sulfursystem · 8 days
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Remember how I said I couldn't stop thinking about Ghouls? yeah LOL. Anyways, I finally finished my "Ghoul Guide" which is a comic featuring made up lore about summoning nameless ghouls as well as things about them and their roles!
this by no means is comprehensive of everything I've made up for them, but I'm testing the waters with this comic! if it gets enough love I'll make an additional comic about ghoul origins, element types, and maybe even design non-assigned ghoul outfits for each era costume hehe.
ID in ALT text! transcript for comic text under the cut!
Transcript is numbered for each page the text is for!
A rite of passage for becoming “Papa”, It starts with a will and your judgement
A specialized chamber is necessary, 1) to avoid interference 2) to prevent escape.
After all; feral ghouls are raw elements, And to survive, one must tame them.
Each element has a diversity of strengths and rarity / and the first ghoul summoned sets precedent for how a leader is perceived.
Additionally, the first is the personal servant and an important assistant for life; Often times assistance is needed for future summoning, but a limit of 2 maintains respect to show you’re still capable.
However, they must accept you- you must earn their respect, and they only choose if willing. And they are not always willing.
One must be prepared to face Hell itself. To prove one is worthy to take the stage, controlling the devil’s magic is key.
It’s important to roll the dice and summon a variety, but one may only tame as many as the power of their sin allows, which, naturally, varies.
And while they’re loyal as determined by one’s rank… / Remember: The ministry comes first.
Ghoul records broken by copia.
Record: Most ghouls summoned at one time: 8 (10 including past members), Record: Most obedient first summon (for an amateur).
Record: Most powerful summons (2 S-Class ghouls); All consuming Hell Fire (AKA: “Sodo” or “Dew”); Hurricane From Hades (AKA: “Cumulus”); Record: Most elemental offshoots summoned (3). Offshoots of (then lists the symbols for quintessence and fire).
ghoul roles.
Assistance, Fighting.
Personal Guard, And of course: Performing.
end transcript.
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sulfursystem · 1 month
Dew's Tattoos
My headcanon about Dewdrop and his tattoos! Warning for mention of needles, extremely unsanitary tattoo practice, and some elemental transition related body horror.
Dew has a bunch of stick-and-poke tattoos. He started doing them when he was still a water ghoul, using the end of a broken guitar string and a pen he’d chewed open. They were tiny at first- little stars, frowny faces with x-ed out eyes, and a Satanic cross, all on his upper thighs. They all faded in months, so Dew just tattooed new designs over them. His tools got a little better, he was using a sewing pin sterilized with a lighter and some calligraphy ink he’d stolen from the library. He slowly started to get better, his lines got steadier, and he even started sketching up designs rather than freehanding them.
Then his elemental transition happened. The process was excruciating- his body had to remake itself from the ground up. His fins necrotized and fell off and his coral-like horns grew brittle and crumbled away. His gills stung and itched as they sealed shut. He wanted this, had always felt off regarding his element of water, but he almost thought it wasn’t worth it. He kept telling himself it would be over soon but it just kept going.
It took six months for the transformation to be complete. When Dew was finally able to look in the mirror, he saw himself. It was freeing. The only thing he missed from his old body was the tattoos. Somewhere through the process of growing new flesh, the ink had disappeared. He mourned them- they were symbols of his growth and something that made his body uniquely his.
Dew started tattooing himself again, this time with slightly better tools. He used some sterile needles he’d swiped from the infirmary and managed to get his hands on some real tattoo ink. His designs started on his thighs, but moved to his arms, stomach, hips, and lower down his legs. His packmates watched him grow more comfortable in his new form as ink spread across his body.
However, Aether was horrified when Dew described his process the first time. He then gave him an hour-long lecture on sterilization and infections. Dew pointed out that it was very unlikely for ghouls to get wound infections while Topside but Aether insisted that Dew take the proper precautions when tattooing himself in the future, including doing it in the infirmary where it was cleaner. Dew agreed and ordered some proper equipment.
