#🗪 ┊ ⧼ you all are some chatty cathys! ⧽ ⇹ ( asks. )
sansloii · 2 months
gonna need to know if andris is putting fingers in mouths or getting fingers put in his mouth, respectfully 🫴
Excuse the lack of formatting and w/e but Andris is 100% putting fingers in someone's mouth
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sansloii · 5 months
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Dissect your own writing style. What do you do most often? What do you want to take away from other writers (tag them if you want)? What is something you want to break out of?
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when i started eons ago (2011/2012-ish), I had major issues with splicing-- where i felt the need to reply to every single thing in a response. even though it seemed like my muse was thoroughly engaged with whoever they were interacting with, it made my writing quite awkward since i would jump from one topic to another--from one focus to the next--and it didn't really flow well either. it wasn't pleasant to read and if i went back to re-read it, i found it very tedious. i would scan it, which is even worse because if i'm not properly re-reading it, why would anyone else, you know? i also struggled with many of the things most people did, which included dumping a thesaurus ( not to the point of purple prose ) into my writing and praying it would make it better.
anywho, i mention splicing first because it was the driving factor in me reshaping how i wrote and everything else either came after or changed with it.
style and structure
my current writing style is divided into three parts: Reaction, Thoughts, and Response. how these three are arranged are completely dependent on how the prior post in the thread left off but more oft than not, they are in that general order; my outlines ( when i do write them ) are in a similar order too. It has its upsides ( it makes it easier for me to direct a thread or a response to something because there's a structure ) and downsides ( if I'm not willing to compromise on structure here and there, it makes it difficult to frame my writing properly ). overall, though, it's helped me--as frustrated as i get with getting things down
reactions and thoughts tend to either take 2/3rds of a reply and a response takes up about 1/3rd. the reason why reactions and thoughts are bundled together is because, to me, they're more or less blended together by default and trying to section them out like "here's a reaction. then a thought" interrupts the flow of my writing. instead, they're layered together so it allows me to maybe going back and forth when a muse is reacting and/or thinking about what's happening in a moment. the response is, more oft than not, interacting with the other character if it wasn't included in the previous section and active dialouge. i've been guilty of having my muse say things, do things, and think things that don't push anything forward so at the end of a reply, i make sure to evaluate whether or not my muse has done anything of substance if needed.
things i've noticed i do a lot are:
repetition for emphasis ( e.g: he tried over and over and over again )
including phrases/descriptions/entire sentences that a partner used not necessarily in that thread/ask, but in another in order to make a connection between the muses a bit more apparent
splitting dialouge with an icon or with a singular line of thought
splitting dialouge with action that's not "he said, she tells, they laugh", etc. if i can
if there is a theme that is going to prevail throughout the entire response/ask, it's usually established in the first or second paragraph
i'm sure there are other things that i do but these are the few i've noticed because they're more of an active choice i make.
something i also do that's not necessarily visible in my writing is that i repeat my dialouge to myself with the general mannerism of whichever muse is talking. so take for example, mikah and kurama ( @un1awful ). these shits do nothing but make jabs at each other if they're not actively engaged in something serious. as a result, they're very dialouge heavily. mikah's words have to be concise and sharp ontop of conveying bits and pieces of their ego because of who they're dealing with ( like here ). mikah's not threating kurama--so it can't be too aggressive or too insulting... but it also needs to convey that they want him to shut the fuck up without them outright saying "shut the fuck up", you know?
on the flip side, we have Andris, who also has ego and is also sharp.... but the way he is sharp is different. he has that "customer service" type of voice--very even and is intentional about what he says and how he says it. any bite he has tends to be a bit subtle. for example, here when he addresses seth ( @starpoacher ), he's teasing back but he's also still a little annoyed about seth barging in, hovering over his shoulder, etc., hence the use of "sir chef" instead of Seth's name. it comes and goes quickly because... it's seth and he will ultimately get over it, but that's how he tends to convey things.
it's a little awkward repeating dialouge to myself but it also helps me identify better ways to say something or to figure out if something is not quite right about a phrase my muse says. my muses also have different cadences when they speak so repeating them in that cadence does help when it comes to placing it in a reply and knowing where i can break it up, if needed.
what i want to take away from other writers + what i want to break out of
i require the ability to proofread better.
