#{DASH COMM}「Watching Angels Cry」
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"Great, another frickin' cheap imitation I gotta deal with. Alright, no hesitation, I go straight for him an-"
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"...who the sweet whatever below are they?"
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hedgehoghavoc · 9 months
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Winter adding another Sonic parent can mean only one thing-
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fangedweasel · 1 year
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"So I can't bring my own guns... and they spelled my name wrong."
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Sighs. "Focus on the prize, Nack, focus on the prize...."
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the-gunslock · 5 years
Hiver 7 - Infinite
This is a story about reality and my meeting of the one who stands against those who threaten it.
“Honey? Amanda?”
The awoken woman called to the dark. No answer.
The little light never appeared. She looked around frantically.
“Selene! Reyla! ...Junko? Uh, Luna?”
The ground to her feet had begun to shift into a blocky, dull grey platform. The ambient around her had turned into a stone and metal room with rectangular, jagged edges. After a while of looking, she spots a dash of burnt blonde hair. Relieved, she runs to meet it.
“Amanda!” She says, ecstatic to see a familiar face, specially her lover’s.
But, to her dismay, no response.
“Honey?” She starts tearing up in desperation. She waves a hand in front of her face and snaps her fingers.
Then she reaches out.
Immediately she is met with a wall of intense solar energy that causes her to stumble backwards. As she regains her vision, she sees that the image of Amanda had burnt away and in its place…
Spun a Harpy. Not a common one -- its eye and shell glowed a bright, phased blue, and it was much larger. The Warlock had only heard dreadful stories about them, from Guardians more experienced than her.
Vex constructs that patrolled a cave inside the Vault of Glass and held the power to define what is real or not.
Its bright, ice-blue eye gazed into Hiver’s soul as it started to give a deafening, almost pained, mechanically-filtered shriek and released pulsating red energy in all directions.
She was paralyzed. Tears started to roll down her eyes as she struggled to bring her hand to eye level, watching her body be deconstructed in white simulation particles.
Feeling like her existence was little more than… a nuisance. A speck of dust that needs to be sweeped away.
As she sobbed at the extinguishing light of this cursed creature, she started to hear a faint sound.
A voice? Couldn’t be.
She had almost lost her entire body now. Fear overcame her as she felt the disintegration reach her neck--
The voice clearly said her name now, but she couldn’t do anything.
“HIVER!” The Shipwright’s husky voice called to her, with a load of worry on top of it. Hiver gasped awake to see Amanda’s face close to hers, her fingertips tapping against her cheek.
It’s sunrise. The light grazes the clouds with a soft touch, making the whole sky purple.
She rolled onto her back and brushed her hair out of her forehead, sobbing uncontrollably. Amanda softly wiped the tears from her nose and temples, sitting her up and hugging her tightly, trying to appease her crying.
“You’re okay, babe. Everythin’s alright.” She says, alternating it with soothing ‘shh’ noises with her mouth. Hiver is hiccuping so much she can barely breathe right, let alone say a word.
After reattaching her mechanical leg to her thigh, she takes her girlfriend’s hand and helps her stumble to the kitchen. The blonde sits her down on the island’s chairs and gets her a cup of water so she can normalize her breathing. While the Warlock gulps it down, the Shipwright stands beside her, caressing her hair. She tries asking her what she saw, knowing from her that Awoken tend to experience extremely vivid dreams.
Good or not.
Hiver started to tell the dream the best she could, trying to catch her breath and staring vacantly at the water cup.
“I… I-I was alone. Unknown place. It was… Vex built. cough I saw you, called out to you. You turned into… a… a Gorgon. I had to… sigh, stand still as… as it stared into me... and, and slowly deleted me from existence.”
Amanda hugs her from behind and smooches the top of her head.
“I…” Hiver blurted out, putting the cup down. “I felt... every second of it. And I heard your voice calling to me. Couldn’t answer. Couldn’t do anything. Not even say ‘I love you’. Or ‘goodbye’.”