After a while, Aether let Dew tattoo something onto him- his favorite constellation, Ursa Major, in white ink on his wrist. Once healed, it became Dew’s favorite spot to kiss. He’ll never admit it to anyone, but the sight of his own art- even just a simple design- on his mate’s body makes him ridiculously happy. When Aether got top surgery, Dew tattooed more constellations along the scars. He also tattooed his own scars with flame designs.
He’s got some tattoos that are professionally done (mostly on his back, where he can’t reach) that he got on tour, but most of them are done himself.
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sulfursystem · 1 month
mental health recovery userboxes 🫶❤️‍🩹🫂
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[text: this user is in SH recovery, this user is in mental health recovery, this user is recovering, this user is in ED recovery]
feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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sulfursystem · 1 month
Aether ripping his jacket open with one hand? The casual guitar toss? The belly patting? The leanback?
My feral level is through the roof
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sulfursystem · 2 months
What is a Russian Character and How to write them
As @sarapaprikas-blog and I were working on this post, we noticed a gap of knowledge and public perception that we want to address. Plenty of characters get labelled as Russian in media without necessarily being Russian. On the other hand the Archetypal ”Russian” character often does not mirror the realities of being Russian. We are to talk about that.
What is Russia?
Russia is a country. It is the largest country in the world with over 140 million inhabitants, stretching over 11 time zones. It is often seen as the successor state to the Soviet Union, which in itself was the successor state of the Russian Empire. The Soviet Union and Russia do not have the same borders or government. However, modern Russia draws a lot from its history as the largest and dominant part of the Soviet Union. Before the Soviet Union, the area was governed by the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire, as the name already indicates, was imperialist. The history as an Empire with massive expansion, colonies and conquering different people, is arguably the biggest reason why modern Russia is as big as it is today.
What is Russian?
There is a difference between the language Russian, the ethnicity Russian, and the nationality Russian. In English the difference can be made out only by context. 
Who is Russian?
As aforementioned, there is a difference between Russian (Россиянин) meaning citizen of Russia, and ethnically Russian (Русские). The term Russian (Русские) usually refers to ethnicity, indicating a person who has Russian roots. Russian (Россиянин) implies Russian citizenship, regardless of ethnicity. Thus, a Russian can be someone with Russian citizenship, but not all Russian citizens are Russians in the ethnic sense. Also, not all ethnic Russians have Russian citizenship or live within Russia.
Ethnic-Russians are an East Slavic people. Obviously, they mainly live in Russia. But there are also large communities in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, and other countries. The traditional religion among Russians is Orthodox Christianity. The main language is Russian.
The country Russia is home to more than 190 ethnicities, including indigenous and autochthonous people, leading to a variety of languages, religions and practiced cultures. So, someone who holds a Russian citizenship, has ethnic Russian heritage and / or speaks Russian, can look very different than the cliche Russian bond girl or evil-doer indicates. That also means that those who get labelled Russian can live very different lives. Writing a Russian character gives you a lot of room outside of the prevalent stereotyped depictions.
Who is not Russian?
Simple - those who say they are not Russian, are not Russian.
Who are Slavs? What is Slavic? 
The slavic people are a variety of people, ethnically Russian people are part of that group. However, there are a lot of other ethnic groups that are Slavs without being Russian e.g. Poles, Sorbs, Czech, Ukrainians, and many more. Slavic is the corresponding adjective to Slavs. It is often used to describe the indo-Slavic language group. Slavic is also often used to describe the collectively perceived similarities of Slavic peoples' culture. However, that can be misleading and get’s often orientalised as not everything from Eastern-Europe or Russia is slavic.
Russian vocabulary Да - Yes Нет - No Привет - Hi Здравствуйте - Hello Как дела ? - How are you? Хорошо - Good Пожалуйста - Please Не за что - my pleasure  До свидания - Goodbye Пока - bye  Увидимся - See you later Хорошего дня - Have a nice day Простите - I'm sorry. (Plural or honoured addressee) Помогите, пожалуйста. - Help me please. (Plural or honoured addressee) Доброе утро - Good morning Доброй ночи - Good night. Добрый день - Good day / afternoon.