i don't think i'm the only one that thinks faster than i type and so, i forget words/sentences/etc. and don't catch it until i circle back for a second read... after i've posted it. it doesn't happen a lot but when it does i cringe so fucking hard.
i also have a bad habit of writing too much and not being willing to cut things out even if i don't like it, which stems from the mentality that "longer is better" and it's not. longer without substance is not better. longer with tedious language is not better. longer to the point of... not quite knowing what the point of the reply was is not better.
i've curbed a little bit of that through reading the threads and asks answered by others ( @un1awful, @rexpyre, @nezumivc103221, @bloodxhound, @royaletiquette to name a few ) and it's less to take from them and more to just... see how they write, i guess? and not necessarily things that i'm involved in but thing threads or asks i catch that are interesting to me. it helps to take a step back and not think so much about how i write things for a little bit and just... read something else--something that i have nothing to do with. in a way, it helps me be a little more objective with my own writing.
as much as i like my style and the way i write, seeing it over and over again makes me crave variety. i want to see how other people describe things or get from A to B. to that point, varying sentence structure is another thing at the back of my mind that.... i have a love-hate relationship with. on one hand, i can write something and be perfectly fine with it. on the other, i look at it and wonder why i have multiple long sentences like "[action/thought] and [action/thought]" right next to each other. it's that or a bunch of short sentences bundled together. sometimes, it's even a long and short sentence but they don't flow well like that... so they both need to change. i get though it somehow but not without some difficultly
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Unprompted | @eternasci
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sansloii · 6 months
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I love your writing! All of your characters are so complex and compelling!
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thank you for the kind words :)
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sansloii · 7 months
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Hey Dadderick--
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“...Roderick. My name is Roderick.”
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Unprompted | @soraeia
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sansloii · 5 months
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☺ ( Cassie @ Hatty)
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“I am not going to compliment a man that has deluded himself into thinking he is correct when he insults me. He believed his lie even though he knew it was not true and honestly, I'd find his conviction impressive if I didn't think he lacked basic decency.” she states, “Why should I offer anything — even in jest — when asking him to genuinely apologize is too difficult for him? He gets nothing, as he deserves.”
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free compliments nevermind | @soraeia
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sansloii · 2 months
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Hibiko studied her reflection while more little decorations and accessories were added to the outfit. Instead of her classic, well-constructed dress and foundations with specific jewelry pieces central to the design, there were also layers, upon bracelets, upon pendants. As a self-proclaimed fashionista, it was necessary to understand the ebbs and flows of different fashion trends and cultures. But right now, she was failing completely. Barely recognizing her well-developed personal taste of style, in this "more is more" outfit Hibiko, she had no clue anymore. It was more overwhelming than she was expecting, not having an answer or opinion on any of it that she was confident with. "Do you like it?" The seamstress asked with a smile when finally deciding everything lay perfectly to their standard. Hibiko flashed a grateful smile back that meant nothing other than a shallow thank you. Turning away from the mirror, she lost the fake cheery look as she faced Andris. "What do you think?" An honest question. Not at all a desperate plea for help, far from it! Just seeking a second opinion from her future husband. He knew the people and trends better than she did, after all. First impressions were important for their appearance together. Ignore the lost look in her eyes begging for guidance and support. "Would it work with what you're planning on wearing?" (I'M THROWING HIM A BONE. ANDY, DON'T RUIN THIS FOR US)
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At first, he says nothing and takes in the fabric and jewels that draped over her like a costume.
He didn't want to think of the outfit that way — especially given that it wasn't the most extravagant outfit he'd seen in his reign ( from his people and otherwise ). However, it… it just didn't suit her. Nice as it was, the longer he stared at Hibiko in it — watching the seamstress work to carefully tailor her dress to better suit her form — the more that thought dwelled. Truly a gorgeous piece, in his opinion, but not right for her.
Andris steps forward from his spot a few paces back, sea-green eyes roving over his queen-to-be as he draws closer to her. In a couple steps, he's standing right in front of her with his lips drawn together in a thoughtful line. His gaze travels along her neck, collarbone, and shoulder; with his attention lingering a little bit longer on the jewels and what not before his eyes lift again to meet her gaze.
He sees her asking for guidance — for support — and what kind of future husband would he be if he outright denied her that.
“Mmm… maybe…” the king pauses a moment, as if gathering his thoughts, before continuing. “…but I feel as though it doesn't reflect her and Edo so much as it does just Sivatis and myself.”
