Happy Pride Month!
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Don't worry this was scheduled, I didn't actually post this at 12:00 a.m.
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My random guess is a cat or an owl... no reason just my guess... Anyone who wants to join this is your tickets! 馃帿 馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿馃帿
I'm thinking of starting a tag game!
Reblog an assumption of prev's favorite animal :) Don't be afraid of tagging a bunch of people!
@harleyacoincidence @olive-riggzey @what-do-bunyips-look-like @rat-detector @spoonspooker @very-clever-name @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @frostedlemonwriter @seikaisinthevoid @littlemissartemisia @alwaysoutofpaper @shadow-of-tea-and-tea @kaylinalexanderbooks @ghostenluvs
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I'll post the q and a episode on Tumblr on this blog, as well as webtoon!
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when do you think the next update will come out
Good question! Thank you for asking! I'm hoping to do a couple pages in June, but for now I can't be sure... I'll try to update you guys on that!
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We have a discord!
its here! It's a sever for the comic for people on Tumblr and webtoon who enjoy my comic and or just wanna talk with other queer people!
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This story is a slice of life romance, staring Alaiya and Daniella! It is a story of two girls navigating through college, friendship, past mistakes and traumas, with the help of each other! I hope you enjoy the characters journey, and mine as I create this comic! Reading this will make your day better. #Strawberry Lemonade #webcomic #WEBTOON
It's here!!!
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Its on webtoon!!!
the first two episodes of strawberry lemonade is on webtoon!
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It's here!
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Vertical thumbnail for webtoon!
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What do you guys think? If you didn't see the post I was talking about it I'm hoping to post this comic on webtoon along with this blog!
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the bonus from the end of Ep 2
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I'm thinking of putting the comic on webtoon as well as here! Someone on webtoon suggested it, and I was debating it for a bit...So I probably will soon! So look out for that! :D I'll make a post when I do and I'll have a link to it! Can't wait to see you there to! Here it is!
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Episode 2 final part
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How many references did you find in the classroom?
(Only two of the students aren't references to people I know or random characters and ocs)
Back! Next! Not here yet... Dang....
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im going to take a break from this comic so I can make a full sketchy short draft so I can get this figured out. Also to just take break in general, since seeing very few if any people reads my comic is discouraging... don't want to drop this idea mid way so hopefully by doing this I can avoid that. Thank you for understanding!
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Episode 2 page 5/6
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Back? Okay! Next! Yay!
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Should I also do this for Alaiya and Daniella? If so who should be on the poster/banner thing?
MY art!?! Le Gasp!
So I found this on Pinterest and decided to draw my MLM OCs of a comic I've been rebooting! Their names are Patrick and Castor! (P.s. they are high schoolers, and Castor has a crush on Patrick which is a popular kid. That's why I thought the picture would work as a metaphor.)
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I thought it was a screen... so I added some glow and some shadow. Here is it without the glow.
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If you would like you can ask me about these characters in the question box of my profile! I'll try not to spoil anything since I am planning to make this in the future. (P.s. sorry if I drew the dreads wrong this is my second time ever drawing them, and I think it looks better than before)
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Ep 2 part 4/6?
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Based on the poll I'll start posting page by page. That is unless the poll results change in a couple days.
Back Next is finally here!
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Comic Update
Hello! If your seeing this you probably read my comic! Thanks by the way!
But what I'm here to say is I'm almost done with the first page of the second half of the second episode! Yay!(((I also changed Alaiya 's shirt color since it was to close to her skin))) Sooo... now that there is more people to vote... I'd like you to participate in this poll please!
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Episode 2 part 1/2
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First Next!
I had to much fun making the last frame of the page that I made it more dramatic than I needed to...
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