Pet names in Russian About pet names. They are either masculine of feminine . Please don't use words like darling, kitten, baby, pretty, sweetie, little one, little fox, etc. as they sound really strange in translation to native speakers. Pet names are common for close ones (family, close friends, spouses). Sometimes primary school teachers call students by affectionate names. Also sweet old lady may call you ( Дорогой/ Дорогая). But outside of that nobody calls each other by pet names, only using names because Russians are very reserved and private people in general. Gender neutral pet names: жизнь моя - my life солнце мое - my sun or my sunshine  ты мое все - you my everything. лучик - sunray. мое сокровище - my treasure.  мое золотце - my gold or sweetheart. моя любовь - my love. ты моя радость - you are my joy. ангелочек - Angel. прелесть моя - my precious.
Queerness and gender-neutral speech in Russian Being queer in Russia is hard as queers face oppression. Because of that, there is limited to no public discourse on how to adapt and diversify the language to include queer and especially non-binary identities. This is a problem as the Russian language is extremely gendered and expresses a gender binary in near default. While gender neutral pronouns in Russian exist, it's harder to use them in real life as the neutral pronoun “оно” is mostly associated with things or animals and not living humans, similar to the English “it”. Often words generally do not have gender neutral alternatives.  However, one way we suggest for a more gender neutral speech is to avoid most explicit gendering as the flexible syntax in combination with using plural pronouns in Russian allow for more gender neutral speech. For Example: Я люблю их всем моих сердцем - I love them with all my heart. Расскажи мне о них! - Tell me about them.  Дай им время- give them time. Я горжусь ими - I'm proud of them.  Они сделает это сами  -  they do it themselves. Read more about queerness in Russia here: one two three four
Russian swearing                             In Russia, swearing is considered a sign of rudeness and poor manners. Use accordingly. Also, as mentioned here, Russian syntax and inflection are different from English. Meaning one word can be a whole sentence. We punctuated every swearing that is technically a whole sentence and therefore can stand on its own grammatically. Блять - fuck Пошел нахуй. - fuck you  Хуй - dick Пизда - cunt Мы в пизде. - we are fucked / “We are stuck in the cunt.” Ебать - fuck Ахуел. - are you/they crazy?! Это пиздец. - this fucked up Мудак - asshole  Завали ебало. - shut the fuck up Сука - bitch Черт - damn Непизди. - stop fucking lying. / Cut your bullshit. Пиздобол - Person who lies a lot/ Don't lie  Мамку твою ебал. - i fucked your mom (mostly used by middle schoolers, here in grammatically masculine gender.) Заебись. - holy shit (could be bad or good depend on situation) Похуй! - I don't fucking care. Навешать пиздюлей - to beat up someone. Срать тебе в рот -  To crap in your mouth. Ты ебанулся. - Are you batshit crazy. Заебал. - I'm sick of you. Жопа - ass. Иди в баню. - soft version of Иди нахуй.
Explanation of the Russian Naming System & Patronyms
The Russian naming system consists of three main elements: first name, patronymic and last name. Name: This is the first name given to a child at birth. In Russia, the names are chosen by the parents or relatives of the child. Names can be both traditional (Alexander, Anna, Ekaterina) and modern (Sofia, Victoria, Yaroslav). Patronymic: this is the second name, which reflects the child's origin from his father. Some cultures in Russia also use the mothers name. The patronymic name among Russian people arose in the 10th - 11th centuries and was used infrequently at first, but became widespread around the 16th century. It is formed by adding the suffix "-ovich" or "-aries" to the father's name. For example, if the father's name is Ivan, then his child Ivan or Ivanna will be called Ivan Ivanovich or Ivanna Ivanovna. Last name: This is a family surname that is passed down from generation to generation. It is usually assigned at birth and does not change without special circumstances. Surnames can come from various sources, such as profession, place of residence, origin, or personal characteristics. As a result, a person's full name consists of a first name, a patronymic (if applicable) and a last name, for example: Ivan Ivanovich Petrov.