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“Perhaps another time — another event, maybe — this would be fitting should she want to wear it. However, this will be our first formal appearance together and so… perhaps something a little different compared to what they're used to seeing.” Something that would better reflect the joining of their two nations, rather than the assimilation of hers.
He now looks to the seamstress, a slightly apologetic expression on his face. “…I know you spent a great deal of time on this but… perhaps we could alter it a bit?”
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“This time… perhaps Hibiko — ” Here, he looks to her briefly. “ — can offer some insight into how to best reflect some of what is common in Edo, at least,so we can properly incorporate into her outfits going forward instead of making guesses.”
Coordinating in that manner would make it easier to have complementing outfits, rather than those that plainly match…. and perhaps, it would give him an opportunity to do the same with his own.
If they were going to be married — if there were expected to stand together — then it would start then and there.
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Unprompted | @royaletiquette
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sansloii · 3 months
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“   FUCK THE PATRIARCHY ” //for Dakota
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The mob boss, in an uncharacteristic display of mirth, snorts in response to Eve's outburst. Part of it is poorly shielded by the woman's quick attempt to cover her mouth, with Dakota even turning her head a bit as well. Forced, but measured breaths escape her as she fights the smile that tugs insistently at both corners of her lips. Her eyes even close, too, as near silent, close-mouthed breaths mix in with the few that are supposed to be steadying her.
Ultimately, though, she sucks in a larger breath and allows it to leave her at a slow… measured pace. The hand over her mouth now drops, it now coming to rest over the middle of her chest.
“…You shouldn't say that, you know.” Dakota's words have a playful, unserious sort of tone to them, the remnants of her laughter coloring her voice. “ — Or don't say it too loud, at the very least. I have no qualms about it but… you know how it is.”
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“People have oh-so sensitive ears and get upset over the tiniest little things — that especially. A… certain demographic of them feel it more than most and the very last thing we need is people… hemming, hawing, and getting animated about it. It's always such a hassle…”
It's then that the mob boss leans in a bit, her smile stretching further across her lips.
“But between you and me… fuck the patriarchy.”
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discord quotes | @nezumivc103221
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sansloii · 5 days
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047. the back of a vast library, surrounded by books, when a black book falls from the highest shelf .
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He hadn't been all that close to his betrothed upon entering the library, as it's entrance — while in clear view of where she was across the room — was quite a bit away from where she stood.
Why he had entered the library to begin with, he did not recall. It was within his castle and, so, he had every right to be there but he lacked much of a reason…
…aside from his betrothed also being in the room.
When not with him or growing accustomed to the duties she'd perform once she became Sivatis' queen, she was here. It wasn't every day, but often enough for him to take notice. She sat and read contently, spending days on a topic's sphere before moving on to the next. Some of these things, she'd bring up to him… or ask him about, if relevant. His queen-to-be, he found, is always brimming with questions and a want to learn in her new environment. He knew that much of it is out of necessity — as how could she hope to adapt to this life if she did not learn — but… he'd be foolish to take the effort she put in for granted.
Sometimes, she'd hear him come in and would turn to see him there. Other times, he would greet her ( so as to not spook her ). This time, however, he just… watched. He didn't tread lightly on purpose, but the gentle push and near close of the library doors is intentional. Andris did not wish to disturb her.
He watches Hibiko turn towards the bookshelf to slide what she'd been thumbing through back into it's place after shutting it; watches still as a hand is placed on a shelf to reach up further for another she spotted. It's a little bit out of reach, but the young woman rises to the tips of her toes to inch and tug it free from where it sat. Coincidentally, though… it's not the only tome that's inched free of its place. What pulled it forward ( the vibrations from her pulling her current book from the shelf, maybe ), he wasn't wholly clear on.
However… it didn't matter.
It fell; and because it fell — it's path guiding it straight down towards the top of Hibiko's head — Andris moves.
Quick steps with a slightly heavier footfall carry him across the room with ease and he is at her side in the next breath. He's ssure suddenly “appearing” would startle her ( and he is bracing for that much ), but his eyes are trained upwards and his hand lifts to intercept the falling book before before it lands. The fae king snaps it shut the moment he's sure he'll have a good hold on it and it's pulled back to be held away from its unknowing target.
He sees the jolt and Hibiko's reaction is almost as quick as his. Brown eyes are quick to dart up to him and her shoulders hunch up as she leans away, barely masking the start he gifted her with withough warning.