Amanda sighs. “Babe, you ain’t in a simulation. You’re here, with me, where it’s safe. You ain’t gonna need to say goodbye. Okay?”
The Awoken girl opens a smile. “Okay.” She replies as she starts feeling better, and gets up to face her girlfriend. Both of them walk together to the bedroom.
“I might need proof of that, though.” She continues, sitting back on the bed. Amanda sighs, just wanting to use her precious hours of sleep.
“Hiver…” She says tiredly as they lie down again. “What proof do ya want? It’s like... 5 in the morning.”
Hiver giggles as she pulls the blanket over them both again. Her face close to Amanda’s once more, she blinks and puckers up for a second before going back to her calm grin. Getting the message, Amanda pulls her closer for a ‘sleep well’ kiss while caressing her hair once more, Hiver gently scratching her back under her tank top.
Both of them having relaxed, they happily drift off together once more. Hiver has an idea for what she’s doing the next day.
It’s now noon, and everyone is at their workstations. The Chief Shipwright is having difficulties understanding what happened to the Sparrow in front of her. It clearly had not been treated well, giving that most of its hull was missing and the engine metal was completely fried. Whoever used this was a worse pilot than Hiver, and it’s saying something.
Amanda was using a datapad to scan the ill-fated vehicle in front of her, trying to assess whether she could order spare parts to repair the thing, or if it would have to be scrapped entirely and sell the owner a new one. Either way, it wasn’t gonna be easy or cheap.
“My Light, why do Guardians always do the stupidest Sparrow stunts? They forget someone has to fix their mess?” She mumbles to herself while her stomach grumbles in anger. “Damnit. Guess I’ll just grab ramen real fast or something… I don’t know. Ugh, this job.” Luckily, her Guardian angel appears just at the right time, wearing her usual black duster, Black Armory boots and gauntlets, and big smile on her face.
“Amanda!” The Guardian called out, carrying a black, aluminium-like case by the handle in her hand, jogging towards the Shipwright.
“Hey darling, what’s up?” She greets before noticing the case she is carrying. “...What’s that?”
“It’s almost noon and I’m leaving for Mercury. So…” She starts, holding the case close to her chest before offering it to Amanda, and also taking a thermos out of her duster’s bag. “Brought you this.”
“Oh, thank ya! Have a safe flight there.”
Hiver kisses her on the cheek, whispering “love you, honey”, and walks off, transmatting into orbit, leaving Amanda with the case. Pulling up a chair and unlocking the side clasps, she finds out the case has three layers, one having a small case with a plastic lid and two large cases on top of each other.
The first one carries silverware and a little post-it note, and the other two carry two parts of a fresh meal. Spaghetti with bolognese sauce, vegetables and rice, a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. She smelled the thermos she was handed which contained lemonade, still cold.
The note had a coupon for Spicy Ramen under it, reading: “Honey, treat yourself if I’m not back soon enough to make you dinner. I love you. ♥ - Hiver”
Hiver put everything there to get her girlfriend back on her feet for the workday. It made her blush and smile in fondness, but then she looked around to realize some of her workers and Guardians walking around the hangar had their attention captured by the girls’ little display of affection… drawing varied reactions from them.
“WHAT?!” She angrily bellowed at the meddlers, making them resume their jobs or disperse, before digging in on her lunch.
No matter what anyone thought, it definitely brightened up her day.
The Warlock touched down near the intimidating triangular gate where she had been months prior. She had hoped to never go in again, but her curiosity was deeper than her fear.
With a sigh, she stepped into the jagged hallway leading to the Infinite Forest and unformed her helmet.
“Trinity, can you reach Sagira?”
“A minute.”
The duo waited for a moment while Sagira didn’t pick up the message, Hiver trying not to regret this decision.
“Welcome, Guardian.” A smooth female voice came through the comms minutes after.
“Hey, Guardian-thief.” Trinity answered, eliciting a chuckle from the other Ghost. “My partner here is kind of having an existential crisis and could use some Osiris wisdom right now.”
