thatsbelievable · 5 hours
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lipikkawrites · 2 days
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rqbossman · 20 hours
Hello! I just wanted to ask how did you edit the audio on the magnus archives to make them sound like they were being recorded on a tape? I've been making recordings of some statements my friend's written but I'm not too sure how to edit them!
Get a recording of a tape player. Lower the volume and run it underneath.
Use an aggressive Equaliser (EQ) to strip out high and low frequencies in a bell curve prioritising standard speech frequencies. Pro Tip: It can be hard to find a good preset EQ for this so if you don't know how to do it yourself hunt around for a "telephone" EQ preset. It'll have the same effect.
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creature-wizard · 2 days
Internalize the idea that if an advice/suggestion post doesn't cover your exact specific situation, then you were never the intended audience for it, and you should move on instead of complaining that said post does not cater to you specifically.
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onehundredwishesss · 3 days
Career advices for beginners:
• A job is just a job and a title is just a title.
• A job should benefit you too, not only you benefit the company.
• Figure out what your "standards" are in a job: work from home? High salary? Healthy environment?
• Stay away from drama: it may be entertaining but it's not good for you in the long run.
• Your coworkers are only your coworkers: Avoid personal information about yourself and be careful in what you say
• You are more than just your job: Develop your own identity outside your job.
• Spoil yourself: You deserve to get a treat after working so hard
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Apparently my friend group was made of all paranormal creatures and I didn’t know? They told me they thought I knew and was a werewolf but like I’ve hung out with them on the full moon before? Anyways they’ve gone all overprotective of the small human on me and yesterday I caught the fae one swapping out my food with some sort of fae food (I think that’s what it was. It certainly wasn’t human food). Anyways I don’t know who to trust but I found this site and it seemed like a reliable source so-
Well, I was gonna say - cute! A lot of people assumed I was a witch, growing up, because my dad was. I never took to the Craft myself, but when I hung out with other extranormal folks it was a little funny when they realized I was just human. One of my friends growing up was one in of the very few ET families authorized by the Zetan Empire to stay on Earth. He always wanted to do experiments on me because I wasn't extranormal. A control group, he said. I let him do a couple because he paid me a whole twenty dollars per.
But hey! That last part? Really, really not cool. Criminal in fact.
As a fae, your friend should know the consequences for instilling a geas or giving you fae food without your knowledge. I've always said that you can eat food from fae you trust - probably none of you have had Fairweather family scones, those are so good they make you see an extra color for a few hours - but the fact that they're doing it surreptitiously is a huge red flag. Get yourself an iron nail and keep it in your pocket. Confront this friend, tell them that isn't cool and to respect your boundaries. Politely ask that they release any geas or influence they have on you. Maybe don't say this part because they'll know and it could come across too confrontational, but this kind of behavior risks the fae's Legal Extranormal Personhood status.
The Office maintains good relations with the North American Seelie Court, and the Chairfae Jack B Nimble recently said he was renewing some human/fae food sharing programs. Maybe bring up one of those if you feel your friend is honestly remorseful.
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How I Approach Pacing and Tension in Writing (with graphic!)
(Fuck the gremlins, we're posting things TODAY)
Hi, welcome to the first actual post on my Tumblr page in where I ramble about how to write the goodest things.
Today's lesson is on PACING AND TENSION!
Hard to explain in many words, so behold my crudely drawn graph of how I handle this shit in my own writing (and I apologize in advance for my chicken scratch kekw)
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I tend to have very high-stakes plots, but I feel like this could end up applying to any sort of genre or plot. I know a lot of these graphs I saw in school were a single bell curve with a gradual incline into the climax, but in my experience, the best way to build tension, keep pacing as even as you can, and really build into the peak of a story is to have small points of buildup to smaller peaks (aka the tension points) with sharper curves down into downtime (allowing the character to breathe), before building up again. Each tension point gets more and more intense, with the downtime acting as the small buffers between the gradually increasing intensity of the tension until SURPRISE, SHIT HITS THE FAN, IT'S THE BIG BAD ISSUE COME TO A BOIL.
But of course when shit hits the fan, things aren't the same as they were before (or at least, they won't be for a while), so the shape changes. Instead of sharp curves up and down, you're looking at a more gradual downward incline, with dips for moments of recovery/acceptance before there's little spikes in tension as a result of whatever occurred in the climax. This isn't an exact science and definitely can be toyed with, but this is a model I like to attempt to adhere to when I'm focusing on coming up with my story beats and creating the groundwork for the big climactic explosion.
Happy writing!