In response, Andris is quick to offer a sheepish, apologetic half-smile — said apology more in his eyes now, if anything.
“… I am sorry for startling you… but… the book…” — and he moves the aforementioned book into view. “… It fell.”
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scene prompts | @royaletiquette
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sansloii · 7 days
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"I dunno, boss, buh iffin ya wanna have a good time, I recommend not walkin' into a fey nest. Dishonor on ya cow, dishonor on ya whole family, etc." Handwaving, Loux grabbed a fistful of Evan's shirt and yanked him out of the way before he could run smack into an unseen pile of trash, a home for a swarm expertly constructed out of cardboard boxes, cans, and old shoes. "They get real pissy 'bout tha', yanno." / idk but I thought of them roaming salem's crossing so here I am--
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The smuggler stumbles to the side when he's tugged to the side, his brows jumping up as he falls into step a bit closer to Loux. His eyes dart down to the pile of trash they passed by — not looking at it too closely but still giving it a cursory glance to catch something off about it. What he can manage doesn't really reveal anything about the supposed nest… so Evan doesn't spare a second glance at it all. Instead, he faces forward and, then, looks to Loux.
“You see — this is why you're here, huh? I would've missed something like that~” — and with that sentiment comes a hand clapped on Loux's back and a wide smile. “And that would've ruined my entire fucking day.”
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“You're gonna have to teach me how to spot those, you know. Dunno if you know this but I'm quite the magnet for trouble…” That's, in part, because of his own actions. “…And ...you know — I'd appreciate having the knowledge to not walk right into it if I can help it.”
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Prompted? | @astarab1aze
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sansloii · 1 month
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Which ones of your muses are most likely to get married? Which ones the least? Who wants to get married the most regardless of whether they’ll ever achieve it? Who may get there despite never planning for it?
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oooooh boy.... this is a long one.
I'm gonna separate them into some categories first…
Most likely to get married: Wynn, Andris (surprisingly, but i have a reason for this)
Seem likely but I don't know: Penelope
Up in the air: Roderick
Seems unlikely but I don't know: Mikah, Joseph, Lawali
Least likely to get married: Evan ( with a capital No ), Dakota, Vega
Now this is just going off of their personalities, their thoughts on marriage, and how they would respond if asked if they'd like to get married.
Most likely to get married: Wynn, Andris
Wynn more is focused on the thought of having a family than he is on marriage, to be honest, but that doesn't take away from his willingness to get married at all because it's still… him wanting that connection with someone and trusting them enough to spend the rest of his life with them. He's probably the only one of my muses that actively wants to get married at this point. If he doesn't… he'll be okay but I know he'll be a little disappointed.
what Wynn cares about the most is whether or not his partner is ready for that type of commitment. So regardless of how much he wants that for himself, he will be perfectly alright with waiting for his person to be ready with him.
Andris is also one I think would get married aND I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. JUST HEAR ME OUT A LIL BIT.
Andris is a very charismatic person. All his… tendencies aside, he doesn't seem like an awful person on the surface at all and often masks his more undesirable traits because he knows that they tend to turn people off. I ( and several others ) just know that he is a terrible, obsessive person because I shout at the rooftops that his flags are redder than a stop sign. If he wanted to get married, Andris would be married. The question is whether or not the person he's getting married to is aware of his true self or not, because he is more than happy to hide pieces of himself in the latter if it affords him just a little more time in what views as a luxury for him.
Seem likely but I don't know: Penelope
Penny just really loves her girlfriend. At this point in time, Penny doesn't see herself with anyone else and would thus… likely end up married to her. Penny is not actively thinking of marriage but it's one of those situations where, whether there is a formal ceremony or not, Penny will just… be married one day. She'll have her wife, some peace of mind, and she'll be perfectly happy with that. She's not rushing towards it by any means but if it comes up in conversation, she'll be like… "Why not"
Up in the air: Roderick
While he DOES have his reservations about marriage, it's more because he has already been married and his wife passed away. Much of his hangups stem from the fact that part of him feels like… he's not ready to move on from her? He is a committed partner and his deceased wife was an integral part of his life. They weren't married for very long, as she passed away when they both were in their 30s. he took that loss very hard.
