scumbag-the-hedgehog · 5 days
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Sometimes he's not a Reverse Flash style obsessive archvillain or a begrudging Vegeta-esque anti-hero. Sometimes he's effectively just Master Shake.
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 17 days
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They're not saying anything-
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 18 days
Dealing with Your Daddy Issues 101:
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 18 days
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 21 days
@pikos asked: Amy stands, gaze fixed on the horizon as the familiar breeze sweeps through the grassy plains of Green Hill. The peace of the moment is suddenly interrupted by the sound of rapid footsteps — too fast to be anyone but Sonic, or so she thinks & she becomes ready to pounce; her heart skips with anticipation, but as the figure approaches, her smile falters: This isn’t Sonic, The hedgehog that skids to a stop in front of her is almost identical to him, yet entirely different
 but the color of his fur; something close to green, she supposes, though it’s hard for her to tell —is all wrong & the confident smirk on his face radiates a cockiness that immediately puts her on edge, & not in a good way ! There’s something unsettling about the look in his eyes; she can’t quite place it, not at first. “Who
 who are you?” The question comes out a little more sassy than she intended, voice attempting to be steady despite the unease creeping into her chest like wildfire. She steps back just ever so, keeping her guard up,
He has to suppress that reflexive reaction to the sight of the pink hedgehog. No. Not Rosy. Thank fuck. He's dealing with another one of her, the little ever-pining fangirl. Kinda cute when she's not trying to make his brain matter splatter every surface in the vicinity. An ear twitches and a foot starts tapping, impatiently, against the grass as the cocky grin on the speedster's face becomes forced as the brow furrows. That momentary recognition is enough to annoy him for a second. A thumb brushes along their nose in an adolescent gesture, interlocking dagger-teeth glinting slightly in the sunlight.
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The hedgehog's head tilts forward, allowing the crimson tinted sunglasses to fall down and conceal the whites of his eyes as he steps forward, starting to close the gap between the two of them. Every irrational feeling and impulse is in control in this moment. The need for control, attention, respect or fear or whatever will get the former king his fix. "Hey, glad you ain't so colorblind you can't see what's right in front of your face, babe."
There's a shrug from the viridian hedgehog, rolling his shoulders before leaning in. "It's Scourge. As in torment, blight, affliction, misery. Getting the picture?"
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 21 days
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"Reminds me of my ex."
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 21 days
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 23 days
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Watching Young Justice for the first time and wow Superboy is just Shadow the Hedgehog huh
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 23 days
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There isn't a Sonic from Mobius-372. He died on Mobius Prime, his guts torn out by some old man on Angel Island. A hedgehog sacrifice to the Chaos Force, like something the old pagans used to perform to the emeralds. A worthwhile deal, if you asked Scourge. The best birthday present he could have asked for. One less blue knock-off running around.
So why do they feel like they're always back to square one? One step behind some other... him. Everywhere he looks, like an infection. Like he's looking in a mirror that points out every little mistake. Like killing Sonic and becoming Scourge wasn't enough to sever the two of them. He couldn't do it if he tried. Trying to stamp out some particular impulsive insecurity just seemed to make every other one flare up. So he has to be different. Better. No - worse.
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 23 days
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Honestly I have a "canon" for the blog but I'm more than willing to write Junior at any point in his character development - you're more than welcome to request a specific "phase" of Scourge you think would mesh well with your muse.
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 25 days
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The difference between his old "royal" lifestyle and current NEET life is approximately zilch.
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 26 days
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"You guys can show up in licensed media?"
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 1 month
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@already-know-this-story asked: "No, thank you. You're lovely, but I have a fiancé." I'm just amused by the idea of a drunk Amy saying this to Scourge
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The speedster opens and closes his mouth several times without uttering a syllable, one brow cocked as they do their best to help hold Amy steady. Eventually, Scourge just shakes their head and shrugs, holding back any laughter. "...well, they're a lucky fella."
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 1 month
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 1 month
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 1 month
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Honestly thinking of trying my hand at musing someone who's kind of out of my usual wheelhouse archetype-wise
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 1 month
@herogardn asked: fleetway ! hewwo :> / sorry scourge ! it appears those iconic red glasses have been swiped ! doesn’t help that golden hedgehog is so boldlywearing them now as well.
Fan-friggin-tastic. The Moebian speedster's been around the block long enough to know golden quills mean business - and they're not exactly keen to risk death even for those beloved shades, especially around something like this... Sonic? Whatever he is, he's just transmitted a serious case of the heebie-jeebies. Just standing around him makes the once and former king feel ill. Not quite physically ill, more like... the world around them has come down with a sense of sickness, an infection radiating out from a hedgehog-shaped hole in the cosmos.
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Scourge makes a half-hearted - which still means faster-than-sound - swipe for the sunglasses, already resigned to the fact that he's not getting them back until the spiral-eyed demigod deems himself bored with his new toy. That doesn't stop the viridian speedster from grimacing about this, of course.
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