“Sure. Step inside.”
A portal opens up in front of Hiver and her Ghost, and they go through it to find Osiris and Sagira sitting at a currently empty portion of the Forest. Mossy and levitating in the massive space between the planet’s mantle and core, replaced by Vex atmosphere and engines.
The old Dawnblade is inspecting his rifle’s magazines in order to pass the time as he waits, his attention caught by the Awoken Stormcaller who just stepped through the portal.
“Hello, Guardian.” He said sympathetically, his standing up motion rustling the many feathers in his armor. “What can I help you with?”
“Hello... Osiris.” Hiver greets back, unsure of where to start. “My name is Hiver. I came to Mercury to get your input on some concerns I’ve been having.”
“Careful, girl. If he wasn’t kicked out of the City for his prophecies, it would totally be for his terrible women skills.” Sagira replies, causing both Ghosts to laugh.
“Do not be concerned with her.” Osiris says, causing Sagira to pout. “Speak your mind.”
Hiver sits down on one of the stone blocks and gathers her thoughts. “I’m not the most eloquent of individuals, but I’ll do my best. See, I’m… afraid. Of the Vex. They haunt me whenever my mind decides to be cruel.” She starts fiddling with her fingers. “I’m a Guardian, sure, that is what’s nailed into my head since I came back. But also at some point I… realized I’m a person.”
Osiris listens intently, caressing his beard as he starts to piece together what the Warlock is trying to transmit.
“There is the “me” that is not a Guardian. She is building a life. She has… clanmates, she has friends, hell, just last week she got a girlfriend who makes her the happiest woman in the world. I love her so much, I love everyone so much but… but the Vex... and their space-time manipulation… make me wonder if this is all a hollow shell of a life.”
She punches the block near her thigh in frustration, slightly cracking it. Osiris starts to get up and puts his bird-shaped helmet on.
“I’m sorry, I… rambled too much.”
“How about a trial, Warlock?” He says, taking a strange device of three cubes with glowing runes of them, and rearranging them into a specific order. He gets an immunity barrier.
“Oh boy.” Sagira and Trinity state at the same time.
“Prepare yourself. It is a test of force of will.”
Trinity transmats back into nothingness. Hiver is tense, jumping down from her seat and putting on her helmet as Osiris rearranges the device once more, materializing Vex units on that part of the forest. She stands before them, ready to draw.
Three Goblins raise their guns, and she fans her Ace’s hammer on their Radiolaria cores while running to her right for cover, spotting Hobgoblins on the platforms above. Gliding upwards, she intercepts more Goblins and a Harpy with her Arcbolt grenade, chaining lightning between them and disintegrating them all.
Dodging Wire Rifle shots from said Hobgoblins, she sees a Minotaur and more Harpies coming in her direction. Avoiding them, she climbs up the platform and slides while destroying their cores as well.
Switching to her Kindled Orchid to engage the Minotaur, she jumps down and rolls sideways to dodge its teleporting blow, immediately countering with shots from the void revolver, which shatter the heavy machine’s barrier and cause it to stumble backwards. Switching once more to her Hammerhead machine gun, the Warlock gunned down the remaining enemies.
“You face the final round.” Sagira states, imitating the missing warden of the Prison of Elders.
To the final round, a Hydra appeared, with its three immunity shields circling around it. It tried to hit Hiver with an energy wave, but she managed to float safely to the ground, circling around and unloading her machine gun’s belt at the eye of the menacing robot, which goes down in a spectacular fiery show.
She jumps back and holsters her weapons while the Hydra explodes in front of her. When everything is back to normal, Osiris floats back to the platform and Hiver removes her helmet.
“You perform exceptionally against the Vex.” He praises. “As such, I believe I have an idea as to why you are afraid of them.”
“Or, more precisely, why you aren’t.” Sagira elaborates, much to her confusion.
“I’m... not?”
“No. Sit down, Warlock, and I will explain.”