IN ANY CASE, this does not mean that Roderick is like "fuck marriage". If anything, he still views it as something that is very intimate and sacred--that it's a bond as much as it is a commitment. He's not ready to get remarried and he doesn't know if he'll get to that point anytime soon. He doesn't even know if he wants to be remarried, but he's not turning his nose up at it. He's focused on healing for now.
Seems unlikely but I don't know: Mikah, Joseph, Lawali
LAWALI is pretty indifferent to the concept of marriage. He has nothing substantial to say on it because he… kinda doesn't care? It's one of those "If it happens, it happens." type of deals. and he'll never be the one that pushes marriage unless the person he's with is like… fully locked in with him. He'd be able to look at them and know "Alright this is who I'm going to definitively spend the rest of my life with. I'm praying that it doesn't fizzle out because I really want this." And will want take that leap.
However, because of the freeloader living rent free in Lawali's body, the topic of marriage is a rather…. tenuous one. The adzar won't care that Lawali wants some sort of commitment, honestly, and it would likely attempt to sabotage any relationship Lawali has at some point.
MIKAH… doesn't think they'd be a very good partner, honestly, and thus doesn't plan on getting married. in all the time I've had them, the topic of marriage has come up.. I think five times? one was in an au where they were a fundamentally different person (and it was more a "we have to get married" rather than mikah wanting to, and they ended up saying "lets wait"), one where they thought was a joke ( it was but it also wasn't and it was never brought up again), and the other three times, they actually considered it they expressed that they didn't think it was a good idea ( which resulted in another "lets wait" another two times and an acceptance of it ONCE )
mikah understands the type of person they are and the life they lead. they're under no pretense that they're going to have any sort of "normal" life and thus isn't really… thinking about components that would make their life like that. Marriage doesnt need to lead into having a family, necessarily, but Mikah will convince themself that it does if they think about it too much. That just adds to the list of things they dont really see themself of being… worth of, I guess? So they settle for what they do have. This doesn't mean that they can't have conversations and slowly change their mind but… it's like pulling teeth and it's something that they will always stall on
Now, whenever I think about the topic of JOSEPH and the concept of marriage, I feel like a tiny little hypocrite eating my hypocrite flakes because he is siingleship and i did decide that he would just be married to SOME iteration of Lerato ( @soulsxng ) no matter what. At the same time, though, I DONT feel like a hypocrite because it's… Joseph.
Joey is one of two muses that has obsessive tendencies, the other being Andris. That, coupled with his standoffish behavior ( in part because of his trauma ), doesn't really prop him up with much of an advantage when it comes to partners because he either intimidates most people or straight up doesn't like most people. His circle is very small and he likes to keep it that way to avoid unnecessary, personal issues ( and to reduce the pool of people that will eventually leave him but that's neither here nor there ). All that is to say that Joey's a truly difficult one and under normal circumstances, I don't think he'd at ALL care about the concept of marriage or look at it as just another device others can use to hurt him--given that for much of his life, people he found himself close to were either taken or took advantage of him.
He knows he's grown to be obsessive ( and not the sexy kind ), he knows he's possessive ( also not the sexy kind ), and he knows that he can't be in a normal, healthy relationship. He's mellowed out in his early 40s but that doesn't mean that he's like "Okay I've fixed all my issues".
The case of Joey and Lera, I'd say, is Joey meeting someone that matches his level of freak, pretty much. I do not think Joey would genuinely be invested in someone as much as he is currently invested in Lera because they just… work. They've had disagreements but i don't think they've ever fought or been truly angry with each other while in a relationship -- and that's not on purpose. They understand and accept each other for being awful, which is… I guess some might call it a cop out because of how volatile the personalities of these two characters can be outside of their relationship. However, I see it more as a testament to what kind of person one has to be to marry this man. Joseph has said for himself ( and Dakota ) that people like them will not find love in those from this plane normally… and so far, that has been true.
Least likely to get married: Evan ( with a capital No ), Dakota, Vega
EVAN only learned what a healthy marriage truly looked like only after he'd turned like… 16 or 17. And by that point, he'd already developed certain behaviors or ways of thinking that set him up for failure each and every time.
Evan is not looking for marriage. He's not looking for commitment. He's not looking to settle down. The thought of attempting to do so, honestly, makes him a little nervous because as of now, he has ruined or played a part in ruining most of his relationships. He'll play it off and laugh about it but that's less because he doesn't care and more because he is keenly aware of the issues he has and doesn't plan on fixing them (if not given a little push).