How to respectfully address a person in Russian. In Russian there are two ways to address someone. Using the polite you (Вы) amd using the formal you (Ты). The choice of mode depends on how well you know the other person and whether you are superior or inferior in terms of age and social position. If you know the person's first name you refer to them by first name and patronymic. For examples: Борис Юрьевич, Ваши рабочие отлично справились с ремонтом- Boris Yurievich, your workers did a great job with repairs. Adults never address a person by name, only by surname or patronymic unless the addressee gives permission to address them in an informal manner. Regulations of most military require their members address each other in formal you( Вы ); subordinates address commanders as товарищ (comrade) + rank , while higher ups address subordinates by military rank and surname. Example: [Colonel to Sgt. Sidorov] Сержант Сидоров, ко мне! Sergeant Sidorov, front and center! [sgt. Sidorov to colonel] По вашему приказанию прибыл, товарищ полковник! Reporting for duty [lit. arrived at your (pl.) request], comrade colonel! Military men sometimes use same forms of address, albeit in singular, in friendly conversation. Example: Сержант, дай сигарету. - Give (sing.) me a cigarette, Sarge. Military hierarchy in Russia You can find useful links here. One Two
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sulfursystem · 2 months
mountain getting wisdom teeth out and on the way back home he sits there doing the 1000 yard stare and its the funniest shit ever send post
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sulfursystem · 2 months
MW2 KorTac and TF141 Twitter | Part XIII
Added my little evil bitch medic from the K-9 series<3
ATSV/COD MWII Twitter AU Masterlist
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sulfursystem · 3 months
teaching yourself how to deal with mildly annoying inconveniences is imo an essential part of treating the disabled people around you with compassion and no i'm not kidding
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sulfursystem · 3 months
i have decided. papa nihil and sister imperator are the only romance that matters. my guy wrote three songs during his entire lifetime, and all of them were about her. and all of them also fuck hard. they made out inside a coffin in a graveyard after she beat the shit out of him for several hours, probably. pathetic bimbo of a man x sadistic freak of a woman. i may be typically romance averse but they will always be an exception because what the hell is wrong with both of them. they are my romeo and juliet
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sulfursystem · 3 months
What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless
Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food
grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread
different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.
some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit
Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment
sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it
Some churches offer short term residence
Find your nearest homeless shelter
Look for places that are open to the public
A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry
A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.
Public libraries have bathrooms you can use
Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.
Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver
Local beaches, go for a quick swim
Some truck stops have showers you can pay for
Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet
Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket
first aid kit
 a travel alarm clock or watch
 mylar emergency blanket
 a backpack is a must
 downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards
 sleeping bag
 travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror
 swiss army knife
 can opener
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sulfursystem · 3 months
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I love women!!! The Ghoulette Quartet is done which means all ten of the IMPERA ghouls have been sketched <3
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sulfursystem · 3 months
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holy fuck.
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sulfursystem · 5 months
you’re just some twerp little faggot pretending to know things abt the real world
i’m obsessed with the way this is worded, reblog if you’re just a twerp little faggot
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sulfursystem · 5 months
some mountain ghoul sketches ??? still trying to figure out his design (as i am with some of the other ghouls) so i might be able to get some more sketches out,, soon
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hes a little freak of nature sometimes 🫶🫶
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sulfursystem · 5 months
t4t swiss and cumulus. chaos insues and probably sex too. send post.
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sulfursystem · 6 months
fat trans people. you agree. reblog
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sulfursystem · 6 months
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hii!! first post on tumblr, im in many fandom so you can expect so different and unrelated media here just so you know!
one of the latest drawing i was able to finish!
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