She obeys, sitting on the same stone block as before, reloading her weapons. Osiris clears his throat and begins his explanation.
“The Vex are terrifying creations. With their incredibly accurate simulations, they have made us question everything we believed we knew about time and space, and if reality is actually a linear concept or just a branch out of an eternally multiplying tree where every possible choice is happening simultaneously.”
Hiver starts getting visibly unsettled.
“But you wouldn’t be afraid of them if they were just the murderous proxies you find in the field. You can dispatch them very easily.”
“You love your girlfriend, right?” Sagira asks. Hiver nods. “You love your clanmates, you appreciate your allies, you care about your reality. You want it to be real.”
“Correct.” The Warlock confirms nervously.
“Then, your fear is not of the Vex, it’s of the possibility that you might lose all you love. Or, rather…”
“That what you are living right now has never been ‘real’ in the first place.” Osiris concludes.
Hiver is starting to tear up for the second time today as anxiety hits her once more. Osiris moves closer to place a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“A simulation is exactly that. A simulation. Imitation. Mimicry. It requires a model, a starting point. And more than hundreds of years studying and battling the Vex have shown that this is the model they are using. We are the start of their digital futures; everything else is mere extrapolation entertained by their stone-cold calculations and amoral what-ifs.”
He removes his hand and turns to face the blue-colored sky on the Infinite Forest. Sagira is using her shell’s pointy bits to try and wipe Hiver’s cheeks, careful not to hurt her. Trinity does the same.
“As much as I despise admitting it, the Light is the reason. The Traveler bears an unsimulable force, and the Vex have to circumvent this in every timeline they create. It’s very convenient to us. Our continued efforts and meddling have set them back from our reality.”
Osiris turns to her again.
“Does your emotion feel real? Can you feel the things you don’t want to lose?”
Hiver looks at him with a puzzled expression, turning her head to the right slightly. “Of course it does.”
“Then, to you, it doesn’t matter if there are alternate timelines or simulated realities.”
He pokes her forehead, eliciting a bit of a smile. “Your reality is here.”
Then he pokes her duster’s leftside collar, over her left breast. “And your affection is here. And it is as real as you’d like it to.” He backs down with his arms crossed. “Go home. Cherish all that you have, and don’t let fear prevent you from living how you see best. After all...”
He transmats his bird-shaped helmet over his head and pulls his red bandanna over his mouth. Then he picks up his rifle and loads it.
“If any Vex want to get to you, they do have to go through me.”
“They have tried infinite times, and failed just as many times. So I’d say it’s par for the course for you. And, by the way...” Sagira begins.
Hiver’s spirits have been lifted a tenfold since she came inside the Forest, and she’s ready to go on with her day. Osiris can feel the change in his fellow Warlock.
“Thank you two.” She sneaks in before she concludes.
“...You’re welcome. Damnit!”
Hiver laughs, Trinity sending a triumphant “Got you” Sagira’s way.
“Nice talking to you, Sagira.” Trinity bids her farewells. “Call us if you need some mess fixed.”
“Same to ya, Trinity. I’d love to know you two better. And give Amanda my cheers on finding such a cute girlfriend!”
“Congratulations on finding love, Guardian. If you ever need to find me again, you know where to find me.”
The Stormcaller giggles and blushes while turning to walk away through the portal.
“Wait.” She turns around again. “I never told you her name was Amanda.”
The two Ghosts trade looks for some seconds and vanish. Osiris lets out a hearty laugh.
“Goodbye, Hiver.”
“Bye, Osiris.” She said, relieved, as she stepped through the portal back to Mercury.
On her way to the ramen shop, Amanda receives a text message from Hiver.
“Going back home. You want to have ramen or eat at home?”
“Can we have both?” She replies with a cocky smile.
“Of course, I’m on my way. Love you honey ♥”
Amanda was eager to hear about whatever it is she went to do on Mercury. But whatever it was, it definitely helped her recover from her nightmare and put her in a lighter mood.
Both of them silently hope it stays that way.
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