If he took the time to actually look inward and attempt to heal, I would say that perhaps it's possible for him. He's capable of change and does ( in my little Canon ending for my muses ). However, Evan seems more than content to drown whatever issues he has in alcohol and sex and avoid it altogether at the present moment. It's something that likely won't come naturally and if he is driving car in that direction, he will crash it. Part of it will be on purpose ( as if intentional )… and the other part is more akin to that being the only reaction he's ever had.
DAKOTA is another one that doesn't want to get married. Now a lot of that has to do with her job but also… her own emotional turmoil about tying herself to someone like that/being dependent on someone like that.
The first part of it is her job. Now… Koko is, surprisingly, another one where if she truly desired that commitment ( or the farce of it ), she would get it. There are tons of people that would likely clamor for a spot at her side--whether it be for the benefits that come with being married to a mob boss would bring or as a means to make their own influence weigh that much more. Maybe they'd actually be looking to take the crown from her. Either way, there would be a long line outside her door--with each "shark" looking for a taste of something to sink their teeth into for whatever reason… and Dakota is as good a morsel as any. And she knows this.
She's seen other individuals in her role get married--she's seen their spouses targeted. She's seen them get kidnapped and used as leverage. She's seen how easy it is to get the better of someone high up by targeting their spouse. She's done these things to get rivals and adversaries to heel when she needs them to because she knows it's a soft spot. Something like that is a pressure point…. if they matter enough. If not, it's just one more thing that can be taken from them… and perhaps that is what Dakota fears--people getting that close to her to take advantage of a potential spouse--because she has an idea of how they would do it. and while she can prepare for it five different ways, there are ten more ways that could potentiallyy circumvent that. And then ten more after that. and at some point, her spouse would just be a very beloved, but very restricted prisoner at her side.
that, compounded onto the emotional turmoil she went through having to bury her sister just makes Dakota reluctant to consider marriage in general. No matter how many safety nets she put, Cassandra still died and god--that weighs so heavily on her conscious. because no matter who shot her, it was Dakota's responsiblity to make sure that she didn't have to suffer the consequences of what Dakota was doing…. and she failed. if she failed her sister, how long will it take for her to fail her spouse in a similar way? What kind of pain would her enemies inflict on her loved one in an attempt to get to her? Would she have to bury them too, at some point? She certainly thinks she might….and that's not something she's mentally prepared to do. Not again.
VEGA is in a similar situation to Joseph--where I feel like I would be a hypocrite if I said "Yeah no--no marriage to him" without addressing the soulmate-shaped, Astra-sized ( @fatestouch ) elephant in the room. To be quite honest, it's a similar situation, where… he is not going to have normal relationship, but the only difference is that… it doesn't get fixed with Astra. it's made worse.
I don't think he's suited for any traditional type of marriage in the main verse… like at all. i don't want to compare him too much to Joseph because they are two different characters… but they have such parallel stories, i feel. where Joseph has eased into his life and has… some semblance of normalcy ( even if it isn't truly normal ), Vega doesn't have that. he's seen it but he has no personal connection or reason to invest that amount of effort into something that has… little value to him. It, in part, seems like a show put on for everyone else--the rings, the whole song and dance of planning weddings and receptions and rehearsal, the invitations, the hiring of all these extra people to turn something simple into a whole spectacle--it's too much. it's all so… needless, he thinks. With Astra, it is simple ( in his head ). Astra dies and comes back…. no fanfare and no spectacle. If Astra kills him, he dies and comes back, no fanfare… no spectacle.
It's just them.
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Unprompted | @nezumivc103221
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sansloii · 4 months
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The red light district—home to Club Yume, and typical hangout spot for Naoya. Even after his work at the cabaret club, he would wander with the streets, chatting away with the regulars and staff at surrounding establishments. It was a way to wind down, for one, but it would also allow him to string up a web of connections all across the district. Thus, he'd be able to spot any changes that'd need his… attention. During one of his usual wanderings, Naoya caught sight of an unfamiliar man. While not an unusual sight, with curious tourists frequenting the area, the way this man carried himself was suspect, even a bit familiar. Hoping to confirm his suspicions, Naoya approached, putting on a coy smile. "Hello, handsome," he purred, sliding up beside him. "What brings you to a place like this, hm?"