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Sorry for the serious question, but how do I explain to one partner that I love them and don't want to have any sexual relations with them, but do want sexual relations with a *different* partner?
This is a super tough question that certainly doesn't have a definitive solution. You can't control who you are sexually attracted to, and simultaneously it makes sense that your partner is upset to not be one of them.
I obviously don't know the nuances of your relationships with any of these people, so I can't answer concretely or give perfect advice. The best I can do is think of it as similar to having mismatched sex drives. I think if it were me, I'd try to reassure my partner by telling them all the things I find attractive about them and all of the things I value about our relationship, and why I don't feel like sex is something I want to add to it. I'd definitely encourage them to find more sexual partners outside of myself, and at the same time, I'd go into this conversation with an open mind and the possibility of finding some sexual things I would be willing to do with this partner. If not having sex is a dealbreaker for that relationship, though, I would mentally prepare for the solution to be breaking up. It's not fair to expect sex from a partner, even if they are sexually active with other people, but it's also not fair to expect your partner to stay with you if they don't feel valued or attractive due to the lack of sex (though obviously there is a wide spectrum between these two things depending on how important sex is to each partner). Compromises can definitely be made here, but it's so so so important to make sure no one feels pressured to do anything they don't want to do.
Would love for my followers to add to the conversation if they have any experience with similar situations and how it was handled! Best of luck anon, and keep us updated <3
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thatsbelievable · 2 days
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cats-meme · 9 hours
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Smash the follow button for daily lovely memes. 🥰
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coffeeforthemoon · 2 days
"Inner regulation begins only when you choose the side of grace, and make the ways of life in the spirit of grace the inviolable rule in your life".
St. Theophan the Recluse
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So, here's the thing. I don't mind what people get up to in private. I've always believed in live and let live, and I'm not going to yuck anyone else's yums. But there's "yums" and then there's "conducting profane rituals in your bedroom with the curtains wide open where anyone and their nans might be able to look in and see you at it".
Like I said, I'm not prudish! But I really don't need to see exactly what kind of dark arts my neighbours are getting up to of an evening. I mean, apart from anything else, all that goats blood can't possibly be hygienic...
I'm not sure how to bring this up with them. I'm sure they don't realise I can see - our houses are arranged in such a way that I don't think they can see into my room from theirs, so they might be assuming that, if they can't see me, I can't see them. But I can! I can see them! And quite a lot of them, at that!
How can I gently inform them that their private rites might not be as private as they might hope, and that perhaps some charming red velvet curtains might be a nice addition to the ritual space?
I'm afraid you're approaching this from the wrong angle, reader. You can't control what your neighbours get up to in their own home, and I don't see a way for you to bring this up that wouldn't cause profound discomfort and embarrassment for them.
Let's assume they are, as you suspect, unaware that their activities are visible from your house. Informing them that you've been able to see them this entire time leads to the unavoidable, and frankly distressing, inference that you've not only been seeing them, but watching them. Not an unreasonable supposition, given that you have apparently paid enough attention to these activities to pass judgement on the hygiene standards of their ritual site.
No matter how much you wish you reassure them to the contrary, they will doubtless leave the conversation feeling as if their privacy has been violated. On the other hand, there is also the possibility that they are aware of the risk of being seen and either don't care, or in fact prefer their goats blood with a side of exhibitionism. In that case, all the distress and violation would be on your part.
This may be a controversial stance, but frankly, I don't think your neighbours are doing anything wrong – yes, even if they enjoy the idea of being seen while they cavort in worship of the most unholy. The fact remains that, while their activities may be visible from your own, they are taking place in theirs, and they have every right to do use their own space however they wish.
Consider investing in your own charming red velvet curtains – or, if cost is a concern, simply look away and leave them to it.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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ins4nebxtch · 3 days
lowkey need someone to give me a whole step by step guide on how to manipulate someone into wanting me back
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anaagainstallodds · 13 hours
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It's raining squirrels again. Send help?
Dunno, maybe stop leaving out seeds and nuts? They wouldn't be raining on your property unless there was something they wanted.
Bird feeders are fun but if you're in an area at risk for sciuridaefall I wouldn't risk it. They can always get into the "squirrel proof" ones.
And don't think you can predict them! I've known one man who could tell squirrelfall in advance, and you, my friend, are not Beau "Pappy" Doyle. No one is.
Anyway. Leave strong alcohol on your porch around some potted plants. This is another one for the druids.
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if you're trying to get into the head of your story's antagonist, try writing an "Am I the Asshole" reddit post from their perspective, explaining their problems and their plans for solving them. Let the voice and logic come through.
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