned.”
Orphaned work would be available for commercial infringement by “good faith” infringers.
Good faith infringers would be anyone who believed they had made a “reasonably diligent,” but unsuccessful effort to find you.
Infringers could also ALTER your work and copyright the “derivative works” in their own names.
This would affect all visual art: drawings, paintings, sketches, photos, etc.; past, present and future; published and unpublished; domestic and foreign.
It would include family snapshots and any picture or work you ever put on the Internet.
The Copyright Office acknowledges that this would pose special “challenges” for visual artists…
But they conclude that it’s in the public interest for your work to be available for anyone to use.
The Copyright Office has also recommended the following:
Mass Digitization of the world’s intellectual property by corporate interests.
Extended Collective Licensing, a form of socialized corporate licensing that would replace voluntary agreements between artists and clients.
A Copyright Small Claims Court to handle the expected flood of orphan works lawsuits.
         —> The deadline is This Thursday, July 23, 2015″ <—
Write a letter —> HERE <— Let them know why this isn’t a good idea!
Don’t know what to write? Here are Letter samples 
SHARE this information as much as you can! 
Watch/Listen to Will Terry and Brad Holland discuss this Law on “ Everything You Know About Copyright Is About To Change”
Read all about it.
IPA Artists Alert
Join Illustrator’s Partnership
This Copyright Act could affect all kinds of creators!! 
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rawendeavors · 9 years
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Did a rough sketchadoodle for Sketch Dailies #meettheartist. I think I might finish this one up on my Cintiq. :)
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rawendeavors · 9 years
Just got re-enrolled in The Magic Box offered by the Oatley Academy. I’m super excited to finally get a chance to sit down with those lessons now that my info is all situated again. :)
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