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The man checks his watch a couple times as he makes his way through the district, not seeming like he's in any sort of rush but his steps carry him down the street with purpose. Normally, when it comes to small, inconsequential meetings and get-togethers, he passes on the responsibility to attend to someone under him if he could. As much as he would like to be multiple places at once ( and deal with multiple things in the same breath ), he couldn't. He valued what little free time he had… and sought to spend it wisely.
Here — now — he was using said free time… somewhat wisely. Roderick wasn't here for a meeting, no, but to drag another party to a “meeting” they had deigned to miss for a reason that escapes him. However, what he did know was that their participation in it was… important, to say the very least, and their absence was noticed.
The address he's heading to is little than a five minute walk from where he is now, with the man fishing his phone out of his pocket so he can double check the information he'd been given.
An unfamiliar voice cuts through his thoughts and brings his “on the job” line of thinking to a standstill, with Roderick looking up from his phone. He's gifted with the sly smile from the stranger and a question, one that he puts away his phone to answer.
“As much as I don't want it to be, it's for work.” Roderick answers, jokingly flashing a small smile at the man in turn. “I'm… looking for someone — an acquaintance of mine.”
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“…And what about you? What brings someone like you to a place like this?”
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Prompted | @crimecourted
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sansloii · 1 month
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" mhrrr. no, evvie, it's your turn to pay this time... " eugene was wasted, face-down on the bar, and the worst of it all? he still managed to lie, to try and pin the tab on the other ( again ).
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It was not his turn to pay the tab and he knew that.
With his chin propped up on the heel of his head, the raven turns his head ( and gaze ) towards Eugene with the intention to share that sentiment with him. Even through the warm buzz that kept his spirits on a rather precarious high, he knew that what his lovely drinking companion had told him was categorically false. It isn't the first time Eugene so effortlessly foisted the bill onto him ( and without hesitation, too ) and… it probably wouldn't be the last. It's already becoming a habit, with the shorter man not even being fully sober as he handed the responsibility. The nerve!
The voice at the back of his head — muffled and sounding much too soft right about now — told him that he should, at the very least tell Eugene otherwise. If he was “fine” enough to tell him to pay the tab… then he could pay the tab!
Don't pay the bill. he tells himself silently, with one arm propped up on the bar's counter and his chin balanced on the heel of his hand. Don't pay it.
He repeats it to himself once… twice… three times more as he watches Eugene. An amused exhale escaping him as his gase lingers on the shorter man for a little while longer, His other hand idly tipping and rocking the alost empty glass sitting in front of him. “…Wasn't it my turn to pay it last time?” he finally says, glass touching the bar counter with a low thunk. “And the time before that… I think.”
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“Maybe I should just give you my wallet at this point so you just can “pay for it yourself”, hm?” — and as he says that, he's looking up and lifting a hand to wave over the bartender.
… Fucking idiot.
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Unprompted | @rexpyre
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sansloii · 4 months
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he always felt joseph's watchful eyes upon him when near dakota. it was initially unsettling, then eventually… just got used to it. perhaps this was what others felt like when exposed to the presence of a hellhound? and at first he respected it— still did, really… but, it'd be a lie to say that the canine hadn't gotten a bit bolder over the years. a certain comfort found, perhaps? a bit of trust. it was for that reason that he wasn't afraid in approaching the mob boss in her office with a simple greeting and a small box of her favorite sweets placed on the desk in front of her. " i got you a little something while i was out, " he hummed out, a soft kiss pressed to the corner of plush lips.
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If someone — anyone — had asked Joseph if he ever thought he would ever grow to trust Ignis, the answer would've been an immediate no.
That answer, in some regard, is still a no.
The faith he has in Dakota's judgment is nigh unwavering. Though, there are times where he did not agree with the decision she's made on a matter, it was ultimately that — her decision. He could argue his point to her to the best of his ability, could express whatever misgivings that took root, and could show her proof of what he suspected if it got to that point. However… just as she gave him the space to pass those judgements, it wouldn't be fair of him to demand she listen uncritically.
At his core, he was biased — still is biased. It didn't bleed into his decisions concerning the group ( at least, he believed they didn't ), but Dakota herself is a slightly different matter.
The topic of Ignis and his role at her side is one that he, admittedly, had been skeptical about. He'd be a liar if he said that he didn't find some issue with Ignis' proximity to law enforcement or with Dakota's insistence that it had to be her that pulled him in. The more time invested into it — into him, into the hooks that she used to pull him to her side — the closer Joseph watched. With time and patience, Ignis settled into place with Dakota's conscience reassured of his loyalty… and, perhaps, on the surface, it seemed as though the ajin found a similar peace.
In truth, what he'd reached was acceptance — not trust. Ignis settled into a routine in Due Volte… and Joseph, for Dakota's sake, has grown to accept it.
Make no mistake — he expected Ignis to keep her safe and Joseph would hold him to that. Wanting him to fail or to fall short of the trust Dakota put in him could put her in harm's way; and as critical as he liked to be, he'd get no joy if Ignis' failure resulted in injury… or worse. She deserved better than that… and she deserved to take take comfort in not having to think about her safety every waking moment.
— And so, Joseph will take a step or two back to make room for him. He'd get no special treatment but if he was truly worth it, he wouldn't need it.
The ajin says little when Ignis enters the office, offering a slight acknowledgement to the other in the form of a nod. He's on his way out, body half turned away and file folder in hand, but he could almost feel the mob boss perk up at her desk [the moment Ignis enters]. As he catches the still closing door to leave, Joseph casts a brief glance over his shoulder at Dakota…
…and the slight, excited on her lips — both at the kiss she recieves and the treats gifted to her — is enough. He leaves without another word.
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Prompted | @rexpyre
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sansloii · 2 months
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Dakota was — is — a woman of bias. She wouldn't say that she necessarily was born that way… but, rather, that she grew into being such a person. More oft than not, she kept such biases to herself and made an active effort to not be so outspoken with them. However, she wasn't — isn't — perfect… and she knows that, at times, her preferences ( whether that be for items, foods, certain people ) tended to shine through despite her act of impartiality. Maybe it was a brief, genuine furrow of her brows she'd made when listening to something or less direct ; in that it was broadcasted by her actions rather than her expressions.
Either way, Ichiro's comment comes half as a surprise… and half not. When he approached and settled himself in her space, her eyes drifted over to him as they would anyone else. Dark brows lifted in attention and…
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“ dakota , you know it really wounds my ego that you always spend time with kana over me~ i'm beginning to feel neglected. ”he's playing.
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…oh, the self restraint it took to only give a small roll of her eyes. He's joking, she knows, and his words don't bother her too much. However, giving him a “run-of-the-mill”, even answer wouldn't feel quite right.
“Well…” she says slowly, “…If you're truly curious, I'm not sure you'll like the answer I have to give regardless. It's not my intention to neglect you but… I truly can't help it.”
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“Kana commands my attention in a way that you have not… and, thus, I tend to be a little selfish with the time I have to spend with her.” It's here that she smiles a little bit, brows tented. “I hope that doesn't bruise your ego too much. However, if it bothers you so much, perhaps you should do something about it.”
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“I have plenty of attention to give to those that truly want it~”
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Unprompted, i think | @sozokujins
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sansloii · 5 months
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☺ - royal au Vega to royal au Astra! (fatestouch)
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“I am lucky to have Astra at my side. He is unlike anyone I've ever known… and ever will know.” — and though his words are spoken simply as fact — as his truth — there is an underlying possessiveness to them. “He truly is my other half.”
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free compliments | @fatestouch
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sansloii · 3 months
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“   You couldn’t whisper to save your life. It’s pitiful. ” to sir Andy
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“Well that's not exactly fair, now is it?” is the laugh the fae king gives, “It's rather harsh on top of that, too… “Pitful”? Really?”
Now, he would be the first to admit that he did sometimes provoke Hibiko — on purpose, at that. His jabs were more on the subtle side and he scant resorted to flat out insults, but that didn't make his behavior any more forgivable. When she seemingly sought to find an issue with every little thing he did ( or just about ), he couldn't really help some of the more snide remarks on his end… or refrain from rising to the occasion.
After all, engagement, marriage, and everything that encompassed it is a two-way street. That much, he'd been reminded of thoroughly ever since the engagement had commenced… and he's certain he'd remember every day after their marriage was finalized.
“Shall I whisper during every conversation we have from now on, then? I will oblige if you are so insistent that I do.” Andris suggests, the smile on his lips a little less sincere. “If you do not like that suggestion, them you will simply have to put up with your pitiful husband-to-be.”
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“If it is such a burden, then perhaps my dearly betrothed can teach me. I'm a quick study.”
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discord quotes | @royaletiquette
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